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what's going dazzlers welcome back to daz games and another daz watches it's been an age since um we've done a daz watches and uh i can only apologize it is hard nowadays to find content all right copyright issues no we don't want you to use our content but that doesn't mean that does watches is gonna cease it'll never cease which is why we're here today with a compilation today we're gonna be watching scary compilation version six apparently a list of the creepiest most unexplained clips on youtube i've not made myself tea for this one because um i don't want to throw it everywhere it's probably gonna be the case first clip we're gonna watch apparently is a young man in his apartment and it's haunted i don't think i need to give a warning that this video is scary so if if you're watching this late at night don't maybe watch it in the morning i don't know let's watch a video what what psychopath closes their shower curtain do you not watch films think about it think about it when you get out the shower oh yeah i'm all nice and clean pull the shower curtain open step out done leave the bathroom go get dry who comes back to close it hmm you're just giving the serial killers and the ghosts a place to hide don't give them the option to jump out in the first place ah doesn't look like a ghost has been there looks like your ex-girlfriend came back just looking for expensive chanel all right all right no amount of joking is gonna make this clip any less scary i know something's gonna jump out i know it is hey see if that was left open i wouldn't have to worry about that one i wouldn't bother i'd be out i'd be out the house uh bag would be packed in seconds and i'd never come back that would be it oh god wow always a girl with long black hair i swear the ring just changed ghosts forever why can't she be blonde like it matters das ah nah it's obviously fake but that was done very well all right 10 out of 10 ign jesus christ all right so this next clip is apparently about a group of lads that camped out in the woods in a tent again watch any movie okay there are tutorials out there in the form of film it never goes well you you never goes well going out in the middle of the woods and sleeping in the tent that's how you die people it's where the witches live okay is that yo what the [ __ ] is that i think i'm sleeping in the car tonight no just sleep at home bro don't don't sleep in the woods simple he's got the little knife that's me whenever i've gone camping i've always brought a knife a weapon something i can shank someone with i don't trust the world all right i've seen these movies spirits man somewhere in the [ __ ] or in the woods fine dude i'm not sleeping tonight if you were my friend and you did that in that situation your life would have ceased you'd be dead i would have killed you i also would do that then i'd eat them i'm not going camping again damn again it could have been faked i could have had someone outside creating all this but um there ain't nothing like being in a tent and hearing something outside you you don't know what it is that is a that's scary apparently this is like some cctv footage of a cat um being hit by a car but then apparently it picks up something quite weird and we're supposed to just spot what it is i don't know let's have a look oh god is it okay oh the cat ran off it's fine it didn't get hit wait they're saying that's the ghost of the cat i can't really make it out it does look kind of see-through though doesn't it never buying a cat never buying a cat oh this is some um security footage from someone's living room i don't know how insecure you have to be to have surveillance footage in your living room [Music] i'm sorry what in the spiritual invisible boy [ __ ] was that again uh this is why you don't place cameras around your house because if if you do catch something then you don't know about it you can just go to sleep doesn't matter doesn't matter i saw a tick tock the other day okay side rant and it basically says that sometimes people who wake up in a specific time in the night it's usually because someone's watching you and that the brain is programmed to do that um if if someone is there it's sort of like a sense that we have i haven't slept in a week since that yeah vampire's had it right i'm buying a coffin legs aren't there does he walk through the ikea furniture you just walk through the sofa as she doesn't know why her son looks semi-transparent imagine that's your kid did you have no choice but to burn them do you that's the only choice many viewers have commented that her son might be astral projecting well um you're grounded now so if i catch you astro projecting out of your body that's technically breaking the grounded law all right get back in your body little boy [ __ ] this is why i chose to watch this very early in the morning bets and angel lives across from the woods oh my god oh my god i saw this on tick tock i actually followed the account because i was like fascinated by it i think they stopped uploading um because apparently they were called fake and stuff like that she lives opposite a church i googled the street and everything i wanted to go there myself after seeing this if it is fake it's so well done watch watch i won't say anything um this is the area where we see the figure it just walks back and forth every day all day now i've been over there a couple of times as i walk up on it there's just nothing there yesterday i went yesterday was easter i went over there but two big dogs that were off leash so there it literally does look like um someone is just walking backwards and forwards in other footage um of this that when she gets closer the figure it gets more sort of like black and see-through it's so freaky she came out and uh it was time to go then we had the storm so so when it goes behind trees or in front of trees it changes color it's so weird and it just goes backwards and forwards along that spot as soon as we're done with our school work i will record myself going across the street and show you that as you walk over you no longer see what appears to be a person pacing back and forth for just hours and hours and days i think she just goes over there and at one time she heard a voice and then her house started becoming haunted because she was interfering with it all right look here's the spot i don't see anything no i don't either it's pretty full hello is anybody there i'm so nervous what was that i don't know do you need help ah damn [ __ ] listen to it again she just captured these weird noises i was so gripped like i didn't care if it was fake one it was just so well done the fact that this figure was just going backwards and forwards i think someone should make a film on this it was such a cool account to follow people contacted uh the church because in the footage she recorded the church like and people were calling the church to see like if the woman was really it got so much attention and apparently the priest was like no it's rubbish like they're faking it and stuff like that i don't know the whole the whole case was um was pretty cool this next one uh apparently a dog is acting very strange i have a dog and every time he stops in the hallway and just stares at some [ __ ] that ain't there i again i'm like why did i buy a dog damn it i hate it when he does that [Music] i doubt he's doing that to the hairdryer oh jesus okay nothing happened oh why do animals do that it could be something like you know they might be able to see the top of themselves in the mirror and think there's something there i don't know but when they do that um all right so this uh woman called liliana uh um was filming in her attic and apparently captured something on camera that she's not been able to explain what if it's a raccoon what is she answering she she's in there and so mad she's not in there pretty big raccoon jesus no pick up that gimbal and hit it answering it's probably your mom's shoes is messing with us for a long amount of time scared this [ __ ] up let's throw something at it what oh my god oh that she's that friend that makes the situation worse she just threw something and closed the door ah it's mata with you bethany why was it knocking it was completely closed like i shut it like i it closes with the lock slayer i'm shaking mom don't care mum's not hearing you right now so this next footage um someone starts rolling and they had a knock at their door while playing games there's knocking on my door and i don't know whether i should be scared or not okay okay okay okay okay yep definitely time to be scared definitely okay okay okay hello hello hello oh my god hello oh jesus christ oh jesus what i didn't see anything i don't want to say anything although there's nothing odd about the painting of these docks it's what's hiding behind the paint that's creepy in one of the ducks eyes there's a peeping hole that points straight to the toilet damn previous owner did that wow i i um years ago i lived opposite um a woman and my daughter was friends with with their children so that's that's how we met and she was telling me the story one time i said uh you know that there's there's hole in your ceiling and now yeah when we moved in here uh there were all these like cameras and stuff um hidden and they had to pull them out of the ceiling because the guy apparently that lived there before her he ran cameras up to his own daughter's bedroom through the floor and stuff so he could get videos of her unchanging like there's a lot this is actually quite a common thing like more than we realize like people creating peepholes in their own home spying on their guests or sometimes their own family oh it's messed up man we live in a messed up world that's terrifying i absolutely love these type of videos i i try not to watch them at night because i i do i think you've seen me play horror games you know it's not fun for me until it's over let me know if you want me to watch any more scary unexplained mystery conspiracy videos on daz watches like love crest my channel do not go out into the woods with a tent don't bring home creepy dolls you don't know who made them just don't mess with [ __ ] and i'll see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 4,708,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pvNjT6FDCzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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