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r slash cringe topia a subreddit dedicated to some of the worst second-hand embarrassment you will ever experience oh my god feels like everybody knows who i am but literally nobody does i know who you are i even know where you are i'm not gonna show those pictures because i don't know if they're real or not that's how creepy this is i really hope that's a random girl and this is just a really dark joke and if that's actually her can can someone alert the fbi and to those of you who are confused like what is he even talking about why isn't he showing the pictures they're all like telephoto candid shots of a girl that looks like bella delphi actually it looks oh the nose oh it looks eerily similar i would say with like 80 confidence that could be her oh man hey so i saw a girl carrying a hamster so i asked if i could pet it but it was actually a muffin so i'm on my way to jump off of a cliff now okay that's not that's a little bit cringy not too bad though it's not like waving at somebody who you thought was waving at you but then you wave back and then you guys are both awkwardly looking at each other because you're both strangers you know i would say that situation is very much jump off the cliff worthy oh my god father's day is such a joke can we just cancel this day or make it a second mother's day last time i checked mom did both roles and last time i checked my dad did both roles so shut up and sit down he obviously failed if you're talking to a girl like that [ __ ] did she notice bro did she notice bro i'm almost certain a tweet like this has gotten no recognition one retweet and one like most likely from his dumb ass cause you can you can retweet and like your own tweets he is almost certainly in those dm's trying to get some attention why are you trying so hard bro she was clearly in the wrong she was obnoxious and now you're obnoxious too a deaf baby here's for the first time thousands of hours of patient experimentation went into this science is glory um accurate headline hearing parent doesn't know how to deal with a deaf baby and decides their life for them without their knowledge or consent oh my brain it's on fire everything is on fire i'm trying to figure out how did you draw this conclusion with your logic a baby that's born without legs shouldn't be given prosthesis because the parents don't want to deal with a disabled baby or disabled child how in the world does something like that make sense it could be just the parents wanting the best for their kid turns out you can do a lot with your ears you need those being deaf isn't okay and being without legs isn't okay if your child has a problem most parents go out of their way to try to solve it you're making it seem like they're being [ __ ] about oh wait a minute is twitter it's twitter i don't understand why why am i even arguing it's twitter it's it's twit america banned tick-tock half the contest it is it's so true half the content is just the cringiest tick tocks most of them being like indian joker tick tocks if you don't know what that is just search it up for me just do that for me as a as a favor and you'll you'll want to die because it's just oh god it's awful the facial expressions mark zuckerberg surfboards in hawaii with way too much sunscreen my man's he he looks like a serial killer he just does he looks like a serial killer in some horror movie just get any horror movie ever he's the serial killer this is how pale that face is but the cool thing is though he'll probably won't have any skin cancer and i i can't be mad at that skin cancer is a scary thing wear your sunscreen it's good for you you don't want to die from buzzfeed this is not a drill dear men please stop wearing cargo shorts hey buzzfeed could you do me a favor and shut the hell up aren't you guys about to go out of business anyway yeah i know this post is really old but still what is the hate when it comes to cargo shorts i love cargo shorts i have tons of pairs of cargo shorts it's nothing but pockets and fun all right i like to have my legs out oh my god the boy and stripe pajamas bruh i'ma take a fat guess and say you haven't watched the movie or read the book this is why the internet is such a gift could you imagine somebody saying this in person like oh my god i'm the boy in strike pajamas no no no facebook and twitter is the best catalyst for dumb comments i was at hot topic and this guy roared at my girlfriend i bit my lip ring so he knew what was up and he bit his snake bites i got closer and bit my lip ring again he hissed and retreated to the band t isle my girlfriend bit her hoodie sleeve and meowed it appears i've once let me say this let me try this again i'm gonna try as good my girlfriend bitter hoodie sleeping like this can't be real i feel the energy of the guy who commented right under this when i see stuff like this sometimes i think a nuclear apocalypse wouldn't be so bad i no no way nobody in the real world acts like this this has to be a that happen this has to be a fake story no one who goes into hot topic actually acts like this right right no i i've i've met seen kids i i grew up during the early 2000s seeing kids were everywhere and they didn't even do stuff like this really to an extent i don't think maybe i'm just forgetting stuff because that was a significant amount of time ago it was a very very long time ago but oh yay congrats thanks we're so excited have you picked out any names i'm pretty sure we're gonna name her right oh my god rifle pronounced like rifle why would you why would you name your your child after a type of firearm why would you name her right rifle why would you spell it like that why would you why would you want to do that to your child you know they're gonna get bullied right you you know she's never gonna get a job ever right what's wrong with you what's wrong there should be that's that should be illegal maybe hey i think you're cute oh thanks we should talk more i'd like to get to know you got you this is for tick-tock nobody likes you my and like that uh somebody's feelings were hurt i really hope this was fake if it's not you're really awful girl why'd you do that why'd you do that i really hope that the world gets difficult for you fast i'm talking tomorrow you wake up with migraines forever i just wanna i i will curse you with that hold up let me get my harry potter one out of my desk yeah here we go uh alakazi alakazu you're a [ __ ] boopity bop did i ever tell anyone how i got banned from a discord server because i had a sonic the hedgehog profile pic that was covered in rain but the mods mistook it has come what i'm gonna say is that i'm gonna give the mods the benefit of the doubt because from a distance actually matter of fact let me stand on the back of my bedroom here let me squint yeah it looks like he got nutted on hey man can i talk to you about alexa i guess so what about her i've been talking with her a lot and we've grown pretty close i know you're a boyfriend and all but i'm gonna politely ask if you could break up with her i just really feel a connection to her and she would be happy with me that is some bold stuff and at the same time it's the most lilly livered naive disrespectful thing you could send to somebody that i can ever imagine and i'm gonna go out at a limb and say that the only time we and i'm talking about me and all of those who are watching this video right now have ever listened or seen a text like this uh in person was probably in high school because that's probably the only environment where something like this may be permissible but anywhere else in the world you're begging to be punched out my 15 year old brother made this why yeah the picture is pretty cringe but you know what's worse the fact that you put your brother's business out here why would you post this onto reddit as what nineteen thousand upvotes what in the world why would you put his stuff out here why are you trying to embarrass him i'm not saying that this image is okay it's really strange cringe and lonely just i i feel all the energy from this picture but but i have a bigger problem with whomever posted this on to cringetopia because you probably don't like your siblings you're probably a bully um these are your friends versus my friends oh my goodness this better be in the history books about how many people have applied so much meaning and so much like energy into whether or not you should wear a mask you already know my position on it i don't care if you wear one or not just don't be a [ __ ] about it but this posts like this are just insufferable they're insanely cringy because nobody cares nobody cares that your friends don't wear masks it's seriously annoying women have read it how do you feel when a younger boy 12 to 16 years old stares at you slash your body oh yeah of course it's deleted why would you ask a question like yeah that is a proper reaction what in the world what in the world your account is deleted too yeah you need to go to jail you need you need to go to jail woman i think this is a grown woman who posted this it's either that or a strange kid like come on what you what you doing fam the term obese is a slur violent dehumanizing in its end oh my god i need an explanation i need i need to know because how did you how did you make that connection how did you make the such how that's all i got that's the only question i have is how today at my lunch in high school a junior proposed to his girlfriend of four weeks oh she looks so uncomfortable oh my gosh i really hope that ring in his hand i really want that to be a promise ring please let that be a promise ring at least at that point it would make it cute but even then that's without you know mentioning the elephant in the room being the fact that he's only known this girl for four weeks or at least has been in a romantic relationship with her for four weeks and he's trying to propose oh god let this be an awful dare or just my mans needs help he needs some support a mentor he needs he needs me if someone can find this dude i'll call him up oh you gotta be kidding me semi-bisexual my sexuality but with an attraction to holy much ah to my alphabet soup people in the audience because i know there's a lot of elders there's a lot of y'all out there i don't know what's so appealing about my channel that's you know uh made you guys come around but thank you thank you for subscribing it's nice to know that you're there is this real is is this a thing is this what's what's up with you guys and bisexuals are you are is there like a civil war in in the alphabet soup communities in the alphabets why don't y'all like each other what's what's the hate why do you all do this is this real is this i don't know you get on all fours you park around and you play it's very freeing often very therapeutic to let yourself go like this and it's a lot of fun all right thank you very much name a character that went through more pain than her i'll wait oh yes i remember seeing this video in middle school and those who don't know you could either be too young or you had friends that cared about you and didn't show you this video or falsely link you to this video and then you can never unsee that man squeeze you can never unsee the squeeze what side are you non-vax or provax i'm i'm pro-living i i like living so yeah you can you can vibe with measles i want to see how long you can uh remain on your side true anything for a bit of clout huh my little brother asks me questions he's afraid to ask oh my goodness so you brought in your 12 year old brother or 11 year old brother he looks really young to ask inappropriate questions on a youtube video just to get some views bro really that is so gross and it really doesn't help that the thumbnail is strange to look at and extremely typical like come on you can find different ways to garner an audience you don't have to always do shock factor bro fist me i'm genuinely obsessed with you i hope someday i spend the rest of my life with you and smile with you i'm not like other guys who mistreat women i respect women especially women as powerful as yourself somebody needs to find this dude and put him in jail seriously something should be a misdemeanor you should get a hundred dollar fine if you act like this on the internet it's going to encourage you to be a better and less of a strange person i'm almost certain that will work i am certain that a hundred dollars is enough to encourage people to not be weird online all right so this next video you're about to see is pretty rough to watch essentially this dude's girlfriend uh deleted his 2k players for a youtube prank and she barely apologizes for it okay so it is a prank but but i really you can get it back right so what did you just say to me it's a prank like deleting your play or whatever but you can get it real quick what did you just say you can get it back you can't what you can't get the [ __ ] [ __ ] back all right come here listen come here this right here mean more to me than anything on this earth i know that i cannot get that player back but hey at cyberpunk game will we have fully interactive sex scenes with the romances and one night stands being able to switch different in all kinds of sex positions and whatnot what bro that is the appropriate reaction there shouldn't be any paragraphs no actual responses just a simple picture of the big lebowski that's it lebowski himself just shook that what in the world are you looking for dude why put your dick away to those who don't know who is pokey mane in math my solution in history my queen in art my canvas in science my oxygen in geography my world bruh in real life just a random girl that got lucky streaming video games online stop simping over me please stop actually don't because you guys are the reason why i can i can live comfortably and do this as a career actually keep sending me your money keep doing it please oh mike this can't be a real youtube video can it this this can't be real right i don't want to search it up because i don't want to be in my search history i have a feeling that i'd be put on a list or something who in the world who who makes videos like this nerd gets rejected but then reveals he's instagram famous oh god the world we live in we're somehow having a follower a subscriber count gives you some sort of clout it doesn't it really doesn't seriously i really hate how people act like this you get a couple thousand followers on instagram and all of a sudden you think that you're a god you're not you're still lame with or without the follower account trust me your personality has yet to change and your clout hasn't grown because people pay attention to you slightly more than usual oh my giddy odd what if the girl oh snapchat news stories are the most degenerate the most cringe oh my god who wrote this who was who paid for this if you post stuff like this you have forfeited your right to life in my opinion seriously i think someone should be able to run up to you stab you multiple times and run away and that person not face any consequences simply because of how much of a terrible and grotesque person you are they should not face any consequences for killing you because you're just that awful there you go vote for me panda daddy for president 2024 this is a internet classic and i love reading it anytime i come across it casually sits on the bus woman is bored it looks at me hot damn you're sexy laughs and fans herself help me nobody nobody said that to you and i i'm almost certain so many people have clowned on this guy i wonder how he's doing i wonder if he has a family wonder if he ever changed his look and got that metal out of his face i seriously wonder if he has the same look i wonder what his life has become i want to know who this is i want to know who this is so i need you guys to do some sleuthing because i tried looking for these videos and i could not find it you guys seem to be smarter than me so please go out of your way to buy these videos and i promise i'm going to roast some of the better ones i like this my father got me pregnant my brother got me pregnant my my mom my brother got my mom oh my god i need to i need to cover at least a couple of these these are these are great imagine coming up with fake stories just to get caught on the internet oh my gosh me explaining that every meme format needs a furry version and the rest of the goddamn world just a quick aside i if i had like a camera like positioned at my face while i recorded you guys would have seen so many poses i just had to i actually had to act that out in order to get get the sound out you know all of the face mushing and the hand movements it's the things i do for y'all oh oh god kill me now kill me now please on my 10th birthday my grandma gave me a bible on my 20th birthday i gave it back to her in two pieces oh he's an ah ah my brain actually hurts i'm actually ooh i'm feeling pain the caption below is even better that just goes to show the world is willing to participate in an open joke because this has to be ironic this cannot be real someone did not make this this has to be a open meme that everybody understands that there is a joke here right right everybody's laughing right this dude didn't make this because he thought this is badass please help we have a friend whose 14 year old daughter is having a psychotic break she doesn't recognize her mom what oils do i need oh my god get this oils are not going to stop a psychotic break just lost a friend to suicide earlier this year because she was having one and she was an adult so we couldn't force her to go get help go to the doctor please notice me belle oh god oh no oh yeah yeah you are an idiot why would you uh why would you do that why three people just bought some televisions for you bro i like this one i like this one because it is it's like treading the fine line of either major cringe or major satire and i like images like that you can ironically post this into a group chat and all the boys will be laughing and if you put this on snapchat you've lost all the boys because they know that you're creepy so yeah i mean it just really depends on the context of the situation yeah yeah that that was not good i remember seeing that on twitter and just wanting to die the entire time i wanted to put a drill in my eye it's just oh it's boomer humor and millennial humor to the highest degree and yeah i'm curious though did anybody actually find that ad to be entertaining you know seeing politicians faces on superheroes hold on baby someone's calling me hey what's up bro oh you want to play soccer uh i'm with my wife right now but wait hold on hold on my girl's acting crazy hold on hold on what you call me your wife and yeah stop more boomer humor oh my goodness it just simply doesn't make any sense how can all of the flesh rot off your body but your phone headphones and earrings and bracelet are still intact it just oh it's so it's simply more than bad to be honest you know what i i know somebody i know somebody who goes to central in my state who would really really like this comic and for the rest of us don't worry don't worry the eye washing station is always at the back of the class um it's a racist meme basically guacamole n-word p-word is when white people cut out african-americans organs and eat them i'm assuming with avocado guacamole being a sexual reproductive what that is so off the mark that i i don't even know where to start um it's not love it's the fact that white people would take out the organs of african americans during slavery they basically invented this word look it up if you don't believe me oh god as much as i like and oh as much as i like twitter i just know i just know that we would be so much better off without it especially because there will no longer be a platform where everybody can just say what's on their minds especially this woman what type of response is this who told you that this has to be a pipe dream this has to be a fever dream that she just put on to a damn twitter post and to end today's video of just absolute filth we end with this an adult baby 22 calls boyfriend daddy and gets him to change her diapers yup abdl oh god a subset of ddlg both degenerate as hell and she oh god there's a news article about it jesus humanity and it's just capacity for degenerate filth will never not shock me what's up everybody it's your boy ayloris aka panda daddy now hope you enjoyed today's video if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing if you're old make sure you hit that bell so you get these notifications every time seriously go ahead and take a look at this picture and make sure you make sure it looks like that picture because if it doesn't look like that picture you are a picture yeah you're not real you're a painting on a wall okay so with that bombshell said i hope you enjoyed today's video seriously let me know if you like this content if you like this reddit this subreddit if you want more of it let me know in the comments down below i'm gonna keep repeating myself because it's important for me to know what you guys want in order for you to be entertained and stuff like that and as always we gotta thank the patreon supporters thank you to trey muffey luhu brody noah sir teacup ethan john robinson aerolina jason catherine taylor pixie love pixie art five keith myers bunny boo can deck plant taki hannah host mark trenton golden vermont eatmeister arjun will billy and dustin thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and if you want to help support the channel there's two links in the description one to my merch store and one to my patreon both funds go directly into the channel so we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 939,495
Rating: 4.9355364 out of 5
Keywords: Ailurus, Ailurus Reddit, Reddit stories, Reddit posts, Reddit reading, r/CringeTopia, Cringe compilation, Red panda, Red panda cute, Furry, CringeTopia, r/Fatlogic, Ailurus fatlogic, Best reddit posts, Reddit TTS, Sales, Online work, money, MLM, Soothouse
Id: 5aVkDjrCQbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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