r/Iamapieceofsh!t [S2]{4}

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so what's something that your mother has said to you that you have never forgotten it would have to be that one time my mom told me she was homeless living under a bridge hiding from her crazy ex-boyfriend so me at 16 bought her hotel room with the little money that i had for three nights and on that night she proceeded to get high go to my grandmother's house rob my grandma and steal her car drive that stolen car to my home where she breaks into my home goes to my room steals my tv and all of my clothes goes to my brother's room steals his playstation and xbox and tv and then goes to my kitchen eats all the raw chicken out of my fridge and then drives that stolen car to a car dealership right with all of our stolen [ __ ] in it asked to test drive a shelby gt mustang and on that test drive she committed grand theft auto and kidnapped the car salesman oh my god i just seen a lady dump this dog what the heck is wrong with people the sad thing is that people do this every single day and that dog looks so confused but think of it this way one person's trashy actions makes another person's new friend just pick up that dog and you guys can go on a journey together please stop please no no don't give your dog vegan food it's going to be malnourished i swear people who act like this are so strange they feel like their dogs are like humans no it's a pet treat it like a pet a dog has no business being vegan men are downright cruel to people they don't find attractive women are not two months in the past no one gives a [ __ ] about what an ugly has to say wow really i bet that's why you taped your phone to the ceiling so you could take that profile picture you gotta hide those chins somehow sweet not even four posts in the fact that someone went out of their way to draw something like this just so they could promote their sick degeneracy isn't even shocking anymore because there's plenty of people who will go out of their way to make flags groups and communities around their sick philia and i wish it still shocked me but it doesn't anymore i've been completely inoculated to this [ __ ] i've been so worn down by these people because in reality it doesn't matter how many times you tell them that they're literally ripping their dogs it doesn't matter how many times you can make fun of them online they'll continue to exist because these people are fundamentally [ __ ] up alright so this post needs a little bit of context so there's this guy i actually follow him on instagram i don't quite remember his username i'll put it here if i can find it but he makes funny webcomics and recently a film based on his webcomics has been going around at film festivals winning awards well get this the film is fully plagiarized shot for shot remake of my comic the filmmakers didn't ask me for permission to adapt my work they didn't even notify me that they were doing so until the film had already been released and was winning awards at film festivals now i'm no lawyer person but this sounds extremely illegal and i hope this guy has grounds to sue i mean if any one of us were to just make a film adaptation of any book they found at a library i'm almost certain that i would receive a cease and desist as a result keep your pets indoors a deranged person who lives in the neighborhood of hollyhock and hattaway has been leaving out poison for animals in the area i have found two cats that have died from poison in the last two weeks which is an illegal act in the state of florida if anyone has any information please contact the sheriff or animal control this is a lot more common than you would think people put out poison food to control cat populations specifically stray cat populations there's a few problems with that one you're killing innocent animals you can't do that that's against the law two you don't know that the cat you just killed is actually stray or somebody else's cat that they just let wander the neighborhood and three there's already multiple different solutions for you to deal with stray cat populations in your neighborhood one being contacting your local animal shelter and having them come and spay and neuter cats in your neighborhood to control the population multiple animal shelters provide that for free but no i guess being a sociopath is a whole lot easier than just picking up the phone and making one phone call you were ever just so bored and worthless that you go out of your way to destroy and set a public community library on fire i heard that's something that commonly happens maybe i'm different you one stupid [ __ ] i got you on life no [ __ ] bro i want a bed bro look i'm gonna give you an option i'm gonna give you an option look i'm giving you an option all right i got cops down the street you won't go to jail i am getting trespassed you and i will escort you i saw you on camera i'm not stupid bro it's not my first rodeo just give me the stuff you're free to go but i'm gonna export you off properly come on bro it's christmas really bro this is from our slash confessions and it's pretty bad if you don't want to hear it feel free to skip to this time i enjoy it when people lose their child son or daughter dies this joy is in no way sexual but watching parents suffer in their own self-loathing after anything from a miscarriage to an accident or even older son or daughter deaths such as military or illness really brightens my day on the other hand i'm sad if the kids older than 13 plus because they were cool or had dreams or something but truly watching people be so insanely distraught over the loss of their barely human infant is just the best thing to me i genuinely genuinely could not care less for a child and i don't see their worth in the world whatsoever and their stupid social media angel baby posts damn near make me burst out laughing at their attention attention-grabbing especially their howling of what could have been of course when i interact with a child i'm nice unfortunately their suffering is collateral damage in my enjoyment i don't know if this is karma baiting or attention getting it could definitely be that it's insanely edgy for a you know reddit post but it has some honesty to it it seems like this is how this guy really feels about the world and about children and if that's the case you need help i i could just make fun of you i could call you every name in the book i could talk about how deplorable and terrible your statements are and how just little caring you have for your fellow human i could just mention all those things but it sounds like this isn't even about the parents it's not even about the kids it's about you you have some trauma some experience some mental mismatch that makes you hate the world and hate children in such a virulent way you need help man and i hope you find it opinion the good guys in the gamestop story it's the hedge funds and short sellers i swear day by day these media organizations are getting more and more in our face about how much they view the general population the multiple hedge funds that were involved with the game stop short are currently being investigated for fraud because they shorted the stock 140 percent these hedge funds and short sellers were shorting stocks that didn't exist 40 of those stocks were fictitious apparently allegedly and from the washington post themselves they really went out of their way to say that the hedge funds and short sellers are the winners of this entire situation i'm happy to know that i'm right when i say that the media is the enemy of the [ __ ] people i want to hear it again why did you cheat on me just tell me i already told you why i know but i want to hear it again for what are you recording this [ __ ] no chill out owen tell me why because after you had emmett you were giving him all the attention so every time i went to work a girl at work was giving me all the attention so that's why i did it okay you realize that i was taking care of our son right i was taking care of our son so you cheated on me because i was giving our son all the attention and you go to work and find attention elsewhere do you know what ass you sound like you sound completely pathetic that's why i'm not letting you back in the house that's exactly why can you just let me move back no i'm not chill out you can go be with that [ __ ] you can go be with that [ __ ] no no go away i can't believe they took my mother's balloons bear and roses away have some compassion that was my mother that passed away on that corner wow you ever just steal memorial gifts and ornaments meant to mourn someone who died in a car accident the funny thing is is that this is pretty tame people stealing the stuff the worst is when people set it on fire oh my gosh i'm gonna get so much internet fame and cloud if i just trick my grandmother into eating soap seriously who thinks this is funny she could have choked on that and died easily it's soap you don't what's funny about this not recording oh sorry i got it though just in case just for a second all right so you need to wear masks if you don't you need to leave our store i've asked you many times politely you need to be restored so i have a medical exemption with the right but i am told that nobody gets a medical exemption in our store that offers an is for those who have a medical exemption a job very difficult i'm a 17 year old girl and i'm asking you a grown woman to wear a mask put it on or leave are you my doctor no but i am telling you to put on my doctor put it on or leave no then you need to go no you're on the phone with the cops right now that you are discriminating against your because i'm not disappointed against you and i'm mr i don't know about my boss not to let you shop here if you don't know i'm told can i see a copy of your policy then i don't have it with me yes i would like if you would like to come back tomorrow bad education ohio teacher 30 who had sex with two students in her car at her home is jailed for two years it's already obvious that this woman deserves the electric chair but i just want to talk about everything around this story one she literally got one year per kid that she molested what type of lawyer did you have and what judge gave you that sentence and that's already shocking enough two years she's going to be in prison for as long as it takes apple to make a new phone but the worst part about all of this is the reporting she didn't just have sex with two underage students she's a rapist she raped two students and got two years for it it wouldn't kill you to be honest about this situation she raped two of her students not had sex with let the man rest are these people aware of how trashy and disrespectful they are i saw a ton of people sharing these posts all over the place after larry king died these people are [ __ ] vultures they they will jump on anything and clearly your little stunt to get views didn't happen because your upload's been up for a day and it only has 31 views so at the end of the day was it worth it selling your [ __ ] dignity down the damn river just so you can have some what internet clout so i come out today ready to have a good day miami's all nice beautiful day i'm going to starbucks and then i see this all tires gone block broken car in the air my poor baby what the what what couldn't go to work couldn't go to starbucks so moral of the story my mother-in-law wore a wedding dress to my wedding so yeah top that one twitter i have never even considered this being a thing i would have never called someone being so desperate for attention that they're willing to wear a wedding dress to their daughter-in-law's wedding if i was her in that moment i would never speak to my mother-in-law again because if this is how terrible you can be at my wedding what other crappy [ __ ] are you capable of jesus like that is so cringy and so awful like i'm pretty sure she [ __ ] up the vibe for the entire ceremony you ever just be homeless and then when you're done being homeless you buy designer clothing this is extremely common in my area so much so that there's actual signage on bus stops and various public areas to not give to the homeless because there's a guarantee that those people aren't actually homeless and they're just scammers yeah he's right here [Music] yeah should have known this was gonna happen oh dude yeah god damn it you made the wrong wrong decision you made the wrong and now you want to run i'm going to get your plates you want to run from this now you can call them thank you that's awesome i have all the chat logs i have everything please call them thank you so much thank you for calling him on yourself disgusting ass bro look at him guys he looks shocked exactly shocked not to see a 14 year old right screen record everything everything i'm not a cop you're not being detained i do have some questions for you i want to know why you were here today why do you think it's okay to meet a 14 year old miner off the internet why do you think it's okay you want to just sit here and not say nothing huh yeah just know you were going to come here and destroy a kid's life you literally came left work look at him guys and his work came here to meet a kid a 14 year old you're disgusting bro you look like you look at you you definitely have sense you look like you got a good job like what is wrong with you man everybody knows what i do in my community man you're like number 70 bro you can hide your face i have your face i have your pictures i have everything yeah you're you're disgusting right here a-8-y-r there you go disgusting pig stop meeting miners off the internet stop it stop meeting miners off the internet stop it let's go let's go for it let's go for a job now some of you guys might be confused about why i showed you that clip all the way through because it's a pretty long clip and it's you know pretty innocuous it's just another pedophile getting caught i showed it to you because of who was in the video this man this creep who went out of his way to solicit sex from a 14 year old child was a former massachusetts state representative oh no and it gets worse so after he was voted out of his position he picked up a job working at a nursing home and guess what building he's standing inside waiting for a 14 year old boy to meet him yep that's the nursing home that's the hallway into the building the dude was bold enough to do all of this at work jesus and the sad thing is that i don't know if he's in jail teenagers offer free squirts of hand sanitizer to shoppers in bradford but it's super glue yeah i'm almost certain that these teenagers have never spilled super glue or gorilla glue on their fingertips or hands so let me educate you on how awful that prank is when you spill or place super glue onto your hands or fingers when you eventually try to remove that stuff off your hands you end up tearing skin you can end up removing like a layer or two of skin off of your hands and fingers because it's super glue it's supposed to stick i feel so sorry for everyone who ended up having to go back home and find some hot water or some goo gone and tried to remove that stuff off their hands without bruising themselves or giving themselves raw palms that's really terrible that's not funny not the cancer you have [ __ ] cancer you are such pathetic can you be you're fat you're ugly you look deformed you're poor and you have [ __ ] cancer or no hair and your wig's [ __ ] crooked by the way fix that take off your wig don't be a [ __ ] take off your wig leukemia [ __ ] yo this is weird because i used to babysit you when you were like little and you were such a brat but you seem really mature and chill now so i was wondering if you wanted to hook up no dude what the [ __ ] stuck up [ __ ] i could have had my oh ah i feel like oh you okay uh you know what you just outed yourself yeah i could have had my way with you are you serious bro what how is that an own you just you just exposed yourself you [ __ ] creature oh look another [ __ ] mushroom the former ceo of make-a-wish iowa has been arrested on felony charges alleging she embezzled tens of thousands of dollars from the charity that supports sick children this is so terrible it sounds fictional it sounds like what a super villain would do you're literally stealing from sick children [Music] report las vegas man kills girlfriend's dog after losing 500 at a casino what's the connection why how are you killing your girlfriend's dog isn't gonna get you your money back you dumbass the only redeeming thing about this entire post is the mug shot he even looks dissatisfied at himself he's like damn i really did kill my girlfriend's dog thinking that was gonna remedy my situation okay wow and to end today's video we have another article we just we're just hitting the articles today someone tried to poison the furries with chlorine at a midwest furfest convention in rosemont the annual gathering of people who dress as furry animals disrupted sunday morning by intentional chlorine gas incident and hotel evacuation yes it is a it's a cosmic reality that furries are cringy but seriously someone really had to follow through to attempt to kill a bunch of people who are essentially just vibing with each other they're just hanging out with each other and you you tried to kill them are you serious what's up everybody it's your boy ayloris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing if you're old makes you hit that bell so you get these notifications every time you have one week until the entire art competition is over there's been so many submissions there's so much competition and i'm so happy so many of you guys showed interest in doing this this has been a giant success so far so i'll remind you guys one more time you have until february 20th at 11 59 pm to submit everything before the stream when we go through it and choose you know the winners and as always we gotta thank the patreon supporters of thank you to easow trey izuku muppy luhu darth vader 12 noah destroyer vermont ethan john robinson eva aerolina catherine taylor arjun hannah keith myers will billy dustin and hosmar thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and if you want to help support the channel there is two links in the description one to my merch store and one in my patreon both funds go directly into the channel so we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 440,401
Rating: 4.9677706 out of 5
Keywords: iamatotalpieceofshit, r/, reddit, reddit posts, #1 reddit posts, Top posts, top, posts, top posts of all time, reddit reading, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus, r/iamatotalpieceofshit, mlm, make your own business, sales, online sales, r/Kidsarestupid, Ailurus kids, Ailurus Fatlogic, r/Fatlogic, ailurus panda, ailurus kidsarestupid
Id: 6B9Jo_FA5w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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