r/Fatlogic [S3]{11}

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dear men stop working out physical fitness creates a cycle of toxic masculinity that needs to be eradicated oh my god my bad yeah i shouldn't have listened to my cardiologist yeah he definitely told me to lose a couple pounds so that i wouldn't have another heart attack but yes my bad for working out i didn't know that my working out harmed you in any capacity and somehow makes masculinity toxic whatever that means but hey this is a really smart article because now you can attack men for their fundamental identity so that they can look exactly like you round and disgusting [Music] hey guys look at a pretty picture of me and my friend really what it's just a little much that's all what is that supposed to mean i mean we get that you're skinny you don't have to post pics reminding chubby girls that they're chubby what are you serious if you are that offended by it first unfollow me and second get some help this is the most ridiculous stuff i've ever heard we haven't talked since january and this is what makes you text me wow okay nicole this is thin privilege in a nutshell i'm not quote unquote offended by it but it makes me feel like crap you're basically saying look at me and how well i met the beauty standards like that's not helping anyone just be aware of the privilege that's all not trying to fight you clearly are because let's get real here you weren't quote-unquote offended you're right you weren't offended you're just jealous your motives to contact this person was to simply put her down for being pretty you can't fathom somebody just not looking like yourself so instead of actually changing your body for the better and maybe even lengthening your lifespan you'd rather go out of your way to tear somebody else down if this conversation was truly about thin privilege in all of the quote unquote politics behind it you would have started the conversation with it but instead you started with really low it's clear that you're just upset that you'll never look like these two women and that is really sad i wish that wasn't the case i would love everybody to be beautiful but hey if you're not gonna do anything to change your body why should i and anybody else go out of our way to give you any sort of respect international weight loss has a 95 to 98 failure rate do we even have to confirm that to be true that statistic is so ridiculous because that means all of us everybody who watches these videos and tells me in the the comments and in my instagram and on twitter about losing multiple pounds you guys are rare like you you guys are more rare than rainbow rare pokemon cards your success is more rare than you digging up a hole and finding platinum and i could keep going there's so many things that you by simply losing weight and keeping that weight off with nothing but consistency and constitution are more rare than if he were to take the statistic to be true and clearly it isn't so what did we learn here don't make up fake statistics to bolster fake ideologies okay so what you're about to hear is a response to this article by forbes talking about how you shouldn't do your own research when it comes to science you know let the scientists do the science pretty reasonable stuff when it comes to important things you don't want to get hurt trying to make discoveries on your own when you don't understand what you're doing but of course this is r slash fat logic and you already know a fat person got a problem with not being able to make up science on a dime how do we respond to an article like this i know this article is aimed at corona conspiracists and other science deniers ah so you're included in that bunch too a lot of you guys are science deniers but i'm a health at every size activist i'm not a scientist but i've learned how to read scientific studies and how to look for double-blind studies from reputable peer-reviewed journals but the majority of doctors still seem to recommend weight loss does that make me a conspiracist i know there are plenty of studies to support my or our point of view but when the majority of doctors still sit on the wrong side of science how can we claim to know better without sounding like crazies all right my man cornflake got the spirit a little confused but he got the spirit wow she actually is really close to the epiphany that almost all of us have encountered and accepted she is so close to realizing that she has a conclusion and is trying to find evidence for it her conclusion being that weight loss isn't health care and she's trying to find evidence for it it's what anti-vaxxers do all the time you're not going to be able to do it that way you start with the evidence and then you draw conclusions that's why for every one health at every size medical paper there's 200 papers debunking it but her confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance isn't letting her realize that she now thinks that she's a conspiracist with the actual information and that she actually knows what's going on in reality she's trying to answer a question backwards to be honest i don't think she'll ever have that epiphany i don't think she'll ever wake up and realize that she's horrifyingly wrong because now she's thinking that she's a conspiracist and that means she is way gone at this point fargone but it's just sad to see somebody so close to the truth oh hi belly rolls thank you for breaking down all my yummy food so i can get that lovely nutrition and get on with my day you're amazing no belly rules have no function and digestion so that doesn't make any sense and two belly rolls are a sign of unhealthy living oh my god what that's crazy no skinny people can have belly rolls too that's true so you may be wondering why did i say it's unhealthy living because you can do so much more now here's a little nugget a little secret that i think is going to benefit a lot of you guys out there who are losing weight and you're like why do i still have belly rolls here's why you don't have abs that's it it's that simple for guys it's extremely simple uh just get a six pack and you'll never see belly rolls ever again for women i don't know if that's necessarily true for you guys i think you guys retain a little bit more fat than dudes so it might be a little bit more difficult for you to lose that weight right on your stomach but if you work hard enough i've seen women do it you can definitely lose the belly rolls as a skinny person just replace them with abs and if you want to do that quickly just do leg lifts and sit-ups and you'll have abs forever trust me and i'll say again if you're a guy and you're like chilling at your desk chair right now watching this video like man i got belly rolls trust me just sit ups and it'll they'll magically vanish the space that they take up on the front of your stomach will be replaced with abs and you'll have those abs forever and what will happen is that when you sit down you'll no longer have belly rolls you'll just have puffy squares or you know relaxed ab squares that's it and maybe that's just my experience but i've never had belly rolls i've only just had puffy abs when i sit down but back to the post i don't think that they're talking about belly rolls the way that i and we are in the concept of still having belly rolls even after major body you know metamorphosis they're talking about belly rolls when they haven't even started the gym process and no that's not a good thing so yeah get rid of them and stop being degenerate lose weight and be better loving your body because it's thin is not loving your body oh all right so i guess celebrating your body because it's obese big it takes some space obnoxious and against social norms is also not loving your body right i mean i'm just only using your logic untrue i diet and workout and i'm healthy but i'm still obese i put a lot of time and energy into it as well your lie got two likes and i wouldn't be surprised that you used your two other alt accounts to like this comment to probably get some you know traction going seriously who types this stuff out thinking that they're going to fool anyone are they fooling themselves i hope you're not trying to delude yourself into thinking that you're healthy because you're not if anything you're describing yourself as a walking contradiction you can't be obese and healthy that's not how that works you can't be 420 pounds five feet tall and healthy that's impossible you you can't do it so all i see in this comment is coke all i see is delusion all i see is someone not being honest with themselves and that's really sad i mean i would love to clown on you a little bit more but at this point it's almost depressing to see somebody lie this blatantly about their lifestyle and their living situation because it's easier for you to lie and tell miss truths and delude yourself into thinking that you're in a better position than you are now instead of actually working hard to be in such position why are you living in a fantasy you need help you need a friend who's going to encourage you to lose weight because if not i have a feeling that you're going to just be angry you're just going to be sad for the rest of your life and you're not going to know why thin privilege is considering the isolation rejection and humiliation of fat people to be first world problems [ __ ] i want to see you try to get fat in ethiopia please i want to see you try of course it's a first world problem you live in the western world we have nothing but excess here there's nothing but opportunity to consume everything not just food you live in a very very prosperous society that gives you the freedom to ruin your body so i'll reiterate my challenge please i want to see you try to get fat in ethiopia i want to see you try having fat on your tummy is good actually not just normal not just natural it's good sick to death of flat stomachs being seen as the universal ideal when it's not even achievable or healthy for most people literally if your tummy sticks out that's a good thing oh and yeah i know that my claim is really ridiculous and then essentially i'm saying that beer bellies and obese guts are healthy but fat phobes i will block you without hesitation so don't even try interacting with me and like you know having a debate with me because i'm not trying to have a debate i'm just trying to feel good about my degeneracy the strawberry dress does not look good on skinny white women give me more of that just um that that casual racism this is a thing for us fat people and by poc what what is that by bisexual poc biracial ps i don't know what that is what what i don't understand these terms man i don't get it where do these terms come from new approach to self-care talk to myself the same way i talk to dogs hey sweet girl look at that beautiful belly you're so clever wanna treat you wish someone would talk to you like this and that's kind of the sad thing you wish someone would treat you the same way you treat your dog but in reality you live in a society that expects you to be better i get that you want comfort and care but really no one's willing to afford you that and i'm just being blunt people expect you to be the best you can be and that means losing weight and lengthening your life no one's going to treat you like a dog because you're a human and we expect humans to be a little bit more able than dogs i'm trying to be healthy and mainstream talk means i'm trying to cut out all calories which in fact is actually not healthy since you're depriving yourself of necessary nutrients and creating i'm tired of hearing it i'm tired of hearing it i just fell in my chair i'm tired of hearing it it's not depriving yourself of necessary nutrients it isn't it's just calorie counting it means maybe not eat two thousand calories today let's shave that down to maybe fifteen hundred maybe one thousand that's what that is you're not losing nutrients you're still eating but just not as much what you mean i've always seen instaposts with his and hers portions women always have less on their plate and i find it ridiculous how much we're told to eat based on our gender i understand vitamins and supplements for men's and women's health but for the amount of food is just coming from a bigoted mindset i have truly never heard of this quote unquote bigotry before what i do know is that guys eat more food than women on average we have larger appetites than women so to assume that a guy has a bigger plate than his female counterpart isn't bigotry and you're mad because the world isn't assuming that you're eating as much as a man so i i don't understand the oppression in this this is oppression and this is some of the strangest so all the skinny girls whining about not being able to find clothes for themselves have you ever considered you know getting fat no actually you completely misinterpreted that entire situation most skinny women who have trouble finding clothes are trying to find clothes that fit their style a very different situation than what you encounter you see you being fat and gross you have trouble just finding clothes in general i've been enjoying seeing people gain weight this season we are so much more interesting when we embrace our curves instead of fight for thinness i hope this trend continues as we embrace differences in new ways different is good different is beautiful you know when i read stuff like this it just it makes me almost not want to even debate or go out of my way to create videos against these people these people are malicious they want to see you fail they want to see you get sick and die like they will like i said before they can't fathom helping themselves so they want to tear down the world and they're glad that everybody's trapped inside and as a result eating a lot more these people want you to be as sad and deplorable as them don't forget that don't let them fool you into thinking that this is somehow positive or progressive they want to see you fail and that simple reality is the reason why i'll make these videos forever i'll go out of my way to produce this content not only because it's positive for a bunch of people who are watching it and losing weight and becoming gods but this video series is also supposed to be a catalog of how society views you i'm going to say it because no one else will i have no issues in saying that your body is deplorable your ideology is reprehensible and western society will never accept you our cultural values are incongruent with your body that's the truth and the fact that you would wish unhealthy things on others you would wish death on others because that's what obesity will bring you quick and swift death is more than enough encouragement for me to keep this series going fat folks aren't sick because of adipose tissue we all get sick because we're all mortal what what does that doesn't even make sense it doesn't make sense you do get that because adipose tissue or excess adipose tissue comes as a result of obesity nobody else experiences that except obese people the influencer always defends it as a wellness journey and says this is really about their health if it were really about health why continue to conflate the false notion that smaller equals healthier this perpetuates the classic trope that fat people must gorge themselves all day what else is it if it isn't a trope what else are you doing if you're not overeating then where did the fatness come from it didn't fall from the sky oh my god then they get upset that they're being bullied by body positive community for taking care of their health uh no they're upset because you're perpetuating the idea that all fat people stuff themselves with is fries all day and never move their bodies so this person made the grand mistake of posting a picture about their quote unquote wellness journey you know sharing pictures of their fitness and how much weight loss they've had and that bothers you because you look into the image and speculate about the hidden meaning of the entire image when reality is just someone sharing their wellness journey nothing more nothing less yet you guys find it to be a threat just because somebody looks good on a picture or just somebody's doing the one thing that you can't i know i sound like a broken record but these people are upset for nothing controversial opinion you're not better than fat people even really fat people even fat people who don't put a lot of effort and time into their appearance even fat people who wear clothes you think are unflattering your appearance literally does not make you better than a fat person you are not more fun to hang out with because you're not fat you're not funnier smarter or more interesting by virtue of not being fat you're not harder working and you don't have more self-control you don't have your life more together ah see that's where you're wrong i am better than you mostly because through your actions of being obese you've lowered the bar to just being able to not overeat that's how low the bar is now because of your choices so by virtue of being able to control my eating habits and being able to work out and control my life and not die at 50 i am better than you nutrition is not black and white we can't divide food into good or bad we can't divide food into healthy or unhealthy sure jan yeah right uh sure i guess you know according to this person on instagram there's no such thing as a bad food so to all those out there who have been working hard to lose weight you know you can just stop now you can just stop because all food is good yep just eat an entire spoonful of peanut butter every 10 minutes and i hope your life is better because of it because there's no bad food right there's no bad food speaking of peanut butter we have this lie versus truth can only have one tablespoon of peanut butter at a time any more is too many calories the truth measuring spoons don't know your life slather what you want do you realize how calorie packed peanut butter is seriously i'm encouraging you guys to search up how many calories are in one teaspoon of peanut butter and you'll wonder how during phys ed and health class people said peanut butter is healthy for you i mean to an extent it is but no wonder people are having heart attacks now are you sure that's not actually too little can't imagine not eating anything for over three hours without starving yes three meals and two snacks is minimum addiction everybody look at that there you go right there two two comments and you already know what sizes these people are i've shared this before but i'll just reiterate again three meals is healthy yes absolutely and maybe an additional snack if you're really hungry but eating within three hour intervals is extremely worrying that's not good personally it's worrying to me because i only ever eat once or twice a day a day and this person can't go three hours without another meal that's nuts fat bodies are not fat bodies because something is wrong fat bodies are fat bodies because that's how they're meant to be when is the last time you asked a thin person why they were thin blame them for their thinness that's actually a funny question because you guys do that all the time you talk about thin bodies all the time and say that they're the result of not genetics like you guys you know the easy out no no you blame our thinness on obsession over food and the acceptance of quote unquote diet culture and beauty culture that's what you guys blame our thinness on and the fact that your body is supposed to be designed to be fat is even more of a coke because you know that children who are obese aren't obese by accident it's from their parents being negligent about their diets so even children who are supposedly born with fatness aren't born with it it's a result of their environment oh my god that is so flattering on you is usually code for something that makes you appear slimmer the goal of getting dressed should be about expression not to appear smaller or fit to society's outdated thin ideal when we say that's flattering on you we're saying oh my god stacy you finally put on clothes that actually fit you you're no longer squeezing yourself into skinny jeans that you'll never ever have the chance to wear again because you're 250 pounds i'm saying that you look flattering not because i'm trying to say that you appear slimmer but to say you finally listened to me when i told you to not wear floral patterns i'm saying that you're flattering because i really really don't want to hurt your feelings right now and it's really cringe when you cry about your body because everybody in the household right now has been telling you how obese you are and you weren't trying to listen let me make this clear the answer to every can i still get in better shape at some age question is always yes fat can always be lost muscle can always be gained or maintained strength and fitness levels can always be improved as can overall health in general no matter how old you are there's always something you can do to make your body look feel and function better than it currently does and on top of that there's always something you can do to make your body look feel and function better in the future than otherwise would be if you didn't start making the effort right now so that's two different levels of meaningful progress that you can always make oh i do include this post for some of my older viewers who are interested in losing weight at like 45 50 years old i wanted to make sure that you guys know that you could do it trust me it's not gonna be as easy as it was when you were 20 but it's very possible are you following and learning from people in larger bodies or are you learning solely from people in smaller bodies if so ask yourself why that is okay so now i gotta make my learning intersectional now i can't learn my mathematics from a skinny woman it has to be from a fat woman and oh my bad and that fat woman has to be a minority who's also trans and they have to be a muslim too and just a cherry on top both of their parents have to be jewish this is that is that enough for you despite weighing 490 pounds sarah insists she eats mostly salads and that her size is mainly due to a quote-unquote thyroid condition let's see how true that is i love salad i can eat all day she said i also like barbecue chicken and barbecue pork chops i love macaroni and cheese and i love rice too i'm not much of a sweet eater but i do like big cakes what's up everybody it's your boy ayloris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe pam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing if you're old make sure that bell so get these notifications every time logic that's a that's a solid way to start a week huh yeah i'm going to try to produce a little bit more content this week because a lot of you guys wanted some specific stuff and i finally got a little bit of that together and quick update on the video about cuties and netflix you're going to get another update on that very soon there's a lot of interesting developments in that story and i really want to share that with you because for some reason that movie is still going to be produced and sent out by september 9th and we need to do something about that and as always you gotta thank the patreon supporters so thank you to taki bunny boo dustin canned eggplant kyle host mark keith myers hannah pixie art five lowering green catherine taylor jason aerolina rajan clara john robinson ethan vermont noob slayer trenton golden trojan yeap master arjun noah brody muppy luhu cleric sir teacup immortal exe and trey thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and as always stay zesty [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 266,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, internet, avcadon't, sorrowtv, soothouse, memes, fat acceptance, meme, meme compilation, r/niceguys, r/nicegirls, r/choosingbeggars, reddit memes, r/iamverysmart, pewdipie, meme cringe, cringe compilation, mlm, avon, younique, herbalife, sales, selling, marketing, boss babe, jontron, ailurus fatlogic, ailurus, Ailurus r/fatlogic, SSBU, make money today, get rich quick, apps, ailurus reddit, body postivity, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus Youtube, reddit reading, online jobs, online money, lizzo
Id: 7oNBikyBT9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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