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all right guys so i'm shopping for jeans right now and i see someone on my car i'm gonna go mess with them right now let's see what they're doing hey yo that's a nice car yo what do you do for a living that's okay can i see inside the car though it's pretty nice oh not right now bro why not just real fast can you unlock it come on just real fast all right get get off my car i'm sorry guys careful riding apparently this wire was found around the matic tweed sterling loop i've seen a lot of people figure out ways to deter atv or dirt bikers from going through tracks for some reason people think that's a nuisance i've seen spikes i've seen nails i've seen all of it but i've never seen a wire strung between two trees meant to pull people off of their vehicles you can't see it but the image above is of a guy's neck that's nearly sliced open because the wire was head height and from what it looks like these trails are meant for vehicles so why would anybody feel the need to do something like this police 14 year old dog dies after being punted by stranger in seattle park this genuinely sounds like mental illness it sounds like somebody really just needs help and saw a dog and chose to kick it it's still wrong but at least there's a reason i can't think of any other reason why someone would kick a dog so hard enough for him to be punted with this happening in a park i'm assuming that the guy was caught no way can someone run away from that i'm pretty sure somebody saw we caring cause men commit like 55 of the suicide rate it should be 100 it's funny how people really show their true colors online i am 100 certain that you wouldn't say this in person you wouldn't say this with your whole chest because someone would deck you even the most radical feminists understand that suicide is bad but hey i get it that anime profile picture offers a lot of protection you can say whatever you want and nobody will attribute it to your person but ironically enough the more that you say online the more that you reveal about yourself i wouldn't be surprised that you're just as suicidal as 55 of men you rejoice in their suffering because you feel it too and instead of recognizing that you feel joy in other people's misery because you're a miserable person you'd rather have a blanket hatred of all men because at least you won't be alone brazil loses 1 000 vaccines against coven 19 because someone turned off the refrigerator to charge their cell phone how do people survive in brazil it seems like a very terrible place to live at least from all of the articles that i read and all of the stories that come out it doesn't sound like a nice place to be but i digress who in their right mind would do this who would unplug anything in a hospital just to plug up their phone nearly all machines in a hospital is meant to preserve life in some capacity so most people show caution when it comes to messing with these things regardless of how mundane they are at least that's what comes to my mind thanks dead people for letting me film here there is so much wrong happening here one you are tap dancing on somebody's family and two you're disrespecting everybody in that cemetery i hope you get haunted i hope someone possesses you and i hope you have zero access to an exorcist i want that spirit to [ __ ] your life up a reminder to all maps out there you're 100 valid and deserve all the love you can get no you're not valid no no you you are so far from any sort of validity or acceptance the fact that you guys go out of your way to make art flags posts political movements all of that to support your sick attraction to children will never not shock me it's crazy to see people so bold and so loud about their degeneracy like you think people are going to like you for that like you think people are going to accept you the explanations and justifications for your failure fall on deaf ears no one's listening the only thing that people want to do is turn you into a tree ornament oh for the love of god we at hashtag zoosexual stand together against hate proud of who we are in embracing sexual diversity and love of all forms and shapes that's abuse that's a really terrible form of sexual assault that you are committing against a innocent creature that just loves you and do you want acceptance for that no that will never happen you are sick you are gross there is no room in any movement for you guys to exist none if you were to tell someone that you like to [ __ ] dogs i would expect that person to hit you across the face with anything nearby new york shrink tells yale audience she fantasizes about shooting white people i had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as i walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step like i did the world of [ __ ] favor how is this not racism seriously if you were to switch out the word white for black hispanic jewish asian this statement would become racist or anti-semitic right if you were to swap out white with gay trans queer lesbian bisexual that would be a very anti-vehemently anti-lgbt statement but for some reason if you put in white that's a statement that you can give to a group of students at yale university an ivy league college in the united states whichever sick and twisted individual decided to throw and smash a goose's egg against greg's place today i hope you know that should you ever fall into the campus lake will be there to hold your head under while you drown we've been feeding these geese for almost two years now and to see mama goose and photos so distressed was awful especially as she came to show us all the pieces of her egg that you smashed simply put you're an inhuman [ __ ] for the people who actually give a damn about the wildlife we lured the goose parents away and fed them somewhere safer for the evening sweet jesus 13 000 files 13 000 files and you got 210 days in jail not even prison jail for that i had to search this up no way would a judge make that type of sentence no way would a judge make that type of decision but it makes sense because the guy who got caught is a ceo he's a former tech ceo in utah yeah he's wealthy he had money so he had the best lawyers on the planet he probably was buddy buddy with the judge and instead of giving this sick creature 15 years which is the maximum sentence for possessing cp and utah he gave him four years probation and 210 days in county jail all because this dude admitted which means he went to the police and just told him what he did like that makes this entire situation better no he needs to go to jail he's a criminal why is he still on the street now granted there is a positive result in all this there's an active position to get this dude fired to get this judge fired for being a bad judge seriously what the [ __ ] that is awful and all of us know it's so terrible that this is a open reality in the united states we all know that if he was a normal guy well normal in the sense that he wasn't wealthy they would throw the book at him they would toss him under the jail they would bring out the electric chair in the courtroom just for him but nah he has money which means he has influence which means he can just not go to prison 270 pound man sits on sun and suffocates him while playing a video game the child's seven-year-old sibling witnessed the incident that's just the epitome of neglect man how do you not know that you're sitting on your own kid i feel sorry for the seven-year-old because he or she will never forget this moment this is so strange it's nearly unbelievable it sounds like something that you would see in a cartoon sitting on your own son what did you have to do what was on television what were you about to eat that was so important then the well-being of your own son that was underneath you how long did this guy sit until he realized he killed his son was he concerned at all this video shows a store owner accidentally giving a customer his food before the customer paid and the customer goes out of his way to torment the guy about it refusing to pay for the food and saying that he's just going to walk out the establishment with the meal he gave me my food i ain't getting the money that day he went like yours he gonna baby look at him hahaha [Applause] [Laughter] woman accused of drowning her cocker spaniel laughs in court there's a lot of people out there who just want to see the world burn and she's one of them she's unbothered she's laughing like somehow it isn't a joke already that she's in prison she's most likely going to die there surrounded by four walls and behind bars and to be honest she doesn't deserve that you know i think that's just way too easy of a way to go out what die of old age nah nah why not we put a bag over your head and put you into some water college student killed entire family after dad said find a job or move out that is probably the most basic ultimatum that a parent can give a child and you killed your parents for saying that you killed your parents for essentially saying you're grown you're an adult make money or move out because we're not going to take care of you anymore that has to be triple a to your entitlement to say oh i'm just going to kill you because you won't give me what i want well at least now he has a job he's gonna be a full-time prison [ __ ] for all of my pokemon tcg players if you're wondering why you can't purchase anything online because everything is extremely expensive and why you can't go to the store because there's nothing there this is why nothing but scalpers man it's been hell for months i am not doing that holy [ __ ] why why who thinks that this is okay to put online and just openly admit and then encourage others to normalize you need help seek therapy i swear every day twitter proves to me that the platform is just full of filterless freaks who just feel the need to share with the world all of their sick interests and activities and then when they get any sort of backlash they respond like this please don't kink shame please just normalize it i mean it's totally normal to watch animal porn no it isn't no it isn't you have a cognitive [ __ ] up and you need to be away from people you need to be away from the internet before you hurt somebody so here's just a scene of the absolute devastation done by some vandals i personally think that the word vandals too [ __ ] calm for these bastards and i really hope to hell that they got stung to [ __ ] death because i'm so sick and tired of this bloody industry where not even the police are interested in doing anything here are swarms upon swarms totally destroyed how the hell do you warrant the destruction what is the hell wrong with these bloody people it just carries on and on and on after we've added this up it's nearly three hundred thousand rounds worth of beers and equipment that have been destroyed and we carry on walking and it just carries on i've just got to say it what the [ __ ] is wrong with this [ __ ] country if you're a parent and you let your kids make a mess like this you're a piece of [ __ ] yeah that is so true i don't understand why people won't clean up after themselves it's not that hard to make an effort to bring some garbage with you or find a trash can to throw it away don't make the wait staff work harder just be a person and not leave a mess it's not hard this video shows an irl streamer walking down the street and she gets groped by a stranger walking behind her oh my god [Music] dog for sale auburn she's around 11 and i'm tired of her to be honest she was a great dog used to be able to sit down and lay down but now she can't hear worth of [ __ ] shoot me pictures this uh it's different because my dog is 11 years old and she's starting to you know decline a little bit and i would never think to give her away because of her you know medical issues so just to hear somebody say that they're willing to give their dog away on craigslist because the dog can't hear anymore and is elderly just goes to show that not everybody is human you know you might be human in genetics but you're not human and feeling in spirit because a real human would stick with that animal until they passed away but nah you chose to give your dog up to craigslist i hope no one responded and i hope that when you become elderly and you can't see and you can't hear worth the damn nobody comes to your support this next video shows a woman stealing from a tip jar it's me yeah there you go kitty comes in with the ice cream unpaid for both of them look she's still doing it gamer attack fortnite obsessed thug 18 smash 16 year old skull with walking dead baseball bat then celebrated with a floss dance this is real after a quick google search it is real this is an actual article these photos actually exist and apparently the guy wasn't mentally ill he just attacked a 16 year old with a bat that he actually unironically named lucille because apparently the 16 year old beat him in fortnight how does something like this happen in real life this sounds like a comedy skit the photos of what happened to this kid are awful he's permanently maimed all over a video game oh my god having a rough day today my girlfriend got pissed off at me for spending a lot of time at youtube and not earning anything back so she deleted all the videos from the channel she wanted to monetize the channel and i was not interested in it as it was just a hobby to me and spending a lot of time here to meet new people that's 5 million views and 24 000 watch hours gone into the bin as a dead ass just got off work bro it's five in the morning i work graveyard and my ex is literally here bro like there's a security right here and that's her car leaving right now [Music] look at that that's her license plate right here this is my this is her bro dude i just got a gun [Music] [ __ ] weirdo psycho pulling up to my job and [ __ ] i'm dead ass being [ __ ] followed you see that car right there yeah that's my ex's car all right [ __ ] there and she's just following me and [ __ ] look at this she's blocking my car look at this look at this you're blocking my car you're blocking my car you are blocking my vehicle and stalking me leave me alone you were stalking me you just showed up at my job at five in the morning i'm tired go away dude you're insane how did you find my job dude get away from me get away from me dude this is literally dude i'm gonna die bro i'm dead ass gonna die one [ __ ] day bro this is literally insane yeah i don't know i don't know what's wrong with her bro dear anonymous passerby don't worry you're safe now your act of casual cruelty was successful the complaint you lodged with the homeowners association was heard they had me take down the small tree fort that i built on this location with my sons during the pandemic no longer will its presence offend your walk please enjoy your stroll free from the sound of my children's play and laughter they are safely back inside now watching television i'm sure enjoy the unobstructed view of my backyard i will try to keep up to code best dave homeowners associations can be both positive and negative but in a lot of ways it's just a nuisance a lot of people see homer's associations as a means of bullying other neighbors into doing what you want them to do and in this situation probably someone was very miserable and thought that your children's joy just [ __ ] up their day and went out of their way to make a complaint people are very petty like that and the homeowners association makes it very very easy for them to be petty it would be in your best interest to probably move out of that neighborhood that's easier said than done but if you want to be happy i'd attempt to make some changes there's plenty of other neighborhoods where you'll actually be treated nicely girls tell me about a time where your quick thinking probably saved your life this one time i was in target and this girl my age came up to me and she told me i looked super familiar and she started being like where do i know you from like what high school do you go to whatever um and i told her and she was keeping up a lot of conversations started talking about her and her husband's marketing company um and then we were making more small talk and i told her i was in college and she very quickly ended the conversation um and just continued on and i had this weird gut feeling and every about five minutes later i overheard her in another aisle talking to another girl but they were exchanging phone numbers to meet up for coffee to talk about a job opportunity with her with her marketing company um so i stopped the girl and i asked her i was like what did she say to you and she said that she came up to her and said she looked really familiar and had a conversation that was nearly identical to mine except she was still in high school so i was too old um and it turned out she was in human trafficking and had been all over in different stores around the area boy six shot dead on way to school in the parent road rage incident jesus what's there to say other than that's awful imagine getting so upset that someone i don't know blocked you or swerved in front of you that you pull out a gun and you shoot wildly and you kill an innocent child that has to be one of the most reckless things i've ever [ __ ] heard that someone pulls a gun and then starts firing because of road rage because someone did something on the road that you disliked or maybe you got into an accident in what way is that a proper reaction and now you've taken a child away from a family all because you or somebody else did something stupid on the road are you serious [Music] hi mr chase dean let me remind you to be released from jail on your domestic violence charge you had to sign a no contact order which you just violated obviously on camera don't worry about deleting it i've already screen recorded it sadly this is usually the case the victim gets back with the abuser and there's usually nothing you can do about it but it's very rare when the domestic abuser gets back with the victim and records it and flaunts it on camera that you can do something about so if anyone knows mr chase dean please let me know what county and state this was in i'm sure the attorney on your case and your bondsman would love to know what you've been up to chase retweet if your profile is a safe space for practicing zoosexuals non-practicing zoo sexuals zoo curious folks asexual zoos romantic non-sexual zoos it's okay to be who you are how about no you rapist man you'll never fail to disappoint me you know scrolling through my 40 page once again just oh look at the cute little baby what the [ __ ] i have four thousand dollars to give to anyone with information leading to the arrest of the person or people who stole and killed my best friend all information is confidential we believe dakota was stolen from our home near this location we've been posting for months trying to find him on january 30th we got the call that someone found him on the side of the road that was 90 miles away he was left to make it appear as though he was hit by a car but he was shot in the head this is more often than you would think this happens all the time people usually kidnap animals because they want a pet they take the pet home realize the pet that they stole isn't really cooperating and they go out of the way to kill the stolen animal it happens both in major cities and rural areas so you can't avoid it you just have to be aware that people want your dog or cat and take action make sure that your animals are safe make sure that they're protected that they're not alone if you feel that someone is going to steal them surveillance video from inside the restaurant shows a table of 16 people eating and enjoying themselves frida's manager jesse gonzalez says they were one of the last tables seated around 10 30 sunday night a half hour before close and they came at the last minute and we didn't think anything of it he says they treated themselves ordering some of the most expensive things on the menu including 11 margaritas the burritos the healthy ground burritos the friday special steaks you know steak and shrimp but soon he says the bartender got a whiff of something that didn't smell like grilled steak and peppers it was just one guy that was just smoking weed and we asked him to stop and i guess he was like the leader of the group and they just went ahead and listened to him and made a scene there's no sound in the surveillance video but at this point gonzalez says the group started berating the staff it started getting louder and louder getting upset started yelling that's when they started making offenses to the server and telling them like come on come on eventually one by one people finish their drinks and leave the table except for these two women left behind they didn't seem to be in as much of a hurry she even carries her blue margarita away from the table and continues to drink it after the group ignores staff and skips out on their 420 dollar bill gonzales says they even pushed one of the servers in the stairwell he says he's never seen anything like it our walkouts are you know hey they forgot to pay or they'll come back the next day major walkouts like that that's our first biggest biggest one gonzales says he thinks they planned the whole outburst so they could skip out on the bill you don't think that they're going to do that especially on sunday night and yeah just one guy got them all riled up and they all left at the same time woman shot nail salon owner because she was unhappy with the cost of manny petty police say wow so if you don't have money for a service that you need to pay for you could always pull out a gun and now everything's free i totally understand makes sense [ __ ] like that no that's not you don't [ __ ] drop [ __ ] off alongside the road that's [ __ ] garbage hurry up load that [ __ ] up get the [ __ ] off this reservation don't [ __ ] bring your garbage out here anymore i see that [ __ ] again the old [ __ ] wheeler [ __ ] yeah i didn't give away ain't nobody here to [ __ ] pick it up don't [ __ ] come garbage off here and yeah again i [ __ ] i'll follow you until you leave the reservation [ __ ] i don't want to [ __ ] see that [ __ ] happen here again rochdale grooming gang member 51 who got girl 13 pregnant and trapped a 15 year old says that we have not committed that big of a crime as claims it would breach his human rights to be sent back to pakistan your human rights are being violated man i guess that's crazy we just can't send you to jail because your human rights will be violated oh man i can't think of anybody else who may have had their human rights violated or just any rights violated by your hands nah no no way you know it's funny i've been hearing a lot of these stories come out of the uk man what is going on with these grooming gangs and how come nobody's going to prison you are looking at two brazen thieves caught in the act what are they trying to steal a 200-pound galapagos tortoise they struggled to pick it up to get it into their truck the owner jerry fife sees what's happening and confronts them you can hear him trying to stop them from taking his beloved tortoise jerry successfully scares them off but what happens next to the tortoise named jasmine is heartbreaking they jumped in their truck and in their haste to escape flipped the truck around and ran over the tortoise jerry raises tortoises at his home in phoenix and has had jasmine since she hatched 27 years ago raised her up for the last 27 years for jerry 5 this tortoise theft gone wrong was like losing a member of the family a tortoise has been with me longer than any other living thing in my life duncan employee says he was fired for giving donuts that would have gone to waste to the homeless that's got to be the world's worst pr for duncan from a business standpoint i understand the apprehension to giving stale food to homeless people or even potentially just good unsold food to homeless people that leaves a business open for lawsuits and no business is like that but at the end of the day did you have to fire the guy no yeah he broke a rule by the end of the day you could have just chose to keep him as a worker now he's out of a job and you look like a piece of [ __ ] because how are you going to explain this to everyone duncan how are you going to explain to people that you fired someone for doing a good act you're throwing donuts into the garbage that's just wasted food so why not give it to someone who needs to eat i understand from a business standpoint your apprehension but at the end of the day what are you a human or a corporation personally i would have a hard time getting over the fact that we're throwing away tons of food that we could give to people what's up everybody it's your boy aleris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing and if you're old make sure you hit that bell so you get these notifications every time i really wanted to take my time on this video it's been a second since the last episode so i just wanted to make this one perfect special full of all the individuals that you and i hate and as always we gotta thank the patreon supporters that make videos like this possible thank you to curie the sloth light 1636 broken to asters jackson the business lady lapse a lot brett mina the swift isawazuku destroyer trey muffey luhu noah vermont john robinson eva catherine taylor hannah will billy and dustin thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and if you want to help support the channel there's two links in the description one on my merch store and one of my patreon both funds go directly to the channel so we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 1,200,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iamatotalpieceofshit, r/, reddit, reddit posts, #1 reddit posts, Top posts, top, posts, top posts of all time, reddit reading, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus, r/iamatotalpieceofshit, mlm, make your own business, sales, online sales, r/Kidsarestupid, Ailurus kids, Ailurus Fatlogic, r/Fatlogic, ailurus panda, ailurus kidsarestupid
Id: 2Ulm7BzraYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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