r/Fatlogic [S3]{13}

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good morning to everyone except thin people posting side-by-side instagram vs reality photos forcing belly roll in the name of bravery aka instagram likes oh i get it belly rolls are only good if you're fat but if you're thin and you have belly rolls because you don't really have a lot of muscle development on your stomach then that's a bad thing that's a bad body but hey if someone were to say the same thing to me i would have to have a protest about it but hey since i'm a marginalized body and i've made bad decisions about my health i get to be as hypocritical and jealous as i [Music] want [Music] i'm not an overeater i'm just fat does this post even deserve a legitimate response i don't understand if you're not an overeater where did the fat come from you weren't born 250 pounds you had to do something in order to get that weight most people don't just vibe and become fat hi i'm in a couple of health at every size and fat pasta groups and i'm starting to realize that i'm not really accepted there i'm starting to come to terms that my weight is causing my health issues and when i briefly brought it up i got a lot of negative replies also i was told i'm not big enough to really belong in the groups can you help me i know you've lost over 100 pounds and i want to leave being big behind it's really positive that through the entire timeline i've done this show there's more and more people coming to their senses seriously the fat logic subreddit has a ton of posts now full of people realizing that they're a part of these health and every size groups and they're not getting any help if anything they're feeling worse about themselves or they're low-key realizing that if they participate in the same lifestyle as these people if they continue to eat and continue to delude themselves into thinking that they're beautiful and thinking that they're healthy they're going to die and i'm glad that these people are realizing that and actually seeking out help it's almost like it's obvious that these groups aren't there to help you but i get that people who are obese want to be affirmed they want to feel good about themselves so they join these groups full of other people who say that they're okay but you're not you need to be real with yourself and realize that if you continue with your lifestyle you're not going to have a lifestyle anymore because you're going to die hi i'm really glad you reached out to me i've been concerned about your health and weight for years now and i never knew how to approach you about it since you were getting deeper into fat acceptance i hope you understand that this is a lifelong change and not a quick fix in addition there is no right way to lose weight in a healthy way and i hope to see you soon and that's very true losing weight is very much a personal endeavor not everybody has the same workout routine and that's why a lot of people who ask me what my workout routine is i try to make it extremely general if i made it any more detailed a lot of you guys probably wouldn't see the same results as me i'm keeping it general so that you can find your way to work out um weight gain is an opportunity for your body to exhale let your body rise let your thighs soften into each other let your arms expand to let your face relax to place your widened hand on your cushioned chest and hear the whisper from the center thank you for letting me be what yeah i don't know any other response that could really follow a statement like this all this is is an excuse to indulge you don't want to change yourself so you're trying to delude yourself into thinking that being bigger is healthier being bigger makes you feel better and i bet it does i bet you feel good when you eat a whole pizza by yourself plus a bunch of cookies and other just various unhealthy things in one sitting i bet it feels good but at the end of the day you're shortening your lifespan and you're hurting yourself and to be honest these people don't care about that they're so short-sighted in their lifestyle they don't even care about where they're going to be when they're 50 years old so i'll just cut to the chase if you are obese you're unattractive and people don't take you seriously that is simply the truth i know that's blunt i know that sounds mean but it's the it's the exact truth that i wish a lot of people just accepted i wish a lot of people just would recognize people aren't going to take you seriously because they assume that you have no intentions of changing your lifestyle for the better you have no intentions of being an adult and becoming healthy people won't find you attracted for that very reason and also just being obese is a gross look it's insanely grotesque to see somebody over expand their body to gain so much unhealthy weight i don't understand how anybody can find that attractive and if me telling you that doesn't encourage you to lose weight then you're a lost cause you're so deep in the body positivity movement so deep in health at every size that you believe these posts on the internet you're without help at this point i know diets can be toxic to some but i had a mild heart attack at 22 that was super scary for me i've been taking care of myself and embracing who i am to make myself feel better and understand my body sometimes diets are good for you i'm still plus size i'm still taking care of myself but if i didn't i wouldn't be here for my son just thought i'd share oh my god get off my page go have a fatphobic future heart attack diet party somewhere else from vergie tovar hasn't she appeared on this series multiple times already and i wouldn't be surprised this would be her response to a literal person saying hey i'm still plus size but i diet because i don't want to die now funny enough if this woman diets properly she won't be plus-sized and if that's the case she'll never have to worry about well i'm not gonna say never but she'll have a lower chance of having a heart attack in the future and that's great cause she needs to be a mother and i think this response from virgi tovar makes sense she's just jealous she's jealous that she'll never be a mom because she's so goddamn ugly who would her you her face looks like someone took an angle grinder to it she had the world's worst role when it comes to attractiveness she rolled a natural one for attractiveness we are 80s kids we didn't bring organic turkey on sprouted bread with spring water to school we brought bologna sandwiches cheese balls and kool-aid for our lunch and it didn't hurt us our moms didn't give us filtered water to drink we drank water from the hose it didn't hurt us 80s kids are tougher than today's kids bruh no i'm a dietitian and this is nonsense i'm an 80s kid too and i ate processed meat on white bread every day too and snacks were chips or cookies and we always had soda in the fridge and guess what this did to me it denied me the opportunity to value a good nutrition as a result i had to work very hard in adulthood to lose the weight and get my health back millennials have the highest obesity rate of any generation just because we survived doesn't mean it didn't hurt us our generation's full of people who have diabetes heart disease pcos and fatty liver disease because of being fat our generation has sadly largely passed on these bad eating habits to our kids and childhood obesity has skyrocketed so yeah god forbid moms like me to take care and the lunch i send with my son to school god forbid he doesn't get kool-aid or soda except on rare special occasions it's our responsibility to break the cycle of obesity and give our kids a fighting chance so please stop sharing this bs and take some responsibility as a parent and while you're at it be really honest with what your upbringing did to you surviving is a pretty low bar to set hello fellow fats what's something that not explicitly anti-fat but you experience as anti-fatness in my case it's when my thin friends only seem to want to process their body insecurities with you their fattest friend talking to you at length about food addiction etc oh my gosh i totally get it in my case i'll notice that people feel really entitled to my time and help i get approached a lot with people asking for directions where something is if i know which train someone needs to take to get to x etc how the [ __ ] is either example anti-fatness maybe the first one but even then that just sounds like you have friends who confide in you and are making the proper assumption that your obesity is a product of an eating disorder and they're asking you for advice they want to know what your experiences are because you're clearly experiencing something it truly throws me off that these people think that society both loves them and hates them too much what do you want you want us to ignore you oh no don't ignore us we're pretty too put us on the cosmo magazines but don't fetishize us or don't think that we're pretty because we're not we're not a body to what do you want it seriously seems and it's pretty apparent that at the end of the day you guys just want a reason to complain about your bodies and point at thin women and be mad at them for being attractive i seriously dislike this whole if you weigh too much just ask your doctor about weight loss surgery if you don't make any effort to eat healthy wouldn't you just gain your weight back wow excuse me there is no too much because all bodies are good bodies and you're valid regardless of weight or size oh okay but like no you're 100 wrong you can be thin and unhealthy yes but you cannot be obese and healthy this is scientifically proven obesity is one of the biggest underlying health concerns in the world do some research attached images from the cdc stop with the nonsense cdc what could the what could the article even say consequences of obesity health consequences reminder that your before body is someone's present or future body which they already love or attempting to get along with so please cease and desist with the before and afters these are the worst type of posts because it's not even political it's not even really social it's just that they feel bad these people seriously loathe seeing others get out of the state that they're in people who work out make it really obvious that it's easy to lose weight and it's approachable for anyone really shattering their ideology and all of their delusions i mean seriously you can apply this logic to anything and anyone who's jealous of anyone else's success oh if i post that i got a new house oh your previous house is somebody's future house or present house please cease and desist with the before and afters because somebody who's poor might feel bad that you're doing well it's stupid logic if you want to feel good about yourself do something about it and that's why i love making this series because so many of you guys contact me telling me all of your great stories about growth or asking for advice and i love that because you're taking your life into your own hands you're making the decision to change something on your own you're solving your own problems and it's truly sad that those who really take personal responsibility and go out of their way to change their bodies like many of you who are watching this video and many of you who have contacted me in the past you're doing something that most people just cannot most people who don't have the maturity or emotional iq to handle that so keep up the great work and keep being great that's the whole point because when you do something like this when you change your body in such a positive way other things a part of your life will change you'll apply that same level of perseverance that same level of follow-through to other facets of your life and sooner or later you'll become tony stark if you're under your biologically appropriate weight you're underweight no matter what your bmi number is what biologically appropriate weight equals the weight range that your body settles in within the absence of eating disorder behaviors restricting binging purging fasting dieting and compensatory exercise etc all right i've had i okay i've read enough you literally just said exercise dieting and fasting and restricting are eating disorder behaviors binging and purging definitely those are eating disorder behaviors but what i just said before that are regular dieting methods and funny enough overeating isn't one of your eating disorder behaviors that you wrote down onto this instagram post you didn't put that there i wonder why you didn't it doesn't surprise me but i just i just wonder you know maybe after all these episodes i still haven't realized why you guys won't recognize uh overeating as a eating disorder maybe it just hasn't hit my brain yet it's ridiculous how transparent these posts have really become if you're under your biological appropriate weight what is that that's not a number that's a feeling it's just another tool another ideological tool for you guys to i guess be 400 pounds and say that you're healthy and give you the license to be mean and exclusionatory to all those who look better than you to be mean and rude and crass and foul to women who've lost weight to women who've gone out of their way to be pretty because you aren't you're just mad that you're a degenerate and you don't want to change anything about it i hate that weight gain is seen as not looking after yourself when for a lot of people it's a sign that we're enjoying food maybe seeing some friends more maybe going out more maybe just letting go of societal standards for a bit weight gain can be from happy changes too you smell that i smell coke i smell a whole lot of coke because this sounds like you're trying to retroactively find reasons to be fat it seems like you're trying to find all sorts of different positive reasons to be fat because we all know that the real reason why you're obese is because of something negative you're coping for something something happened in your life where you looked at food and thought that's a better situation than going to get some actual mental health so yeah you can continue to delude yourself into thinking that you're only being fat to i guess go against societal standards but in reality you're hurting yourself even more because society really doesn't bend so at the end of the day your societal you know rebellion is leaving you even more lonely encouraging you to eat more and continuing this negative feedback loop of obesity now if you want to stop that you can just lose weight but i understand that's difficult for people who really really like to lie to themselves oh my gosh when will it stop i didn't know there was such an issue with before and after pictures you're just upset that you'll never be the person that you're seeing online you're just mad that they're doing something that you refuse to do something that is extremely easy something that everybody can do but you refuse to do it you want to know why i've already said it it's because you don't want to it's simply because you'd just rather be degenerate and unhealthy and specifically you'd rather not challenge yourself but hey i guess it's easier to make infographics online encouraging people to not post you know before and after picks to save your emotions instead of actually changing your life for the better okay everyone we all know that dieting isn't just problematic because it makes you miserable it's also problematic because how the hell are you supposed to treat someone with dignity and respect if you're torturing yourself so that you don't wake up one day looking like them if they look like your greatest fear it's funny because the people who post stuff like this saying that oh man people who diet they just they're trying to run away from me you're almost getting it you're almost noticing that there is something wrong with your body so much so that people are willing to eat salads every day in all seriousness though i've already said it multiple times and i'm gonna keep saying it because i don't understand why there's a controversy around dieting dieting is not problematic in any capacity it's just meant to regulate calorie intake that's it and it's threatening to these people because it shows that those who are consistently dieting have more willpower and constitution than those who are making posts like this they have the means and the self-control to stop themselves from eating food that's going to shorten their life they're better than you people who diet are better than people who don't and are obese because if you're obese you have no self-control i'll say it again for everybody in the back if you're obese and not dieting people who are dieting to get away from your obesity are better than you because they have the ability to deny gratification they have the ability to regulate themselves you do not so they are better than you bmi is just a modern tool to control and manipulate uncivilized bodies that's a new one i have never heard of this one uncivilized bodies i have never heard anybody use that term before and it doesn't even make sense because you can be easily civil and obese the only problem with obese people is that they're hurting themselves and trying to convince society that they're attractive that's my only issues with them obese people can easily be just as civil as me and as anybody else they can follow the law they can participate in society they just are fat that's the only issue so where'd you get this uncivilized body idea from i've never heard anybody say that before i am so disgusted how every little single video has any amount of positivity for fat people or explains that fat phobia exists there'll be 400 likes and imagine if that was the case for any you're not even a minority though you're not a minority in the united states the majority of us are obese what you mean what you mean and yeah when someone makes a video about fat positivity or body positivity of course it's gonna get ratioed who has the time who has the patience who has the emotions to care anymore nobody cares about your plights because everybody understands that you can lose weight it's beginning to get on my nerves or it already has essentially that these people think they're entitled to society liking them no when people look at you they see a mess they see somebody who's probably going to die in 20 years they see somebody who's really unattractive they see someone who has no control over their own life that's what we see and you're not deserving of any praise no one is out here clapping up obese people we just don't do that here and i'm glad that we don't i'm glad that we all understand that fat people are unhealthy and unattractive and yes when there is a video about fat positivity or the health at every size movement of course is going to get ratioed like i said it just happens no one's trying to support your movement fat people existing wouldn't be a federally claimed obesity epidemic if america wasn't rooted in white supremacy yeah damn white people in there uh obesity epidemic i don't know if these people are running out of reasons to hate white people or just coming up with reasons on the fly but like no joke i would not be surprised if these people said that their high blood pressure is the result of white supremacy oh my god i am so sick of these fitness bros without a nutrition degree promoting disordered eating and commenting on my anti-diet and body positive tick tock go away no okay so i just read the reviews for the dumbbell anime and honestly screw you i know it's a fitness anime but the fact that calorie count appears every time she eats is disgusting blonde girl isn't even fat 120 pounds isn't even close to fat the staff even made her skinnier than the manga god forbid someone makes a fitness anime that's supposed to encourage you to lose weight and also make you cognizant of the calorie count of all of your food oh my god that's so terrible it's so terrible oh lord oh in all seriousness how does this tv show hurt you it's promoting a positive lifestyle it's promoting weight loss that's the point you're just mad because you can't do that and that's sad do you not realize how sad that is you'd rather just clown on the show instead of changing your life or maybe even following the directions that the show is promoting you can do it i don't want you to be obese i don't want you to be unhealthy just lose some weight join the rest of us trust me we just want you to stay alive and that's all i want i just want you to understand that being obese is bad just lose some weight and be happy like the rest of us pants don't fit no problem throw them in the trash set them a light and remember that you are worth so much more than a clothing size i wouldn't say don't feel bad and then burn the clothes but what i would recommend is that if you don't fit the clothes that you want to wear use that as encouragement to lose weight that's how you turn negative feelings into positive ones and in a healthy and productive way burning your clothes and lying to yourself saying that you're pretty regardless is not healthy and the sad thing is the people who act like this recognize that too they recognize that them throwing away the clothes is a whole lot easier than actually changing their life oh my god your baby's obese why would you do that how is that not child abuse for everyone judging my daughter worry about your own weight before you worry about my child's no cause your kid might die what's wrong with you you are a awful mother obese isn't a real idea and you should stop using it no i i don't think so i think we're gonna continue to use it you [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] so i'm at my parents house watching a seahawks game and a commercial came on for this is us and my mom was like oh did you hear about kate she lost a lot of weight and i was like we don't care we don't care we don't care and she was like yeah but honey she looked and i was like nope no no we're not doing that we have no idea what she goes on between her and her doctor she could be completely healthy we are not subscribing to the fatphobia heritage medical american society okay people can be healthy at any size thank you imagine sitting next to that whale in training and seeing her lose her mind because you had the audacity to bring up that a character on a show that she liked lost weight that had to be a sight to behold what's up everybody it's your boy aleris aka panda daddy now hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you're doing watching videos and not subscribing if you're old make sure you hit that bell to get these notifications every time i hope you enjoyed today's video i wanted to make sure that it was entertaining and informative and full of all the energy that we want in a fat logic video so i hope you enjoyed that and as always you got to thank the patreon supporters so thank you to destroyer emily r trey muffy luhu brodie gilbert noah sir teacup trenton golden vermont ethan john robinson eva aerolina catherine taylor arjin pixyart5 hannah keith myers will billy dustin and host mark thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated if you want to support the channel in any way there's two links in the description one to my merch store and one to my patreon both funds go directly into the channel so we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 246,594
Rating: 4.9324856 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, internet, avcadon't, sorrowtv, soothouse, memes, fat acceptance, meme, meme compilation, r/niceguys, r/nicegirls, r/choosingbeggars, reddit memes, r/iamverysmart, pewdipie, meme cringe, cringe compilation, mlm, avon, younique, herbalife, sales, selling, marketing, boss babe, jontron, ailurus fatlogic, ailurus, Ailurus r/fatlogic, SSBU, make money today, get rich quick, apps, ailurus reddit, body postivity, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus Youtube, reddit reading, online jobs, online money, lizzo
Id: NLmgZYY2-0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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