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our / I have a piece I'll break it down for you take Logan Paul + the trashiest person you've ever met and sprinkle a little bit of Alabama energy and that should give you the idea of the type of person showcased on this subreddit it's literally that bad pediatrician falsely diagnosed children with cancer to scare patients into buying private treatment from him and we're off to a wonderful start mr. stoma the earth of NHS Forth Valley told one mother that her daughter had a stomach tumor that could spread if left untreated before refusing to refer her to the NHS care the inquest was ruled the funny thing is is that I would be less upset if he was just scamming people like oh here's some extra medicine but no he was scaring people into thinking they had cancer so they could actually spend more money with them what is wrong with you I spend about 500 to 600 dollars on Black Friday and call every Church everywhere to really find places to give me free presents on top of it and then spend another 200 to 350 dollars on clothes and shoes from November to December and get hooked up by free places I usually find between three or six places for my kids and end up with about 50 to 75 presents each love the system I do it every year I love free stuff and I love my kids having a ton of stuff of presents it's a win-win somehow this woman is more cheap than mr. Krabs you go out of your way to spend $2,000 on your children well at least you're bragging about how you're able to spend a million of money on your kids yet you're still cheap enough to go out of the out of your way to churches and probably other like other just free charity areas to get free stuff for your kids because you don't want to spend any more money you realize those toys are for families that can't put food on the table so they have to make a decision presents or food that service those free throws churches giving out free presents or Menton you know I guess make that choice easier for parents that can't afford presents that's the whole point the whole point and of course when people get upset with her answer this is what she says why would you make an angry emoji at the fact that I make sure my kids have a great Christmas shaking my head the funny thing is that people like her will never learn until she's in a situation where she can't spend $600 on her kids and low-key a dark part of myself hopes that she loses her job we received a call for his service on August 21st 2019 at approximately twelve forty p M about an unknown maker model older small pickup truck primer gray in color driving eastbound on unknown Street in the area of reservoir throwing kittens out of a window the driver was said to be a white male responded in ho my god approximately the kittens were six weeks old one was deceased on the roadway and the second one was found but died during transport to the vet if you have any information throwing kittens out of a moving van a moving truck are you serious are you why family secret turn-up child's medical equipment taken from them okay so this is a crappy story about a child's cochlear implant being stolen or just gone missing literally this kid cannot hear because he is deaf and he needs this medical equipment extremely expensive medical equipment in order to hear and mother says the cochlear implant devices are of no use to anyone other than her son and he can't hear without them and they were just taken from the family locker at a swim event why would you steal that how much crack can you get for a cochlear implant that that's the question I'd never think I would ever ask but here I am youth football EMT solicited kids for photos and what the [ __ ] [Music] epilepsy foundation was targeted in mass strobe cyber attack this one is genuinely just terrible somehow every single one of these posts are getting even more worse hackers send videos and images of flashing strobe lights to thousands of Twitter followers of epilepsy foundation last month and mass cyberattack that apparently sought to trigger seizures and those with epilepsy the foundation said seriously like legitimately I am curious who comes up with stuff like this cuz edge for the sake of edge is never funny it's just not what's the what's the punchline here people going to their mergency room fruit just constant seizures yeah that that's great yeah that's that that's wonderful that's so funny guys police officer admits he told homeless man to lick public urinal to avoid arrest yo I have that dumb look on my face too yeah yeah you got caught you got that's the I got caught oh [ __ ] I'm screwed face the officer had previously told a different man that he would avoid arrest only if he stuck his head in the toilet according to court documents oh wait wait this happened in Honolulu of all places what that's strange okay what oh yeah throwback Thursday to this story this is old like this is old news but I remember what everybody was talking about her yeah why would you encourage your daughter to do anything like that especially when she's a teenager god forbid my parents told me hey you should get specific work done when I was fifteen I think we all recognize her as a just a terrible parent for saying something like that to her own child but even then just to just to make it clear I love how she is the person to determine who's beautiful and who's ugly when she looks like a used tissue Riverside police are looking for the man in this caricature portrait after he stole $500 from the artist police say the man approached the caricature artist at the festival of lights when he asked for a portrait portrait well once done the suspect grabbed the artists money bag and ran off Riverside police say this caricature is the suspect but obviously his features and characteristics have been exaggerated yo brah God send me a girl that's heartbroken so I can break that heart even more say it with me guys edge for the sake of edge is never funny bruh bruh no no that is not a 20 atti that's probably that looks like a 1070 and you're selling that for $1000 you're not fooling anyone stop scamming people and that's the one thing people who buy stuff on gumtree in like Craigslist you guys have no you have no chill you have the strength of all gods you just have all of the clout because literally that's worse than buying stuff on eBay hey are you guys ready to lose a little bit more faith in humanity well get ready for this next post vandal pours black paint into hydrotherapy pool used by a five-year-old who cannot walk unaided yep there he is right there right right there hiding and pouring black paint into a pool for a God knows why I don't understand but hey at least you're gonna go to jail for it I'm nervous posting this after what I've read but I need the little boy to the left out of the pic I've already printed this off with him in it and it's framed in our house but I don't want to post it on Facebook because he isn't biologically mine now Opie didn't specify whether or not the child is actually adopted by the family or maybe it's just a foster kid the either way you didn't necessarily have to make this public on Facebook if you didn't want him in the picture that you're going to post a facebook and he happens to be in there you could always just not post the picture you have that option but instead you went out of your way to write this and post this to your wall so all of your friends could see it I'm starting to think that this is it this isn't about the picture and more about your grievances with the kid that's all I'm gonna say now this one's a little bit worse because this post specifically specifies that the kid she's trying to exclude is her stepson is there any way y'all can removed the kid to the right in these pictures he's my stepson and I love these pictures of us together but I also didn't get any good ones with just that two of us without him so also remove him from the family pictures please thanks in advance and it I love my stepson but I do want some without him in them I already posted these ones but I just wanted both ways you I know what the most hilarious part of this entire post is is the fact that she goes out of her way to kind of explain her choices like Oh No still love him he's still part of the family I just don't want him in the family photos if you knew you're in the right and you knew that this was something appropriate to say online you wouldn't have to justify it by saying that you love them so many times just say that you don't like the kid just just say it yep yep just just break all that stuff so that janitor has to clean up all that soap yep I don't know if I'm not attached which would be really strange because I'm extremely young but it just seems like this cloud chasing thing of breaking stuff or just being completely destructive for no reason and posting that stuff onto the Internet just it doesn't click with me because I don't see what what's funny about that like what why did it were to what where am I supposed to laugh oh my god the park swing area was used for a party and fire pit I cleaned up as much as I could but the wood and nails are still hot worried kids and animals would get hurt that is super dangerous because the funny thing about a hot nail is that it will go straight through a soul right into your foot just burn all the way through and kids it's in front of swings oh my god what I am a Zoomer I've been on the internet for a long time and I think it's kind of messed me up because at this point I don't quite know what posts are legitimate and which are just ironic and I've seen this post before and I've always wanted it to be fake because it just it seems too good it seems too outlandish to be real but knowing from past experience on Twitter this isn't an abnormality there's individuals who truly act like this and that fact alone makes me think that somebody actually wrote this with legitimate emotional intention and that's just sad as a member of the Zeta community I can tell you that all animals I've had in my life have been as happy as ever they could be and they love me and I love them back hashtag zoophilia is an abuse is just another kind of love hey how's it going that was that was shocking right now shocking so uh just had a little bit of a thought if you are supporting of the hashtag zoophilia community or hashtag no map I have a little bit of something to say to you please do yourself a favor and society a favor by committing toaster baths oh my goodness priceless photos that's what you're taking historical pictures why why would you take a picture from a community center that doesn't make any sense that just reminds me of that bit from that John Mulaney Show where he talked about his friend with the room full of stolen antique pictures like why why from the Telegraph this Christmas give your wife something she really wants something really exciting a cheap pass and people wonder why journalists are slowly being laid off of these just giant you know news aggregated websites because of articles like this lay who would read something like that legitimately and then actually take the advice of the editor of the contributor that's horrible why would you give someone that you love an excuse to I guess embarrass you or humiliate you or be just horrifyingly mean to you what it is what thieves stole nearly ten thousand dollars worth of Christmas presents and decorations intended for children whose parents are in prison anyone who wants to help can contact the office of are you serious why why do people do this stuff it's one thing to steal it's another thing to steal from kids who don't have family members because their family members are in prison like that's just sad oh I really hope that those presents changed your life like seriously I really hope that you going out of your way to steal ten thousand dollars or the Christmas presents has somehow it just immensely changed the path of your life or has made your children and/or kids this sounds like a large operation so it's probably a lot of families who benefited from this where kids who just had a happy Christmas because of it you couldn't get presents for them so you stole all right I really hope that there's a positive at the end of this because if there isn't you're just a crappy person all the way through someone come on it will be Geiger oh man this one's just terrible and sad okay so what you're looking at is like a community library where you can put in one book and take another one out the house was built or the library house was built by a seven-year-old who woke up to this who woke up to it being destroyed and her parents are just crushed they don't know what to do they don't know who did it and they don't understand why someone would go out of their way to destroy something like this I was meant to just better the community and her she said her seven-year-old space crumbled when she saw it and she doesn't know what to do yeah like that sucks that's why this seems like something that bored people do like you have nothing to do because you have no job and you have no school to go to so you go out of your way to destroy [ __ ] like what's the point of this six months pregnant don't want it I'm going to trade it for money are drugs guaranteed white so don't come at me cheap serious offers only all right I just I gotta leave okay listen there's a lot to see in this life nope wasting it here hey could you identify this dude he lost his blue poop bag and I'd like to return it to him feel free to share with our neighbors seriously guys I didn't mean for this to happen I didn't know that all these posts were just gonna get gradually worse throughout the entire video but this one requires a little bit of context okay so the person with food in their hand they bought it for a homeless person who was you know hungry on the street and then he does this some people really need to get hit by a bus like for real the dudes already homeless he's already asking people for food he's already a rock bottom yet you still feel the need to kick him while he's down oh my god people are stealing urns now 248 urns stolen from Fort Wayne cemetery urns are one of the few things on the planet where you really can't get money if you sell the thing who would buy filled urns or just empty urns new or used urns who would buy that that's literally the only thing the only result of you stealing that is irreparably damaging a family emotionally oh wow grandma's gone because somebody stole her last hope animal rescue in Cedar Rapids was burglarized last night all of the animals are safe and accounted for but a week's worth of donations were stolen the nonprofit says they needed every penny of that money yeah yeah we all know that donation money was meant to feed house clean and maybe does medically take care of these animals but we all know what the money is best for the number one Scottish staple pet would me okay My partner and I are planning to come to Dublin for an early Valentine's Day weekend from February 8th to 12th to explore the area as I was searching for places this day I came across your stunning hotel and I'd love to feature you in my youtube videos and dedicated Instagram stories and slash posts to bring traffic to your hotel and recommend others to book in return for a free accommodation last year I work with Universal Orlando in Florida and it's been amazing for them you'll wait you mean Universal Studios Universal Studios the amusement park yeah I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure yeah a lot of people are going there now yeah because I've seen your posts yeah you know what that is so insane I can't think of anything else that would you know persuade to anyone to go to the Universal Studios like that amusement park is it was like dead before you when you took pictures there I sold I totally saw your posts and I was like whoa I should have gone I seriously cannot think of anything else that would you know persuade me to go they're all jokes aside the best part of this post is that the hotel responds your social influence there I know your name but apparently it's not important to use user names so thank you for your email looking for free accommodation in return for exposure it takes a lot of balls to send an email like that and not much self-respect and dignity lucky for us we have a significant social media following we have one hundred eighty thousand followers on our to Facebook pages estimated 80,000 on our snapchat thirty-two thousand on Instagram and a poultry 12,000 on our Twitter but Jesus Christ I would never in a million years ask anyone for anything for free I also blog a bit which as far as I'm aware is another way of saying I write stuff on the Internet the above stats don't make me better than anyone else or afford me the right to not pay for something everyone else has to pay for in future I'd advise you to offer to pay your way like everyone else and if the hotel in question believes your coverage will help them maybe they'll give you a complimentary upgrade to a suite this would show more self-respect on your part and let's face it it would be less embarrassing for you here's a little video I produce which you may learn from best regards Paul you know I was just thinking like just a little bit before I went to the next post that maybe she would have been able to you know afford the hotel room if she didn't waste all of her money on that rented Mercedes and that shitty contour what's up everybody - boy alias aka Panda daddy and I hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos it not subscribing and if you're old make sure you hit that belt and get that notifications every time seriously if you are a new subscriber and you like what I make hit that Bell so you get my notifications every time you know how YouTube is it's a little bit of whack aroni Peroni with notifications I enjoyed this video even though a lot of it was infuriating I'm pretty sure you guys will like it but yeah I need to watch some sort of old cartoon or something to get my my self-esteem and happiness juices up because that was just a afternoon of disappointment so if you want to help support the channel in any way there's a patreon link and a merge link in the description down below and speaking of patreon we got to talk about these patreon supporters so thank you to Finny Jeffery and Julian thank you so much for your support it's greatly appreciated and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 1,171,535
Rating: 4.9518003 out of 5
Keywords: iamatotalpieceofshit, r/, reddit, reddit posts, #1 reddit posts, Top posts, top, posts, top posts of all time, reddit reading, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus, r/iamatotalpieceofshit, mlm, make your own business, sales, online sales, r/Kidsarestupid, Ailurus kids, Ailurus Fatlogic, r/Fatlogic, ailurus panda, ailurus kidsarestupid
Id: dDj373_jR6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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