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let it go let it go turn away and slam the door I don't care what's going on everybody welcome back to easy peasy I'm your host David the Baker and today we're gonna be looking at our slash crappy design let's go what even is this 42:5 that that's terrible now why would excellent be red and low be green that makes no sense a wonderful uncle and a wonderful best friend it's weird that those two are together but at least it looks cute you can't beat this level oh I hate these types of ads so you mean to tell me that the couch from before is gonna shift magically into a new couch sure that makes perfect sense all I is need love words to live by oh I love this movie and of stee so close but not close enough oh it's an arcade Qbert game try me how how am I supposed to try you the finger hole is so small heads up to drivers in Waikiki there are some new lines on the road what am I supposed to be driving or be hypnotized there's gonna be so many crashes first of all why is there a basketball court on a grass field and second of all why is the rim on the other side of the backboard here we go a nice window for when you want to poop with an audience I'd poop there what you wouldn't poop there first of all this isn't even the value brand this is the Valu time brand second the bay leaves is a meme font why did you capitalize some letters and lowercase the others what do you mean temporarily share audio I want my audio all the time I don't know what's crappy about this design you got Shrek you got donkey you got Puss in Boots this is a blessed bedding oh I do that's a sick phone holder what's it called it's called the best f you why would you call it the best F you that's a bad name oh I see these emblems are supposed to make a huge person but now it just makes her look like she has a big forehead judge dismisses unequal pay claim by u.s. women's national soccer team then why would you put a picture of them celebrating adult blame friends your risk danger brainchild teenager my brain I'm sorry what all right having the fish upside down makes them look dead and having those red droplets make them look like they're bleeding so this is a path that visually impaired people take in order to guide them throughout the town so why would you put cars walls and literally anything in front of it you're basically making an obstacle course for these people overall I like this design but it makes it seem like reading is nonsense because none of those words make sense and what's up doc have a seat I'd poop here I get what they're trying to do but they made these people look like a bunch of memes especially that guy in the middle I was gonna try and read this but I I can't I actually can't what's so crappy about this it says 4 cans you got four cans what do you sad about all of the names make it seem like their advanced seating like ultimate premium advanced deluxe but if I told someone I was like hey I bought you deluxe tickets they'd be like oh you got the expensive ones right I'm just like no no no those are the cheapest ones it's confusing is that Lightning McQueen oh no forget I am speed it's more like I'm on speed number of cases by age I'm not even colorblind and I'm having difficulty reading this I'm gonna be honest I don't know what's wrong with this aside from the fact that it's an ad it looks like a nice blazer that chair doesn't even have screws in them to keep you in place you're hanging on by literal threads ah math teachers probably love this clock me personally I hate it the green gobbler tough on safe clogged odd pipes yeah you got to fix that design I know it's trying to say teachers have class but it looks like it's trying to say teachers have cloths which makes me think that these teachers can't spell the best time is coffee time well apparently it's 12 o'clock is that a concrete umbrella that's gonna be like lifting Thor's hammer yeah you know they designed this house with a random corner sticking out of it you know just so somebody can crack their head upside it I'm sure this sign is built the way it's supposed to but to me it looks like swiper from dora the explorer' stole half your sign reusable cotton facemask it's supposed to be wine and mob but no it looks like you've got a nosebleed dead children and animals slow oh it's supposed to say dead end and slow down because there are children and animals but it looks like there's dead children and animals why would you set it up to where all the delivery options are free wouldn't everyone just want to pick the fastest I don't know why anybody would pick anything else I mean this is a cute design but it looks like it's made out of ketchup stains do love what you do what you love yeah okay yeah and here we put a drawer that you have absolutely no way of accessing you're welcome love dance dream hope hob that's right guys follow your dreams Easter friends and they drop little raisins up that looks like poop I eat it what you wouldn't need it what are you some type of weirdo yeah three even splits but one s 65% one s 30% and one has 0.8% because that's how math works we cook elementary teachers and staff well how do they taste what kind of elevator bullcrap am i looking at right now what is the six nines elevator you got the whole rainbow here families are nowhere that's right your family's nowhere to be found you'll never be loved ah yes top-notch security at its finest where's the fire hydrant it's invisible in all seriousness though what is behind this fake door like we all know that there's a secret door there right if you invested five dollars a day for 40 years all right this is not mathematically correct in any way possible I crushed the numbers this all fake so these are all supposedly functioning pipes what are you gonna do if the one in like the very middle breaks are you tired of being at home why not take a four week online course in graphic design this looks comedic ly bad like it could not look worse your grass can turn from this to this it looks like splatoon like somebody just dropped a green bomb all right there's a pretty considerable gap between the brick and the great but aside from that this is barely a balcony I need a bag for my hell baby I know it's trying to say hello but no it says hell baby hell summer again you're trying to say hello summer but it says hell summer and if you're gonna say hello summer it needs to have a comma after the hello heroes work here you know I really do appreciate the attempt but why did you make Heroes all curved it just it looks bad this is such an uneven floor for a basketball goal I feel like if I dribble my ball it might pop is this a pillow is it a foam finger is it an oven mitt it looks really bad hot donut yeah I don't think that donuts as hot as you think it is but I'd still eat them introducing the power but the highlighted letters spell out ho so Yanks if you receive an email from an unknown person with an attachment what should you do yes no or I don't know honestly your best bet is probably I don't know why would you have an ice off feature for your freezer wouldn't you always want ice to be available I'm dead now what who's gonna read this book the ghost the more steps you use the less you will have an IQ yeah that's not how IQ works the Eiffel Tower is very famous it's one of the tallest towers in the oh and it just trails off but that is not the tower that is the Leaning Tower of Pisa oh look at some strawberry jam jelly scented slime this is not food do not eat I'm not listening to that I'm eating that once a mem always a BIR join SB what am I having a stroke so this person says I can do 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. and the autocorrect is like no we can do 10:30 or 2:30 because autocorrect doesn't want things to work out so you're only supposed to pour into the max right there but if you're pouring water and how are you supposed to know when you've hit the max it's not see-through Colonel Sanders is that you you look different man I don't like the cut of this guy's gym he looks hella surprised he'll make skills why would you highlight KKK what's that all about the saddest part about this kool-aid liquid is that it's not actually blue it's red on the inside they make it seem like this thing's gonna shoot out rockets I mean like that would be cool but it's not gonna happen why even put a light there if you're gonna have an awning blocking everything it makes no sense then I wish I had a big red car said little bear but that car's not red it's black teachers who love teach children teaching to love learning okay I'm having a stroke I'm definitely having a stroke you got your louis vuitton facemask can you even breathe in that though how does it feel to waste your money mehar kit collect two hardy that's what you were trying to save right this toaster was so bad it burnt the plastic around the edges this is the poster child for crappy design wild strawberry fries then why are there watermelon seeds did you know metro train passing through blocks of apartment in China is that a question I mean I did not know that you're a MILF mother I love forever oh sorry chief that's not what that means oh that's a stupid mug there's no holes to wrap your hand around it it's cute but it's stupid now this mugs just not practical you think it's telling people that you love them but what it really says is I found this in a walgreens dumpster oh the background is so bright you can't even read what the movies about Nevada outdoor experience yeah that's not the Nevada I know open but it's all scuffed up because I imagine it's incredibly hard to open old design new design you see it looks cooler but you get less of the product like my school always said once always a a bulldog my school was weird look it's an all orange room aside from orange being my least favorite color this has got to be the epicenter for headaches you know you think your clever by putting two outlet spots like that but it's super easy for one plug to block both spots like you didn't think this through so don't get it twisted these are not videos these are paintings with drawing on play buttons I know you can't see me but I'm face palming the perfect gift for your toddler all right first thing this kid's supposed to be jumping but it doesn't look like he's an inch off the ground second off that kid is not a toddler that is a child model who's like 12 at best plus the objects that he's holding are completely photoshopped this is really bad who did this to you Pikachu who did this so the 1 the 1 year warranty is $1,000 good thing it comes with a discount of $996 why wouldn't you just price this out for $4 that just no this doesn't make sense oh yes you see how jumbled that sounded that's what this looks like oh yes a USB port that's gonna effectively block anything you try to plug in next to it oh there's thought and pepper pigs you missed a real opportunity to put the hole in their snout that would have been awesome I know it's trying to say galaxy but I think Samsung just called me gay so at school and it has son cat house and then 4 O's they just kind of gave up but then they brought it back with lollipop why even have a ziploc seal if you're just gonna seal it again wow what a waste of plastic if only there was a way to protect the fruit without having to use all that plastic yeah it's called the peel so this is a hypnotherapy weight-loss banner but it looks terrible like pause the video and try and read it yourself tell me how long it takes because it took me a minute they didn't even Center the mirror oh this is so infuriating yeah so I want the mask to say 6 mother feet can you do that for me you know you got your spices you got your pepper your salt not salt no salt oh as face just morphs the closer you get this is a mess don't you just hate it when they put a light pole in the middle of the walkway it's so annoying Sudoku nobody's ever saw this one yeah I'm sure get out my face a supreme skateboard why anybody would spend $50 on this I don't know but hey it's sold out t is for turtle but that right there is a tiger alright this is a team lift item one person is needed to lift this box hey there's no I in team the number one customer in world service the retailer oh this is terrible the pages are supposed to intersect but now you can't see them is it a shirt is it a pair of pants is it a jacket can you even tell no you can't because it's a crappy design I don't even think those are USB ports I think those are the Vince for the laptop that's so misleading all right bear with me on this one bol Paradise Valley the baby is the kid rld bi is the puppy kid in tha that's what it says so that's what I read one liter two liter three liters it doesn't matter how many liters this thing can hold you can't see it because it's not transparent whoever chose to keep this background clearly didn't think things through of course throw in a window that can't open cuz why not and absolutely add a window that you can't see through this is a madhouse you tell me how you plan to drink something with your mouth closed it makes no sense yo Arlo u e ve D I actually love these misprints they're kind of funny and with that everybody that's my time I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please hit the like button down below if you're new to this channel subscribe and hit the bell button to be notified of all the easy-peasy uploads I'm your host David the Baker and I'll see you in the next video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 86,106
Rating: 4.8790288 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/crappydesign, crappy design, reddit crappy design, reddit design, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: D0revCe_L_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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