r/Crappydesign · business demon

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designer bed leg or shin buster 8 000 oh okay that is definitely a shin buster can you imagine just getting up in the middle of the night just to get a glass of water right and you get your shins kicked out by your own bed like oh this is this is disgusting what's going on everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look at r crappy design it's going to be a hell of a time so without further ado let's go hey man go left hey don't listen to that guy go right uh i i don't know what to do so when you're riding this motorcycle what you're gonna want to do is immediately shift in the opposite direction because yeah that's how math works yeah come on down to the women's restroom where we uh where where the men definitely don't watch from above i i promise okay oh no oh somebody did not think this through i mean i guess you could sit on the toilet like sideways or but no why would you want to do that it's right next to the urinal there's definitely going to be some pee like residue on the toilet ah this is just terrible hey kids you want to play with me like i'm going to be straight up i have no idea what this is supposed to be it looks kind of like if yogi bear was on crack i i don't know but i i really i don't want to know you know i'm looking at this and i i'm like i don't see what's wrong with it but then i uh i realized this is not a moving picture those those designs are literally just blurry for the sake of being blurry that's that's awful berlin expresso berlin more like borland because it looks like an o instead of an e and and i'm bored with this meme so next meme no no you guys just don't get it sometimes you gotta think outside the box uh yeah but x has already won this is just overkill and i don't mean to be a stickler for the rules but x has gone over seven times and o has only gone for three so x is clearly cheating like i'm all for thinking outside the box but if that means to cheat i don't know man that seems a little sketch in case of fire use stairs alright that's the perfect message now just wall it up with glass and uh and then we'll be good uh but sir how are the blind people gonna read the braille yeah those blind people hmm so this is a seat on a bus like i like the fact that you know you don't have to worry about sitting next to strangers but i feel like the arm rest is gonna be really hindering i don't know i just don't like it you guys wanna hop in my body come on man somebody please drive me i mean this thing does not look like it gets any quarters this poor thing looks like it's dying i just i feel so bad for it i probably wouldn't even ride this car i'd probably just walk up to it put a quarter in and say hey man take it god bless man okay so you're trying to you know creatively spell out dance center i think it's cool but uh i'm gonna read it how you wrote it sudan yup that's where we go hey it calls it how i seize it you know when we talk about crappy designs it doesn't get any crappier than this i mean dairy queen has definitely messed up on this one oh we've seen this one before this bottle looks dirty but it's just the design all purpose cleaner but alas the one thing it couldn't clean was itself how poetic uh hey man do you know what time it is nope i don't know what time it is and uh it's because of this stupid clock you bought me so uh thank you thanks for that ah yeah it's the colorful cutting board i'm not gonna lie doesn't uh it doesn't look very colorful utah at no here's the game flow and the wind probability i have no idea what i'm talking about i don't even know what this graph is i don't even know what i'm reading i think it's a crappy design because i have no clue what's going on in this meme whenever you feel small or insignificant just know that the world is your crab the world is your crab not your oyster it's your crab you know the crosswalk could be you know where the ramp is you know where you can get over the curb but no no it's just in a completely different spot because yeah they didn't think about it uh okay so they're they're marketing their sale but all i see is cry you know in white lettering is where the model is it just says cry and i mean hey maybe they're saying their sale is so good you're going to cry when you see it or maybe they're saying their clothes are so bad you're going to cry when you wear them i don't know but it's it's a weird sale ah yes i believe this is a rare painting done by picasso himself wait what it's a real staircase oh well that's just pitiful yikes uh daffy duck what happened to you you you look awful oh god donald not you too what is this we got the knock off daphne and knock off donald back to back i love that however i am deeply terrified of the yellow duck the yellow duck is just like i know where you live i'm gonna find you it's just really creepy man get your graphic design degree online daisy ying oh how ironic the graphic design school is bad at graphic design i hate to say it but uh you might you might want to look at another school i don't think this school has all the answers thought this might belong here says orange flavor with the purple berry as the picture and it's green like wtf oh and the dinosaur looks like he fell right out of the fugly tree yummy i had to pick up this abomination for science introducing dinosaurs orange nade you know i love going to like gas stations in the middle of nowhere to pick up sodas like these like these weird third-party soda companies truth of the matter is the design might be bad but usually the drinks are pretty good mostly because it's just like straight up sugar and flavoring but like you'd be surprised i bet this thing tastes delicious if anybody knows where i can get some just leave them in the comments i want some of this oh god why why must you do this to the floor what did the floor do to you and like why the little tiny square tiles like what what are we doing here it's not even comprehensive it's just it's causing chaos around the house i don't like it a better paint within your reach british paints india okay fundamentally anything british does for india or to help india is immediately a red flag second off what is the baby gonna do climb the ladder and grab the paint bucket like he probably weighs the same amount as the paint bucket i just what's going on man you know i made a joke about a knockoff donald duck and uh i didn't think i i really didn't think i'd see another one here uh this is this is really caught me off guard i don't know guys what do you think who's the real knockoff donald duck is it the yellow duck or is it this one right here i just i i don't know this one does look like he's on cocaine but so did the other one this one is definitely hooked on admiral i don't know honey we couldn't afford a barbie doll so we got you a garby doll garby doll what's a gar oh my god uh what you don't like it is it the eyes i thought it'd be the eyes oh man what a shame you invest in a picture to put on your car that's gonna make you look all suave all sharp all like cool and stuff and instead you look like this congratulations you played yourself here are the drug facts oh but now that you rip them you'll never be able to see them hey wait wait wait a second they put the drug facts on the inside part of the label why would why would they do that that's a terrible idea this isn't even your fault i thought it was your fault for ripping it but then i'm like wait a second they put that on the inside that's that's a terrible design stay mighty stay six feet apart okay but don't worry guys this is only directed to the people with two left feet okay everybody else should be safe red vines naturally flavored with other natural flavors uh what what does that even mean that's such a confusing message the only thing that could have made that more suspicious is if they like use quotation marks like naturally flavored like that's the only thing that can make this worse oh it's an elevator where if the sign is correct the first floor is three the second floor is four the third floor is five and it's all a mess is this like some apple watch knockoff like oh we have a full touchscreen design i mean i can guarantee you that the touchscreen is not this size i'm pretty sure that's a lie i think this guy just has really tiny hands oh my goodness what even is this room like there's so much glass everywhere i didn't even know that there was stairs on the right side i didn't even notice that that's a bathroom on the left like who wants a glass wall for their bathroom nobody want nobody's going to want to watch you poop that's so weird my local gym has a tagline don't waste your money on fitness i guess i can see where they're coming from you know don't waste that money spend it and and use it well but uh this this does not say that this says waste your money on fitness and i mean i mean if you're just any other gym i mean yeah that's pretty accurate i social distancing yeah if you're gonna put a heart on there don't make it the same color as the background for the shirt all right that's that's design 101 hello sunshine hello to you too he has the ball he's owning up to it he takes the shot and it's and and it's out uh because the basketball goal is in a completely different area come on let's go sightseeing jump off this tour bus is giving me mixed signals it's like come on come with us but also jump off jump off this bus you don't want to be here oh yes you thought it said ketchup nigh that's kite chop man that that's that's the good stuff introducing it's not hello kitty it's hell kitty i'm gonna be watching you when you sleep saumer drying consuming menu okay you're trying to say sour drinks menu go home you're drunk okay i'll do my best to read this table manners wait for others before eating stay swallow in your before you speak seek clear your dishes eat your vegetables say thank the cook and please chew with thank you your mouth excuse yourself closed i i hate this i'm stopping here i don't know what that is i feel like i had a stroke just trying can we can we like actually like check on the designer i don't i don't think they're doing so good i feel like they were like on a good path and then they started to spaz out and were like eat your vegetables live healthy laugh love crash die i just they they're in trouble i bet you like the statue is so good like you can immediately tell it's a monkey and then they just butchered the eyes like the only thing that's bad about this is i i would say maybe the gray skin but definitely the eyes a mask or face covering is strongly recommended in this area because it's the right thing to do please help stop the spread of the cocoa virus why why did you give him teeth why did you give him teeth they look like monsters they don't even look like they look like uh oh you know what they look like they look like a chorus of monsters like they look like they'd sound like hello hello hello hello hello london tokyo new york barcelona and they all spell love come on down to the kum park plaza yeah i don't know about you but i think i'm going to avoid this place just out of principle like just to be fair if you get beat up or robbed in a place called kum park plaza you kinda had it coming alright let's be fair no pun intended nike sportswear alright let's be honest with ourselves these shorts look like somebody vomited on them this guy walks around like his crotch is bleeding like look at the red it's just i don't like it i don't like it one bit oh it's designs like these that make kids say i don't want to go to the park today i don't know this caterpillar's just just really creepy you see this is a skateboarder's nightmare you got to make all those sharp turns it's like ah just it's so annoying why couldn't they just make it straight i don't get it it could be phone i wish the store was mine is this like a realtor like thing like you're trying to sell this place but i'd what what does it could be phone mean i just i'm so upset with these people the queen of hearts is now the three of clubs oh what a what an oversight they would it would have been genius to put them as the queen of hearts what were they thinking you see this is another instance where they put the text color as the same as the background and now you can't see the black one but another thing why are there hoodies that just say teenagers like that why and why are they thirty dollars they are definitely not worth thirty dollars so you indeed curated by c2c festival thanks c2c festival you did a terrible job why make a road reflector out of something you can't drive over without breaking it oh that's an easy one because they secretly wanted to be put on this subreddit rim ovals oh wait they're removals oh that's stupid and why are the stars like that and and better yet why did they only give themselves four stars it's like they're so honest that they're like we're not a five-star business let's not lie okay the black one is salt and the white one is pepper ah yes because some people just want to watch the world burn your selfie versus the cartoon effect this is why ember is so good yeah no i don't think so that cartoon effect is isn't as good as you guys are advertising and and while we're at it what does ember is lucky mean like i get amber is good like we're a good app but what does it mean to be a lucky app like that just doesn't make any sense scrabble coasters tease iced chai mugs i mean i mean wouldn't it have been better if they had put like iced tea chai mugs or something like that i don't know it could have been better the screen protector is so cracked that the crack goes out of the screen protector oh my goodness it does i love it because they just went in photoshop took a power drill and you know carved out everything with like uh the magic wand and then just put a crack in there and thought they could get away with it well no no you didn't you failed so much surface area for so little faucet like why even do this you've heard of the shin buster 9000 now get ready for the thigh slicer 800. yep yeah that'll definitely uh cut up your thighs dim sharp corners uh they they do hurt oh you need to use the power outlet too bad we put a cabinet there take that society are you ready kids uh no if if spongebob looks like this i'm never gonna be ready you you know i thought that spongebob from before was as bad as it could get but uh seeing this squidward i i just have to say i am absolutely terrified and like what's up with the back of his head it looks like he was assassinated what is this i don't know about you but i've watched spongebob and i've never seen squidward play like the bongos he always rocked the clarinet so why are we even pretending like this is something that is canon i don't like this at all oh you know we just added in two extra steps to this uh on the side because you know we didn't design the house very well so you know just watch your step every time you have to switch rooms stay anything glad you close to that makes you are alive uh what look at the little baby stop sign it's just like uh stop i mean like you can stop or whatever like it's it's fine i don't really care sup women poor women ting ah yes sub women poor women ting me go and do it to things with the poor woman and stuff i don't know what he's trying to say but like that's what i got from it so yeah oh and hell kitty strikes again with the middle finger come on hell kitty what won't you do you devil oh you know you need to use the urinal just use the urinal you'll be fine oh you need to take a crap well uh yeah we got these little dividers for you have fun uh have fun having people watch your poop posted in r slash toronto yeah if i were the admins for that subreddit i would take this down immediately it's not even toronto it's toot toot rno it's it's just it's not good oh no you know what this looks like this looks like thomas the tank engine's evil twin samutz is coming for you hop on board kids for your one-way trip to hell come on architects what are you doing you went to college for this you had to get to get your degree in architecture and you managed to do this come on see how this dad won big by playing this new app on his phone except but he probably didn't win anything big i bet they just went up to him and were like jacob come on we just need you to pose for the picture just hold up your phone and we'll photoshop an image onto it but i don't want to take the picture just take the picture jacob what kind of flash drive is this like i see the problem immediately you're not going to be able to put your laptop on the ground because if you do the flash drive is going to keep it from like being level this is just it's awful ah yes a nice beautiful view of your chimney yikes butter flavor cooking spray yeah you know i hate to be a stickler but uh yeah you're not gonna be cooking waffles on a pan yeah no you meant to draw pancakes okay emergency landing information so no glasses no shoes and no whatever the heck that is seriously i have no clue if you guys want to take a look like pause and look at it and and figure out what it is i'd love to know you know leave it in the comment section i'll see it but uh yeah i have no clue oh you know non-handicapped people just go up the stairs and you know the handicap get to feel like tony hawk for a couple of seconds they just speed down the ramp until they're hurtling into the street like yeah this is totally safe okay it's a storage facility but uh i really i don't know what that is supposed to say not only is the text very thin but it's also white which makes it really hard to see like uh just you might be good at you know selling storage units but you're definitely not good at design okay okay at this point you don't even need a balcony just don't do this what what do you want to have a balcony for so you can look into your neighbor's window or so they can look at you like this is just creepy hey guys you want to make some money follow my three-step program and i'll teach you everything i know i don't know this guy looks trustworthy whoa durr i feel like this is a crappy design but it's also been here for like years like they've had this design for years upon years so i'll give them a pass like they could have easily changed it up like several years ago but they've kept it solid so i'll give them a pass ladies and gentlemen introducing wonder woman oh god why do you look like that what is vivitrol ask your healthcare provider uh no i'm not gonna do that why would i i have no clue what it is why would i do that all right i know it says oasis but hear me out on this if you don't count the orange and the palm tree it definitely says ass okay wait in key wars at wg i um i don't know what this says like usually i can like read the message in like a messed up way but i can always figure out what they're trying to say i have no clue again guys leave it in the comment section if you know i don't know and i would love to you know hear what you guys think i'd rather hear from you guys like what you guys think it is because i have no clue and you guys are pretty good detectives so uh if you know just leave it in the comment section give me o knee reason i should list toy you win no okay it says give me one reason i should listen to your negativity when i know that i'm awesome well maybe if you listen to me you know that that shirt is disgusting oh wait i guess that is negativity okay touche well everyone that's my time i hope you enjoyed this episode of r slash crappy design if you did make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to leave those stuff down in the comment section below like i really want to figure out what some of that stuff was anyways my name is david the baker and i will see you in the next video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 86,519
Rating: 4.9617805 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, crappydesign, crappy design, r/crappydesign, r/crappydesign top posts, r/crappydesign best posts, reddit design, reddit crappydesign, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: CyXkneowla8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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