r/ChoosingBeggars | "Can I have it for $90??"

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okay so this is conversation on eBay where somebody selling I know a gift card or something with a code and the buyer says can I have the code first because I don't trust you um no definitely not knew it I knew this was a scared because I have to pay for it before I get it scam okay how long guys welcome back to Ma the best rated readings south of the Equator and in this video hopefully I won't mispronounced too many things let's go I'm an international student who moved into off-campus housing it's an apartment complex with the studio apartments single tenants occupied by almost exclusively students at the University a couple of minutes away the day after I moved in a guy at choosing begger CB knocked in the dorm following was this interaction ah hello shows me his phone is this your Wi-Fi um yes is it fast I guess it's 60 megabits oh alright okay give me the password what I even know your name or who you are I'm CB from downstairs give me your Wi-Fi password I'm sorry no but my friend used to lit it before you and he let me use his Wi-Fi I'm sorry icon hoo X Y Z previous tenant moved out like a week ago and I haven't had Wi-Fi give me a password I'm sorry but the answer is still a no I need my entire bandwidth and I work from home and need a private network for my research we'll know it's pawn made like less pure he gives me the stink-eye you have 60 megabits and can't even let me use it stop being selfish first of all you didn't even ask me politely offer to share the cost even if you had done that as I explained I can't share my network due to privacy concerns that's it the answer is no and that's final bye I see him walk away after a few seconds of standing at my door fiddling with his phone trying out passwords maybe there is no way he could guess since he had not even asked for my name let alone my randomly generated password I put it in a strong password and a Mac ID filter basically I need to approve the device before I can connect even with the password so I knew there was nothing to worry about I saw him every now and then for the next semester and he gave me the stink-eye like I stole his dog or something after that semester he moved out and I never saw him again why did he not just get his own white wife I want it has an apartment no Wi-Fi it makes sense I get it hey girly thanks the RSVP bride and I are thrilled to have you for our special day can I ask a simple favor oh thanks I'm excited and happy for you and of course what do you need I need you to make a custom centerpiece for each of the 20 tables hmm if each one could be a separate Disney villain I would die oh and could you also do a cake topper oh my god I'm flattered but wait the wedding is next week and that's not enough time for me yeah it's next week but we figured they can't be that long to make right actually each woodcarving takes approximately 3 to 5 hours of work painting takes another hour depending on detail I could probably manage a cake topper but I definitely don't have time to make 20 centerpieces no I'm sorry you're kidding this is such short notice what are we gonna do that short note it's not you asking for it I get it am I missing something you just asked me now a week before the wedding I had no idea you were planning on using my art God you clearly don't understand this stress and pain that it takes to plan a wedding do you well no but I also think you should have asked me way in advance maybe you could try finding stuff in I party can freak yourself where's coworker ever and invited Brad that right there is a sad heart react through and through she had blocked the whole yoga studio including me a 1 year later she asked me back asking me to pay for her wonder last trip hey I was just wondering if you would like to go to Wendell US with me again this year you would have to pay for absolutely everything as of today ok speaking of short notice because I'm still broke however perhaps you are nod ideally I would like to go for all four days Thursday to Sunday however I'm open to suggestions there are affordable places for us to stay on an air B&B so maybe you could find a few that look good and Facebook me the links or four days with food and stacks gas accommodation at 100 per night tickets runs about 2300 to 2500 for two people let me know through Facebook if you are interested as it is fast approaching this week and then followed by her made-up sounding name that's not real the CP gets expelled for plagiarizing art tantrum ensues demands her tuition upwards of 20 K likely more back from me college wide email is sent as a refresher on plagiarism rules I did you report me to mr. such-and-such freak off I gave you back money this morning just help him you lied and I'll delete my account respond to me you owe me my tuition bag you're ruining my freakin life you're lucky I don't tell them you stole maja just say you faked this whole thing and we can just go back to being friends okay hi are your shoes still available hello yes they are what size nine you think they're fit at ten I normally wear a 10 and they didn't fit me so no I'll take them for 20 if you give me the receipt so I can change them to attend your twenty is enough sorry they're unused and they cost ninety news so I think 50 is more than fair and I don't have to recede if I had I get to refund myself obviously but it's been a while so they wouldn't take them anyway I'd assume hmm could maybe you give me the shoes for the $20 without the receipt then I'm sure I can make them work no sorry the price is fixed and I'm sure I can sell them for 50 just wouldn't makes sense to sell them for less than I could get but you didn't pay I had said it was a present you got $20 is pure profit it's scare me to sell for too much why are they worth that much and I don't need them but you got them for free why do you need to make $50 buy them because I can you just want to buy them and sell them at a profit or try to get a refund without receive them out don't try to act like I'm being shady just because they sell something for a fair price I hate anyone interested to share their pictures of the rock for a YouTube music video in exchange for a social exposure how many exposures is rent these days wait like the the rock for celebrity or Joe or just some famous rock in this town these people are I'm confused a hello I really wanted a logo with fairy in it hello that would be a hundred US dollars why the price so much I thought it would be something like ten or twenty i'ma help you by getting someone else to buy it and you could sponsor me I could get you like a lot of customers cuz I knows people who want one and by the way I am rich it's just that $100 for a logo it's too bad okay I'm rich hi is it still available yes it is it's a thing by the way is a 2017 MacBook Air for eight hundred dollars can I please have it $4.99 live very close are you serious $90 for an $800 MacBook okay then how low can I have before I'm asking 800 make a serious one okay okay I hear what you're saying umm 200 or 100 no I don't have time for this BS and then you've been blocked by this user you just won reasonable dude hello to offer a little context I'm 22 female and a 2018 college grad working a pretty junior position in the university student finance department the department is pretty small about a dozen people including myself my job is comprised of pretty menial tasks data entry you're responding to query emails that sort of thing especially enough to have my own desk but only a small step above coffee order taking intern and by God the way the Seabee has treated me since I started in the job in September you think I was the unpaid intern right so the CB is a woman properly you know late 40s early 50s may I speak to the manager haircut super tall and skinny a face like there's a bad smell under her nose all the time she constantly and condescendingly refers to me as love or sweetie but I honestly just think that she doesn't know my name I'm always friendly to her but she always treats me like I'm no someone's teenage daughter coming for work experience or something so say last week CP approaches me at the kitchen table basically just a table at the back of the office where we have a mini fridge kettle microwave etc and she puts her hand on my shoulder and fixes me with the tightest fakest smile hey sweetie I thought you'd let you know you're out of hand cream I frown completely confused I don't keep hand cream on my desk and even if I did I don't recall ever giving you permission to use it I'm sorry CV I don't know what you mean I and that smile the cream you keep in your desk that Chinese won my stomach drops I know exactly what she's talking about for my birthday in November my Japanese friend we met on a language exchange app send me a box of goodies including this really nice expensive hand cream that you can only get in Japan I've been keeping it in my desk as the offices air-conditioned and my hands get quite dry while I work that cream is a godsend but since the end of January the aircon spinouts so I've not been using it wanting to save it for when the aircon finally gets fixed and I really need it it's also in a really solid tube so it's nearly impossible to tell that it's been used without picking it up to feel how much is left um the cream in my desk drawer the pink one yeah it's empty can you get some more I'm horrified this lady's been helping yourself to my things out of my desk when I've been out of my seat I truly don't know how to respond why were you going through my desk she straightens her back a little at this Hey it's not locked it's not like do anything in there is private but it's where I keep my personal belongings it's like if I went looking through your handbag without permission that's completely different she says her tone is significantly less friendly can you please just get some more hand cream I've been so distracted by the thought of Seabee going through my desk I've totally forgotten the main point no it's from Japan and it's expensive I can try to find it online and give you the link to order it but I'm not getting more so that you can use it well if you're gonna replace it anyway we might as well share it you didn't even notice I was using it until I told you I knew this woman had a superiority complex but this is unreasonable she wants me to replace it so that she can keep using it the absolute audacity of this woman I said no I've got every mind to ask you to reimburse me I barely used it and now it's empty you use the whole bottle but you ain't using it that's not the point CB for the first time in conversation I raised my voice getting the attention of some of my colleagues it wasn't yours to use especially not without permission I won't ask you to reimburse because I can already tell you'll say no I'll replace it myself but keep the hell out of my desk did you not learn that in preschool she bristles and quickly notices that people are staring she's not too well-liked in the office anyway so I can see the cogs begin to turn as she works out how she can turn this on me sweetie that cream has changed my life she says in this fake gentle voice it's healed my ex my it might come back if I don't keep using it okay good for you so a lot of Sun for yourself just stay out of my things before she can respond I just walked away with my now lukewarm coffee I ordered a new hand cream that night and considered sending her a PayPal invoice for it but I thought that as the first one was a gift I wasn't technically out of pocket I just felt sorry that my friends present had gone to waste fast forward eight days to yesterday CB turns from the mini-fridge with a death glare and announces to the office somebody's eating my yogurt no response everyone kind of glosses over a bush at this point she fake clears her throat somebody has eaten my probiotic yogurt then a voice my hero a guy in the office will call Dave that he's six foot four an average build with a huge dark beard and glasses kind of like a bear stoic quiet keeps to himself Seabees face twists into the tightest cloud ever seen excuse me you didn't even notice it was gone it might have been a k for someone else to take it since you weren't eating it there's a few small sorts of laughter I'm holding my breath to keep myself from bursting out into hysterics what kind of backward logic is another co-worker also male this speaks in the crude imitation of the woman's voice fake sincere sweetie that probiotic yogurt changed my life it healed my eczema the whole office begins to laugh see bees face goes bright red and her mouth begins twitching at the corners like she wants to cry or yell but she doesn't have a foot to stand on she went out for lunch and didn't come back we heard later in the day that she'd called out sick when I got home in the evening I found an email letting me know that she'd PayPal's me some money for the hand cream without a message it only covered the cost of the actual cream not shipping but I was grateful I was just an intern in her eyes so I could never have convinced her to pay me but to have her equal colleagues on my side shame alike that was more than enough I'm so so grateful to them they can use my hand cream anytime they like hello I see your ads about your Pokemon Karns hi are you interested in buying it yes I I want but I have not got money will you give for free I want now come to my house and please give me cards give me now please please please I like your pick a card I only want even my dress is a little please give free I never got a card and all my friend would even give me their cards please oh my god this is decided say ma please can we give this guy his card ok he's never had a card before become you also please subscribe to my channel and like if you liked it I hope you've enjoyed this video and I also hope you liked that amazing segue if you've got any other sub reddits you think as you do be sure to comment them below and the link to my better channel is in the description if you want to watch not a rare video [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,106,647
Rating: 4.9289312 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, r/tinder, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, funny, emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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