r/Choosingbeggars "Why Do I Have To Pay My Employees!?"

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars where someone wants to hire an honest-to-god slave seeking a living nanny for a 15-month old baby what we're offering is room and board in a comfortable quiet home for a family of three in exchange for full-time child care the mother is very hands-on and involved with day-to-day child care operations typical hours are monday through friday 7 a.m to 5 30 p.m but you'll get off holidays and weekends our preferred qualifications are as follows you must be cpr certified or knowledgeable or willing to be trained you must have a personal vehicle you must have previous child care and nanny experience you must be willing to clean do laundry and maintain household standards you must be willing to follow a schedule and routine outlined by parents you must be willing to assist with potty training the following is our preferred personal standards you must be quiet no partying you must know how to maintain a clean room and bathroom no loud music no guests you must have an appropriate bedtime you must be able to give a small report of the day each evening so they want someone to come to their home and work for free it's not even accurate to call this person a slave because at least a slave owner had to feed their slaves presumably based on this post the nanny would also be expected to pay for their own food they also said the applicant had to have their own car so presumably they'd be driving around town spending their own gas money so this job is literally less profitable than being a slave hello i'd like to commission you for a headshot okay that'll be 100 pesos why is that so high it's just a headshot and it's not even real art because it's digital low no offense and then opie sends a choosing beggar a shocked emoji what shocked because i told you the cold truth no it's not that i'm just shocked that i've been chatting with an animal the whole time how did you learn to speak the human language and to be clear 100 pesos is like two dollars dude if you can't even afford a two dollar head shot then you can't afford the bus pass or the gas that would be required to get you to the job that would need the headshot in the first place i've interviewed several people for this job opening this week and all the interviews went great there's so many talented people out there but here's the problem none of the candidates have sent up a follow-up email to thank us for the interview not one that surprised me these positions are very competitive and i just think that as a hiring person getting a simple thank you email might give you an edge that is all and then someone replies to this employer i tried to contact you guys about a gig a while ago and i never heard back fyi i would have included a formal thanks of a handwritten node and i write in cursive yeah we get so many applications for positions that we say in our job descriptions that will reach out to those who we feel interest the hiring manager i've sent about a hundred applications to companies over my career and never got a response from any of them then someone else replies sir do you really not see the hypocrisy do you think that yours is the only job they applied for it's not enough that we have to write a resume it's not enough that we have to write a cover letter it's not enough that we have to get dressed up nice and drive across town to have an unpaid interview no a person looking for a job can do all these things and still it's not enough hiring people like these expect you to write a thank you letter thanking you for what you're getting paid to interview us we're not getting paid to be interviewed by you so why should we be excited that you're interviewing us we're not actually getting anything until you give us our first paycheck man stuff like this just pisses me off applying for a job nowadays is so obnoxious and douche bags like these expect us to thank them for their time how about we start sending you thank you emails after you start replying to people who apply to let us know whether or not we got the job first companies ghost employees way more than employees ghost companies review one star i went to pick up my partner and i decided to arrive at the airport a few hours early the airport had the nerve to charge me two dollars for parking i have a disability sticker i'm entitled to free parking i shouldn't have to pay two whole dollars for parking how dare they make me pay for things like that i always get free parking wait this person thinks they get free parking because they have a disabled sticker like when they go to park in the disabled space at like mcdonald's or grocery stores do they think to themselves huh enjoy your paid parking losers i get to park in the free disabled parking space lady that's not how this works on this next post op's father is a photographer and opi's dad gets this message sounds good we can shoot some stuff around here also i'm down to come into the city and get some great content shots i don't know how to compensate you for your time but if you like we could do some great shots to help you get more exposure for your photography smiley face and then op's dad replies i've been nominated three times for a pulitzer i'm so exposed i could be naked man what a great comeback this has strong do you even know who i am energy also how is this choosing beggars saying i don't know how to compensate you for your time as if there weren't already an agreed-upon currency that everyone uses explicitly to compensate people for their time hey so i'm a newbie tuber and i love your gura sketch but you said that you normally do digital arts so can i post this girl sketch and claim it as mine you already do digital arts so you don't need to be posting paper art too that's just too much talent hogging and you're being selfish for also doing art on paper help out a small fee tuber and let me gain some fame i love girl more than you anyway so completely unrelated to this story but this reminds me i'm the type of person who loves making youtube channels i've got this channel r slash but for those of you who don't know i've started like multiple channels before this i had two gaming channels called dabba cap and like i grew them pretty big they got up to like 400k subs on one i think the other one got up to like 250 000 subscribers and they were like my main job for a while but i'm just the type of person who loves making more youtube channels and probably in the future at some point i'm going to make another youtube channel i don't know when that'll be or what the channel will be about but since i've started three channels in the past it's probably pretty likely that i'll start another one that that being said if i were a girl i would completely start a youtuber channel no doubt about it i think the v tuber trend is super cool not in the way of like i'm a fan of the content i'm just personally really fascinated by the growth of v tubers this past like year or so but unfortunately unfortunately i'm a dude so i just don't think that i would get any success as a be tuber i don't know would you guys watch a v tuber channel of like r slash chan and my character model was some chick with just big ol boobies nah it's funny to think about but realistically i think that only girls are gonna find success in that space it's honestly a shame because v tuber growth is awesome and if anyone out there is thinking about becoming a content creator i would say now's a great time to get on board especially if you're a girl v tuber growth right now is absolutely insane and i'm really jealous of them so if you've got a lot of charisma and a cute voice then i'm telling you you can make money hand over fist becoming a v tuber a lot more money than i could make as a v tuber anyways our next reddit post is from rando boomer okay so i've had to tell one of my employees to no longer let his wife contact me directly after this we sometimes have to travel for work and when covet hit last year we were stuck with lots of unused airline tickets while the airlines did give us travel credit they're stuck in the name of the passenger so even though i'm the one who paid for the ticket it's the employees who have the airline credit talking with our clients it appears that we're going to be meeting virtually for the foreseeable future rather than let the travel credits expire and have no value i told our team that they can use them for personal travel i would rather see them use it for a vacation than for them to go to waste remember the credit is only in the name of the original passenger nobody else so my employees can use them for themselves but not other people like their spouses kids etc so after announcing this i got an email from an employee's wife who contacted me asking me for a free color printer earlier this year she thought that it was nice that i gave my employees the option to use company paid tickets for personal travel but she was upset that that only benefited her husband not her or her kids she was wondering if i would consider offering some sort of deal for them like 50 reimbursements so they could all go on vacation wtf at minimum i'm the one paying for the husband's vacation airfare but that's still not good enough i emailed back with a kurt no this was offered as a token of appreciation for the hard work that everyone is doing going forward please don't contact me in the future unless it's an emergency regarding your husband's i then called my employee and told him that barring some emergency involving his grave illness or death i don't want her emailing or calling me ever again despite my tone that in hindsight was probably harsher than it should have been he was very apologetic and he said that she'd written to me without his knowledge you know what they say no good deed goes unpunished and opi mentioned a color printer story so i went back into op's comments and i found that story my employees have been working remotely for about a year now and like most businesses we weren't as prepared as we could have been i bought new laptops stocking stations and two monitors for everyone last year but one thing that i forgot was printers everyone said they already had a printer so i said that i just reimbursed them for toner and ink problem solved well not really some had inkjets and those cartridges get expensive quickly and when people had to scan and archive documents people who didn't have a scanner would have to trek into the office to do it it wasn't an impossible situation just not a great one and since work has picked up it's become a growing headache last week i decided that we're going to let our office lease expire and go full on remote for the rest of 2021. i don't think anyone wants to be trekking to my house to scan documents dan an employee on our team is really tech savvy he has a good multi-function laser printer that does scanning and boxing it prints double-sided and at a pretty good speed and has wi-fi support best of all he's really familiar with it and he said that he'd help anyone was set up it's what he told me to buy and it works great last friday i told everyone i was buying these printers for their work at home a number of people have kids who are remote learning so i said they could let their kids and spouses use it too people seem pretty pleased this weekend i had the following maddening email exchange with a team member's wife please note that in the original emails there were a few pleasantries exchanged but i cut those out in this story so this is gonna read a bit harsher than it actually was but still i'm surprised by the audacity of this woman this woman was so adept at dodging facts that she should consider running for office hi this is choosing beggar i'm the wife of one of your employees i heard that you were giving everyone printers and that you said it was okay for our kids to use it for school work hi choosing beggar yes it supports wi-fi so anyone in the house can use it i don't know much about the setup but one of our guys dan is really tech savvy and he volunteered to help anyone and their family with their setup i hope that helps would it be possible to get a color printer it's easier if everyone has the same model dan is really familiar with this model plus it makes it easier for tracking accounting and supplies so this is the best fit i just found this other model for the same money it wouldn't cost you any more could we get that one instead in the long run it does make a difference color cartridges cost more money plus that one is slower and doesn't support scanning the kids will mind if it's slower and they don't need to scan anything for school the primary purpose of this printer is for your husband's work the speed and the scanning are important to him he doesn't scan anything our current printer doesn't scan at all i know he has to drive into the office to scan this printer will save him time plus we're not going to have an office after june he won't mind and i've overheard you on zoom meetings talking about the danger of one-size-fits-all thinking isn't that what this is i finally lost my patience i was done negotiating with a beggar choosing beggar one of the printers that i selected will be arriving at your house today or tomorrow that printer is my property for the purpose of your husband to do his job your kids can use it for school work within reason please have your husband get in touch with dan if he needs assistance oh i thought that you were buying it for us to keep never mind then first how would this behavior have been any better if it were a gift second are that many employers giving away printers i did get an email from the husband later on apologizing let's hope his kids take after him man this lady has some nerve if i can if i contacted my wife's boss and scolded her about something about her job my wife would chew me out and she should of course right like that's completely natural having your spouse jeopardize your job like that is so embarrassing on this next post op builds custom keyboards hey i saw your setup on your story where did you get your keyboard from i really like it thanks it's a gm mk pro with sunset tai hao keycaps it also has panda ivory switches i also custom printed some wasd keys with my own design oh wow that's pretty impressive yeah in my past time i like to build things like keyboards and pcs oh in that case you should send me one i want cherry switches and hyperx keycaps well those are quite expensive i suppose i continue some spare parts from other builds but doing a full custom build is too expensive i also charge for the commissions i get you already have a lot of money please help someone out during coven i can't do that sorry why not you have the money and everything and it's just one keyboard i also work for my money and i'm in high school we're all struggling and i'm afraid that i can't do that if you all i'm asking for is a keyboard which you have many of and you still want to be so greedy shaking my head f you op you should ask for this kid's address and send them the keys f and you please someone watch my stupid grandpa i'm supposed to watch over this mindless idiot and i can't even pay someone for help so i need someone to do it for me for free also if you have like an old phone or something please give it to me i legit can't deal with this anymore i need a distraction and then someone replies you'd be lucky if you get into college after this kid this is plain old neglect abuse and disrespect in my days you'd have been whipped tenfold and then someone else replies and don't worry i've managed to contact their parents this little idiot forgot that his parents used facebook too i've also reported the post i don't know this kind of seems like an everyone's sexier situation sure clearly the kid is a brat but at the same time should his parents really be offloading the responsibility of caring for grandparents to kids obviously not that was our slash choosing beggars and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 379,723
Rating: 4.9422007 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: w1g5EvZe_ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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