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welcome to our slash choosing beggars where someone claims that they make 8 000 a day as a wedding photographer i'm looking for very edgy photos for my wedding it should be an all-day job with six hours of post photos with the wedding party i'll need a dvd of all the edited photos in high resolution and you'll be compensated 150 dollars i may also be willing to let you do a trash to dress you with me the next day in response op sent a short but polite email stating that he couldn't meet the requirements at the quoted rate look butthole i know how the business works i've been a wedding photographer for 15 years and i make over 8 000 a day 8 dollars a day eight thousand times 365 equal equals two million nine hundred and twenty thousand so just shy of three million dollars a year if they're a wedding photographer who makes 8k a day then shouldn't they also expect that op would have to be paid 8k a day i mean clearly they're lying because there's no way a wedding photographer makes three million dollars a year secondly jeez this sounds like a terrible wedding six hours of posed photos with the wedding party i mean i'm not a wedding photographer so i don't really know what's normal here but when i got married we sure didn't take photos for six hours man imagine going to a wedding and having to pose with people for six hours on this next post the choosing beggar is an amateur rapper and op as a model i need a female model for music video anyone interested dm me hey are you gonna be in blank on saturday yeah what time all day basically we're going to a bunch of places i'll dm you the address to meet me on saturday is that okay yeah sure what about payment what do you mean you'll get to be in the video yeah i know that but how much will i get paid for it you get exposure you know i have 13 000 followers the video will be on igtv and i'll tag you i'm sorry but that's no good if you want to book me for a whole day with multiple locations you'll have to pay wtf isn't exposure enough you don't even have that many followers you'll be exposed to 13 000 followers i'm not gonna work for free but i'll tag you come on down in the comments this post from that one grey cat made me laugh people die of exposure i can't tell what this item is in the picture i think that it's a wallet but in any event opi is selling it for five bucks hi is this still available yup where can we meet opie gives an address okay great thanks so this is free right i'll come right now no it's not free it's five dollars but it's only five dollars your listing says it's free can i still have it i'm on my way to pick it up for free i can't pay five dollars the listing is for five dollars i can't pay but i'll take it off your hands to save you space thanks i'll be there is 3pm okay no it's five dollars and it doesn't take up a lot of space for me i can't pay but i'll take it off your hands you don't need it because you listed it i'll be there at 3pm you can come at 3pm but you'll be wasting your time if i had wanted to give it away for free i would have listed it for free what do you mean you don't need it so why wouldn't you give it to me for free i'll be there at three i mean i listed it for five dollars so i don't want to give it away for free i'll see you at 3 p.m then thanks it's ok i'll take it for free no worries if you're not gonna pay for it then don't come we'll talk about it in person are you messing with me or something is this a joke no i want it and i'm coming to pick it up see you then do not come if you're not gonna pay we'll talk in person i don't have money i'm almost there good luck with that where are you i'm here i took three buses to get here where are you at if you're messing with me then we can fight what is wrong with you i told you not to come if you weren't gonna pay for it i won't be fighting you nor will i be coming outside come outside we need to talk i took three buses to get here and i am not leaving until we meet i'm not coming outside i'm gonna call the police if you don't leave why'd you give me the address to meet i took three buses here are you kidding also i'm fairly certain that you're messing with me it's the other way around hurry up i don't have all day can you just give me the cooling pad and i'll be on my way what do you even need five dollars for how about this i'll give you one dollar is that good enough i spent over two dollars for the bus hurry up i'll give you one dollar i'll call the cops you're messing with me and told me to come all the way down here for nothing i never told you to come i specifically told you not to come actually then why am i waiting here now i took three buses here and i'll take three buses back can you just give it to me i don't have five dollars i've been waiting half an hour when are you coming so let me get this straight you saw my listing for five dollars made it up in your head that it was free demanded i give it to you for free and after i said no you took three buses and show up in my building hoping i would change my mind or something i don't believe for a second someone would actually do all of this for a five dollar item right i agree with op on this one why would someone go through so much effort to save five dollars on a heating pad email subject netflix media opportunity hi megan i hope you're having a great week so far i'm a producer for the show love is blind on netflix and i wanted to reach out to you because we would love for you to potentially be a wedding photographer for our upcoming season i don't have a specific date in mind yet but i wanted to get the conversation started so that when the time comes it'll be easy to just find a good day and time together and have some of the logistics already figured out we'll be filming through may and june love is blind is one of the biggest tv phenomenons of 2020 and one of the year's most watched shows in the world with over 30 million households tuning in it held the number one spot on netflix for four consecutive weeks and has taken social media and the press by storm it was nominated by two primetime emmys last year for outstanding structured reality series and outstanding casting i've attached a sheet with some more info regarding demographics let me know if that's something you might be interested in doing and then after op sends an email asking for more information this person replies hi megan thank you so much for getting back to me you would attend the weddings and take photos we're doing all the weddings at the same location it would be five weddings total you would need to be available june 6 through the 10th times are tbd as of right now this would be an unpaid opportunity but your photos would be used for the promos in us weekly people etc does this still sound like something you'd be interested in let me know thanks so first of all if this is such a great show that really had the number one slot on netflix for four weeks then surely they could afford to pay their photographers secondly i watched the first season of love is blind i'm sure that i did see photographs taken by their wedding photographers and to be honest with you even if i decided that i did want to hire those people i wouldn't even begin to know how to find them so sure the photographs were exposed to a lot of people but how could that actually translate into more business when the show never bothered to link the photographer like is opie supposed to work for five days for free just to get i guess one line that says photographs by such and such in the final credits of the final episode on this next post op's aunt asked op to paint a portrait of her family and then opie has this conversation with her mom here i love the painting of her family she said to say thank you ask her to pay me then lol she said that she would pay me 80 bucks how can you take money from your own family it took me over 12 hours to make it plus she said that she would pay me 80 bucks you ask her i'm not asking she's been ignoring me for three days ever since she received the painting don't create a fuss what's so awful about this is you know obviously on top of her stipping op 80 bucks is the aunt can't even say thank you to opie in person she has to contact op's mom to say thank you like apparently it's wrong to ask for 80 bucks from your family but it's not wrong to ask for 12 free hours of labor from your family repeat wait what this person gave a review of 1.3 stars out of 6 stars well anyways review 1.3 out of 6 stars then the owner replied hi choosing beggar on your order notes you wrote i'm a doctor so please give me extra stuff thank you so we did give you extras but despite that you requested a refund and gave us a poor review shame on you please don't use your occupation to take advantage of us we appreciate all the hard work that doctors do but please keep in mind that we also have to support small businesses so i just looked up what the average salary of an nhs doctor is and typically they're making about two hundred thousand dollars so imagine making 200k and being so entitled that you demand to get free stuff and then when they do give you free stuff you complain about it on this next post op works in it he is not a professional crafter he just likes to make handmade jewelry in his free time anyways op posted a photo of a handmade silver ring that he made for his wife and then beneath that post on facebook people start replying beautiful they're so beautiful opie's sister says can you make me one please let me know how much you charge and opie replies to his sister don't worry about the money i have some scrap silver that i can use but if you want it in gold i can look up some prices and that's when the choosing beggar posts hi these are really pretty it's my girl's birthday next month and it's been a really hard year for the kids could you please make me 20 i want to put one in each gift bag make two of them in gold for me in blank and the rest all in silver for the gift bags could you have them delivered to me by the end of this month op replies i'm sorry there isn't really any way that i can make 18 silver and two gold rings by the end of the month i don't have that much silver and i don't keep gold i mean the materials alone would be over 300 pounds 125 pounds for silver and 200 pounds for gold it takes me quite a few hours to make the rings and get them looking like this it takes me at least two evenings after work per ring you might be better off getting costume rings or trying a shop that can sell them to you what the heck this is awful service i want to help and support you so why can't you pay for the material and make these for me i want to put them in my daughter's birthday gift bags do it as a favor if all you really want is the money i can pay you 10 pounds each for the silver rings and 15 for the gold rings why not just do it as a birthday present to my daughter can you take a few vacation days off work and have these made for me there is no way that i would actually believe that this person wants to give away rings for gift bags for her daughter's birthday i would bet any amount of money that she's just trying to guilt-trip op into giving her a free ring so she can turn around and sell them on this next post op makes files for 3d printing and he receives this message hi why don't you give out your 3d files for us to print with our own printers it's effing selfish dude you should send the files to me on thingiverse so i don't have to spend 400 on your stupid garbage don't be a tool you greedy bastard let us make the stuff that you make too hi choosing beggar i'm sorry that you feel that way but this is my full-time job i spent a lot of time making the models in the prince i supply a quality service to the members of the siege community and they're more than happy to support me your stuff sucks dude you better let us make them or i'll find your place and you'll regret it this choosing beggar your stuff sucks also this choosing beggar please give it to me i want it so bad does anyone have a tv they don't want and want to get rid of that's in perfect shape i'm currently looking for a new tv because ours has stopped working thank you yeah i've got one it's not a flat screen though you can pick it up just outside of blank message me if you're interested oh yeah we're looking for a flat screen at least 47 inches hi my name is blank i'm a young independent photographer instabati looking to move into a cozy place long term with a couple of housemates my job is in between busy patches so naturally i wouldn't be able to pay rent but i more than make up for this by doing the dishes cleaning the house and providing everyone with a fun cool vibe a couple of rules i must have all female housemates sorry guys vegans only no murderers preferably music friendly i'm a master of the drums and kalimba no noise after 10 pm my current landlord gave me two weeks notice so i'm looking to move out soon hit me up if you're interested cowabunga down in the comments i'm gonna read this post from teenage mustache gary your rent is due huh what about my vibes can i pay in vibes your vibes are to pleasure yourself in bed until noon and they complain that we're out of toilet paper yeah but what about the chilled toons i play yeah you've played the same three morrissey songs on repeat get out so speaking of playing things on repeat if you have a google or an amazon device you can say hey device play the latest r slash podcast episode you know just thought i'd throw that out there that was our slash choosing beggars and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 366,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: uEF2qZCc0PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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