r/Blursedimages | I want to eat that

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um okay donald duck is coming for your butt what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk before we dive into some delicious post we have some very exciting news we here at mk finally have our own merch in the form of this poster it's made from 100 real poster contains actual colors and definitely does not move when you're not looking at it you can get one of these posters for your home apartment or abandoned castle right now but they're available in limited quantities so make sure to grab one now at mkshop.com that link is in the description below now let's get started i can show you oh it's it's a green screen i can show you chrono key you know there's not actually a lot of green in that movie at least in my recollection uh this is plausible i don't like this i love the art this was not how i wanted to learn my abcs though oh somebody forgot the makeup this this kind of stuff actually happens a lot in tv and in movies and i could see somebody being like yeah we're not gonna deal with the red body paint as much as possible around the white shirt featured artists avenged sevenfold veggietales slipknot you ever get that strange feeling like i don't think i belong here that's where these sentient crimes against nature have found themselves ah that that is literally your mother's back do it i dare you the avengers ding ding ding ding ding oh man i need a xylophone now barbie's first ouija board totally yes totally no look everyone ernie's the top and bertha oh that answers a lot of questions actually well that's my childhood ruined my prediction for year 2020 is that everyone will live peacefully and they will cure every disease there is ah really kevin really kevin kevin it's a cat duck scratch rick i kind of want one now this is something lexicorp would invent uh self checkout lane three is open oh yeah very nice thank you very much chuggers cottage cheese the the the drink you chew oh um oh god ah besides it being disgusting the the number of yeah you know what i'm not gonna get us demonetized uh do the math yourself wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you know no no no when you make it no when a pawn makes the other side of the board and becomes a queen you do not have to physically shove the pawn up the uh nose of the queen just saying okay i don't play clash of clans i think it's a multiplayer game i don't really play multiplayer games that but um okay now i think it's a photoshop i thought this was like a promotional thing like mountain dew does the the game promotions all the time yeah if people somebody is going to enjoy this joke and probably can be many people and you can feel free to make fun of me in the comments goodbye this is this is the only way to ride splash mountain i think that's splash mountain i remember being vaguely like log themed i don't remember this is genius that no part of this is cursed though ah and we found the cursed one hey what do you have in your toast in the morning oh i like butter what about you colgate jesus christ this is something straight off my twitter hello this is the collision investigation we're here to investigate the collision it's your fault oh oh i can't unsee that now oh i can't unsee that now at all ed sheeran is now permanently chucky this is a crossover fan art this is not curse it's fine this is cool it's actually really freaking well done send in the croissant oh my lord it is too dangerous send his buttery flaky crustiness in there right now as you wish my lord can you just imagine like a giant stack of croissants running at you at about 50 miles an hour and about 14 feet tall no no i'm not going to you can do that that um i you did not just oh my god leona or i don't know what the name is but of all the scenes in the lion king you had to make this one good lord did they not pay you or something like was this a personal vendetta a fish fish fish fish fish fish fish i for one personally endorse pengut you know if we didn't have to worry about copyright i would mix together thomas the tank engine theme song and deja vu for you uh but i don't think we can do that um but yes multi-track drifting james is going to be so jealous i'm just changing a tire just uh just uh that that's not i also the car has dropped so low you're not gonna get the tire off you'll never stop me is this what happens when you eat too many jawbreakers cause like uh if ed and neddy taught me anything jawbreakers can physically just like change the shape of your head so i i think this this guy's just like you know stole three jawbreakers and it's just walking around like no no no please don't god ah the stuff i see in i.t you know never mind i just whatever it's it's your phone just don't set fire to anything and don't ask me to fix it a null zone yeah i know i know what it's supposed to say i'm trying to not get us demonetized butts fire it fuels me and also i want to take a nap in front of it i've seen this hundreds of times it's not blessed or well it's it's a little you know it's it's walleyed um but it's blessed because it has a puppy in it at the end gordon ramsay and uh elon musk [Applause] gabe and todd howard um that that one's slightly less disturbing i'm not sure what's going on with the neck but that that that's okay family guy uh see no i can't get mad at this because like the art's just too good yeah i don't see i don't care how cursed something is or you want to make it i i i if if your art's really good actually no i take that back i take that i thought no i take that back imagine a pikachu the size of like a fairly tall teenager just walked up to you it was like pika paying a baker oh i love this like kaiju sesame street oh we need more of this oh i love this i want a whole show on that shadow realm no i'm sending you to florida remember kids if you don't eat your fruits and vegetables you get fuzzy bones soft hairy fuzzy bones you know i'd make fun of this but uh i i i can't see for crap because my optic nerves are crap so um yeah i'd actually use this actually my my main editing display is a 49-inch ultrawide and my main desktop monitor is a 55-inch i'm blind this looks great oh no oh no no no no no no no no we're not doing this we're not doing gary's mod in real life well yeah i mean uh the hair checks it out so this is the wardrobe actually oh wow i i don't i don't know what's going on here i'm a little bit concerned please do not chuck the flip-flop at the child during the haircut oh oh no oh that can't be real that's got to be like an obvious plan something yeah that's not um oh dear oh yeah i'm not gonna say anything about this one hilarious but no the elder scrolls five skyrim eagle edition nice boots okay all right um these posts were collected like i got like probably like a few days ago um but the hurricane ida just hit new york city and we had like massive amounts of flooding so you know what this is too on the nose frack you in your time travel i know it's not technically but still can we not thank you okay cursed image uh but this is how you sell something like the dead series because everyone will stop and look at that and then be like oh wait it's an a3 in the laminator i might actually need that for 50 50 pounds that this is how you sell an item i mean if you're desperate i used a weed whacker with a little tiny carrying thing as a lawnmower for like a year so you know what more power to you ingenuity and all that did you just peel a watermelon what is wrong with society burn it all down shwarna nachos unrelated but this is also how you sell something mongolia and turkey by their powers combined become monkey huh did not see that coming these belong in every cvs ever a fine boy he something on a white text on yellow background a heckin chunker hefty chunk mega choker oh i can't i no no no no no no what did i just say olaf don't you freaking dare i will take thermite to your tiny fragile form oh but olaf is medic no and i'm done with them you fight security shed a pet has been spotted man i was just trying to take a poop in peace saint safe please do touch them butts i am the singing ant on the flip side of that imagine how scary the army of ends would have been if they came singing like dwarves just like marching over hill just a bunch of trees singing really low rumbly work war songs like dwarves that'd be terrifying it's five o'clock dude dude dude no no it's it's a bunch of axolotls in a pool in minecraft i why is it circular i'm just getting into minecraft like i'm just making some videos i'm like i don't know much about minecraft the circle looks weird there's probably something else i'm missing too but the axolotls are cute there's probably something terribly wrong with this you insulted dw oh radiation thank you daddy son obama and thanos the rock i'm perfectly comfortable with this logic i like it sandwich hub sandwiches that'll oh okay all right i mean that's a bold claim ah i assume they can get out of the the claim because of the way they sell they spelled that last word spider deer oh god i love it oh this is something straight i like to go oh my god i love it it can be friends with my spider geese uh i'm i'm sorry are you getting your back scratched by a freaking excavator dude you're putting a lot of faith in your operator there i mean some of them are that good i've seen what some of the operators are capable of it's amazing but oh my god no i i don't i it's made out of something else isn't it i still don't care i hate it now burn it and that was the day jeremy the intern got fired from the museum yeah that the whole face in the cardboard cutout thing uh does not work when it's a tiny face inside the face it just turns into asdf movies i'm gonna punch your face in the face so see i know the context of this image uh was was that they sold the house but babies will fetch you a pretty penny too i um no my voice is fried from the donald duck thing uh i i can't do this one but i love it oh dude dude you know what's next you gotta do it for it do it fulfill your destiny again somebody put a lot of effort into this and i kind of approved spongeboss and patrick head no sponge head and pedis have you ever been so desperate for a spoon that you took your angle grinder to a piece of pipe no then you are weak and puny and will not survive the future i think they just look so human-like what the [ __ ] are they doing on our lawn they're gonna mess up my flower bed okay um i i do fighting moves yes okay i i don't know any of these i trust you that that seems like it makes sense and uh you know what that works when did we get a dollar sign on the controller as a musician though i'd probably actually play the game on the bottom row introducing the new straw infor combo the stroke tapered lip hugging mouthpiece for the world's most luxurious slurping experience slurping experience stroke easy flow quad tine intake system for optimal broth consumption the stroke ow warn me before giving my eyes a stroke oh that looks safe she lied vigorously uh how tall is danny devito danny devito is 0.0007937 nautical miles tall thank you google what what what the [ __ ] is this it's the only ps5 you can get right now i never asked for this i guess there's more terminator than you get the point i'm gonna balance everything get out of london no seriously there are craps here get out get out of london master chief ooh edition genuinely surprised it took this long oh dear god oh run oh you are surrounded by powers you do not know run oh we can't um no no no i'm not gonna say no buy a new light fixture oh my god it's literally vector oh my god he had to do that on purpose he even has a slouch and everything that that was that was on purpose i'm guessing this is like a halloween thing but but yeah that's beautiful schwarzenegger stars in predator love is blind but he's got thermal vision crystal rock water oh the truck got thirsty he's having a little drink that's cute nature is so beautiful and if you enjoy mk remember to check out our limited run of posters at mkshop.com it's like a physical video you can hang on your wall that doesn't move or so you think also it's got a stonks meme in it name one other poster you have that has a stonks meme in it and if you guys really love this uh we might make more merch in the future but for now grab one of these limited run posters while you still can as always my name is thelex kitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 261,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: hRaxbB2ntz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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