r/ATBGE | comically large hat

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the flesh mouse with 32 dpi teeth and realistic clicking action [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexi and welcome back to mk today's sub has a name that sounds like a yelp review for somebody who had a mediocre snack during the french revolution awful taste but great execution let's get started these comical anime swords the top brasses from us air force awards each other with the order of the sword i never understood why the air force i know it's a ceremonial thing but i never understood why the air force had swords it's kind of hilarious to imagine an a10 war dog flipping upside down a guy popping out of the cockpit and going [Applause] how is this great execution i'm sorry that this is just weird all right i'm seeing the awful taste and i mean technically it's a full bathroom i guess god why is it uncomfortably ergonomic why are there butt sinks blood earrings made in america where else do you think these would be made look i enjoy a good day at the range but uh this is tacky this is tacky and embarrassing and why everyone hates us it's a fish cake no no we we had this trend last year we're not doing more cakes no cake is this theodore roosevelt welded to a horse all right i'll give it to you that's impressive this screams like american roadshow kind of stuff i've seen enough of these in dorm rooms and even in shops in new york city to actually be desensitized to them and they're actually really comfortable but yeah they're still pretty tacky oh my hulk hey so what do you think the inside of the car is going to look like well we're going to gut strawberry shortcake and shake her like a pinata until her stomach ropes come out i never turn the light off or on or just no no no i don't no i'm good yeah no and a home terrible as a public installation would be kind of cool terrible to clean but kind of cool jackson pollock was here some people are just really dedicated about corn oh there's the rest of the corn who goes into a furniture store and they're like oh what kind of upholstery would you like corn florida woman i'm a missile i i'm not gonna say anything bad about the darth vader car that's that the amount of work that went into that you can debate on the amount of taste but the amount of effort that went in deserves respect this company intentionally dents its bags as a design i present to you the equivalent of ripped jeans for bags god i'm uncomfortable no it doesn't look good i'm sure you had this like weathered travel you know beaten look in your head but it didn't work honey it didn't work found on our slash next fracking level the dog is a cake too can you not can we stop it with the that's a cake yes i know the thing on the right is a cake but that that dog is a cake oh this is getting under we need like realism markers please dora the camino no no it doesn't have taste it almost had taste it's got skill it's got execution but it ain't got taste the face house in kyoto japan what style would you like this car chester cheeto diarrhea this is the big mouth billy bass counterpart for toilet paper big butt billy bass flesh tar give flesh i especially like the input the quarter inch jack just going what wallpaper can we get set up for you oh i like the red one with the little sprig at the bottom oh sure yeah and i'd like it on everything i'm sorry on everything oh okay we'll put it on all four walls everything fork bracelet y'all never made these in like grade school with the cafeteria wait i'm sorry is that a crime is that a crime what's the statute of limitations on defacing cafeteria silverware mother of god this piece of lingerie oh i was expecting the mother of god meme on a piece of lingerie but i guess you know you can bring god into the bedroom with you oh heavenly father is this bad taste it's probably bad taste i don't i think this is kind of cool like i genuinely if the guitar is cracked or irreparably damaged or something you can make furniture out of it i don't know that's just me it is this lisa frank on a wig lisa frank yes harry lisa frank no so what kind of haircut would you like corners well that's embarrassingly gamer you think you're brave shine a black light on this car the horse lover's birthday why is it always cake no stop it why what are those look really cool oh oh they're oh they're tentacles oh god no no no no no no no no located at a bar in shinjuku japan i hope i got that right there is a bathroom with a giant head located in front of the toilet activated by the pressure from the seat the face sings a strange shrunken tune and slowly moves towards you making the room smaller and smaller until it slips kiss your knees well i hate it this looks really cute until the first time it gets dirty and then you realize you have to clean it i thought this kit was beautiful but somebody told me you guys might like it here so um i i think it's fine like the molding's a little weird on the head but like this is fine this is just loud and i'm fine with it honestly it's many bright colorful and shiny things adhd brain likes it ah yes the hearse for sonic gotta go fast [Laughter] oh this is weird ah taxidermy gets so weird i'm kind of okay with the guy on the left everyone else didn't burn it molar bearing oh curse no no that's no stop that i respect this for the humor alone this is like the smart cars monster truck it's fine it's yes surprise your mug is ahead i can make a blind joke here but i'm not going to because the uh eye on the left right there is throwing some serious shade at the rest of the hand and i find that more funny um is this just straight hating on my little pony or is there actually something creepy in here i think it's just hating on my little pony yeah i'm not gonna hate on my little pony this is just this is just a fandom computer picklebops however can burn that is no no no i hate it redneck engineering you all need to get used to that ah that's i really hope you use like broken stuff or casts or something no there's a plug-in no wait no that's a light plug this might not be original ps1 hardware if it is i'm disappointed are are these like sports sportsball teams or something it's vile but but happy sports i don't i don't know putting your foot into a bowl of food is not typically a positive experience although i'm sure somebody in the internet pays for it this one i'm having problems with um these looks like boots i own except mine are black the the side zipper is a pocket you put like extra cash and stuff in i carry around a little multi-tool in there i i don't i don't have a problem with this i'm sorry i just find it useful next pose this is a cool idea again actually you know good execution but i'm i'm less concerned about the poor taste and i'm more concerned about the center of the table just collapsing at any second this seems like something a chiropractor would buy and be like ah that's funny and everyone else would walk into the office and just be like uh cool idea mediocre execution not actually that practical no i hate these i they keep showing up like everywhere kotaku stop advertising these oh the comedy value of the suit has to be appreciated but yeah that's um that's scarish oh oh um there you no no no there's too much you want back here i don't think this post can afford my therapy rates who even thought this was a good idea pick the big giant you know over priced lawyer chair or pick the the reclining puffy chair what you look like you just married the two and it looks like a bloated headcrab is on top of your chair i am impressed however that you managed to invent a chair with no shadow oh we don't need this no stop this this is a waste of plastic what is this nice legs nice hips grenades made out of watch parts i found the source of the ticking it's a pipe bomb that's that's just embarrassing on all fronts i'm not even sure what you're selling or advertising or trying to to look like it just i see the word gecko and that's about it this content oh my god a condom blanket and pillow really that is unfortunately very high quality why did you put this much effort into it that was actually a lot of fun i enjoyed that subreddit but wait we've got more for you to enjoy with some lovely fan art today's fan art is brought to you by quinn's curse and they say a drawing i did of lexi hey that's me oh this is really cute and also probably exactly my facial expression when i saw that taxidermy thank you so much quinn's curse and if you enjoyed this subreddit as much as i did hit that like button if you want more five year crafts in your subscriptions feed hit that red subscribe button as always my name is the lexy kitty but you all can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 186,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, ATBGE
Id: PLyv6bBg6eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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