r/Blursedimages | grinded for this view

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oh nice you got that curved storage it's a lot faster people don't really realize that but when you bend your pcbs you get better performance in general hey how's it going everybody welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to take a look at blurst images we'll see what kind of balance we get this time although i am feeling very cursed i'm feeling we're gonna get a lot more cursed than blessed without much further ado let's hop in okay i see we're starting off very strong in the direction of cursed good god hey i'm real tired of seeing this image it was gross the first hundred times it's gross now oh what this isn't real right like please tell me this isn't real [Laughter] one of the many dangers of owning a cat it's gonna show you its butthole and do other things with it too you're not gonna like it ah that's really well done how much you wanna bet it tastes freaking awful though how come there's not a law that states that all propane canisters have to look like that that's awesome i would really like to know where this is and what those guys are headed to but then i look over and see the person doing the splits to ensure they're not allowed to sit down what a petty maneuver but a great way to show off your flexibility okay we got regular slicing we got party slicing and uh solo slicing yeah i think i'm still gonna cut it into triangles or squares man i'm not gonna do that whole slurping it up like it's a giant ramen noodle thing i don't like getting grease all over my face least of all that way where the heck can i get my limited edition kool-aid jammer's kicks and look it's the addition that has the nutrition facts facing up all right fine i also wouldn't mind getting me some coca-cola slides i had to grind for this view guys grind a zero euro coin absolutely brilliant it's almost as worthless as the american penny this one's really messing with my brain i don't like it at all well it was nice knowing you guys but this is where we part ways forever until we meet again in hell um uh uh i i don't know about this one at all i can't wrap my mind around this i just can't is this gonna be the new peak of fashion cause i think this kid is rocking the paper bag look i mean seriously i can't pull that off can you nice this is what we in the biz call a catastrophic failure you're probably just going to want to buy a whole new pc at this point and probably best not to play doom eternal again it is a game forged in the fires of mount doom after all most pcs can't handle it oh ain't that just the sweetest thing now i'm not afraid to watch the movies anymore i've seen the nicer side of the xenomorph hey man what time is it it's about f 1 58 o'clock i think it's fun to stay at the ymca you know this is my kind of tour group yes i bought this cat rug that came to life meow oh my god oh no thank you absolutely no thank you looks like a cross between a wet polar bear and your average household cat and i don't like that mix ooh ooh yeah um no i'm sorry i'm gonna give this one a no way too cursed holy crap don't even bother trying to fight this one you are so far outmatched i can't even begin to describe it will crush you oh no way when did they change the design of the two liter bottles nice a julius caesar pen holder draw squidward okay there's our reference all right yeah perfect step one start with a circle step two draw the rest of squidward oh boy you best be freaking terrified of whatever they're looking at if you can't readily see what they're seeing it's probably a ghost i want to find a new place to live hell yeah twins high five oop too high well life imitates art guys i absolutely adore that as apprehensive as obama is to shake this weird horseman's hand he's still doing it anyway show me a photo of trump giving our inter-species friends the same courtesy i don't think you can hell yeah man i remember when we used to take mirror selfies with wait a minute oh my god ready to fight oh boy this is the showdown of a lifetime sons of [ __ ] this is where nike got the logo they lifted it right off of this poor guy's entire look do you think nike's paid this guy a cent i don't think so god damn dude what'd you buy looks like a tiny bottle of hand sanitizer a box of something and another box of something and you've got a 400-foot receipt now i don't care about the dumb photo on the right i'm looking at that receipt cvs the hell wrong with you you know the golden ratio was fantastic and i absolutely adore that the more i look at this image the more i get an accidental renaissance kind of a vibe also hey that guy missed so good on you i suppose dude wonder where he's at now holy crap just when you thought your cosplay was good now that's a rarity usually the grease pattern for burgers is just the united states but you know every now and then you get the whole world well i won't lie to you guys this may have awoken something in me but as we all know it's a trap whoa okay i'll get your food right away sir no need to get aggressive no need to beat the crap out of me again just give me one minute i refuse to believe that narwhals are actually real i mean they can't be right it's not possible how can they be real but unicorns can't be i don't get it how much you want to bet our friend here got a dui in his real car and this is the only way he can legally get around driving now you ever see a fake movie poster that's incredibly ridiculous but you know the moment you see it deep down in your very being you need it look the keanu sans the past few years has been coming in hard okay we need more keanu let's go let's get him hell yeah my man look at that big old smile ain't nothing keeping that marine down although might i suggest you should have some kind of augment that you can pop on the stub there that's giving a middle finger because a lot of people need that these days as well alright i'm gonna steer clear of the hospital whose logo includes hanging entire families by their necks apparently i mean look at them the poles that are hanging them there are even off-center jesus it's like they designed it to look like that on purpose here oh would you look at that someone got a tattoo of my kitten yes i have a kitten her name is munchkin i've got a billion pictures of her on my twitter oh how sweet the hell is that thing oh my god oh not today you creepy ghost fiend son of a [ __ ] that bunny would eat him alive ah there it is again life continues to imitate art it's absolutely beautiful no way it was them you know what they say it's nerf or nothing [Music] okay okay this is what i'm talking about we need more comparisons like this holy crap oh i get it ain't that just crafty as hell i'm not a tmnt fan but this is freaking cool yeah i'm just gonna go out on a limb and say we absolutely should not mess with this guy but on the other hand if the hulk wasn't even really strong enough to use that damn thing more than once what in the world makes this guy think he'll be able to handle that a lightsaber and all them goddamn wrist watches yes i understand that they're not wrist watches no need to correct me i have the high ground and the low ground oh look it's oh oh dear must be a really good book you know when they started saying reduce reuse recycle i don't think they had this in mind in particular but i gotta give them props for at least trying to give that motto a little bit of a heyday i'm very glad i wasn't the only one who saw this as the most supportive mountain in the world spider cat spider cat does whatever a spider cat does because it's a little [ __ ] who likes scratching up chairs and biting my hand and hurting everybody hey there what are you playing never mind i don't need to know financial mistake well i'm happy that you're admitting it see admitting your mistakes is the first step to eventually never making that mistake again yeah i got nothing here i've got absolutely nothing my brain has run dry for this one i really hope you don't regret that one in a few years my good man ah what a cute little oh oh my god it's the cosplay we didn't know we needed but i'm sure as hell glad it's here right now this is great oh my god what the hell happened to your coke bottle did this happen before you bought it did you do something to it after it it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter maybe we don't need an explanation for this one if you go screw it dude and he got two monitors and a light up keyboard just go home oh see this is why i don't have a light up keyboard anymore hmm what the hell is going on here i demand an explanation whoa man you even got the monk pissed off enough to flip you off what did you do man well this guy certainly didn't skip head day i'm gonna bet you a billion dollars that i don't have right now that that's exactly who they based that character's looks off of someone just saw a photo of bill gates from the 70s or 80s and went yeah that's our next villain right there perfect or you know that could have just been the style from the time period they were going for with this movie but i'm gonna stick with the head cannon that they based it off of bill gates directly it's more fun that way oh yeah yeah i don't like that at all but then again how many of these have i liked so what else is new man snakes on a plane would have been vastly different if this was the case oh no god why why does this image appear so often for me get it away looks like you morphed his head in gmod it's awful was this supposed to be his attempt at an iron man cosplayer is there something else at work here because i'm thoroughly confused that's my kind of vandalism i tell you what although i don't want to go i don't want to go anywhere near that light [Laughter] no is this a is this a jojo reference still haven't seen it still never will going with the sack of potatoes look yeah that's a look i can totally respect guys jesus christ that family sometimes things that are expensive are worse hell yeah the puzzle of peppa pig if you get bored doing that one at least you got a snack i too will do several hour-long planks just to see my glow-in-the-dark dinosaur toys you would better hope your car can go a lot faster than it's going right now because if you can't outrun that god help you ah there it is it's the master chef ha ha i'm guessing this is going to be the first live-action pixar movie we're going to get right right disney you stupid idiots too bad that's not going to change anybody's mind it's quite an effective tool but not for the people that are addicted to this crap already oh dear oh no no no no no some decisions were made i'm not exactly sure what decisions but decisions nonetheless oh would you look at that the sweetest relationship ever look even i am okay with pineapple on pizza but if you just slap the sauce down and then throw a single ring right on top of there you might be a little crazy also in before everybody in the comments starts fighting about pineapple we did no pineapple on peter it's 20 20 guys we've got bigger freaking fish to fry i'm very happy that they're finally putting backup lights and turning signals in there for when i need to back that ass up wow lovely drawings jack you're so talented yeah what's your deviantart see why did we need to do this when king of the hill is already a great anime that stands on its own two feet i see this as highly unnecessary hey what phone did you get yeah i got the apple galaxy 8 plus nice a pair of loafers seriously it would take me a little while to get used to those though because that is some serious photo realism in there and i would kind of question sticking my feet into giant pieces of bread all the time that's the slide that separates the boys from the men now this guy's living summer to the fullest he's living the baja blast he's chugging the baja blast hell he's even bathing in the baja blast what the hell happened to the mystery machine also why is it a volkswagen all of a sudden we can pretend all we want but the patterns they use for bus seats and train seats are pretty freaking cool i'm actually curious as to how he got this shirt though what the hell she angry about oh yep there she is that's her you have to keep yourself relaxed on set somehow okay he could be sitting there for 14 hours waiting for one shot what the hell else is he supposed to do ma'am what happened to your hair it's gone also one of your eyebrows man that is some thick bread dude serious rollage your underwear looks suspiciously like a cat or vice versa i suppose finally we're accepting the fact that those guys have always kind of looked a little bit like bananas also is that a straight banana that we're looking at on the left oh my god it's him it's garth maul oh my god if i had seen that thing i would have bought it immediately oh my god it looks just like me yeah i feel that guys sometimes you just gotta sit down and deal with it okay simple and wait a minute what the hell guys how am i supposed to do that all i'm gonna say is i don't have big boobs so if i wore that shirt i wouldn't need to worry about distorting her face you know so i feel like i could pull it off this is a highly chaotic image not for anything going on in the background because that all looks relatively normal but just this chubby shirtless kid really rocking it out and i don't even think he's a part of the real picture remember guys everything is photoshopped i mean i knew obama was ripped but i didn't know he was that swolled up knock knock open up the door it's affordable that pair do be looking kind of thick though oh now it's just trashy god some people really do take it to the absolute next level don't they you've gotta admire that well they don't call him eminem for nothing after all their prophecy has always been foretold missed out last time sadly so reposting for mk to see oh hey look it's me every day of my life in a spotlight a spotlight of despair of course and just like that we've come to the end of another video folks i know it makes me sad too just remember that if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed also don't forget to click that bell icon that way you'll know every time we upload and until next time i'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 402,807
Rating: 4.9482136 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages emkay, blursedimages, blursedimages emkay, emkay blursedimages, blessedimages, blessed images, r/blessedimages, blessedimages emkay, blessed images emkay, r/blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages
Id: pKcFaP2n7NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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