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this clay art sculpture i made it also glows under a black light oh cool so proud of you oh my god it got so much worse with the black light what's going on everybody welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking another look at r slash awful taste but great execution not a fan of this one i really hate the cursed crap we're gonna get to see an earring that stops you from losing your air pods oh boy oh wow it's almost like regular headphones worked just fine and they were a lot harder to lose than these guys but hey you know what you do you what in the absolute fresh hell is this is that a xenomorph that's your coffee table and you got weird taste but whoever put this together they are mad talented art made from cigarettes oh that already sounds gross ah look at that it actually looks kind of pretty from a distance i don't know what the hell kind of art it's supposed to be but that is a lot of cancer right there regardless disgusting oh my god how was this great execution at all this place is hideous and disgusting all around dude whoa that's one way to ruin a perfectly good truck like completely and utterly destroy a perfectly good truck i uh i don't understand i mean it's kind of pretty i guess it's a nice gold color hope it's not actually made out of solid gold that'd be a little bit crappy but at least hey the honeybees are getting some recognition in art because they are mega adorable i'll give them that holy god is there no end to people's insanity i am not particularly trypophobic i probably can get super mega grossed out by this if i just continue to stare at it but i so apologize for those of you out there that are because this guy well he deserves to die that's gotta be the most uncomfortable ride in the world i'm guessing it would be incredibly bumpy no matter how exact the measurements were for those fake wheels it's not gonna feel too good on the testes no no no oh yeah you laugh now but just wait till it floods this guy's gonna be the only one in town who's gonna make it out i mean look the pickup truck next to him isn't even remotely as high no there's definitely no way that's real also how's this great execution it does not look anything like bill gates at all i put my guinea pig's bladder stone into a necklace lmao wow good for you you were that girl in high school huh did you gallop around and sh well uh i guess we can consider that great execution i don't i don't know it looks like it belongs at a trailer trash version of the haunted mansion you know what i mean you know instead of the doom buggy sitting outside with the invisible horse there's this freaking thing i don't understand exactly what i'm looking at here it's not a purse i guess it's a piece of jewelry but the tackiest thing i've ever it's a chair you're wearing a chair how is this fun yeah mad flex bro all right and now we've come to the first one that is not awful taste and it's fantastic execution i don't understand what's so awful taste about this legitimately explain it to me right now spider cow in front of a 1.9 million dollar house all right um i want to request that if i buy the home the previous owners will be taking that monstrosity away or we're gonna have one hell of a bonfire okay come on that's actually kind of funny i don't feel like it's that distracting sure they're gonna notice they're gonna go hey you got a crab on your ear that's cute all right let's get to ihop these ones aren't nearly as fun as the crab earrings just not even remotely okay what in the absolute hell are these supposed to be we've got a a jackrabbit a dog but they're both rainbow lollipop humanoids i don't know man they're terrible hey this just in i'm putting in my two weeks notice now that is the worst thing i've ever seen great job on the makeup though dude but wow you really need to reprioritize what you're using your talent on what in the hell fashion shows are just terrible they're just terrible you get crap like this way too often up in there chicken nugget earrings finally someone understands true culture oh god oh i am hating this sub more and more with each post oh god i don't care how good they taste i'm not putting something that looks like that in my mouth well you've got your own style and sense of fashion i'll give you that i'm not gonna give you anything else though mmm the feet bed i wish i could burn my eyes out of my head or at the very least find something that can wipe my memory of seeing this image got a bunch of flowers that are made to look like a burning cigarette wow what's up with the cigarette art i don't get it okay don't worry furry mona lisa is not real she can't hurt you not yet at least what the hell that's one heck of a gamer chair i don't want it though dude nice prawn glasses bro there are those shrimp you know what i don't think it matters they're kind of disgusting either way you know i've been forgetting about the whole great execution bit and to really appreciate the talent that went into at least putting these hideous monstrosities together well enough but some of them just aren't doing it for me you know like this guitar doesn't matter if it's got great execution what the hell am i supposed to do with that guitar can't play it and then this it's awful taste and awful execution come on oh i get it it's an igloo made out of igloo coolers they actually did a pretty good job putting that one together so i'll give them the great execution there an ikea receipt rug cool i guess it'll really tie your ikea household together at the end won't it and suddenly i'm furious again okay whoa hold on i have seen these before this one's in terrible condition just fix it up and you got the cutest little novelty bike on the block okay okay a regular old hunting knife nothing weird about this one by any means the mcpocket knife or mcpm2 to be exact you know times have really changed since i was a kid they're giving out some weird stuff and happy meals now well that's not the worst ball cap i've ever seen a lamp that looks like a jello mold oh that's one of the most disgusting pieces of decor i've ever seen although you can bet if i saw it at a thrift store i would buy it just to tell people that i have the worst lamp in human history it would not be sitting anywhere out in the public eye i'd have to bring it out of storage that's not the point oh these would be perfect for your nautical themed man cave if you're making one i don't know you oh well it was kind of cool up until the lego head was put in there finally a pair of shoes that'll actually fit my enormous feet i don't trust a tattoo artist that doesn't tell people hey this is a very stupid idea objectively speaking this is terrible now that being said are you sure you want to spend 600 on me doing that dog mullet oh i'm afraid to look at this one oh that's not too terrible i guess my girlfriend's grandpa was an executive at mcdonald's a long time ago he received this gift for his years of service a solid gold big mac necklace well i just realized what my career path should be i want that necklace time to work at mcdonald's for 30 years not quite as cool as getting a sword and shield for working at blizzard but it's kind of neat i guess nice i don't think this is even remotely real though so not really great execution is it ah look at that it's mcnugget o'clock alright everybody get in the car we're gonna go get some nuggies in this house it is always time for chicken mcnuggets peanut suit worn by a peanut vendor wow you really out there hustling though dude advertising the crap out of his product i what the hell is this what is this why does it belong here at all it's not greatly executed in any way i hate whoever made this yeah all my weight goes to my legs no not my thighs my legs it's kind of awkward but i can't stop eating them cheeseburgers alright well let's look at this objectively hummers are stupid and they're horrible cars whatever we're over that but the color i think that's where we should really draw the line i'm not saying it's a bad color on its own but on such a terrible car it's not doing anybody any favors i've i don't even know what i'm looking at man but i know it's terrible and i am moving on what's up with people's obsessions with weird baby heads and [ __ ] man oh look it's a severed bratz doll head that you can grow a cactus out of how fun good for you oh my god just keep it at the line work please please please don't ask the guy to color it in whatever you do these condom ravioli posted on a facebook group that is a brand new sentence let's see do they taste good probably not ah yes i got nothing i'm sorry this is horrifying what in the world worst part is you can tell a rich person either commissioned or made this what is wrong with people that have money hey [Laughter] i hate this sub so much well it's far from the worst thing we've seen tacky but at least it's got some kind of cute to it this russian mobster's gravestone wow how expensive was that geez okay come on those are pretty nifty alright that is some cool craftsmanship and while i'm not a fan of the skull aesthetic really anymore because i'm a grown-up it's still pretty cool holy god jesus please have mercy on my mortal soul look at that heel how is that even remotely safe to have on a shoe someone's ankles are gonna snap the wrong direction how everything's square what happened i don't care breakfast foods breakfast food i'm gonna eat the crap out of all this dude that's fine you can have those just please only wear them inside nice the tail really pulls the whole thing together for sure oh nice and by nice i mean holy crap i hate you so much i uh made a toilet seat guitar well good for you i guess it doesn't even sound like this guy's proud of it i did it i suppose perfect wall decoration just a bunch of paper designed to clean your ass oh dude what the f [Music] well after all i've seen no surprises here oh my god no way i accidentally found this chair on my own about a week ago and i dubbed it the single ugliest chair in human existence it's a 2500 executive office chair that honestly if you own it well let's just say good for you buddy good for you this amazing wig made out of 10 000 safety pins i am not putting anything like that on my head hey uh you're bleeding yeah don't worry it's just my hair a hyper realistic baby's head for a doll nothing gets creepier than this if anybody walks into your home and sees your hyper-realistic baby doll and doesn't book it out of there they're in big big trouble or will be later on in life because they are psychotic just like you okay that's actually kind of a neat cosplay i suppose i don't know if you're supposed to be anybody i know he's a giant eyeball monster but more like a dungeons and dragons enemy of some kind kind of like a baby beholder or one of the beholder's eyes fell off and became its own person you know suddenly i'm not hungry for spaghetti anymore but thank you for inviting me over anyway lovely piercings i'm sure that won't be a problem at all in your future i don't know about this one there's something fishy about it i just can't quite put my finger on it and on that note the torture is finally over everyone we finally come to the end of this horrible journey but before we get going let's take a look at today's fan art shall we mk icon plus robin my favorite voice over man quick and dirty sketch that turned out pretty good hey we need more quick and dirty sketches all right i love it we need more asap also favorite what are you crazy come on don't flatter me always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed the video well make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and if you're feeling super generous why not check out my links in the description down below and until next time i'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 310,946
Rating: 4.9454446 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, ATBGE
Id: fKS_2_sgvIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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