Ranking EVERY Race in Baldur's Gate 3 from WORST to BEST - Baldur's Gate 3 Tier List

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in Baldur's Gate 3 you can play as a sturdy dwarf a tiefling harnessing infernal power or a gold Dragonborn in the pursuit of Justice there's all kinds of races in Baldur's Gate 3 for you to pick from and today I'm going to be diving deep into the heart of the characters creation process of the game hello everyone my name is dark hero welcome back to my channel and today I'm going to be ranking every playable race in Baldur's Gate 3 dissecting their strengths weaknesses and unique benefits in a tier list format so you know what is the best race for you to pick for your characters of course keep in mind that while each race and sub race does have its own unique benefits and attributes they aren't as important in bg3 as they are independent paper Dungeons and Dragons where picking a certain race actually affects your ability score and even if that were the case bg3 isn't that difficult of a game and the game itself allows you to have plenty of different customization options so that regardless of whatever whatever you pick you can still have a fun time and create a very powerful character so keep that in mind as we go throughout this video and with that being said let's get started so starting off with the humans they get an increased carrying capacity of 25 percent one additional skill proficiency of their choice and are proficient in light armor and shields as well as Spears spikes halberds and Glades it's nothing outright bad but there's also nothing that stands out here so I'm going to say humans are a City race up next are the elves which come with Proficiency in perception and have advantage against charm are immune to magical sleep and of course have dark vision they also come with proficiencies and short swords long swords short bows and long bows but there are some differences between the sub races the high elf comes with one wizard can trip of your choice and the wood elf comes with stealth proficiency as well as an increased 1.5 meters by speed overall I think the increase in base speed can be very valuable there's plenty of times when I try to get close to an enemy but I'm just a few inches away from being able to reach them with a melee attack and so I need to use the dash to get there and in the case of the wood elf I wouldn't have to do that plus the wizard cantrips are quite good in my opinion so I think the elves are going into the a tier now the tiefling they come with hellish resistance which is resistant to Fire and they also come with dark vision additionally depending on the subclass you gain access to a cantrip and later on two different spells for the asmodeus tiefling you get produced flame as well as hellish rebuke at level 3 and darkness at level 5. for the Memphis thoughtfully seafling you get the Mage hand can trip as well as the Spells burning hands and Flame blade and finally the zaryal tiefling you start with the thamaturgy can trip and you also get searing Smite as well as branding Smite these are all quite decent cantrips and the Spells that you end up getting are also quite good in my opinion so you can pick any of these sub races to complement the playstyle of your character like for example if you want to have Mage hand on a stealthy character without going Arcane trickster plus the fire resistance is situational but it can also be a nice bonus so I'm going to rank the thief links as a b tier race as for the drought they come with Proficiency in rapiers short swords and hand crossbows and they are also proficient in perception much like with the elves they gain advantage against charm and are immune to magical sleep with the added benefit that they get Superior dark version that has a double range although there are no sub race differences other than dialogue options they also get draw magic which will give them fairy fire as well as the darkness Spells at levels 3 and 5. I would say that this is pretty much on par with a tiefling you don't get a lot of benefits out of picking the drow but gaining advantage against charm and being immune to magical sleep can be quite nice and the superior dark vision can be very helpful especially in some areas in chapter 2. after that we are of the gift Yankee which are proficient in short swords long swords and great swords as well as light armor and medium armor and they also get Astro knowledge which allows them to gain Proficiency in all skills of a chosen ability which is going to last until a long rest as part of githyanki's psionics they also gain the cantrip Mage hand and at level 3 enhance leap and at level 5 Misty step with the added benefit that the Mage hand will be invisible overall I think the Geth Yankee are a very good race being able to pick any skill in the game and decide to be proficient in it each time you decide to go for a long rest can be very useful and allows you to be much more versatile and also lets you fill in some gaps depending on what sort of activities you're going to be in the proficiencies you get are very good and also getting Misty step for free is very very good in my opinion the gits Yankee go to the very top of eightier and are very very close to reaching the S tier after that we have the dwarves which should be noted have a slower movement speed compared to the rest of the Races they are proficient with battle axes hand axes light Hammers and warhammers and they also gain advantage and resistance against poison damage as well as dark vision now the gold Wars feature is that their maximum hit points is going to be increased by one per level which can make you a bit more tanky The Shield dwarfs come with medium and light armor proficiency and the dweger come with Superior dark vision as well as advantage on saving throws against Illusions and against being Charmed or paralyzed and in addition to that they also get the Spells enlarged and invisibility at level 3 and 5. I think the lack of Base movement speed can be a big hindrance for the dwarves especially if you're playing a Melee character and since the dwarves are only proficient in melee weapons that is something that you really have to work with I like that in particular the dwygar just have so many resistances when coupled with the base Dwarven resistance against poison and also getting in large as well as invisibility can be very good but also gaining that extra hit points from the gold dwarves can be a good bonus especially at the beginning where you don't have as much HP and that is going to make the difference so overall I would say that the dwarves are decent although they do have that drawback of the movement speed so I cannot place them higher than b tier after that we have the half elf which are proficient in spear spikes halberts and gloves as well as light armor and shields just like the other elves they gain advantage against charm are immune to magical sleep and have dark vision now here we have three different sub races and the differences here are basically the same as the elf differences with the high sub race gaining a can trip from the Wizard's spell list and the would have Elf having extra movement speed and stealth proficiency but here we also get the drow half elf which comes with standard movement speed and gives us access to draw magic which is going to give us very fire and darkness overall I'd say that it's not too bad in fact I would say it's better than the elves because you have more options with the big highlight of course being the wood sub race because of the extra movement speed so just like with the elf it's going into a tier and next on the list is the halfling now the halflings much like with the dwarves come with a slow movement speed that being said they also come with lucky being able to re-roll on a one for an attack roll ability check or a saving throw which can be very useful they also get Brave which gives you advantage against frightened enemies with the Lightfoot halfling having advantage on stealth checks and the strong heart halfling having advantage and resistance against poison and poison damage I think the Lightfoot halfling can work as a very good Rogue type character as you get the advantage on stealth checks and also get lucky for whenever you get a bad hit but I also feel like a slower movement speed is going to make her rogue's job a lot harder and you may have to use Dash or cutting action just to compensate for that so in my opinion I'm going to place the halflings in the seat here but because lucky is so good and brave can also be very powerful I think I'm still going to place the halflings in the beat here and after that we get the Gnomes which also come with a slower base speed they gain access to gnome cunning which gives you advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saves and all of them get dark vision as for the sub races The Rock gnome gains history expertise the forest gnome gains speak with animals and the Deep gnome gains advantage on stealthtracks as well as Superior dark vision I feel like the Gnomes offer a lot more options than the halfling in my opinion and gaining advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws can be very very good also getting the spell speak with animals for free allows you to have a lot more role play opportunities in the game and I think a lot of players are going to value that and the advantage on stealth checks of the deep gnome can also be very good although I would also like to see this one getting large and invisibility but maybe that's asking too much so overall I think I'm going to place the Gnomes in the v-tier and after that of course we get the Dragonborn whose benefits are going to depend on which draconic ancestry you decide to pick with each of them offering a different Elemental breath as well as a resistance to that element like for example with the gold Dragonborn you gain fire breath as well as resistance to fire damage with these breath attacks being a 2d6 of that element and being a 5 meter cone with different saving throws personally I feel like this is more flavored than anything else although gaining an elemental breath from the very start can be very good and if you know the game you can prepare yourself ahead of time and pick an element which you're going to find more more often than the others sadly it doesn't offer much more so as much as I like this Royce I think I'm going to place the Dragonborn in the seat here and the final race of the list is the half auric half Orcs come with standard movement speed and are proficient in intimidation they also get dark vision and two very useful features in Relentless endurance which makes it so that whenever you reach 0 hit points you will regain 1 HP instead of being downed and this can happen once for long rest in addition to that you also gain Savage attacks which makes it so that whenever you land a critical hit with a melee weapon your damage dies are tripled instead of doubled which is absolutely insane the amount of damage you can get out of this racial feature if you're using a melee weapon of course is absolutely nuts and again just being able to have that extra life can change the entire title of battle and allows you to be a lot more aggressive and spending less actions on healing yourself it's just a very strong and efficient character and in all honesty I think it stands out above all other races and so I'm going to place the half Orcs as the S tier pick for the list I didn't place any race in the D tier because frankly there is no bad race to play all of them come with their benefits although some do have a drawback let me know how you guys feel about this in the comment section below would you change any of these specs for example I could see a lot of people placing the halflings higher on the tier list because of Lucky and brave so let's talk about it in the comments with that being said as always my name is dark hero and thank you very much for watching thank you
Channel: DarkHero 2
Views: 4,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Ko457SKs7M
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Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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