Baldur's Gate 3 Best Race: Which Race is best for your Class?

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in the spotters Gate 3 guide we're going to be going through the races of alder's Gate 3 and going through their racial features kind of discussing what they are what classes they would be good for and whether they are the right choice for you just based on their class features they're obviously free to pick whatever you want from a role-playing perspective and you may have your choices because of that but in this video we're just going to cover the things that make up the racial features of these races and whether they would be good for your class or not so first up let's take a look at the elf race they have standard movement speed at 9 meters they also have weapon proficiencies in short and long swords as well as short and long bows they can see a decent distance in the dark with their dark vision and they have saving throws against being Charmed and they can't be put to sleep the advantage on saving throws to charm and Immunity to sleep is nice but dark vision doesn't quite have the distance to make you like a full range character here you'd want 24 meters for that so you're going to be playing like a mid-range to close range character if you're leaning into that dark vision in Dark Places and the proficiencies that you gain really benefit classes that don't have martial proficiencies so this is like some bards some clerics grids monks Rogues Sorcerers Wizards and maybe even warlocks but if you took like a fighter or Paladin for instance you would already have these weapon proficiencies so they'd be kind of wasted and the difference between high elf and what else is that the high elf can choose one can trip F being in the game if you're talking about an offensive can trip like Firebolt or something like that shocking grasp these are going to scale with intelligence so I don't recommend picking up an offensive one if you're not playing an intelligence based character but there are some other utility ones there for instance friends is a really strong cantrip if you're playing like a dialogue focused character a lot of dialogue focused characters will be able to pick this up but it can save you a slot for a cantrip that you might be able to pick something else up with or maybe for playing Paladin that doesn't get this and you want to have this on your Paladin it's not a bad choice and what else gain movement speed so that's really good for like positioning and combat and getting into melee range particularly on a Melee character but also an arranged character so the really the decision is if you're playing an intelligence based character you might pick up an offensive trip if you're playing something else you might pick up one of the others but movement speed on the what else is going to be good no matter what moving along to tieflings they have dark vision the same as L's at 12 meters and they also have something called hellish resistance which gives them resistance to fire damage meaning they only take half fire damage when they take fire damage and the difference in subclasses really comes down to a couple things first is the cantrip or level zero spell they can learn at the first level they each have a different one that kind of specializes in different things will Mouse over those so you can see what they are but one thing that you won't see during character creation is that as these races level up they'll actually gain spells as well and they'll gain different spells so the asmodeus tiefling will gain hellish rebuke and darkness once per long rest at level 3 and level 5 add the methodistopheles T fling will gain burning hands at level 3 and Flame blade at level 5 again these are once per rest and the zarya tiefling will gain the Searing Smite and branding Smite abilities that they can use once each on Long rest at levels 3 and level five dark vision just like on elves is very useful for specific places of this game making this a good racial choice for anyone and I think the choice of sub race really comes down to the spells that you gain the ones that I mentioned as you level up and also whether or not you want to use thamaturgy which gives you advantage on intimidation and performance checks so maybe if you plan to be a character that uses intimidation a lot moving to drows have drow weapon training which gives them proficiency with Rapier short sword and hand crossbow they also have Superior dark vision which allows them to see in the dark 24 meters compared to the 12 meters of Elf tiefling and a couple other races they also have a ancestry similar to elves which makes it so that they have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed and they can't be put to sleep I'll say that the weapon proficiencies for this race are kind of negligible unless you're playing like a pure spellcaster that basically has no proficiencies because Bard and Rogue have these proficiencies exactly and even more and so do other Marshall classes like fighter Paladin Ranger they have all these already so this isn't particularly great for most martial classes and most kind of hybrid classes it's really only good for casters I think because you have Superior dark vision here you kind of be able to be a long range specialist in Dark Places and I think if you plan to play a very long-ranged character growl is a good choice because in those dark places you'll still be able to connect with your ranged attacks with bows or crossbows or spells at long range and you won't have the problems that maybe some other races will and when it comes to the sub Races they really only have impact on dialogue options and the story so from a stat perspective they don't really factor in but you should read these descriptions and see you know what fits best for you and this brings us to humans humans have weapon proficiency with spheres Pikes hybrids and glaves and also armor proficiency with light armor and Shields and they also have an additional skill to be proficient in so they can pick one more on top of the class that they are and their carrying weight has been increased by 25 so the issue with the human proficiencies is that you would basically have to take a casting class to gain the benefit of this or maybe a hybrid class that doesn't have access to martial weapons so something like a cleric maybe if it's not a tempest or War cleric might benefit from this being able to use these martial weapons as well but they won't make use of the light armor proficiency since they'll already have this so some of these proficiencies kind of no matter which way you go will be wasted so that's not optimal but the extra skill proficiency could be great on a utility character like on a rogue or a ranger or maybe a bar to gain even more skills or maybe on a character that just doesn't have a lot of skills in general since most other classes only have two skills picking up an extra skill could make them a lot more useful outside of combat I think that's really the reason to pick human is that extra skill proficiency so this takes us to get Yankee and get Yankee has something called astral knowledge which makes it so they gain proficiency and all skills of a chosen ability until they're long rest so they can change this after each long rest and by ability they mean something like dexterity or strength or intelligence something like that so they picked dexterity for instance they'd have Proficiency in acrobatic sleight of hand and stealth until their next long rest and then maybe they you know take intelligence and so now they have Proficiency in Arcana history investigation nature and religion and they can keep changing this each time they rest or they can keep it on the same one but that's huge right this is like invaluable because you can get an entire skill group of proficiencies just from this one thing being able to change it constantly kind of makes get Yankee ahead of a lot of races in terms of their effectiveness and they also gain a decent number of proficiencies in light medium armor as well as Proficiency in short swords long swords and great swords so this is huge because you know maybe you have a hybrid type character like a cleric or a druid but you want to use a great sword then you could use it right away just by taking this race or maybe you're playing a warlock or a wizard or Sorcerer And you want some better like maybe you don't have any proficiencies because you're sorcerer wizard now yeah medium armor proficiency you could slap on medium armor instantly and have more Armor class just from picking this one race making get Yankee a really really strong race between everything that they have so this takes us to dwarves the first thing you're going to notice is that they can only move 7.5 meters per turn compared to the norm which is 9 meters so they'll not be able to move as much in combat they have proficiencies with battle ax hand ax light hammer and Warhammer and they have dark vision the same as elves and tieflings at 12 meters making it kind of mid to low range in terms of what they can see in the dark and they have Dwarven resilience which gives them advantage on saving throws against poison and they have resistance to poison damage so just like elephant teeth Link dark vision is nice particularly if you're playing like a mid to short range character like a Melee character or a very short distance Caster they combat proficiencies in battle axes hand X light Hammers and warhammers are not going to be super useful you're playing a martial class and still already have these these will be more applicable to maybe a class that's only got simple weapons or maybe even less than simple weapons so they're not particularly useful to a lot of classes that might take advantage of this and the Dwarven resilience is just nice to prevent damage anytime you can prevent damage that's good so having that is a nice bonus the the downside again is the movement speed is reduced which means that you might have a harder time getting into melee combat or getting into position if you're a ranged character so for some races first is gold dwarf this increases your hit point maximum by one increases this again every time you gain a level of the level cap in this game is 12 so the most you'll be able to get out of this is 12 extra hit points that's probably the equivalent of like one or one and a half levels depending on your class that's pretty nice um I think this is going to be far better later in the game than it's going to be earlier in the game but it's a nice little bonus if you're trying to figure out what type of dwarf this is just good on any character really Shield dwarves on the other hand gain armor efficiency with light and medium armors and again this kind of benefits non-martial classes and non like clerics are already going to have this Druids are already going to have this this is kind of like your Rogues warlocks and maybe your wizard sorks something like that is the classes that you would want this on otherwise you're already going to have these proficiencies so if you're not playing like one of those classes maybe barred you're really not going to take advantage of this much then you have durger which gains Superior dark vision changes the regular dark vision into the 24 meter variant that the drafts also have so this is great if you're planning to play a ranged character or a spellcaster that throws long range spells that will help you a lot in dark areas connect with your spells and they also get an advantage on saving throws against Illusions and being Charmed or paralyzed so between that and poison it'll be pretty tanky and this is probably the best all-around one to pick in my opinion because Superior dark vision is very very strong so that takes us to half elf they also have weapon proficiency with Spears Pikes halwards and glaves and armor proficiency with light armor and shields just like humans do but they also have dark vision like L steepling and dwarf so they're gonna again have mid to short range Dark Vision in Dark Places and just like elves they have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed and Magic can't put them to sleep so really the choice between elf and half elf besides RP percoses is the proficiencies do you want short and long swords and short and long bows or do you want weapon proficiencies with stabby long weapons and maybe the shield proficiency is what you're after maybe you're playing a warlock and you just want Shield proficiency this could be an easy way to get it so that's really the difference between those and I think that's what it's going to come down to is whether you need those proficiencies or not and then some races change a couple of things High half elf works very similarly to high elf who get to choose a can trip again the offensive ones are based on intelligence so if you're not an intelligence character you probably won't take those if you've ever picking up like a utility one like blade Ward or friends or something like that if you're not a intelligence character and you want to take High half Health what half elf on the other hand will give you increased movement speed allow you to move further in combat just like what elf will and draw half health will give you access to the light cantrip which will allow you to create light and dark places which you know might help offset some of the you know vision problems of some of your characters you yourself will have some dark vision so you shouldn't need it but you might have party members that don't and that's good in those cases so this takes us to halflings which the first thing you'll notice is that they have lower racial speed just like dwarves at 7.5 meters so they can't move around as well and combat some other races but they also have the lucky racial feature which makes it so they effectively can't critically mess on attack rolls ability checks or saving throws so that's like a five percent chance one in 20 is a five percent chance roughly to critically Miss in any of these scenarios and anytime that happens they get to re-roll and use the new roll and die so that's really really strong throughout the course of a game it might not seem like it initially but you will probably trigger this you know a lot of times over the course of a very long play through and they also have advantage on saving throws against being frightened so they're not gonna be able to be frightened very easily at all and lucky is just a great overall racial feature it's probably one of the best in the game so this is good for like this race is basically good for any class but I probably wouldn't recommend it as much for a Melee character that has to move around more than a ranged character and then when you move to the sub races life at halflings gain advantage on stealth checks making them incredibly hard to spot when they're on stealth and strong heart halflings have advantage on saving throws against poison and resistance to poison damage I like dwarfs do so you're gaining some more resistance to damage or you're going to be a bit sneakier or a lot sneakier in this case so depending on whether you're playing like a stealthy character or you're not playing a stealthy character kind of determine which one of these two you choose because if it's not stealthy then it's kind of the other one by default so then this takes us to gnomes they also have reduced movement speed just like halflings and dwarves at 7.5 meters and they have something called gnome cunning which gives them advantage on intelligence wisdom and Christmas saving for us that's three of the abilities they basically get to roll two dice and take the higher value when doing a saving throw for any of those abilities that's huge in my opinion particularly if you pair this with a class that has saving throw Proficiency in like these ones or maybe they have saving throughout proficiency and dexterity and you know strength something like that so that even though they don't have advantage in those they're pretty well-rounded in terms of their saving throws and this is just good on really any class first is Rock gnome which gives you dark vision at 12 meters and also gives you twice your proficiency bonus to history checks so you're gonna be really good at history in this game and you'll be able to see in the dark up to 12 meters which is again medium to short range that's really good all around in my opinion and Forest gnomes also gain dark vision at the same 12 meters but they also gain the spell speak with animals so if you don't have a character that can speak to animals in the game but you really want one this would be a great way to take that if you're not planning on adding any classes there's a classroom all the other classes that have this ability this would be a great thing to pick up so that you can ensure you can speak with animals this takes us to deep known they're gonna have Superior dark vision up to 24 meters like drow and drauger have which is really good for ranged characters and they also have advantage on stealth checks so they're very very hard to see when they're stealth so if you're gonna play like a ranged assassin or an assassin type class this would be really really good for you because you're not only going to be able to apply you know your attacks very very well in dark places but you're also gonna be very hard to be seen while you're in those dark places so this is really really good you're planning on playing like a sneaky robe or some sort of like ranged character that just Snipes people from the Shadows so next comes Dragonborn and dragon boards get to choose from a lot of different sub-races and effectively what these sub-races are going to do is they're going to give them a breath spell and this breath spell does damage and targets a specific ability take note of what abilities these Target because maybe you are playing a class that you know doesn't have something that targets Khan for instance maybe you want to pick up a breast bill that does so you have options to Target the lower values of characters but it also gives them resistances to a specific type of damage and later on as they level up it will also increase their damage of that type so for instance if you pick white Dragonborn you'll have frost breath which targets the Constitution and you'll have draconic ancestry that gives you resistant to cool damage and as you level up you'll also have a way of increasing your cool damage as well this brings us to our last race the half work they also have 12 meter of dark vision so they can use star Vision pretty well medium to short range they also have something called Relentless endurance which makes it so that if they would be down from damage they regain one hit point instead of being down I'm assuming that this is like a once per combat thing otherwise this could just every time you take damage you'd never go down something like that but still that's really really strong because being down can be a pain in the butt and it can really change the flow of battle and they also have Savage attacks which makes it so they land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack their damage dice are tripled instead of doubled so they're going to have kind of a higher crit damage multiplier if you will than other races will or so if they crit instead of getting double the damage they might get Triple the damage which is really really good if you're making like a crit Focus build and it's just good to have in general when you do Critical Hits and this is just a strong all-around race because everyone benefits from Dark Vision Relentless endurance will keep anyone alive regardless of class and Savage attacks increase critical damage is good for just about anyone so between get Yankee and half work I think these are probably the two strongest races in the game because they benefit just about anyone and they have very very strong features so that wraps up our races guide I hope you found this interesting and helpful to help narrow down the race for you at least in terms of the mechanics of the game from a mechanic's perspective obviously if you are paying this is not useful you're gonna pick whatever you want that's fine but just in terms of optimization some races work better with some classes than others and I hope you kind of learned some things about that this video if you have further questions please leave them in the comments below [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 526,886
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 best class, baldurs gate 3 races, baldurs gate 3 all races, baldurs gate 3 races lore, baldurs gate 3 race guide, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 subclasses, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 races and classes, baldur's gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, bg3 best race, bg3 best race for paladin, bg3 best race for each class, bg3 best race for bard, bg3 best race for druid, bg3 best race for wizard, bg3 race guide, best races in bg3
Id: BCj2s0hcTXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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