Helldivers 2 - Massive Update Adds New Automaton Enemies, Balancing Changes, Hidden Changes

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hell divers 2 has just launched a very large update full of balancing changes and hidden updates which involves nerfing the Slugger changing how the ark thrower Works buffing the antimaterial sniper rifle and many many others as well as the typical Arrowhead style hidden changes that added new automaton units and we'll talk about those here as well and in this video we're going to talk about all of the changes that were mentioned today and as always expect some deeper testing of all of these changes within the next few videos as we run further experiments with all of the changes applied so without any further Ado let's get right down to these patch notes as we have a lot to talk about here first off two new planetary hazards were added to the game the blizzard Hazard for those frozen Maps which I haven't found any information on it yet as we don't have any Frozen Maps up but odds are it will limit our visibility and potentially slow our movement down dramatically and potentially make heat-based weapons either never heat up or have a dramatically slowed the heat charge up we also have the new Sandstorm planetary Hazard which will probably be found on the more sandy desert Maps which once again there are none of those up right now and likely will have horrible visibility and potentially even do a little bit of dot damage personally I'm very excited to find out the player level has been increased to level 150 and any players that were already level 50 and had played many games after hitting level 50 had that XP accumulate so when you open hell divers 2 up your level will be adequately increased the highest I've seen around Reddit and Discord has been a level 134 which is quite impressive and yes we got some cool titles to go along with it but now down onto the biggest changes to this update comes the balancing updates so let's get to those now first of all the retrieve essential personnel has been officially made easier which is kind of funny as I just posted yesterday the easiest method to complete these missions without even dying but anyways the mission now requires less civilians to complete the mission as well as the bot drops and Bug breaches will now reinforce from a further distance from the main base as they did previously to make things a little bit easier to defend also destroy command bunker missions have now more objective locations as it was deemed too easy by the development team personally I have no opinions on that change one change I definitely have an opinion on and am am near dancing around in my room here after having read this sentence is that negative effect of operation modifiers that increased strategem cooldowns or call and times have been cut in half I am so happy to see that I always thought those added more of a frustration than actual difficulty so I'm really excited to seeing that change onto the weapons the most effective support weapon in the game against bugs the ark thrower has taken a massive hit it can no longer have charge Char its shots and requires the full charge for each and every shot making us do far less damage per second however they did increase its stagger which makes me wonder how this change has affected the ark thrower its range has also been decreased but I'm not sure whether that's going to be a big deal since the arc thrower was already super inconsistent at long ranges anyways it's impossible to tell whether this was a flat Nerf or a buff without getting hands on with the arc thrower so expect an arc thrower video later on today testing these changes out the guard dog now fully restores ammo from Supply boxes which is a minor buff to the regular guard dog so that's pretty cool to see the anti-material sniper rifle has had now its damage increased by 30% which in case you were not aware this rifle was already one of the most effective ways to deal with automatons consistently and this damage buff is undoubtedly a very welcome change to any AMR users potentially dethroning the autoc Cannon as the favorite Choice against amatons but only time will tell breaker incendiary has had its damage increased by 33% which is a massive change and one I can't wait to test out later on today against the bugs I personally thought this weapon was already pretty good and this just made it even better not to mention that now all fire damage has been increased by another 50% pertick from all sources I don't know if you guys remember but many patches ago when the flamethrower was buffed its take damage was increased by by a 50% now you add this other 50% and boy yeah I'm just going to leave it there but definitely expect some flamethrowers experimentation in the near future The Liberator penetrator now has a full auto mode which is a welcome change from that awful burst fire mode and now the jar five Dominator which was a very underwhelming weapon in Hell diverse 2 has received a massive 50% damage increase as well as a stagger increase to triy to staple itself as a proper strong primary weapon of choice following its footsteps another underwhelming weapon the diligent sniper rifle has had its armor penetration increased to medium which should make this weapon slowly see the light of day especially when going up against the automatons now the Slugger is time to light a candle up for the Slugger users I feel for you guys bro the Slugger has had a decrease to its stagger and a decrease to its damage personally these were the only things that made the Slugger so good but now we should probably expect Slugger users to shift towards the Punisher Shotgun If stagger is what they're looking for the recoiless rifle and the spear both recover an extra shell now from Supply boxes and the heavy machine gun has had its fire rate mode decreased not too sure what the purpose there was I understand that the heavy machine gun performs best at lower fire rates but I'm not sure this change will help the heavy machine gun at all now onto the enemy changes charger's normal melee attack now does less damage against EXO suits also the bi spewer and nursing spewer do less damage with their puke which I am very curious to test out previously one solid puke from them meant near instant death so I'm really wondering how much of a decrease we're talking about here the bio Titan can no longer be stunned sadly that's a bit of a shame it was a very powerful choice for stun grenade users which actually allowed players to line up orbital Precision strikes or 500 kilo bombs with extreme Ease on biot Titans shers no longer create bug breaches and their R dolls do far less damage which personally I consider a welcome change as the shers were actually posing to be some of the strongest terminate units since their addition making it so that players would often just opt in for dealing with their nests from way far away so they would never actually have to deal with the shriekers which surely would mean a death or two as well as a bug breach or two one pretty big change they've added on this patch was the attempt to improve medium and heavy armor by reducing the damage we take when we're wearing medium armor by an extra 5% and reducing the damage we take when wearing heavy armor by an extra 10% personally I still think heavier armors should have a little bit of flinching resistance to make a flinching a little bit more bearable when getting shot at but this is a step in the right direction for sure fixes they had a bunch of them here but let's look at the gameplay related ones there have been some indirect Nerfs to the Devastators especially the rocket Devastator change goes the hell diver and the exos suit both had a bug that made them sometimes take explosion damage multiple times making things like automaton Rockets be too deadly this is now fixed potentially reducing the damage we take overall from rocket Devastators and other Rockets hopefully making things a little bit less frustrating when we're dealing with automatons also another change goes automaton enemy constellations that prefer to spawn more of certain Devastators type did not work and are now functioning as they should this means that sometimes when playing against the automatons you will face more Devastators instead of other enemy types hopefully not too many heavy Devastators and Rocket Devastators though but only time will tell we've also made several changes to how the hell pod steering Works hopefully fixing that very frustrating HELLP pod glitch that doesn't let us steer in the direction we wanted it to and lastly from the patch notes the ballistic shield has had a couple of changes mostly focused on us be a little bit less exposed when using the shield leading to a stronger protection when facing automatons and bugs alike but this by reading the patch notes is not enough it will require some testing so that's it for all the not hidden changes but just like every other update hell divers 2 has had this has also a couple of hidden changes and before we get right to those I must ask what do you guys think about hidden changes do you wish they were all mentioned in the patch notes or do you enjoy finding out the extra changes as you go on playing let me know in the comment section below now onto the hidden changes we may be missing a few here but I did my best scraping around for as much information as possible on this update a cool little addition has made it so that hell divers return from missions now covered in blood and remain covered in blood as they walk around the ship which is pretty cool the biggest changes and the talk in town is of course the new automaton units which there are two here to talk about one is tied behind a side objective just like the shriekers named the gunships which are tied behind a side objective called the gunship factories and these are essentially flying drop ships that uh well have guns I haven't gotten my hands on these yet but I will be exploring their weaknesses for us hell divers to destroy these Bots and send them right back to the creek and the other major unit is a massive bot nearing the size of a bio Titan known as the factory Strider and information is going around that these are only found in very high difficulties all of the screenshots I have found are either on difficulty 8 or 9 and honestly I'm excited to face these as soon as I wrap this video up which will be right now these are all of the major changes both the ones ones mentioned in the patch notes as well as the hidden ones I found around posted by You Hell divers so it's time to get hands on and put all of these changes to the test I'll be catching You Hell divers on the next one thank you for watching peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 461,509
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Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: NdqrM_rhoPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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