Helldivers 2 - The Quasar Cannon Meta Is Now (Helldiver Difficulty, Solo)

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what's up Legends hell divers 2 has just released two new support weapons one of which is an absolute fantastic choice for dealing with armored units and today we're going to be showing the absolute power of this monstrosity and I'm so excited to play here we'll also be talking about a few pointers I picked up so far from this beauty known as the quaser cannon I don't even know if that's how you spell it but here's the bad boy in question laser 99 quazar Cannon we can also bring the shield generator pack and uh we no longer need to do the rail Cannon we no longer need to do the 500 kilo bomb we can just focus on clearing out swarms ego air strike and cluster bomb and the regular Loadout as always the breaker Redeemer impact grenade and the Scout armor set so this kind of reminds me a little bit of pre-nerf rail gun which I use the shield generator the rail gun the cluster bomb and the eagle air strike so look like we're back to those days except CER Canon might actually even be better guys I'm super excited here all right so we spotted spawned right next to a sport P I actually want to test this out I do not know if how many shots it takes for the quaser Canon to actually get rid of the uh sport spewer here so we're going to be testing this out as always we'll be playing very aggressive which is why I even shot these in in the first place I want them to call for a bug breach we want these fights we want to take on as many fights as we can to really put this bad boy to the test we don't want to just be hiding making our way to the objectives and getting out of here instead we want all of these fights so we got here the uh the pouncer planet with these little jumpy guys which is actually not ideal for us with the Cannon I just love it I just love this cannon it's amazing yeah this is not going to be the ideal planet for this but it's not a problem nonetheless I wanted a more charger heavy type Planet I have a feeling I could be wrong it's just a feeling that I get that when I play planets with these pouncers there's much more there's many more and pouncers and there's less Chargers and biot Titans I don't know if I'm crazy just kind of like a feeling I get when I play these planets so just like the old days with the pre rail gun Nerf the breaker will be wait let's find out here woo it's a one shot let's go I want to test this on the shrier nest as well I'm really curious but yeah found something you see just like the pre-nerf rail gun we use the quazer to deal with these bad boys it's one shot dude it's insane the rail gun used to take two shots to the leg and then take a couple more shots to its leg after we broke off the armor but now we can just do this oh my God throwing grenade this is insane I love it I am Absol absolutely loving this weapon I won't lie to you guys you know what's kind of crazy is just like the rail gun it's also going to be viable against automatons it's not very how do I say it's not very Niche I guess but yeah we'll be going here to the uh radar station but yeah it's not really Niche I mean I guess the niche is dealing with armored targets but it's like it's good against armored targets for both factions it's not just one faction like the flamethrower is good for dealing with chargers oh boy it's great at dealing with chargers but it's not good at dealing with anything automaton so unlike the flamethrower the quazer cannon is going to be viable for both factions go we got another bug breach ready for this give me some Chargers I want Chargers give me like three of them give me a bile Titan I'll take a b oh no that's a charger I thought it was a bot TI this will work oh he jumped in front of his buddy he protected him okay don't worry we got another shot here yeah one big tip that I'm going to be trying to do here as oh I think I shot his neck you see you have to shoot the charger dead in the face or else it kind of counts as like a body shot that's why he didn't die there with one shot you have to hit like his nose like pretty much like his nose or like forehead pretty much what you'll want to be hitting here turn around buddy oh I shot his neck again okay yeah when they raise like that to do a little charge you end up hitting his neck so yeah you might I might want to end up aiming a bit higher here but yeah what I'll be doing here a lot what I was going to say is exactly what I just did there is um one great tip for dealing with chargers is hug the hills because the Chargers they'll kind of clip the hill and stun themselves and that's what we're going to be abusing as much as we can just kind of hugging the hills a little bit making those Chargers stun themselves as they clip the hill and then finishing them off as they're stunned yeah I'll look for another charger and display exactly what I'm talking about the hive guards are actually going to be one of our only issues uh to be fair the rail gun used to be really good at at dealing with Hive guards it's just one shot and they're dead but yeah with the the quazer cannon it's not going to be ideal for us to shoot a quazer cannon for each uh Hive guard it'll be better off to just renade them or something of the sort so Hive guards will be not a struggle but like it won't be as easy to deal with them but that that's pretty much it just like for the automatons in case you guys didn't know uh the shielded Devastators if you shoot their shield with a quazer cannon you will not k kill them in one shot so just like the hive guard the shoot the Devastators will be like the most annoying enemies that you'll have to deal with everything else you pretty much have a counter for what it's on this side I he little group it's a it's a hunter heavy world I wish it was more more charger focused but either way I guess that's good because since this planet will be worst case scenario I guess we can kind of see how it works out in a planet where uh it's a worst case scenario type situation attic field not really any great uh shells here explosive is decent theom is mediocre static field is all right I guess we got another naom another static field I prefer high yield explosives and mini nukes those are the best ones okay easy done that's what two side objectives no that's three cuz we had a sports viewer as well depending how this game goes depending how fast we clear out the primary missions I may try to go for a kill record I believe my kill record is what is it it's like 940 kills I think 9 something trying to break that 1,000 but a bit hard cuz you have to fight from the beginning to the end of the game it's crazy cuz you don't have to waste too much time with charges you just quickly get rid of them and then just focus up on the little guys okay here here I'm going to clip this rather I'm going to make him clip the hill so he stuns himself then I'm going to try to get a clean shot on him let me see if I can do that uh maybe not I think I have to fall back too much all right see if he comes up to us say hello to democracy oh got another one okay he you guys oh thank God for that Shield I'm going to make him clip this plane right here bam shot to the face see you get some get some Ma so that's pretty much going to be best case scenarios just kind of bringing them making them hit these little rocksy kind of using the environment to your advantage trying to get those Chargers constantly stunned in a way where you can see their face you can get a clean shot package last reload is why I find hugging the edges of Hills to be the best situation because let's see if I can do it right here ready bam and I can see his face down he goes yeah that's that's what I meant by trying to get them to kind of clip uh the hills you can do that with a bunch of different objects around the world and uh yeah Chargers are now a little bit easier to deal with let's see if this is any good o that's pretty good pretty good from what I can kind of tell the quazer cannon I would love if somebody actually tested out the exact statistics but it it feels like the quazer cannon does pretty much exactly the same AOE damage exactly the same damage as the expendable anti-tank although actually I think the Expendable anti-tank does have a smaller AOE not very explosive in terms of radius anyways let see if I can finish these eggs before backup arrives hey oh no out of bullets that's not good destroyed use me let's see if I can get this uh Charger stuck again oh this is ah okay yeah that was a building forgot they just run right through that come here buddy not you the big guy come here big guy oh it's beautiful have a taste of democracy one I haven't stopped giggling since I put my hands on this weapon all right we got uh an escape pod data data data data I'm not sure and a sport spe left to go and two P primary objectives let's see if I can kind of clear them out a little bit fast so that we force the game to throw a bunch of patrols at us and we can fight like endless waves of bugs I kind of want to see how that's going to work out as I always say I will say it we will of course be doing all main objectives side objectives and attempting to fully extract down goes another charger oh give me a bio Titan I want bio Titans have we even I don't think we fought a single one yet did we I'm telling you this planet variation focuses on little guys dude I'm not crazy ma did my artillery even kill anybody I don't think it did I the only one who like never uses the CF artillery I literally always forget about it got to get in the habit of just using them every chance I get just so I actually use them return lock lo give me a bi Titan kind of just want to run through that uh Escape pod there but I don't know maybe these guys will call for a bio Titan come on buddies you might need some reinforcements you're not going to be able to take this on have a taste of democracy all right then Dam know there's some leftover samples here but not too concerned about it mostly just concerned on fighting on this one got another spor spewer ready to one hit it here we go oh boymin Hive structure destroyed all right skape pod got a little group incoming see if these guys will call for a biot Titan hey buddies over here you will never destroy our way of life we got a big boy come on then oh oh god oh holding my ground paid off there kind of scary though come here hit this rock oh you see he oh I still killed him anyways he must have been damaged from my other air strike yeah you got to be careful when they start the charge they kind of get up on their feet actually exposes their neck to you and makes their head a bit harder to hit so definitely got to keep an eye out for that might want to shoot them before they get into that position or after blow a hole open in here nope how about a nice cup of Liberty Max empty yeah I'll be I'll be using the quazer Cannon as as well for the automatons I believe that game play will be up tomorrow I think um I do have another video concept that I want to do first uh but I'm not entirely sure in what order I'll post them far as the heavy machine guns oh right all right let's go come here let me show you something show you my new toy wait I knew it took too long you know what I think I might want to be doing here against biot Titans is um you I think I might want to stagger them not in The Stomping position but rather when they go to spew B at me I think that's when the shots going to be the most clear that was a shot to the neck I don't think that that didn't do full damage get another one here I think that might still have been a next shot I know it's a two shot to the face and the first shot was definitely a NE shot I don't know if the second one was to the face or not ah okay I am like missing them all boys that was another neck shot I think that's three neck shots in a row all right here we go fourth time is the charm and we missed again but that did it I guess oh [ __ ] we actually missed all four shots that was Dreadful all right next bile Titan we'll we'll do a bit bettered we'll do a bit better can't see anything shoot into the fog hope for the best gu okay there you are there were three Chargers I guess I landed the kill on one of them oh yeah just stand right there yeah just like that beautiful I want another biot Titan that one didn't scratch the itch and missed too many shots yeah I think basically what you want to be doing uh when you go up against B Titans uh I don't know if you guys remember but when you use the 500 kilo bomb it's a good idea for you to try to get them stuck into that stomping animation so that you can land a 500 kilo bomb cuz they'll be stuck in the animation and you get a free kill right now I think with a quaser cannon it's not going to be about the uh stomping animation it's now going to be when they're spewing bile I think that's going to be the clearest shot to the face the next bile Titan we see here try to get him to spiel B at me and then I'll shoot at his face and then make him Spiel bile again and [Music] [Music] around beautiful thank you throwing grenade it's crazy it may not look like it but the the fights are just going by so much faster because you don't have to waste any time with the Chargers anymore get rid of them so easily there we go come on buddy all right won't [ __ ] it up this time you know what oh I think that was good I think that was clean not going to lie I thought I was going to have I thought I was going to shoot his leg there but I think that was clean think that was on his cheek come here buddy okay it didn't kill him so I guess the first shot was not on okay let me see if I can get him in the acid okay here we go this is the cleanest shot I think that's when it's going to give you the most space down it goes when you don't have the shield generator uh I think I let me go back I think the shield generator is going to be um an amazing Choice here because if you don't have the shield generator when they do the acid spewing it will slow you down it'll make your life quite a lot harder but with the shield you can actually just kind of block that that stagger and just run away from the Spiel and just get a clean shot at it so I think the uh Shield generator here is going to be pretty indispensable got two Chargers boom down goes one might have a party with you guys come on come over here let me show you something demra oh miscalculated R past me oh oh yeah all right then we got a group of patrols behind us all right I'm going clip this little guy here as I intended to do with the previous one bam you're dead boy Buster bomb should be pretty hefty so I think this is going to be the best load out that I can think of anyways um cuz you're bringing in a very very powerful armor dealing Choice rer Cannon Sho generator for your defenses then you got the elag air strike as a hybrid that can deal with both armored and unarmored units and then the cluster bomb annihilate those unarmored units I think it's going to be the best choice let me know what you guys think we've made it up this far and me know what you think the best loadout is going going to be how'd you like the taste of Freedom pretty confident on this load out being what injy at least one of the bests does it Dethrone the ark thrower um the thing about the ark thrower is that it's the easiest gun by far in the game to use it requires no aiming nothing right it's just extremely extremely easy to use it's uh with all due respect to Ark thrower lovers I love the ark thrower myself but it's the most skilless weapon in the entire game by far and it's not even a competition Freedom has prevailed uh I do think that the quazer cannon is going to be either better or at least just different it's just going to be a different choice but like on the same level as the ark thrower Cannon is so amazing at dealing with chargers AR thrower even though it can handle charges fairly easily it's still not uh not Godlike against Chargers it's great but it's not as good as this all right we got yet another B Titan that's beautiful here we've completed absolutely everything I think we did all relo objectives as well right primary objective side objectives let's try to break that kill record say hello to democracy there 940 I think dis come here right to the face bam okay now that was good that was solid just one more come here buddy come here a big old hug oh give a little tilt did like a little tilt up I ended up shooting his shoulder okay so when they get in this situation right best lineup potential right there down goes another bile Titan so effective dude you know the Expendable anti-tanks are extremely effective as well how about a nice cup of liver tea the thing with the Expendable antitank is you miss one shot against the bile Titan you're [ __ ] now you need 70 seconds until you can call in the Expendable anti-tank again get some if you got two bile Titans then yeah you're going to be waiting a while this thing though woo beautiful how' you like to taste of fre got a bit more of backup here we go things about to get ugly me throw a resupply there in the back I can top off as I fight these got several groups here with us got two more joining the party bust the bombs to thin out the hordes get some get some I thought I was in range there kind of scared me a damn that was a lot of bugs that we had there got a bot Titan in there in the back that I saw as well all right beautiful come here buddy I still haven't gotten a clean two shot kill bam that's beautiful all right proceed to extraction when ready come over here buddy come on I think you have to hit like right in his mouth for it to be a two hit I've done it a few times funny in this game I haven't a single time yet we did have a couple three hits just like that as you you can see I also missed that one but it seems to be pretty much a three shot kill if you kind of shoot around its like mouth to neck area so worst case scenario feel pretty good let's get that Charger stuck here boom down you goit democracy mag empty get some get some yeah we're mostly going to be having to you know constantly keep our distance here air strikes are going to be our strateg to thin out the hordes shotgun don't you like the taste of freedom is of course our primary weapon to mostly for focusing on hunters and of course just overall killing out of ammo I'm out of ammo okay here's a resupply beautiful never die of course we'll be needing to be abusing movement quite a lot with The Arc thrower you do have to use movement a little bit less ah I thought he would have clipped that rock the AR thrower you can kind of just hold your ground and zap the [ __ ] out of everything oh come here ah got to the leg get some get [Applause] some boom right to the mouth fire the hole it's beautiful honestly I was kind of unsure there whether that was going to kill him on the third shot since we hit him once in the leg you know what you're just watching should have joined the fight what you get for being a [ __ ] 7 minutes left they got a [ __ ] ton of fighting to do here ma empty democra on it Way Ma empty out of ammo get back here I'm honestly super super satisfied dude I'm not going to lie I was a huge fan of the pre Nerf rail gun the the way the play style kind of worked using a lot of movement using a lot of movement for having to deal with armored units the ark thrower was a bit more mind numbing just kind of standing still and just zapping everything in sight but this one this one is kind of bringing back that movement is King approach oh no he turned bad shot bad shot this one actually requires you to constantly be on the Move constantly position yourself properly clipping those Chargers against automatons using lots and lots of cover really just picking your shots and having to time yourself right a that wasn't a Kill damn it dude I thought it was going to be a kill oh now I'm in trouble oh what that didn't count as a hit that would have definitely killed him oh what a shame oh crap I'm scared now they're going to go focus on it though take it down get the [ __ ] out of here me to the enemy oh [ __ ] oh no no help oh my God how' you like the taste of freedom take that okay think we kind of made it out of the mud with that one get back our [ __ ] back we got another reinforcement right away yeah it's kind of crazy on Hell diver difficulty as soon as you complete the primary objectives reinforcements is just like endless one after the other Max and we're here for it ready to take them all on for Prosperity yeah as I was saying arthow is a bit oh those just spawned right there in front of me didn't they arthow is a bit more mind dumbing but this one actually requires you to position yourself use movement to your advantage time your shots right time your charges right there's a lot to it it's definitely more definitely requires more skill than the arc thrower does as of right now mag's empty D he was already going to call another reinforcement we just had one get so these are going to call for one timer on the reinforcement is up D the combat just feels constant feel like I haven't stopped fighting for a second pretty good we might be able to hit to the kill record if things keep up throwing grenade say hello to democracy return Lo proceed to extraction when ready action I'll extract when I'm done fighting here the this makes me wonder an endless wave type gameplay would be so fun to play just like constant endless waves or reinforcement kind of see like how how many waves you can make it be pretty fun to play feel like it'd be more fun on a decently large map though I feel like the current eradicate Maps we have like the blitz Maps they're really really small so you don't really have much room to walk around last reload it' be kind of nice if they were a bit bigger and then they kind of have like endless waves type gam play that'd be fun how about a nice cup of [Music] [Applause] Liberty wow it's just one after the other save here these supplies until I really really need it oh we got a bile Titan beautiful to democracy oh God throwing grenades oh I guess just going away isn't it Dyer yes stay right there buddy 50 seconds left boys starting to get real nervous don't want to fail this extraction but I don't want to stop fighting either foros oh no oh no oh 20 seconds left I can't die again not right on the Finish Line no no no no no my [ __ ] back boy uning democracy that should be pretty hefty oh that almost took me out okay I was trying to call for another Cannon but I don't know the cold by heart I think it's down down what is it down down up left right I think it is my loots cleared out get our [ __ ] back you you and you okay beautiful we're back 3 minutes and 30 more we got this I'll fight until I deem it not worth it anymore so far so good EMP out of Amo oh okay things starting to get ugly exuse me mind me I'm try to get this charger clipped oh oh I got Hunters behind me please don't hurt me [ __ ] oh another charger think this one oh y that charger is a [ __ ] Savage I think this one will get rid of himself though I think he's bleeding out H okay that did it I'm not going to I don't think I'm going to worry about this bile Titan I want to put in the numbers get get some oh crap bug breach yeah I might want to get out of here in the think it might be might be time fall back so we can try to extract here let's try to put some distance now between us and them as always what we want to do here is cut their line asight so there's this rock here to my right use it to cut our line of sight then we go through okay that was bad cuz he still saw me there we got to cut his line of sight again I'm going to cut it up here I think that Hunter is still on me this rock should do it now we just kind of don't Sprint cuz they have super hearing and they can hear you sprinting from like miles out these rocks here should be enough to keep their line of sight a bit off throw a n there make him investigate that sound the bugs is a little bit different though cuz at least for me it kind of feels like they always at some point figure out where you are anyways but mostly this is going to be good to try to buy as much time as you can let's see maybe we'll be able to maybe we'll be able to stealth the whole way through 35 seconds left almost there see they're coming to investigate wherever I was for some reason oh thought I had a n there he's coming right towards me and now he spotted me so I don't fully 100% understand stealth play against bugs I didn't stand still there like behind the rock as I probably should have but I didn't stand still there because if it was much more likely that the hunters were going to overwhelm me there oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] go go go go go go go go go ini stand oh hello excuse me go Pelican one get the [ __ ] out of here all right that's beautiful that is a full solo heal diver difficulty fer Cannon run I absolutely am in love with this weapon it feels like the pre-nerf rail gun just like in the different way very different way it's not like anything like it but the play style is fairly similar involves a lot of movement a lot of positioning timing you know you got to make the right choice is at the right times whereas the ark thrower is more just stand still and and zap [ __ ] uh I'm really excited for this weapon I'm really glad they added it feel like it's uh made it very exciting to play against bugs again also really looking forward to using it against automatons like I said I'll probably have a video up on it tomorrow now let's see how many kills we got here let's see if we broke our personal record I want to get 1,000 I don't think I got that many though come on give me 1,000 oh 964 only 36 off if we had more early game fights we would have had it but yeah thank you guys very much for watching I'll be catching you guys on the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 296,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: 6-aXy3zdmog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 47sec (2807 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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