We Were NOT PREPARED For This Failure - Helldivers 2

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[Music] we are back inside of Hell divers and this one did not go down as planned since at this point we are all but assured of failing the current major order and what's really wild about this whole situation is that it may have been avoided if we had a bit more Intel from hell D HQ welcome back to the channel this is Lieutenant buzz lightbeer and today we've got this really late transmission from arrowead concerning this major order along with a player base that has some pretty strong opinions on both sides of this argument and if you've watched any of my previous videos you know I'm going to have thoughts on all of this as well thanks for your continued support hit subscribe and ring the notifications Bell to stay up toate on all my latest uploads and hey we've got an awesome sponsor for today's video AFK journey is the eil fantasy RPG followup to AFK Arena featuring a distinctive art style intricate gameplay mechanics and the added dimension of a PC compatible sidescrolling element create your ideal character through the customization system and then begin your adventures as Merlin tasked with Gathering faction Heroes and honing your Battlefield skills AFK Journey's hex battle map allows players to freely set up their hero lineups while exploring big Maps solving puzzles and even reuniting with beloved characters from AFK Arena while in game you can take advantage of the upgraded social features that allow for Squad ups with guildmates or randomly matchmake as you make your way through dungeons or a ton of side gameplay like the Arcane Labyrinth AFK journey is now available on iOS Google Store for mobile and on the AFK Journey official website for PC and the best part is it's free to everyone now during the official release players can also get all heroes for free including epics along with free plls for game progression and events like the 7-Day login also you can redeem my code AFK Journey 88 found down in the description for a bunch of in-game giveaways and thank you to AFK Journey for sponsoring this video all right very quickly today's daily order for 15 medals is to complete six Mission sub obje Ives which is honestly pretty straightforward and as always I've included chapters they're up and in place to help out your overall viewing experience all right next up is the biggie topic the imminent failure of the current major order which is now sitting at what 21 to 22 hours to go until zero hour and I'm going to be taking a look at some of the arguments being tossed around in just a moment as well as weighing in with my thoughts on it all but at this point the seign sector and the liberation of Tibet is effectively over we just don't have enough time now yesterday we had ubia sitting at nearly 96% liberated we were in the last few hours of knocking that one out and then it was going to be onwards to tibit when the wheels just fell off and the chaos began and I've received multiple DMS asking me exactly what in the hell happened because I know many of you out there were genuinely baffled I got messages that were all basically echoing the Same by line hey I was over on Alia with my mates we were crushing out the missions and then all of the sudden we couldn't access the planet anymore why what happened and the answer to that riddle is drop near not exactly a 100% exact explanation and it's a bit more in- depth than that but it boils down to the fact that Joel while we were burning ubia to the ground simultaneously started a defense campaign on drop near in the Zar sector there was no mention of it in the major order tab nothing like Beware of the automaton Counterattack in the Zar sector you know something like that but since there was nothing most players I wouldn't say the vast majority of players but a lot of them really didn't see it happening until it was too late and we eventually lost dropn now since we lost control of drop near and since hell divers operates on a series of supply lines which are displayed nowhere in game we then lost access to aania leaving us with a slog to retake drop so we could again get access to Alia and then hopefully onwards to Tibet and you know we simply don't have enough time to do it all in the next 22 is hours this also led to an all too late Galactic War update from spits in the hell divers Discord which only a fraction of the player base has access to and you know there's a lot here but this last bit here spells it all out this has resulted in the worst possible outcome for our forces as drop near Fell uus stood at 95% liberated and would have required another few hours to be completed had our forces decided earlier what to do or alternatively managed to sway more of the roughly 35% of Hell divers active on the termined front than today would have been a cause for celebration but victories need to be earned in order to be meaningful and victory has not been earned this day our task is now to retake dropn to enable FTL lines to ubia before the automatons can Shore up defenses and repopulate their losses this setback will prove to be significant and may compromise the major order if droper and ubia are not retaken quickly Spitz also goes on to make mention of the amount of Hell divers on malevolent Creek and how 35% of our entire force was actually on the other side of the Galaxy taking on those bugs sparking a fracture of the player base into either bug divers or creek crawlers yeah no lie that's what they're called according to many Reddit posts so you know this whole thing metastasized into the perfect storm of failure but it's important to point out the deficiencies so we can avoid them in the future starting off with supply lines not every hell diver is an Avid Reader on Reddit they aren't all a part of the hell diver Discord which is currently capped so you can't even get in they aren't combing over Twitter or watching daily updates on YouTube the average hell diver just logs in Daily and tries to do their part for democracy and without the valuable information of knowing exactly what has to be liberated to open up the next portion and so on these players are just going in blind we shouldn't have to log into helldivers doio to understand how the pathing works by the way that's a valuable resource right there and I highly recommend it and so the game design that lack of VIs supply lines that lack of updates in the dispatches it needs to be called out for what it is it's grossly deficient because players not all but a lot were doing exactly what the major order told them to do and they actually got cut out because of faulty Intel from HQ now I have no way of confirming this so just take this with a pinch of salt just my two cents here but it almost felt like game master Joel saw us blitzing through the sever and sector he could see that we were going to blow up ubia and then onwards to Tibet and he decided to drop in this mysterious drop near defense in the dead of night with no notifications just to kind of slow us down because and hear me out here I'd like to know how the automatons actually got to drop near I mean if the hell divers controlled every planet in the Zar sector and we controlled every surrounding sector even showing a pretty healthy lead in the assault on malevolent Creek where did they come from and how did they manage to make it to drop near assuming that supply lines work in the exact same manner for the automatons as it does for the hell divers H Food For Thought right there there was also this further clarification as to how and what missions you were doing and how they correlated to Liberation percentages again nowhere listed in game as Spitz explained that just blasting through on trivial difficulty is no longer effective now Liberation is based on XP so the higher difficulty you tackle times the amount of objectives and side objectives is going to net you higher levels of XP which does more to help out the Liberation cause spending more time in the missions hitting those out of the way areas and hot spots now actually helps your XP which not everyone knew or knows about so those old ways of of spamming easy difficulty missions just hitting the main objectives and extracting are no longer the approved method so at this point we've identified a real lack of ingame Intel and as I said we shouldn't have to consult outside sites to get the real picture of a major campaign we've also got hell divers spread across the Galaxy some because they had no idea what was actually going down and some because they well because they chose to go to a different planet you've also got changes to Liberation XP which I can't remember seeing displayed anywhere in the game and then you've got the Bots the clankers the oil cans themselves the automatons now I'm currently running a poll in my Channel's Community Tab and after about 2 hours and well over 4,000 votes hell divers are definitively saying that in a 4:1 ratio they really don't like the automatons and naturally if you're going to log on to play game I.E you're going to log on to have fun you're going to seek out that fun and what this poll says is that players really don't like the left side of that Galaxy map at this point I'm going to speak from personal experiences I have a decent amount of play time right now in Hell divers and the automatons have a few areas in their programming that are just so bad and unbalanced that it leads to players avoiding them outright namely their insane range they aim their unbalanced damage output and their sight and I'll explain that one in just a moment Now where's the bugs need to be in a bit closer to attack you automatons even the lowly ground troops can Peg you with sniper likee accuracy from extreme ranges sometimes from what feels like miles away rocket Devastators oh man they are what they are I've seen them bend rocket volleys over the tops of hills and around corners and cover to hit me I've been wearing heavy armor with a shield generator pack and often times it's a One-Shot kill if I get hit with one of their blast but the area that really affects the overall gameplay experience at least for me versus the automatons is their sight and let me explain the statement I've been Planet Side in a driving rainstorm with fog and Mist to the point of barely being able to see a few feet in front of me I can't see anything and I'm pretty sure nothing can see me but you know out of nowhere in comes a rocket attack or some huge turret blast me off my feet and I'm orbited clear across the map it's maddening there's no laser pointer there's no indications showing where they're aiming at or where the attacks are coming from it's just instad death which is why a lot of players prefer to stay on the right side of the Galaxy map even when the major order is versus the oil cans on the left now to be clear clear I'm not asking for this game to be made easier far from it I love the challenge and there's always the ability to tune it down a bit with the difficulty settings but clearly the automatons are busted severely busted in several key areas and because of how broken they are players avoid them like the plague also for me just making a mental note here I tend to see more janky things happening when I'm taking on the Bots for instance 12 hell bombs needed to destroy a single objective as there always is this single Little Shack left over that they just can't seem to level even when they land on top of it I mean that's just one example although blasting a full automaton drop ship from the air and watching the Twisted Metal coming down on a squat of bots never gets old I love that but you know specifics aside this was a failure of the highest order and we really need this to be modified and changed for the future more accurate ingame alerts and easy to understand feedback is badly needed not just through third party sites we also need some outlier tuning for these automaton issues not to make them easier to kill but more predictable to counter anyways I probably carried on a bit too long with this one but I didn't want to go full sodium mode for the video but I'm not going to lie I invested a ton of time into this major order and it really really stings to see it all lost because of the issues I just spelled out remember to hit subscribe and ring that notifications Bell to receive my upload alerts all my Social Links can be found in the video description including an open invite link to my awesome and growing hell divers Community Discord server a huge thanks to the nearly 213,000 of you that have taken the plunge and hit subscribe you are all legends and until the next one this is Lieutenant Buzz lightbeer signing off [Music]
Channel: LtBuzzLitebeer
Views: 79,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HELLDIVERS 2, ltbuzzlitebeer, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, best stratagems helldivers 2, MAJOR ORDER, automatons
Id: twpXEjd6vnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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