EASY UNLIMITED KILL LOADOUT?? 🔥| Helldivers 2 #helldivers #helldivers2

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hello everybody my name is Marco and today we're going to be playing with an amazingly good Loadout that would let you hunt down heavy instead of them hunting you this load out will let you have a massive amount of kills for all of your games as well and all of that without the Friendly Fires and ACD dentals because let's face it you never want to be that guy while this load out is better suited against the terminat it can easily be as effective against automatons 2 whether you need to run across a huge map or kill a T of enemies in a small space very little tweaking if any will be needed so let's Dive Right In for the armor we'll be using the c74 breaker light armor which has the engineering kit passive the thing I'm mostly after here is the plus two Max Capacity for grenades that will'll get grenades can be used for easy crowd control as well as taking down both Heavies and enemy structures this armor is available for purchase at the superstore if it's currently not available don't worry cuz the superstore Cycles between previously sold sets every now and then for our primary weapon we'll be using the l16 sickle which is available on page one of The Cutting Edge premium war bond this weapon is energy based and is light armor penetrating what I like about this weapon is that it can potentially have unlimited ammo as long as you manage your weapon heat properly this is very useful for destroy terminate egg objectives to manage its weapon heat all you have to do is switch to your secondary weapon right before the heat meter reaches Max do take note that even if the CLE overheat you get a lot of reloads for it so if you have no choice but to keep on shooting don't be too worried about it the secondary weapon we'll be using is the p19 Redeemer submachine gun and let me tell you this thing is a beast it is light armor penetrating as well and has an 1100 fire rate you can find it on page two of the basic hell divers mobilized war bond for the grenade we'll be using the g16 impact grenade just like the Redeemer it's on the basic war bond as well and you can find it on page five it's basically the same as the default H grenade minus the fuse stun you no longer have to cook the grenade as this thing explodes on impact now for the strategems the first one is the orbital laser this thing can obliterate Heavies clear out mobs and even destroy structures this strategy will give us the versatility that we need for any type of mission next is the orbital rail Cannon strike which will allow us to easily kill B Titans tanks Hulks and Chargers this orbital is very easy to use you just throw it towards the enemy and it auto targets the largest one available it's very precise and is pretty much a one shot oneill sniper round from outer space for a support weapon will be going with the Expendable an tank this is god tier in my opinion aside from the fact that it is available for use fairly early in the game it is still very viable for use even in the hell dive 9 difficulty this thing can one hit Chargers if you shoot them in the head close down nests deal with Titans and tanks take down spewers and Trigger nests from afar and shoot down drop ships even before they drop down BX and although it's a single round weapon you get two eats every time you drop this strategy you basically shoot the first one grab the second and then shoot again this is perfect for our build since we're using a light armor and we need to be constantly on the move to avoid getting hit the cool thing about it is that it only has a 70-second cool down so what I do is I drop it whenever it is available this way me and my teammates would always have a support weapon on hand the thing with higher difficulty levels is that you will probably die a lot and it's not always possible to run across the map to pick up your dropped equipment you won't have this problem with the eat last but not the least we'll be using our best boy guard dog Rover now out of all the things that we have equipped this is probably the one that's most likely to accidentally hit your team to avoid this you need need to be mindful of where the enemies and your teammates are at all times speaking of map awareness for huge Maps I like using the Recon booster it's helpful making sure that you and your team know what's coming and just in case one or two enemies manage to get close enough guard dog Rover acts like a compass for me and lets me know where those nearby enemies are again this is especially helpful when there are planetary effects that limit visibility and that is it for this video I'll be posting a full gameplay video right after this and if it's already uploaded there should be a link for it somewhere on the screen I'll see you guys on the next one peace
Channel: LetsGoMarko
Views: 12,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers2, hell divers 2, helldivers, hell divers, shriekers, terminids, flying bugs, arc thrower, how to kill shriekers, video game, bile titan, chargers, spore spewers, shrieker nests, hellbomb, automaton, tips, orbital strike, orbital laser, orbital rail cannon strike, loadout, best loadout, light armor loadout, end game loadout, best weapons after patch, how to get better at helldivers, how to get better
Id: pF47CLDqnKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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