Baldur's Gate 3 Evil Tactician Gameplay Pt. 6 (Hags and Shrooms)

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foreign check one two hello [Music] how art thou [Music] y'all doing all right [Music] [Music] let's jump right into it hello and happy Wednesday welcome back for part five of the live stream let's play series on tactician mode I believe last session we worked our way through the underdark a little bit getting really close to level five or I hit level five I can't remember Anonymous Andrew hello welcome to your first live stream thanks for stopping in sometimes the join button doesn't show Daniel if you're on mobile but if you look in the description of the video there should be a link that will take you to the page that you're looking for Laker says this game is phenomenal having a blast and still on act 1 30 hours in it is phenomenal there's so many things that I want to talk about but I can't because it's spoilers because on my other run I'm much further than on this run it is just man this trust me you guys got to make it at least to act three okay I know a lot of people quit games before they finish games you got to make it at least make it to act three because it's pretty insane E20 slicer deal Brown hello burn what's up went to the little oh the Olympic Camp the one with the Hobgoblin here talking about the goblin Fortress act one with 100 hours already that's awesome Gonzo good for you that's incredible to The Tavern skull Rob says I've been watching both your let's play on your live streams every day interesting things a foot in your let's play yeah so today's episode for the let's play started amping things up a little bit because we finally made it to the new areas that weren't in Early Access let me just tell you the next episode which is episode nine one of the most intense intense suspenseful moments of all time in gaming history for myself it was crazy act one with 356 hours the game hasn't even been out for 356 hours what are you talking about how many hours are in a week not as atheist thank you so much for the 10 euro Super Chat appreciate you awfully generous poor Hall says I was watching your let's play and I laughed so hard when the enchanted door kept you from getting in fight the guardian and getting the ceremonial weapon I also didn't know you could just LP it you know what's an awesome spell it takes a while to get into the habit of using some of the utility spells in this game but the knock spell I know that Wizards get it Sorcerers might also get it if you choose at the knock spell it's so amazing for opening up locks and doors especially if you don't yeah it's been 168 hours since the game's been out there's no way you have 354 hours unless you're a time traveler man look at the city right here it's one of the coolest like opening scenes of all time in all of gaming Ram is this Tower I'm gonna start multi-classing into sorcerer probably at level six so I'm gonna do level five as a sorcerer so I can get level three spells and then we'll start dipping into Warlock I believe so DT I'm not much further than that myself so I can't really answer with 100 certainty really hard because I'm juggling so many playthroughs at one time so even as someone who got a review code I'm still not done with the game and I'm also doing a separate you know live stream run I think so I think so what's up Dylan knock is perfect found a necklace that restores all spell slots oh a spell slot that's awesome so many great magical items in this game it's crazy it's like hard to remember everything because you have like four billion items and potions that can solve the problem for you you might come up to something and your brain just turns off because you have too many options all right oh God stop Don't Close Your Eyes you guys are getting spoilers when I click on the load game right there that's my other playthrough everybody close your eyes okay there we go damn man you guys just saw some crazy stuff right there if you go back and you pause all right we ended at the swamp Daniel thank you so much for becoming a channel member I appreciate you figuring that out thanks a lot where does Lazelle go if you don't save her in the beginning I'm not sure I didn't save Gail in the beginning I still haven't seen him even once in this playthrough I'm not sure if he's gonna turn up in Act 2 or act three or what I just ruined the game for you my bad does the green shirt actually work with the green screen I'm surprised that this shirt actually isn't going invisible on you guys DJ Payne thank you as well appreciate that you are now a wolf puppy all right so we made it to the swamp but I made it to the swamp from the underdark way I'm just going to go back in here so some of you guys can see that this route exists you ripped off Gail's hand oh a wrong wall I tried going through the wrong wall thank you Blaker absolutely DT you do what you got to do most important thing is that you enjoy your run my channel is not going anywhere so I'll be here for the foreseeable future isn't this incredible this is where the man the myth the legend dristo erden was born and raised still have to do the Arcane Tower too I wonder if I'll do that today you know what maybe before we do the hag you know what screw it let's do the hag right now I'm kind of curious if the hag is like amped up in difficulty Trump plays on high with a 1660 super at 60 FPS yeah 1660 is kind of old right all right so let's go ahead and pop along rust real fast well tired right now I'm not gonna lie see you Henry this is where my LaSalle is right now I probably got to organize my inventory show my God did I do that first I wish you could like drag and make these boxes bigger all right let's see what we got here we got a million Scrolls I think I'll keep the Scrolls on my sorcerer got our Alchemy pouch we can leave all that right there got another Alchemy pouch let me go over to my camps supplies over here and to have a ton of stuff in here to explain got my whitey tighties in here you know what I'm saying mellow fruit dye let's try some of the dyes out right now black and summer green black and jade green let's see what we can do here I really don't like my robe that much but we're probably gonna find some better robes soon let's see what this mellow fruit dye is is all about that's kind of cool actually what do you guys think about that I kind of like it let's give the sage green I love sage green it's one of my favorite colors let's give that a try man get the blue out of there and I'm sold on that and then black and jade green I think that might be my favorite kind of looks like teal represent my chanticleers out there you know what I'm saying any of you guys chant to clears all right I think we'll run with that I don't really like it that much but it's different oh my God yes are you kidding me absolutely 100 percent it looks like a State Trooper it's straight straight up looks like a State Trooper that's hilarious all right we're gonna do that oh my God a story I'm put on some freaking clothes dude the hell you doing in my Camp right now for cripe's sake the guy already bit my neck when I was wearing a g-string that was uncomfortable nearly straddled me we got stupid downtown over here I need to get menthara in my damn group all right let's um I was organizing my inventory okay you guys got to give me a minute here okay make sure I'm all caught up in my gear got Speedy light feet boots but these are medium armor so we don't want to wear those um we could put those on Shadow for the time damn it always glitches out oh there we go put those on Shadow when the wire dashes or takes a similar action they gain three lightning charges I'll pretty much never Dash probably with Shadow but good enough okay Starion is just butt naked over here Midori thanks for the two notification ping the Discord wait did I already I posted it in the Discord I'm not gonna ping everybody uh when I do a live stream because I stream too much but thanks man David thanks for the ten dollars hey wolf I think you're misremembering the Hobgoblin and lithid in the underdark with that small Quest per launch you get more tadpole Powers it's different with the full release um I am very I'm well aware of that Quest what am I Mis remembering I plan on going there at some point I'm not sure what I'm misremembering though I do plan on going there uh after I finish The Hags hacks hot we're gonna go back there game audio sorry about that game audio should be back now sometimes my hand hits the wrong key you're level 12 now Mac one nice that's awesome put all my Scrolls in my backpack thanks for the donuts guys do it now what are you yelling at me for all right I do have to get some backpacks let's see starion's got his drow studded leather on we're gonna yeah Starion looks pretty cool right now look at that Isn't that cool all right there's not there's actually not as many capes in this game as I hope there would be at least not until you reach act three lightning blast Focus the electricity in your veins to strengthen your next Lightning Spell or can trip so that is completely useless on all of my characters except maybe Leon but Leon is Rocking The Spectator eyes Ray of fear and wounding Ray can't wait to try those out [Music] I got all my dye right here we're gonna take all the dye send that to Camp get those out of my inventory um I'm gonna have to get some backpacks at some point and definitely organized put all the Scrolls in one backpack we're just gonna drop all these get these out of here well that's pretty cool let's lay weapons all over my Camp here that's kind of cool actually I feel like you can do some interesting like custom Camp design just by where you place things like get a bunch of boxes and send them back to camp and then build like a fort I plan on doing that at some point Never Gonna Get rid of my shovel absolutely not [Music] put a little hand crossbow right there this is how I sleep I sleep surrounded by my weapons I'm still using the two-handed sword for the shield of Faith all right we'll send that to camp okay I think we're pretty much good to go here gotta find some backpacks are any backpacks just sitting around in Camp somewhere we gotta progress the story a little bit more you can use all these wooden trunks too which is nice you can put stuff anywhere that you want to put stuff anything I can steal from Shadow all right let's take the gloves of power I think I want to wear those at some point I'm going to send these to camp just open up this other one hold on I'll organize this stuff some other time just get rid of some of the heavier things potion of featherfall we'll save that foreign [Music] Packer here all right we're gonna put all the Scrolls in the adventuring pack that'll definitely free up some inventory space here I'll make it look a little neater so happy that we can select multiple items now it really makes a huge difference I'm not playing Dark urge nope T20 says I wish there was a quick organized option for items just stack items and put them in order quick organize option for items what about this Nolan thank you for renewing your channel membership appreciate that thanks a lot let's go to the shop yeah we'll be going there at some point okay let's get out of here state trooper Leon Leon and nastarion the dynamic duo 82. come on man what you screw me off here with they can't get the math right on that everything's worth four unbelievable so our Lock's not working right hey team ring thanks thanks for the compliment on the Hat you can be so evil in this game true Hunter says by watching the tactician gameplay vods I'm an episode three at the moment happy to help pass some time when you're at work man all right so I think we're gonna do the hag first I don't think it's even worth going to kill the wood roads or the methods they're probably not worth a lot of XP got my Spore Druid with me [Music] cheer me up professional won't be discussing that again foreign you can hold down shift and click to select a row or control and click to select individual items actually if you hover over this little red thing right here see it next to the showing all box right here it tells you inventory controls DJ thank you for the 10 Euro donation I appreciate that I can Google doesn't help it's you're my only hope when a bar reaches level four you can choose the performer feat with musical instrument efficiency what does that do exactly so if you have the performer feat um hold on let me bring my character out here I'll show you I'll show you guys right now it's actually quite entertaining so you're not interrupting so if you don't have the performer feat and you have an instrument on your character you can scroll down here into the comment actions you can click on perform and then there's a list of different songs that you can play so let's go ahead and click on this one and a Starion does not have the performer feet or performance skill whatever the heck you call it and because of that nothing happens except this gibberish music right here if you have the performance feet you play a beautiful Melody and a bunch of NPCs will gather around you they might donate gold to you and it can also be used in combat if you use it before combat begins to distract enemies to get them to all move to a different spot so you can set up for combat or you can pickpocket enemies things of that nature and if you have an entire party that has the performance feat everybody will play together the song you can have somebody playing the drums somebody playing the loot somebody playing whatever pretty cool thanks Daniel Zork I have not I've definitely heard of it though noise this is a clutch finder here okay we gotta take all the food we can get man this is 80 camp supplies to rest a few people have mentioned Zork in the past no manthara Romance give me that butter bun foreign you are my butter bun so many good potions in The Hags lair [Music] s and this pie is gonna come back up to say hello don't make me get the wooden spoon you're eating for two so get to it who is this friend of yours no no I don't know her come now aren't you going to introduce yourself why is Shadow on this conference was she not with my group she like tried to walk around hold on one second y'all I'm gonna fix my webcam real fast hold on one second okay we're at 4 40 right now let's make it a little less how about that is that is that good right there I don't have like the best setup ever I hope you got to get it to where just only a little bit of green shows there we go I think that's perfect good enough I'm Shadow heart a pleasure oh I thank you Amy Sparta what's up free to relax yourself I'm Cuppa have a Cuppa scrub me patience look at Shadow Hearts the only one in dialogue right now oh she's so cute isn't she doesn't look like she's in dialogue I don't know if I want to kill the hag like before she met I kind of want to fight her down in her lair interesting place you have right in the middle of nowhere beautiful isn't it it's my little refuge for the lust and hopeless people in dire need travel from all over faerun to see little old me I do my damnedest to help them and you petal well you need a lot of help with regular swimming in your brain juice is a bit of an inconvenience isn't it man it's like it's a little bit bugged out she should be I mean Shadow heart is up here but it's in the Cinematic is showing her down here and the hag is also facing this way I wonder if Marina would give me away let me walk up here let's see what happens oh your life is on the line oh shit I'm still in dialogue I'm just gonna oh man amnix thank you for the 20 Super Chat really appreciate that your first Super Chat ever thanks so much one stinking and Insidious assaults your senses Mrs doubler haven't heard that name in a while okay all right so I'm thinking I don't want to waste I can't remember for HP stays the same if she goes down to the end of the lair if she regenerates her HP we gotta fight these damn red caps though I kind of was I kind of wanted to try the hag's operation not that not that my character needs it really though I'm curious like what it does now I have 1816 I have no odd numbers Shadow heart has an odd number but in strength nobody cares about that starion's got even numbers I have an odd number in dexterity on my Spore druid but it's not that huge of a deal because I'm wearing medium armor so getting a 16 wouldn't help with my armor class okay I think we're good to kill the hag thanks amnix good evening Samantha you thought you were safe I always think I'm safe when I'm not looks like there's only one red cap I wonder if more Are Gonna Come I haven't done this encounter in a while whoa what are you doing sorry that's not what I wanted you to do [Music] sucks to suck oh that actually is pretty cool I wonder if that does AOE damage your next lightning speller can trip deals additional lightning damage on hit all of your latent charges are consumed that was actually pretty cool [Music] before [Music] with Heist state trooper Leon the hag is like standing right next to me probably invisible but I don't know if I want to yeah I'm okay with her escaping I'd rather fight her down in her Lair your new friends bye bye I can't have gone far [Music] I have scale Mal on her right now medium armor ml plus one take one less slashing damage volo's operation is any different than it was in Early Access I didn't get high ground from that oh yeah here they all come all the red caps are coming shot shadow meow meow contract never gets old different to Early Access all right let's um let's bring one character over here might have to use a few spell slots the invisibility hag's already gone thank you I don't remember where I got that wizard hat from if you just search like all the wardrobes robe excuse me wardrobes and cabinets and things of that nature you'll end up finding a few hats Super Trooper reference I wonder if they'll run through the grease or not nice Kevin thank you for 30 months so Channel membership kids in bed and wolf on bg3 today is a good day let's go what's up with this me outfit why is everybody saying meow thanks Sergeant I appreciate you hanging out evil path is interesting foreign you guys want me to try let me try this so I got this from The Spectator fight and it frightens your target let's see if we can fret in the guy in the back right here it has a hell of a range holy crap okay so it worked let's examine right hand cannot move frightened entities have disadvantage and ability checks and attack rolls makes it easier you only got one approaching you at a time I'm not sure what this meow thing is all about it's freaking me out though why is everybody so why is everybody talking about Super Troopers right now are they like really launch a new movie or something was it playing on TV today not really the best positioning for shadow heart here but whatever thank you oh look what is gandrel doing are you serious dandrill is is cowering in fear right now he's a vampire hunter come on that dude should be locked and loaded right now slaying red caps that's crazy all right now we're gonna shoot the guy that we frightened actually let's play it more tactically how many more rounds he's only frightened from one more round okay we're gonna shoot him screw up critical hit Dem fucks the suck bro Starry I'm with his Loot on his back is funny well now I can't do anything but jump down I think I misclicked I shot the spiritual weapon unbelievable minus five points for Gryffindor hey shy trying to get my friends to play Divinity original sin with me for years bg3 comes out and they are obsessed nice well you know to be fair bg3 is a major upgrade from domain the original sin in terms of you know cinematics storytelling the appeal of the general gameplay the look of the gameplay with that said domain original sin is a fantastic game I might have to play it after we finish bg3 I miss it little bastard actually has 58 HP I just realized that it's quite strong what is this guy doing I don't think I've ever seen a red cap go up there before incredible really don't need to waste a spell slot these guys aren't even coming at me they're scared of the Grease [Music] Paul m-i-k-l thank you so much for becoming a channel member you are greatly appreciated thanks Paul Pablo thanks for the Canadian 10 what happened to donate a memberships tab it should be there man I don't know why it wouldn't be showing I don't think anything changed replicator hello thank you Antonio you know it's a great spell when people are invisible Ferry Fire always good to have a character that has fairy fire all right what is this little bastard doing over here are you kidding me my own grease is blocking my way now I wonder if I can get a shot from right here oh it's so close I think I got it shit I have not robbed no never heard of it couldn't talk to the Monster Hunter here because he kept running away from my rain yeah shy just be aware I'm I'm probably a lot I don't know maybe I'm not further than you on my other run I'm assuming I'm further than you the Animal Companions create quite a lot of problems for You When approaching NPCs there's several instances where I had to put my companion away because it was kind of like breaking the game because everybody was just running from me assuming it's a bug it should only be like that for like the spiders and a few of the other animal forms but like for a wolf or a bear like that shouldn't happen I think it's just bugged out oh my God I'm just seriously now I gotta go try hard on these little things you gotta be oh my God they have one of my characters okay all right y'all want to play games y'all want to play games Shadow Art's actually kind of low on HP I gotta be careful here thank you call in the Spore druid way September 5th you guys want to play Starfield are you playing on PlayStation 5 Kevin is that what you're saying I'm excited to play Starfield it's gonna be nice to take uh take a break and go into a different genre for a little bit with that said Baldur's Gate 3 will be played for many years to come all right what do we got we got one guy right here where the hell are these little things there's one right here okay the one died no no they're both here he's all the way up there that's crazy I wonder if this will put me in combat okay well that answers that you live and you learn right damn dude these guys actually have a lot more H and they're healing okay all right let's get serious now no I'm not playing games anymore I was messing around with these red caps now it's time to kick their ass see ya [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I literally thought this fight was gonna be a joke and now half my party is dead [Music] good ending on matara and thara is bae [Music] damn that was crazy I love when they fall Larry did such a good job on the animations for like the silly things like that all right let's uh let's have a Starion go on up here and have a chat with this guy by himself to waft of something fell metallic and sickly sweet forgive the aroma powdered iron Vine an old Hunter's trick most monsters will think twice before making a meal of me you're a monster hunter I'm surprised I thought Olga were wandering Cutthroats not just cut throats we're thieves con artists fragrants the list goes on I wish I had half the power you settled folk think my people possess alas I'm a simple Wanderer on the hunt and what is your prey exactly dragon cyclops kobold nothing so dramatic I'm hunting for a vampire spawn uh I I'm on a mission from the head of my tribe sent me here to capture the Beast and return him to Boulder's Gate No Doubt what do you know of this creature I know everything about him it can't be oh shit dude Oh I thought we're gonna get like a cut scene shit I should have rested I should oh shit dude this dude is and this dude's been [Music] he's been snorting some Coke or something holy crap thanks Pablo you shared it see what you changed about I suppose if I'm gonna support you I'll do it right thanks Pablo oh there's the gifted membership welcome to the 10 new members thank you to Pablo thanks a lot Pablo many of you guys are going to be lucky receivers of memberships hey Shannon what's up no this is not a new area this is the swamp area and I'm fighting gandrill right now but no I didn't rest before so this should be interesting and he also has 83 HP and a Starion is dead yeah I didn't think that one through probably should have thought that one through a little bit more before I talked to him with a Starion because we have a major problem we have a major major problem I've never even used symbiotic entity nice two damage with Moonbeam that's gonna help unbelievable more cowbell all right we gotta play this smart hold on we actually might have to get serious here [Music] we can we can do this we can do this not good not good at all man I can't wait to get to level five when I can actually start using some real spells around here you know what I'm saying foreign oh shit critical hit wait how did that happen when she has how did she just take a critical hit when she has Mirror Image out there's a Boris charge not apply to that that's downright crazy dude I barely touched this guy right now all right I'll tell you what we're gonna do I don't know if I want to drink my one potion of speed on gandrill and encounter that I didn't even care about all right let me think for a second guys let me think here we are in a bad bad situation right now [Music] [Music] foreign okay that's pretty good that's really good that's really good I honestly don't even care about the bore oh yes yes yes yes fuck did entity can't move or take actions bonus actions are reaction attacks against this entity are always critical hits at the attackers within 10 feet well I can't get there so let's go ahead and just do a guiding Bolt okay I like it I like it a lot and you know what I'm also going to do Shield of faith [Music] chill the faith plus Mirror Image get on my level get on my level dude foreign there we go that's the critical hit I was looking for yeah gandrill's not looking too hot anymore let's do it again we'll use my spell slot you gotta be shitting me oh my god when scorching right when all three missiles hit such a good feeling you guys understand that right disadvantage because we got the stupid bore in my face hell out of here Piggy you gotta be kidding me swear to God I hate boars I hate him tadpole powers come on game you gotta give this to me what are we doing here Midori thanks to the two dollar Evil Lizard sore lock for the win what should I do see this done and how you like that little piggy [Music] oh my God it's gonna come right back it's got to be shitting me right now little bastard I need healing see ya does he have how did he just survive that does he have death Ward active on his character I swear to God I just did it's 2 Hp oh shit how do I go back damn it I can't go back could have done uh Halo of spores where the hell did this bastard go what the hell okay here we got it no big deal but resurrect or Starion problem things Arcadium two have to bring out your inner Negan actually didn't finish The Walking Dead I did watch the season with Negan though all right where's my boy at where's the starion's body you die up here there he is what's up TARDIS select character above the right hand side there's an option to cancel and turn oh is it really I actually didn't know that um thank you I didn't expect those battles to be that intense [Music] gandrill's aspiration you have advantage against monstrosity type enemies well that's pretty sweet heavy crossbow though so I can't use it with a Starion I actually can't use it with anybody in my group right now but once I finally get a tank in my group I'll be able to use weapons like that once we get menthara added to the party all right swarming toadstool growl poison requires swarming Toadstool and any salt foreign I still have the needle of the outlaw I need to get started on some swords I've been doing him range for the most part but we need to up his damage a little bit better than nothing what's good about Oath Breakers they're pretty badass you can animate the dad at higher levels that's pretty cool right time to press ahead the gloves of missile snaring you can pick these up they're not I think you're looking at the red boots the missile snaring gloves you can pick up from the half lean Trader in The Druids Grove really really good gloves I highly recommend picking them up when you guys first get to The Druids Grove and negate so much range damage it's actually pretty crazy I think it's one of the most powerful items that you can get in act one up him as a ranger now that would be pretty cool I could respect him completely as a gloomstalker ranger or he could do gloomstock arranger with a few levels into Rogue to have sneak attack and maybe a rogue subclass I am going to Long rest Samantha before we get into this next area just an hour thank you for the 9.99 hey we'll flow the streams if you found a use for the metal ingots yet no but I'm hoping that I just arrived at the city on my other run and I'm hoping that I can find a use for them in the city but I have no idea right now I've been saving all of my metal ingots does anybody know has anybody made use of those you are as thick as they come sweetness this is my personal Playhouse and you don't have an invite get out or what oh the cocky ones are my favorite to chew on keep going pickle and you all find out [Laughter] it's pretty hot what is this place all right he begged me to hold the deadly disease that Rapids look don't you feel crushing waves of beer as the presence within the door recoils can't let people through not again what happened the last time you opened images flash a man cowering a bag open at his feet gold coins spilling onto the floor his cries for Mercy are cut short as the Hang slices into him dismembering him painstakingly limb by lip she cackles remaining flesh twisted and contorted well I just got age restricted the stick surface of the door before you fully you feel it crying that is updated from Early Access that's why I like I want to do all the content like it's some sometimes I'm like maybe I should just skip this right now but then I'm like maybe there's an updated scene or something like that Ranger gives you a extra attack true yeah Ranger and gloomstock yeah maybe we'll do that I'll think about it hey bold apart how are you I'm not afraid of that hag en appears in your mind two paladins in a cleric marching through the door shrouded in the glow of the Divine weapons brandished they charge into the hag's layer screams of Terror pierce the air you let them in naughty that's a decade for each you had yourself so damn freaky I love her so much the hag will be the least of your problems if you don't open up two Twitches but stays firm boom flickers and you realize that the door is transparent I can see through you I could just walk right in you you jerk you're pulled from the vision presence within shrinks begging you not to run through it a lot of updated scenes please please no no don't look much and see Smile as he twitches and whimpers me dead dead Shining quietly observe let's go splitting knife twisting got spilling all future all bad oh gods don't hurt me oh please please please please please please not everyone looks like you do elf it's shocking I know there's a monster monster oh my dripping oh man take a deep breath and Roar no no no no I'm sorry no intention of letting that happen wait away oh man down okay um let's go to the entrance right here take a long rest and then we're gonna push on in and kill the hag a look at a story I'm just standing over there in his Whitey tighties unbelievable dude like get a grip what are you doing because he doesn't have a camp uh a camp shirt that's why maybe we should get him something well there goes another 80 camp supplies you know to be honest with you I've actually gathered quite a lot of food but I just have to remind myself all the food that I see there's only half as much as if I was on my other run TW they go to the 10 super chat loving your dedication to bg3 Guide tips let's play before especially after release I'm here for it all please don't call his Dragon a lizard anymore thank you CW I should make you a moderator so you can ban Midori out of the chat every time he says something what do you think about that all right you guys ready for this I got my Spore Druid with me just loving the spores such a cool little animation right there yeah we're gonna cast you I'm gonna get I'm gonna start getting into the habit of casting Shield of Faith right when I come out of my long rest with my sorcerer even if I end up using a different concentration spell at least I'm have a better chance of taking advantage of it not forgetting about it looking ahead okay here we go that really is the state trooper look right there you guys know what I'm talking about right inventory that felt racially motivated shut up elephant see if the door nice damn that's so cool look at the time an effort that larion put just into simply walking through that door like the visual effects incredible you gotta appreciate things like that cast Aid yeah you know maybe I should start doing eight actually I always forget about Aid let's take let's get rid of nice let's get rid of Silence we'll pick up a don't look I'm gonna do Aid level two get even more hit points 10 hit points and a level three is 15 hit points and then we can unprepare it oh I guess you can't you gotta be shitting me look oh crap flareon's updated a little bit and there goes a level two spell slot okay we're not using Aid now look oh that's from my symbiotic entity you know be really cool you get past these guys I think I'm gonna try that I always kill these guys maybe it's time that we let's let me watch their pabbing here that guy turns right there oh that's plenty of time to get through and he comes up this way damn these Pat there's a lot of a lot of cones going on here though my face protects me I'm so tempted to do pass Without a Trace but it's another level two spell slot I already wasted the one let's do it sure why not take advantage of being a trickster Claire it has its uses I wonder what the next move is okay here we go you guys ready for this oh shit shit back back back back back back back oh no go go go go go go you gotta be kidding me I was about I was about to hit I think this light gave me away I wasn't watching the lighting conditions unbelievable okay it's only the Dragonborn you gotta be kidding me right now well there goes all my spell slots on the stupid stupid servants here sorry I can't jump that high I must have just failed my stealth roll looks like it's all dim Lighting in here it's not clearly lit could I wonder if shooting that out I wonder if that'll put me in combat there's only one way to find out yep it put me in combat okay well I guess we're dealing with that let's see if we can get Shadow onto some High Ground here because that would be super useful take her and bring her up here do a little jump you know what I'm saying everything goes as planned all the time and we'll move her right over here perfect we'll take the Spore druid we'll take the Spore Druid and we're gonna move him I think we gotta help out over here first I wonder if I can get to right here without doing a stealth check let's try it only one way to find out right had historian with full stealth gear stand directly in people's face and stay hidden yeah that didn't work okay all right I am here to test things out for you guys okay and then I'll deal with the consequences don't do what I do okay all right Dragonborn are you ready to kick some ass my man not heavy Misty step is really just pain in the butt right now who do I want to focus on first 29 36 one of these dudes can heal I think I think I can only see one we're immobile right now because we're frightened disadvantage because of a mobile but still 72 percent it's actually not too bad we'll just do a can trip though I don't want to waste it I won't do it kind of sad because I was thinking I might might save these guys all right let's go man I wish a Starion could get up there but he can't a hell of a shot right there Carolina don't make me hurt them transform into a spider well I'm playing a sport Druid so the wild shape forms aren't as appealing because then I lose my symbiotic entity somebody else just joined the fight too nice two damage I needed four and I did two I'll break them seriously seriously again [Music] [Laughter] I do not lethal attacks maybe I should let me fry this guy you guys ready for this absolutely gonna fry him like I could have done this entire fight without wasting spell slots but now I've already spent a bunch of spell slots so now I just feel like I might as well keep might as well keep catching spells that wasn't very nice hey dude what's up and I'll throw companions around chucking Shadow hearted enemies while she has Spirit Guardians on that's amazing dude that's a great idea Spirit Guardians is one of the best spells in the game it might be it might be the best spell in the game that's pretty funny you gotta have like oh you got that you must have a high strength character to throw shadowhard don't you waiting for the mod to rename chests and bags yeah that's a mod that I would love to download even before beating my first run something like that would be so helpful without like changing the game really at all speak with animals see ya anybody else come here I'm gonna smack you with my club nice I gotten stared too you make a drought yes you can absolutely 20 strength nice that's awesome oh yeah breath attack you're right thanks for reminding me I'm going to use that next turn and actually I'm going to use it I don't want to kill this guy so let's do what happened to my crossbow you could Mirena awesome action to do that though but that's okay of course he runs away dude come on I'm just trying to use my dragon's breath like oh damn that is so that is so cool that is so cool I can't move though you gotta be shitting me still breathing displayed everything you kidding me right now excuse Telly to throw Shadow heart have you guys used the teleport spell yet I think you don't get it until level seven I mean you could use the scroll all right I don't think I can actually get the dragon breath off actually the range might be good you guys ready for this nice take full advantage of the Dragonborn race that was pretty cool thanks to whoever suggested in the chat that was awesome all right let's um let's go back outside I just don't know if I feel comfortable fighting the hag ER I mean I do have some spell slots this isn't too bad I need a wizard with Arc I have you know what screw it let's go fight the hag with half spell slots I have most with my Dragonborn that's really the most important what do you guys think about that I think we should go for it I already have synbatic entity active risky but you like it okay all right you know what let's do it if I tpk you guys will be more entertained anyways you guys like when I die don't you foreign make sure there's no secrets around here that I missed you never know what larian threw into the game look at that raw steak 10 camp supplies phenomenal okay let's go let's oh you know what sucks I don't have anything to throw I don't have anything to throw to disarm the traps shit third tpk and you're here for at Midori of course you are is it my third come on can you just say second second tpk so just so you guys know when we were in the underdark last session wow larion completely blocked this off if you go through this door right here as long as you're wearing the mask that you can find in the previous room that will bring you to the teleporter to the underdark still alive so that's progress what am I to do watch how you go with the Trap you know technically I don't have to even work on that one I could just work on this one that's down below a little bit more all we gotta do is get to here though then we can jump how delicious oh dear you kidding me right now oh dear someone's left a trap house trap how considerate I jumped right on top of it that's too funny you gotta admit that was actually pretty funny Anthony I think of the Canadian 699 silence yeah you can use silence on the hag one way of helping out the encounter wish I had magehand right now like I'm noticing my weaknesses in this run and also my other group in terms of having spells available there's certain spells that like I'll feel like I never use on other runs but like I'm looking for them on this run just said yelled at me want to fall problem from that really foreign be cautious maybe I can I'm a little bit nervous as to climb down that I feel like I'm going to run over the Trap so let's just jump and take the two HP Congress being an open View chatterheart looks like she should be at Hogwarts laughs enough sitting around okay we're doing pretty good now we're back on track now we just got to make sure we can do this encounter as sport Druids can you revive and use killed enemies you can it's I don't know what level it is that you get access to that but yes at some point yes you get to animate spores it's called might be level six might be level five maybe next level I'm almost level five right now Anthony next to the 699 your fight versus the undead and your other playthrough in the kobolds Epic thanks man thanks for the don't know hey bros staring at the Hagler myself I am terrified you plan on are you playing on tactician Bros I think you are aren't you I remember you making some comments on it the other day I'm a little bit nervous myself I don't know like what what to expect here having Arcane Trickster true yeah fill in that Gap would be nice I mean I have a sorcerer but still yeah not the same that's okay I think it's fun when you don't have certain things in parties because it forces you to do things a different way like if you always make sure you have a wizard every time you play Baldur's Gate three and you never have to figure out like more creative situations like to try to get into places or do all those utility type things it kind of forces you to play differently so I'm okay with not having a wizard in my group just like on my other run I don't have a stealth character I don't have anyone that's good at stealth I don't have anyone that's good at lock picking and it's forcing me to do all sorts of things that I never would have done bosses can be hard you know I wiped for my first time on my balanced run today when I was filming part of the let's play series tpk for my first time and I'm wondering like how hard some of those fights are going to be on tactician I mean a lot of the tpk on your first run is you just don't know what you're doing you don't know what to expect and once you know how a fight goes obviously it's much easier all right so the hag is invisible right now I don't remember exactly where she's at but let's go ahead and let's set up people around the room I'm gonna leave my sork right here I think I'm gonna take Shadow heart and we're gonna put her all the way down here actually sometimes it's better just to leave everybody on the same side because then you end up running into distance problems can stay right here go ahead and turn off this light I don't think I'm gonna get caught it's out of the vision cone Cannon thanks for the Canadian 10. waiting for the tpk well you guys might get it right now too okay I mean you've already seen me do it on tactician it's definitely gonna happen again all right I wonder if I should disarm this let's disarm this so it's out of my way Ireland's for sacrificial runs Mariana shut the hell up hey Matt what's up shove the hag into the river nice I love shoving enemies you do miss out on the loot but I've shoved quite a lot of enemies in my time a random animal wiped your party okay you guys ready for this here we go actually you know what I will no I'm Gonna Leave everybody on The High Ground I think we're gonna leave everybody on The High Ground and I'm pretty sure the hag is standing either right here or right here I can't remember um okay we're gonna move we're gonna move Shadow all the way up and around and I wouldn't mind actually seeing the cut scene hurricane trickster is the better oh it's instant combat but we're gonna get a little cutscene remember the green hags and slaster they spammed invisibility I do remember that thanks Anthony very much they're a pain in the ass well my style my stealth didn't work this is a horrible start whatever nothing's going as planned today I'm not really focusing that much on the gameplay here we go finish the hag a few hours ago I had to start and sneak over and push the button to Freer then we had an epic fight that girl hasn't got long if you plan to save her I don't know if we care to save her do we could we care there we go threw some water to help her out not sure what we want to do with her just yet okay Mr Dragonborn this is where actually Let's help out the Dragonborn let me come down here first let's do let's do sheleighly gonna take a whack at this this guy right here okay I see what's up I feel like there's more forms is there not more forms there's one two three four five there's six forms I don't ever remember there being six before damn this is an amazing use right here of distant spell the sorcerer is metamagic this is an amazing use of it actually we're gonna cast that level too look at that I can hit I can hit every single hag okay we found her let's turn someone inside the house okay let's get serious you guys ready thank you man I need my level three spells but on this mode is difficult looks you might have more uh more forms on tactician or something like that unless unless the entire game's been updated oh damn 145 HP and she's level five and I'm level four we gotta man we got our work cut out for us right now oh I might have to push her into the hole not even a joke shit why did I okay it actually worked out pretty good Marina shut up you're annoying as hell everybody doesn't like you nobody likes you nobody saves you [Music] and regards okay we're good I did that right scared the hell out of me for a second [Music] [Laughter] of course of course what an absolute joke of a hag dude absolute joke that was nice nice little chunk out of our HP right there we could Quicken this too you know what I'm saying do another scorching Ray aha but then again I need to save a magic Missile Ray of fear nah it's not gonna work all right I'm Gonna Save My Quicken Anthony thanks again for the cleaning 279 don't eat her skin for plus one charisma don't eat her skin for plus one charisma in Early Access you could get a plus one and whatever category you wanted Volo was the charisma all right let's think about this for a second really needed I really need my level two spell slots so I can cast mirror image we got clouded daggers I don't think that's going to be as good in this situation better to hit multiple targets scroll a flaming spear actually might not be bad to have a flaming sphere rolling around [Music] as far as concentration though some reason I thought it wasn't going to because I was casting it with a scroll foreign so many different parties in multiple videos I have trouble getting straight just watching uh it does mess with my head a little bit grumpy I forget like what skilled proficiencies I have and what characters I'm running I'm a little bit of a schizophrenic right now we make it work you know whatever whatever we have any special arrows that we could shoot no I don't really have many items on this run I think I'm gonna stay no we'll move over this way I don't know which way she's going right now I'm like too far to do anything with my sports you can't pass fairy fire twice I swear to God see Mel thanks for the five hey man uh stick around for spoilers but keep the vids coming you got it thanks for watching see Mel good to see your name enjoy your night sphere is like a summon upon with a concentration on top of that as a Nerf Dragon pink Hello how are you make sure you hit the like button as you watch the master I don't know about that but thank you Dragon pink appreciate it appreciate it slick just a little Irish lady from earlier in the game yes the old lady you talking about old lady and the Jewish girl all right let's um sometimes I don't like using healing word to heal I like it to pick up enemies or pick up from me we're doing fine right now I got half HP with let's just let's just press on we're good we're doing perfectly fine right now let's go ahead and do another scorching Ray 12 damage not the greatest but okay it is what it is not gonna complain all right Shadow let's see your best guiding bolts 60 right now you guys think it's worth it I think it's worth it you little bastard you're lucky that you I feel like this is like the clown at like the state fair that pisses you off when you walk by it well I'll take this opportunity to drink potions how about that I'm gonna throw something too let's give that to a Starion I wish you could throw from other people's inventories you can drink potions but you can't throw what now biatch spoilers you always put points in luck she has advantage on those saves does she got alert can't be surprised opportunity attack dark vision not seeing anything that says she's got advantage I think she's just cheating he's got larion Studios on her side all right Mr Spore Druid let's get let's give me another fairy Fire come on you guys think I can get it on the third time at 55 percent maybe it was less before because if she was out of range now that nailed it no more invisibility you stupid hag she has beautiful though [Music] all right we'll back up a little bit now we're just now we're just toying with her at this point it doesn't even matter anymore we're just toying with her now shit oh it's so so sweet where you going old lady fire defense herbicious mockery lines for inspiration next time we see that we'll have to uh try to hover over it or something pretty much dead now okay it doesn't I just saw High defense again too um I don't think it lets you hover over it maybe it's just telling you that they have uh good chance of succeeding on the saving throw according to that spell I just used ice knife one to ten piercing damage explodes deals 2 to 12 Cold damage to anyone nearby and it leaves an ice surface well can be cast while you're silenced deck save got a 14 in decks I love how the Flaming spear can jump it's hilarious apparently I can't get up here though or a little bit really wait ah wait just a tick kidding me it's a waste of time wait to return always have always will but so how about we be civilized about this hmm I have something you want go on I know I liked you deary let me leave with the girl and I'll give you power music right now tougher smarter done anything is possible let me keep the girl and her babe if her powers were worth anything we wouldn't have beaten her finish this Shadow calm down sassy mcpants holy crap shadow geez okay let's do um keep the girl I'll take the power A wise choice here yeah what about me think my side till you deliver yes yes and she wasn't so annoying when we came down I might have actually saved her but just kept screaming for help it's like we're here we can hear you shut up all right best of luck auntie it's still luck it's only the damn thing yes I guarantee we're gonna see her in Baldur's Gate at some point so I'm happy that we we made that deal great choice thanks thanks guys I appreciate it I didn't change Shadow's hair I didn't do anything to Shadow but that said her hair does change at some point in the story spoiler alert okay starion's dying of something right now he's poisoned okay so um oh this is for Leon we made a deal with the hag in exchange she gave us great power you receive we can get a plus one to wisdom strength Constitution dexterity or Charisma or intelligence I feel like this will be best this would be really good probably for like your strength and Dex based characters like maybe a Starion actually would be benefit from this the most because you have all those half Feats that you can take and a lot of them are strength or dexterity based although there is a half feet for Charisma that gives you the performer feet maybe I take it with Leon boost my Charisma by one then take a half feet at level eight that gets it up to the even modifier and I can then play instruments yeah I have no odd numbers here um I mean I could do decks by one no this my hireling is the one that could benefit the most from it right now I have a 16 index even though it's not going to help with his armor class it'll help with his initiative and saving throws starion's got an odd number in intelligence might not be bad for RP reasons to boost him a little but I do plan on keeping him the entire time my fight with the haglak was closest so I was able to intimidate her for the power and the girl oh shit that's awesome that you can do that the reward was bugged oh damn in the full version Rel I know it was bugged in Early Access all right I'll tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna take the Charisma boost and I think I'm going to take the half feet if I'm remembering correctly there's one half feet that gives you one point of Charisma level eight there's no time to waste okay here we go 19 in Charisma it's crazy now you could do an entire build around getting things like this after you've already played the game really like to like make builds around things like this because I don't know just because like this is so situational you know what I mean this would definitely be something like on a like a second or third run where you're okay with saves coming or whatever and you're gonna build around picking up things like that but clearly I didn't build my character around that otherwise I would have had an odd number in Charisma already okay and Shadow heart is our first character to make it to level five but we're gonna wait till we get the entire party as well as I doesn't give Charisma anymore I'm so scared to do the Volo operation on any of my real runs because it's just something that I would never do all right I can't wait to see if we find the hag in the city of Baldur's Gate maybe she's got like Marina in her basement or something like that actor and performer okay hey xanthos what's up just did the hag fight oh you had the bug too damn there's a decent amount of bugs in the game I encounter them all the time but larion seems to be on top of things so oh yeah we'll take all that that's good stuff and we got the potion of speed let's go the ever seen I protection from Good and Evil here we'll put it on the druid look that spell is a little bit um but look it's better than people think I just don't know how larian constitutes evil in this game inspect somebody is there something that says it somewhere I always question like whether or not I should be using it having a character have disadvantage on their attacks against you is super powerful sister dearest are you feeling all right petal I can't believe you let some pup give you the slip I'd be mortified worry not my red caps nabbed the bugger you're taking their sweet time with him screaming stopped a few nights pass but the sobbing continues he'll die regretting he crossed the hag a mother with a failing mind you know me so well I have the most darling mask for her you must come to visit poor guy Ethel I've heard business has been slow rest assured I have a job for you a client fled Baldur's Gate without payment but two Ballers game my agents picked up his Trail along the champaran gave have ensured he will pass through your territory do as you wish to him in exchange I have a girl who suits your particular appetites her mother's mind is failing eye contact has assured her you can help I'll have her scent by the usual route but we have a hag in the city of Baldur's Gate somewhere the bitter divorce wand interesting then we have all these potions right here I actually tested some of these out one stream like a year ago oh wow that was a jackpot right there all of these do something different but it's hard to know exactly what they do but you can throw them at enemies to find out sometimes it might be a blessing let's pick all these up with the hireling so I know where they are broken promises faltering will artist Stone Insanity's kiss these are mysterious I don't think it tells you in the description butterflies in the stomach rotten yeah it doesn't tell you you gotta just use it and pray Anthony thanks again in my curse of Stroud campaign oh that's so cool that you're doing that with my Vengeance palette and protection from Good and Evil is op maybe I'll start using it more often good respect description of prop from evil and good tells you everything oh okay all right I'll have to look more into that then ATI thanks for the Australian 10. love your content personality keep it up also bg3 it's a breath of fresh air loving it so much I feel like I'm back in high school took a week off just for bg3 love to hear it thanks for the Dono and I agree I think we've been blessed this year I really really really hope that bg3 is nominated it's it's going to be named it's going to be at least nominated for Game of the Year at the game awards if it wins we're going to be partying like crazy I am going to be so rooting for Ballers gate 3. it's gonna be so much fun if it went if it Wins Game of the Year even though it doesn't matter that much it just would be so cool to have a game like this you know make it to the mainstream Crohn's Raya sickness topple okay all right okay let's go lost time is it oh I guess I'll pick that one up too you know you want to test it out right now you only live once right all right lost time here we go we're gonna drink it oh shit what just happened Armor class is reduced by two can't take reactions you guys want me to drink more we'll have the we're gonna have the higher lean test out the potions all right we'll have the hiring test out the potions because my character doesn't want to do that anymore okay broken promises sure let's give it a try strength is increased by two until the next long rest okay uh faltering will something tells me where wisdom's gonna drop disadvantage on wisdom saving throws okay until long rest hardest Stone what do you think this does boost your AC boost your HP how's it taste Anton resistant to poison damage okay Insanity's kiss totally forgot about that one oh shit oh man magic wands no I haven't yet David I actually didn't go to the underdark on my other run you found a really good one that's really cool does it like shoot like is it your main weapon yeah at least they're not permanent I remember larion used to have permanent debuffs in Early Access and then they got rid of that which was probably smart like when you did the necrotic or the book of necromancy if you failed your checks you had like a permanent debuff on your character all right um let's this will be interesting I mean I could just shit shit man okay I think we just have to put them down and resurrect them right gotta do what you gotta do get up there Starion show me your daggers yeah dab that bastard never liked the antenna anyways oh look we can just pick him up now okay get up downtown stop crying stop complaining start drinking potions again gripe's sake lovers okay wisdom is indefinitely reduced by one that was a curse you can party in my place in Vancouver I'd love to visit Vancouver sometime a mother's loathing sounds like a potion that downtown's gonna love and love taking Gaines bite until next long rest that's actually pretty cool syrian's probably jealous where you at a Starion come here I'm gonna bite you all right and then we have two more potions Missing Pets oh lucery spiders run up and down the creature's body imposing disadvantage and ability checks and attack rolls if we could remember the name of these potions maybe we'll come across them again then we can actually throw them at our enemies okay last one butterflies in the stomach that was a taste Anton one to six damage per turn bleeding from the inside and he's such a he's so dramatic fan time he's such a drama queen don't make a big scene out of it for crepe's sake dude now you're gonna make me waste a resurrection scroll on you unbelievable all right let's get the hell out of here I am on act one right now I'm in the swamp area not that far [Music] foreign with the live stream series we're just kind of doing whatever we want to do I guess we miss out on the uh the spell because Marion is gone choose Target to resurrect Target must be a playable character okay let's uh let's take a long rest [Music] where did I get that awesome gear what character you talking about you talk about my uh my green g-string I gotta start using disguise self more often you know what I'm saying here I'm talking about the g-string [Music] I don't really have any good gear on right now I mean I have decent gear but no nothing like to talk about some of the stuff came from the underdark man let's just take a second let's just take a moment I can just admire the camp here I wish we had like a slash sit or something like that that would be nice thank you it's so cool to play like this makes you feel like you're playing like a totally different genre of game need something I thought vampires couldn't walk into homes without an invitation yet I crossed the threshold like Moonlight through leaves yeah it's because of tactician John powerful little beast isn't it sounds like you're enjoying it a Starion what's not to enjoy responsible on any home manipulate Minds I'm the most powerful vampire in the realm real fishing I agree it should be standard blooming Doom is an issue but why not enjoy the benefits while we can what do you think is waiting for us at moonrise Towers who knows drow mind flayers death hopefully not ours but maybe answers if we can convince the right people to talk okay let's head back out I think I'm gonna play the entire game now on this up close View no problem Juan I'm glad that you're playing it I'm like kind of sad that a lot of people don't know about GeForce now all right we're not gonna level up Shadow until we're actually ready to go until I got the whole party oh look I'm playing an MMO right now play Bob's Discord link has been expired okay oh that's the link that people were saying okay if you guys want to join the Discord there's a link in the video description that one's probably not expired I'll make a note right now and fix that night bat one night bot Discord link okay thanks for letting me know I thought people were talking about the video description and I kept checking I was like it's working for me [Music] okay I think we're gonna go back into the underdark now what do you guys think about that is this rotten oh I almost missed that what the hell is rotten here it freaking flies all over this grilled rote ribs Ethel forces are at work in Baldur's Gate the mulean wretches are trying to Edge me out of my own territory I've killed at least four of their agents none have talked not yet at least and don't you hear anything beyond the bleeding of your ridiculous sheep but if you catch even a whisper send word immediately all right let's get out of here let's quickly double check in here should we leave anything there is one more encounter that we could do in the swamp but I feel like it's not even worth my time to be honest with you I've already done the book of necromancy we've already done the Spider Queen I'm not the Spider Queen yeah the Spider Queen we can call her that these goblins aren't even worth my time wow look at the atmosphere in this game this is incredible look at the lighting just surreal to be walking on faerun right now are you kidding me every single character just filed their perception check seriously no one back home will ever believe this aha we don't need no perception check lead fingers once per turn after the wearer dashes or takes a similar action they can jump without using the bonus action those would be nice on a Starion smoke powder bomb Arrow of illmator holy water interesting 386 radiant damage I feel like this is that wasn't in Early Access that's pretty cool we'll take it all man hell of a find right there might be something else around here too I mean if I played the entire game from this third person view it probably would bring like a whole nother sect of players one other group of players in the bg3 because a lot of people just see it zoomed out like this and they see point and click and they just come dismiss the game right away maybe I'll just run every stream like this and anybody that random that stops him will be like holy crap I gotta check this game out okay did I do the owl bear yet I don't think I did let's go back to the underdark that's fun content go to The saloonite Outpost thanks bad rooster I know I wish we could look up a little bit too it's a little bit angled just a little bit too much down to where you can't really feel like you're playing third person unless you're zoomed out but even zoomed out yeah you just want to be able to see up a little bit okay things turn violent with anti-ethyl she isn't happy with us an old woman told us she could help us with her tadpole problem we should follow up on this astorion suspects that the parasite may have negated some of the downsides of being a vampire almost killed the bulat not quite though I'm so mad that we didn't get the ballet on the first on the first go Adam let's pick up some of this stuff hold on I think we're gonna go to the mic in it Village I'm kind of curious to talk to blurg and omelium yeah I mean yeah I totally understand it rep I totally understand why people feel that way but if more people could just see I think more crpgs need to allow third person anti-symmetric it's so amazing to have access to both at the ready damn I don't have any strength potions slender drow Blade impales the stone before you keeping aside not a bad idea actually thanks man appreciate it we'll do a religion this feels holy consider what the appropriate ritual might be menthara Plus yeah we'll be doing that soon enough I wanted to get my party to level five also we have the gift Yankee but I don't want to confront the gift Yankee until level five this blade was a warrior sacrifice to illest stray blood can only be honored with blood sure we'll shed a few drops of blood onto the stone the draft script inscribed on the blade flickers and glows it rises from the stone hanging in the air in silent offering foreign versatile weapon sword hums in anticipation ready to burst into maddening shrieks or bolstering song if I remember correctly this sword did not have that in Early Access this is new to it alar aloof shriek the sword shrieks all enemies within 20 feet have a 1d4 penalty to Charisma wisdom and intelligence saving throws affected creatures receive an extra one to four Thunder damage use it once per short rest the sword sings A Melody all allies within 20 feet have a 1d4 bonus to attack rolls and charisma wisdom and intelligence saving throws the sword will stop singing If unequipped this is one of the coolest items I've ever seen in my life this is freaking badass are you guys seeing this yeah I agree replicator holy crap father's gay three is really good can't stop playing it hell yeah you like Shadow Hearts hair with that hat oh that's why somebody was asking about Shadow's hair now when you put on the hat it changes a hairstyle I didn't do anything to her hairstyle though it's a really cool weapon and I was very underwhelmed in Early Access but now that they've added this this is incredible this is really cool we're gonna try it in the first combat encounter I'm gonna leave it on my sorcerer because who cares my sorcerer doesn't use weapons so we don't need to be proficient okay let's head towards the microns David thanks for the five dollar Super Chat wolfhard FPS roll is a plus one for awesomeness skull to the Bean for reaching level 8 today happy birthday to David's daughter the bean happy happy birthday hope she had a lovely lovely day David we love the bean he's a core member of the wolf pack hope they eventually add transmog you know I actually I have an unpopular opinion on transmog I actually don't like it I actually don't like transmog systems I know I'm part of the one percent and if I ever advocated for no transmog systems everybody would hate me and unsubscribe for my channel but I actually don't like transmog I like picking up items I like die systems I like being able to alter armor a little bit but totally change the appearance of something is just really immersion breaking for me and like and like a lot of the appeal of finding certain weapons and armor just kind of goes away because you can just always change your stuff to look like something else that's my opinion nobody agrees with it but I'm proud of my opinion okay May Brar good to see you thanks for the 20 Super Attack catching up on your let's play I was so excited to see your reactions to karlak and Will's stories so good man so Good Will has so many good scenes having car back around makes it even better will is an amazing character thanks maybriar okay let's go talk to some mushrooms not sure exactly what we're gonna do yet I mean we're an evil character but that doesn't necessarily mean kill everybody that you come across you know what I mean we're hunting for power sometimes you have to act responsibly some of you guys actually agree with that transmog Tate really I don't think anybody agreed with it it's really just a matter of opinion like there's really no right or wrong Miss historian's base sermon where she could transmog it yeah I mean I'd say there's pluses and minuses to have it and not having it if I had to choose I would choose not to a game not to have a transmog system or have a much more modified trans or much more restricted transmog system I guess like in the Elder Scrolls Online I'm pretty sure you can like be a Mage and just like throw on like heavy plate art or make your make your robes look like heavy plate armor if that's a little bit too far for me it'd be really cool if we could make modifications to our armor like if we get to the city you can go to a blacksmith kind of change the formation or the shape you know what I mean okay we eating shrooms tonight or what is there anything I missed over here that the bullet usually comes out here let's just jump over here and see what happens if the black comes at my party right now I might be screwed I actually might this might be a tpk and I'm just gonna run up here anyways and say oh shit here it comes oh my God here's the question here's the question I either defeat the bullet right now if it has the HP that I left it with in the last encounter if I don't this is a tpk right now got to be real careful because this thing can belly flop and knock you off the map never a dull moment you can find my step it's so cool you have to do an ability check to turn off those mushrooms light okay this is the moment you all ready for this I hope it has oh okay okay I think I got it oh shitty one shot my sorcerer that was quick I'm pretty sure he had lower HP than that I think I got him down to like 20 or 30. so it looks like he regenerates a little bit but not all of it okay let's just kill a bullet not a big deal just another day in the Forgotten Realms are you fucking kidding me right now 72 chance with advantage I don't even believe it bring up a Starion you're just getting started this character has high defense too I wonder if like anybody with like over 16 AC it just says High defense or something like that but why would it say that though is it shows a percentage chance for you to hit like why tell us High defense like we should be able to make that determination on our own if we see that it's like a 40 chance of Landing your shots all right Mr Spore Druid what you gonna do for me my friend bad rooster thank you so much for becoming a channel member you're greatly appreciated thank you thank you you guys believe in me oh my god oh I thought that was 11 damage it wasn't it was one and one confident all right let's go baby if you have the right spells you can really mess with the bullet and keep it from doing anything I just don't think I have the right spells right now not at this level a 50 Chance High defense yeah like what does that mean it's got a 17 AC the hag also had a 17 AC all right here's the question here's the question I got for you guys do we do spiritual weapon I still have to kill this thing in two rounds if I want to get it up all right watch this this is stupid oh it really is stupid because that shit [Music] oh my God are you shitting me right now I swear if I'm sorry I misses one more time I swear to God I am bringing downtown over here and I'm pushing him off this Edge right here and we'll never see him again one more time you guys know me I'm a man of my word luckily he made a shot right there otherwise some of you guys would have unsubscribed how much I can promise you because it was going to get real real ugly all right let's go baby what can we do here what can we do we got to get this guy down scorching Ray probably not a good idea not with a cleric I think it still goes off of excuse me I think it still goes off of intelligence 50 percent and what kind of spell can I do right now do we have any potions we have any Scrolls where's my backpack with the Scrolls expeditious Retreat bone chill crown of Madness grease feather fall Ray of Frost maybe magic Missile would be good I'll take it my breath do it uh oh no I can't I don't know if I could do it because replicators in the chat right now okay how about I just falar a Louvre you you stupid land shark I don't have an action though I was gonna try out that weapon attack but I can't all right Mr sorcerer why don't you back up for me no sense in taking a potion trust me if this guy decides to jump on me I'm dead doesn't matter if I have a potion okay here we go 27 HP the moon beams is doing work right now um oh we could do Ferry Fire on him well that was stupid verifier requires concentration but you know what it's okay actually you know what fairy fire just saved downtown's life right there I'll tell you that much I I just don't get what a starian's even doing what's he doing is he over here in the corner taking shrooms or something I take it back I love Astoria okay 16 HP oh damn it falara Louvre is in action I really want to try it but I have to put an end to this guy right now and I think the only way I can do that is if I do a spell 84 advantage scorching Ray level two guys got 16 HP if this thing Burrows and goes away the Starion is getting pushed off the cliff see ya he knows what you've done to his other selves the blood guzzle their Garb when an enemy damages the wearer the wearer gains wrath for one turn adrenaline courses through your veins you have a plus one to damage with melee weapons probably not bad for a barbarian you already got Rage which has given you a plus two to your attacks that's interesting always pick up shovels you never know when you're gonna need another one I won about five episodes on my other run without a shovel couldn't find one anywhere forgot about it every time I every time I was near one I totally forgot about it oh the sport druid's okay I'm having fun with it really only had level four with it though just getting to level five right now uh he's going to be getting replaced once I get mintthara in my group oh no it's it's all right it's kind of cool to always have a reaction that you can activate on your own it's kind of cool my face will guide me okay everybody has leveled up so let's call this level five who is gal hey gal is not in my game I don't know if he ever is going to be doesn't one shovel always spawn before the first goblin encounter I'm not sure I'm not really the best at finding troubles I'm not the man to ask that question to I'm actually one of the worst probably in this community at one shovel per character okay let's level up we'll start with start with my sorcerer gonna be a sore lock very very soon I think a few people are saying that the sore lock build is is busted right now and it's not working as intended so with that said we're gonna take another level in sorcerer for those of you guys that don't know how to multi-class you simply click right there at the top right see how it says add a class then you can choose whatever class you want um how do I go back back though one way I never killed gal I just didn't save him I never saved him when he was stuck in the Rock so I don't think I killed him maybe he died from that though I'm not entirely sure okay we get one spell oh man it's tough as a sorcerer having to choose your individual spell out of this huge spell list right here Misty stuff would just be so good to have so would Mirror Image but we have to go full offense and I think we got to take Fireball I mean is there any other way to play we got hypnotic pattern protection from energy a sleet storm like that's just amateur stuff right there gaseous form what am I what am I playing this game for utility come on fear daylight counter spell man counterspell is so so good too counterspell and shield does the sorcerer not get the shield spell is that only a wizard spell maybe it's only wizard okay I'm taking Fireball Fireball Jessica says okay Jude fire fire fire gas Fireball okay all right Fireball I'll tell you what though when you have an evocation wizard in your group and you have Fireball when you use Fireball with any other class or any other subclass of the wizard it's just so hard because evocation Wizards can cast spells like that without hitting your front line characters when you don't have that it's a pain in the butt cool thing is uh yeah I don't know what I'm saying just roll with it okay level up shadow I've been on my computer too much these past two weeks y'all all right so sometimes I my brain doesn't function okay destroy Undead when you successfully turn an undead creature it also takes 4 to 24 radiant damage so a little boost to that Undead that was a little cutie didn't you and then we get all these spells and I'll tell you what I will tell you what right now we are getting one of the best spells in this game Spirit Guardians one of the best spells in the game in the subclass menu there's a cancel button am I canceling something what are we canceling careful metamagic lightning okay Mr Spore Druid call lightning daylight feign death plant growth protection from energy and sleet storm animate dead let's go and gaseous form okay I'm starting to like Danton you might look a little doofy but I'm coming around man foreign appreciate it Tom [Music] Chad's a little delayed so by the time I read the comment I'm already like eight steps ahead in my mind of what I'm doing uncanny Dodge use your lightning quick reflexes to protect yourself when an attack hits you you only take half the usual damage you okay Gloria I don't have to worry about you a little bit yeah we're gonna raise some dead absolutely go back up this I wonder if it so it looks like it's not actually fuck are you done Danton I was hoping that larion would have put their own spin on the anime dead spell with the Spore druid but it looks like it might be exactly the same as the wizard and the cleric it has to be medium or small corpse I was hoping that like it would animate the Dead with like mushrooms all over them kind of like glut does oh there's any creatures around here that I can animate might have to kill some mushrooms to test that spell out okay all right let's go talk to oh there there's probably some dead bodies over here let's go down this way I did go to the hag team Murray the hag is still alive we struck a deal with the hag that's coming oh okay okay a massive success with carlak throwing hand axes that's cool your own weapons is fun it needs to be level five spell oh sport droids get a separate Spore zombie spell later okay all right you guys are pretty smart you know that some of you not all of you that's for sure a couple of you ain't too bad though Corpses can't be reanimated you gotta be shitting me gotta do humanoid corpses I'm I think a micodin would be a humanoid though but you're not gonna let me reanimate mushrooms you gotta be shiting me I was having a hard time this isn't really a spoiler most people know we're going to the Act 2 area is a cursed place all right we're just gonna leave it at that it's not a spoiler having a hard time animating the dead in that area because everything's already dead there we go and you can't and you can't reanimate the undead you might be able to do it with a Spore Druids animate dead but look at this badass right here freaking cool man you attack enemies and if they die they become a zombie themselves but it's a temporary zombie pretty much only for that combat encounter all right let's go see if these mushrooms have been doing anything that's a loose name we'll call this shrooms you want to save the girl well actually you can save the girl and get the special thing the hag offers replicator said she did it by using intimidation with carlak Ed by A Chorus of turbulent music one creature sing many voices the harmony of sovereign the choir Fades a single Melody rises above the others brassy and commanding I am Sovereign you see a vision your lifeless body wrapped in fungal tendrils The Sovereign is threatening you State your purpose this is a little different focus on your parasite and connect with the Sovereign the parasite is quiet you feel no bond with the creature [Music] I think we're gonna try an Insight roll persuasion I have a bunch of bonuses too but I think I want to see what this gives us seek understanding focus on The Sovereign song oh yeah it's a difficulty class five let's go we got this appreciate the thumbs up on the streams guys tragedy my purpose is private let me pass and I will leave you unharmed wow what a badass thing to say walking up to a colony of mikenids yeah we're gonna say that fungal weave through your mind seeking your true intent then the Sovereign drones a new Melody cautious but welcoming descend to me let us speak in flesh the persistent music coaxes you forward Sovereign expects you interesting Urban Lake erado how you doing buddy how you doing I said yeah that's what I thought get the hell out of here stupid dwarves ah a visitor you're a welcome sight but let us observe the customs of the locals the scholars brow tenses his voice spills into your skull the spores connecting mind to mind proud member of the Society of Brilliance At Your Service ah or perhaps not your mind is far more complex than that of the fungi yes I feel I've never heard of the Society of Brilliance understandable we are small in number and rarely stay in one place for long my colleagues and I are working to improve conditions in the underdark this need not be such a dire hostile place it's curious to find a surface dweller here what has brought you down so deep I collect mushrooms to sell on the surface at the Society of brilliances really really interesting lore then you've come to the right place the hybridization among fungi in this circle is truly unique I've never seen a hobgoblin like you before the feeling is mutual friend I have only passing familiarity with the surface races but I found that there is as much to learn from an individual as there is from a community so it is with the miconates they live in harmonious Unity has a unique personality research in the underdark sounds like a dangerous Prospect yes but it has abundant natural resources spores water orbs drillimac I've studied them for years there is rare Magic in the underdark too Fair stress it radiates from the earth warping teleportation and divination magic yeah so the the drow capital city of menzobaranzen far north and the underdire pretty far from Baldur's Gate where dristo erden is from the entire city is just Fair's rests all over it so nobody can use teleportation magic to get in and in or out nobody can use divination of magic there either what have your studies uncovered this is not a wasteland it is a glorious ecosystem every civilization here could Thrive without conflict do you have anything interesting to trade I do enjoy a good bargain if anything in my private collection is to your liking no amaliam yeah boots of genial striding where is movement speed is unimpeded by difficult Terrain circular blasting gives you scorching Ray the baneful 1d6 weapon has a plus one to damage and attack rolls on a hit possibly Bane your target it's kind of cool Scroll of Greater invisibility I'm assuming that means you can turn several party members visibility breaks when you fail increasingly harder stealth checks on attacking casting spells okay Cinder shoes whenever you burn an enemy you gain two turns of heat heat is a new mechanic with the full game interesting though because like you hurt yourself on your heat engulfed by a vengeful fire takes one to four fire damage each turn but can use heat convergence consume your heat to fuel a powerful attack the next time you deal fire damage you deal an additional one fire damage for every turn of heat remaining hey DM Myron what's up dress to Arden how's your run going you're one play ahead of me you're playing a way different game so it's awesome doesn't break on attack reaction like I might have to try this heat stuff out at some point Hill giant finger interesting very well I have mushrooms to catalog interesting yeah this is very different the hell are you doing brother back the hell off do that again see what happens what I thought yeah this has changed up a little bit um I don't want to spoil anything but Early Access is quite different there was another character associated with him maybe I have to do a quest first oh shit what's going on everybody's running for my zombie right now calm down dude stop snorting in my ear I swear to God I'll drop a fireball on your ass into your mind as you gaze upon the misshapen servant leave this one come to me all right we'll give him a little bit of time oh you can attack while you're invisible let me talk to blurred one more time see if there's another dialogue option that comes up crazy how it changes everything just by a simple roll that I did I can't even talk to him Sovereign Spa silver and stick finger stroke the corpse at its feets you as the creature turns its gaze to you stalker watch and listen a violent Vision grips you dwega dark dwarves chopping my canid remains copies they killed our young The Sovereign song slows to the pace of a dirge it is still in mourning we laid waste to many but Intruders remain Lakewood The Sovereign song halts as it measures your worth I sense your resolve we'll find twiga Invaders near Lake's Edge cleanse the root destroy them Invaders we can manage that better than picking this fight surely what in the hell did you do to that corpse we breathe life into our enemies I think this dude might be into necrophilia not gonna lie if I die down here destroy my corpse hey Gabriel what's up destroy my corpse these spores hold such power how might I gain this knowledge such a cool like when this isn't a spoiler I read the legend of just book series when drist comes across a micanid colony my favorite moments in that series I love Mike and it's the dweger attacked you in those Visions why Deep Purple swirl into familiar shapes chased by duoka gnome guest you Harbor a fugitive gnome admirable of you The Sovereign says nothing but you hear appreciation in its song you don't exactly know what we're doing yet here not sure if I'm willing to go to war for a couple of shrooms you know what I'm saying hey hey cleanse the circle the circle cleansed okay it was kind of weird everybody's freaking out because I have a zombie with me at half this Camp is reanimated spores R.I.P clacker look at this creature right here A Chorus Spore servant terrifying where the hell Sovereign where's the other guy where's glut hold on am I blind oh there he is went the wrong way far you've come yeah I like this guy better that's what I'm gonna look like if I keep playing bg3 the way I've been playing these last two weeks yeah I'm not sure UV maybe I should talk with my hire Lane just to see if there is any special dialogue good thinking that'd be a good idea hey Mike what's up to this part tonight uh tacticians definitely noticeably harder than balanced but if you're good at balanced in Early Access you should be fine with tactician at least in act one not sure about act two and three let's um leave yeah let's talk with Danton here he's an actual sport druid reach into memory and we don't have anything here my home is wherever I travel it reveals its owner home in reply mid Cove filled with decaying myconid Corpses [Music] [Music] okay we'll talk in a little bit my man we're talking a little bit my man dwarf balance his name let's do deception yes I've met him not sure the point of the deception right here but we're gonna find out nice ton of bonuses some places since you see him again tell him to get back here to me he's overdue as it is and who is he to you my useless husband sent him for an errand it's no surprise he's made a mess of it I could look for him for a price please I know better than to promise coin to a stranger he'll find his own way out or he won't a little longer longer come all the way down here for nothing well Amulet of restoration that's actually whoa that's actually really good you get healing word and mass healing word regardless of what class you are if you're not running like a party with like a Healer that gotta be really really good even with a Healer just having another character that can cast that [Music] I'm gonna hold off on getting it right now though because I have uh Druid and a cleric that can both do it I'd armor plus two okay I think we're good could buy two of those take one of those too okay hold on let me figure out where I'm at for a second it's time to get confused in here life on my feet let's talk to uh Tula here real fast a lot of people miss her so don't air condition is familiar poison derived from a wild weed common to the underdark she'll need an antidote soon most likely held by the poisoner I like the dies in the game I mean I wish there was more colors and we had more customization over it but I like the Dye System yeah maybe I should put a shield on him probably smart who did this to you slashed me oh well this is Danton this isn't my character so I can do something that's nice consider what you know of where are poison lore like dwarves Having Eight resistance to poison and thus no need for intricate Brews though deadly if left untreated the poison can be cured by the antidote or natural remedies how did you end up here oh me oh my sound lads especially since the grace gave them all for it I think lesser restoration probably would do this too you could change your dice in the bottom left will when you're in a dialogue check just look in the bottom left there's a little nice icon are you helping me thanks for watching that sin I appreciate it I'll have another lore video coming out in the near future larion Studios actually sponsored me for a video which is really surprising because I already covered the crap out of this game kind of a nice gesture out of them to do that it's a lore video so we're gonna have a lore video coming out sometime this month other than that I'm gonna be focusing on guides and class guides and builds and things of that nature and then we'll get back into Laura like uh September October it's always useful to be owed a favor I thank you for your help but I'll go get moving oh but girls garters oh I don't have time for this my kin need me Lauren focus on all right now we're gonna be an asshole focus on what I need a reward for starters I owe you sure enough starter faces in Baldur's Gate we were on an expedition down here when the dwega snatched us up I got away but not the others the Grays of them digging out some old ruin across the lake what are the dwargar digging for in what was this Expedition your clan were on just mine in for materials nothing unusual but our work pays well help my clan and we'll make it worth your while I swear okay I'll keep it in mind I'll free your people if I can thank you only wish I could go with you here unhapped these boots from the Grays when I run I'll feel better now you're using them to kick some dweger ass I'll mark where I made my escape and right here I suppose not much Choice eh boots of speed your dash is a bonus action I think is what they do what kills yep Dash is a bonus action pretty nice not bad boots at this point and we picked up two quests find the mushroom picker I don't know if I even care about that one save the Grim Forge gnomes iron hand Clan are doing something awfully suspect in the undergarment go if not over I should speak it should be enough to cover rent I need to find a way forward all's well that ends the eligible pockets yeah just look at the underdark it's just insane isn't that crazy with the Arcane Tower over there I think it is shout out to the larian environmental team like imagine just creating being a part of the creation of this Arena right here freaking badass still don't know what the hell this is I have no idea what this hole is for eign let's just see out of curiosity doesn't seem like it's that type of hole though to use that right now it'll be funny if we could just jump into it push someone down it doesn't let you jump into it you couldn't I don't think there was anything you could do with this in Early Access hold on but in the full game I'm sure there's some use for it now I don't know maybe you can jump from up here maybe it's a whole of a land chart could be just think what can we do with this it doesn't let you jump into it so that takes out like using feather fall and stuff doesn't let you dig it doesn't let you being a cat doesn't let you go into it doesn't let you speak to whatever's down there not to use that right now [Music] um other kind of utility spells we got around here throw fire in it burrow into it I think we're gonna have to come back we'll just have to keep an eye on it I did Kill the bullet yes off about this tree I wonder if you can actually officially destroy these yet what favorite oh it's so cool it does work that's so cool oh shit it feels like my magic is getting dry she will run through you your magic the fire that burns within is fading oh wow we have a cut scene now for picking that up we just picked up some bark from a tree or a leaf or something like that iconic bloodline call on your ancestor you will not support magic erupts violent and Powerful but has snuffed out by the Sousa flower Vanishing like Embers in the Wind you look drained and I know it wasn't me is the plant bothering you it's the flower my magic is gone might I suggest getting it back I don't travel with you for your personality you know the feeling is very mutual my friend your sense of humor is still intact at least let's finish up here quickly the sooner we can get your magic back the safer we'll be until then try not to die I don't think animal speak would work maybe but I tried walking up to it as a cat so if I was able to speak with anything you should be able to intrude form you know what I mean and I could just try it real fast do I have a notion of animal speaking I do I have seven of them you know what the hell let's just give it a try why not you'd think that would work in Druid form too [Music] all right that's pretty funny how to dance salsa looking into the whole museum cool Echoes as it plunges downward it will gradually fading away what the heck man what is this hole if you're able to jump in it it would show you death right now and then you could cast feather fall and survive that's all deafed out whoa there's something around here that we're not seeing Java flaming sphere of Fire let's throw something in it let's throw let's throw Alchemist fire so why not let's throw a mask kind of hole is that foreign rope yet you could drop the Rope over it I'm sure I guess I'll try why not maybe this is like some serious secret from Larry in here don't think it's going to work though into the home use and you'll call echoes I lost that rope you chat with the land shark I never even thought about chatting with the land shark oh really that's so if you end up not killing him if the bullet's alive you can speak to him that's pretty cool well good to know thanks hey Eli what's up Ireland is a Spore druid all right so over here we have uh we have problems that do not concern us foreign we got our new level three spells I didn't prepare them all though daylight Fame death plant growth that growth would actually be probably pretty good right here but I don't have it prepared so we can't use it only when we have prepared is call lightning damn that's pretty cool concentration spell putting her on the front lines nothing oh yeah I Gotta Give a shield to uh to downtown oh you know I'm running with the quarter stuff right now though with sheleighly I'll consider the shield I think we're gonna need some spell slots here okay let's go ahead and use our new weapon the falar aloof Melody you guys ready for this a 1d4 bonus to attack rolls it's basically like having bless whoa whoa and it's not concentration it just lasts oh sorry I missed out on that that's so cool oh shit you're not supposed to go up that high what bite them Starion is missing quite a lot he might be getting rotated out here soon whoa I want to go on that it's important damn okay it looks like we're on the AG Road one this isn't too bad actually I ain't too bad at all 55 percent nice wounding Ray let's give this a try this is from The Spectator it's a necklace that I picked up damn that was impactful right there okay I really wants Danton dead doesn't he nice we're gonna get a zombie out of this what are you even doing a Starion what are you even doing foreign zombie but only for 10 turns let's move up here did I loot the whole car shit I didn't damn it now we gotta all go back up oh wow anybody that's near the sword to get set oh kind of annoying because the zombie just keeps taking damage until it dies shove I thought about it but see if this works out okay and oh somebody's in combat it's Danton of course it's Danton there we go taking advantage of that assassin [Music] oh yeah whoa what the hell [Music] it's crazy is there a power outage right now Checker dang hey Ryan just suck when Ballers gate threes out you know nice shot of Starion uh-oh echoes in the dark calling reinforcements that's not good vehicle hit something hopefully they can get it back on fast at least they know what it is probably if that was the case fuel building will be great fellow enemies with some help from Shadow Whack Him oh crap oh that's not good that's not good at all wow Andy's got Shield too guys powered up a little bit local W thank you so much for the dollar 99 Super Chat happy to help back us talking your way through oh Bacchus what's up best way to play without stealth I'm not really using stealth hardly at all on my other run let's go ahead and [Music] you can get rid of one of these didn't really do much but I thought it was pretty cool okay we got him in our face right now so let's do necrotic inflict wounds level three oh yes the power undeniable and you know what let's call it spiritual weapon too okay let's get this bozo off of me [Music] I love shocking grasp so good so good for getting away from people getting your spellcaster's face so yeah horror hope he wasn't related to clacker what the hell was that it's a hypnotic pattern you kidding me when you're hypnotized you cannot move or take actions bonus actors reactions removed by taking damage when helped oh you can help out of that okay come on Mr zombie get up there foreign almost cried in the books okay we got another hook horror here right now I think everything is going pretty good though let's move right up in his face get rid of this guy's mirror image nice I'll take it so tempted to Fireball this guy but it'd be such Overkill see ya give me zombies give me lots of zombies [Music] shit don't you hate when you missed a level three spell it's unbelievable Ray of fear let's try it important mess you got to be shapeballing me right now here's the question is it worth Thunder waving Shadow off the cliff to Thunder Wave the hook or off the cliff weather would it be worth it would it be funny first and foremost that was a hell of a s'mores right there foreign [Music] oh yeah that was beautiful I ate hook Horrors for breakfast look how beautiful the lighting is in this game isn't that incredible how's the combat in this game I love it man if you're super into RPGs I think you should give it a shot because this game is leagues above like most other RPGs out there and so many aspects of the game a combat even if the combat's not your favorite thing like everything else the game offers is is well worth it video driver update aim for the war attack okay let's talk to dead Phil row here he has Misty step perfect scribbled notes protector guardian of the adamantine Forge from magma Rose only in magma destroyed hot Hammer hot where small map is drawn underneath marked by numerous X's the following words are scratched beneath the door nose so Doran is the dark elf that we encountered last session was it or the session before and now we pick up a new Quest called the adamantine Forge we learned that the adamantine Forge is hidden deep within the underdark oh shit I got it to work I love it you're confused I would never harm something as beautiful as your beloved foreign oh my God this is part of a weapon that I picked up you lived among those creatures [Music] how did you come to be here [Music] this guy drops another part Forge the adamantine Forge what is that foreign [Music] [Music] your records mentioned if only one of us may find three seek the adamantine Forge only one of us may find spells power waned you can ask no more we've talked to Dorne we've well we Doran was dead with a spectator fight we've talked to Phil row and now we're looking for zargrim and here's the other part I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of items like that in the game that we never realize you can actually like combine together but yeah we now have two parts to this weapon I wonder if the weapon's been upgraded at all and once we find the third part we might be able to create something special I have to keep pushing I have to eat gnome oh we have another hook horror up here let's kill this damn thing you know what would be interesting is oh shit no no no don't go down there hey whatever Amazon it'd be interesting to keep these Seuss or blooms and maybe throw them at enemies or something I don't know oh no there should be a third part Eli it's in it's in the uh Mike and Ed Village there's a dead drow there yeah you need one bloom for the tower but I'm wondering if you can use it later on like throw throw it at spellcasters or something oh yeah that was freaking gorgeous I mean that was gorgeous damn estarian you're actually coming through isn't it I'm actually using the Starion as an Assassin Rogue now I mean that was downright incredible that was Fred Flintstones first class AAA incredible on my way I mean that any other hooker Horrors want to mess with me because I'm down oh shit the zombies sucks to suck Anton what are you doing you you're in combat now you gotta be kidding me yeah oh I like how slow that was watch this guy just wipes my party on one one round of combat oh yeah it's over it's game over what to do goodbye Shannon gloomstock or first strike is a great opener for sure all right Ian try not to do that just a balloon's Wilt if you take them out of the underdark oh really interesting why do you want me to get the bark there's plenty of bark in the underdark this is usually the Battleground that you end up fighting the bullet before it won't run away on you in this area nothing but dead The Rock under your feet juts upwards forming a perfectly engraved Tombstone with a small epitaph in memory of Mana a shining light in this dark world may you forever gaze upon the lake you love to play in as you dig you slowly expose the skeletal remains of a large dog wearing a chunky leather collar strange color it's got Rose all over it definitely magic though I wonder what they mean a dog collar I would love to listen to like the recording session for the music in this game people that are singing all the hymns still breathing okay that's all I got for you guys getting pretty tired right now that was a uh hell of a session that was a lot of fun well thanks for hanging out appreciate all the donors welcome to the new channel members Pablo thanks for the 10 gifted memberships [Music] I have put the collar on a story on before we'll do it next episode I guess wolf just ignores Chad I've been looking at the chat the entire night my friend I just missed yours my bad brother so there really should have been five people in a party is that what you're saying I ignored seriously [Music] until a few hours good night Samantha my bad rooster you know what actually I'll tell you what we'll do king dirty how about you go live how about you go live tomorrow and I'm gonna raid you with a thousand people okay and we're gonna see how well you handle playing a crpg while talking to a chat with a thousand people in it alright so shoot me an email shoot me your link and we're gonna watch you live all right better not miss my comment you better not miss my comment man I'm gonna be pissed all right good night guys have a good night Michael W May Brar thank you so much David Anthony Cassidy thanks for all the donuts tonight see Mel it's great to see you CW Midori times 10 Justin r Pablo amnex thanks for the 20 Daniel DJ Payne David Messi or Miss not a Miss atheist thank you [Music] thanks Rob be a slick Josh peace dude really wanted attention that's all good not everybody understands it's fine thanks bobber I appreciate that glad to help and yeah I guess I as of right now I'm just trying to go live at like 7 P.M almost every night see ya at some point I'm gonna need to take a break from it but I think tomorrow I probably will go live I don't have like an official schedule right now just if you're looking for a live stream and it's 7 P.M Eastern or after you can just check back on the channel I might be live might not be never poke the bear anymore still oh shy and a Starion Romance I mean my dragon board I think my Dragonborn could bang a Starion I think that'd be cool I'm glad that you like it slick I'm happy that people are watching it I really really enjoy doing the let's play content because I can actually like focus on the game and immerse myself in the game like when I'm streaming I'm like 40 focused on the game and I enjoy the live streaming too for its own thing but it's a totally different experience the let's play series I get to focus in and just kind of immerse myself and it's not as it's not as nice as playing while not recording because I'm always thinking that I'm always keeping in mind that I have the recording going I have to do things you know to keep it moving and things like that but it's nice I'm very happy that people enjoy it because I'd love to do more content like that in the future now if I do episode nine well I just finished recording episode 15 earlier today so tomorrow is going to be episode 16 and 17 that I record I don't know it's probably going to be like 25 to 30 maybe 30 total episodes I don't know I think so JD at some point yes watch before bed it's nice if you want to watch like gameplay I mean if you're re-watching my life a lot of people do re-watch my live streams too which is really cool but yeah like you're going to be watching a lot of things like me talking to the chat and stuff that you don't really care about if you're watching after the fact after it's over because you're not really part of the live chat when you're watching it after nice to have a place to just watch Pure gameplay and see how the game plays out I gotta work on my style for the Let's Plays though I don't really know what I'm doing I know it's not that hard it's pretty easy work to be honest with you there's a lot of things that run into YouTube channel there's a lot of things that are quite difficult but I can say that the let's play series is not one of them which is another reason why I like it I gotta figure out my style I also got to figure out how to get a better sounding microphone because I really want like let's play videos to have the most highest audio quality possible I think I enjoy doing a more relaxed style for those videos maybe a little bit more chill thanks bobber okay good night more videos what about lore videos I'll definitely be doing more lore videos I have one probably coming out in a couple weeks from now I'm probably gonna do some lorevids based on the game after I finish like the guides and everything class guides beginners guides then I'll start focusing on other types of content like explaining characters and locations but this first month that the game is out is all about guides because everybody's looking for guides class guides builds all that stuff David tell the bean happy birthday [Music] oh
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 118,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, bg3, baldurs gate 3 live, baldurs gate 3 livestream, livestream, baldurs gate 3 full game, baldurs gate 3 lets play, baldurs gate 3 classes, beginners guide, bg3 live, baldurs gate 3 rpg, rpg 2023, crpg, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, tactician mode baldurs gate 3, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios
Id: 9phAFLSNV6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 48sec (13008 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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