r/AmITheA**hole For Suing A Karen?

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welcome to r slash am i the butthole where op has a super racist roommate am i the butthole for telling my roommate's girlfriend that she's not woke if she's wrong i'm a 25 year old woman with a 28 year old husband we're ethnically chinese from a southeast asian country living overseas we rent a house with my husband's college friend who moved his girlfriend anna in during lockdown and she's been with us ever since it's worth noting that we did this with the landlord's permission and she pays her share of the bills those two are not asians which matters here anna was initially nice but started acting very weird a month after she moved in first she told my husband and i that we can practice our real religion which apparently is buddhism not christianity even though my husband and i came from christian families she even bought incense which gives me migraines and a random buddha statue we politely explained to her that we're not buddhists but she continued to insist and promised that she didn't mind second she told my husband and i that we can speak our real language because she overheard my significant other's family talking to us in a mix of english and cantonese i explained to her that i can't speak cantonese my husband can even though i can't understand it she was for some reason really disappointed in me and said that i was throwing my heritage away plot twist my own father is only comfortable speaking english third she bought raw internal organs for my husband and i to cook even though we don't eat those i told her we don't eat those things and again she was disappointed she told us she read that there were lots of nice recipes and maybe we haven't found the right one to remind us of home my husband told her he's never eaten food like this in his entire life and i've never liked it she was really upset but she had to throw the food away since no one was gonna eat it chinese new year was when things got really weird she started ordering decorations i wouldn't mind but she also ordered hell notes the things you burn for deceased ancestors i immediately told her to stop pacing them all over the walls because they were weirding me out she ordered banners with mine my husband's name on it or some bastardization of our legal english names but they were written on white banners that are traditionally used for deceased people i told her to please take them down she got upset again but then ordered kabuki masks i told her those masks weren't chinese and she just snapped she started yelling at me that i should be helping her and not critiquing what she was doing i told her one she never asked two chinese new years is not a big deal to me so i wasn't planning on decorating but if she had asked i would have helped three she never asked i told her i don't understand her fixation with us she said that she wanted to surprise me and my husband that we've been so colonized that we've forgotten our roots and that we should be embracing our culture i told her it was a nice gesture but she needs to stop forcing stereotypes down our throats she could have just asked and she's not being woke when she's getting everything wrong she burst into tears and brought in her boyfriend he understood where i was coming from but thought that i could have been nicer my husband stood by me and now things have been tense but i've been tolerating this for a while now and it's getting on my nerves op what did i just read this lady isn't woke she's just straight up racist worse than racist she's racist and dumb you can't just assume that every asian person is buddhist just like you can't assume that every white person is christian i mean my wife is born and raised in china and she's not buddhist i don't think anyone in her family is buddhist either and you can't say that she was colonized because she spent the first 20 years of her life growing up in china and i can't believe that she bought you japanese kabuki masks when you're chinese this is like coming up to a black guy in america and being like it's okay if you practice your african religion around me i don't mind dude i'm christian and you go oh trust me i don't mind here i bought you a native american dream catcher to help you get in touch with your roots i i honestly can't decide is this more racist or stupid i think i'd have to say like maybe 80 stupid 20 racist i don't know let me know what you think down in the comments am i the butthole for taking my boys on a picnic after her sister lied about her child free wedding i'm a 32 year old woman and i married paul who's 39 14 months ago paul gave me two stepsons who i adore so much they're 7 and 11 years old my family is fine with paul but they are involved with the kids that much though they treat them well they just don't show them affection or love i've stopped attending family gatherings because i've been told to not bring the boys with me which is unacceptable to me and very disrespectful my family tried to look for excuses to justify their behavior of trying to leave my boys out of family functions but last month they invited us all to dinner and it went fine paul was shocked but happy that my family finally worked out the issue and slowly started including the boys last week was my sister's wedding and she sent me an invitation she told me they were having a small celebration with no kids a child child-free type of celebration once my brother confirmed that he was coming with his wife and leaving his kids home i thought that i could go since the no kids rule was for the entire family that is until my cousin called me the night before the wedding she's a relative of mine who doesn't know exactly what's going on with my family and my step kids but she's been good to paul and the boys she started talking about the wedding and she said that she'd be bringing her kids i was confused i asked about the no kids rule and she said that everyone was allowed to bring kids i checked with my brother's wife and she said she was allowed to bring kids and had no idea why i asked i confronted my sister she said that she lied so i wouldn't bring the boys and then it was my mom's idea and they couldn't think of a better idea because they didn't want the boys there i yelled at them both and said that i'm not coming if my boys aren't on the day of the wedding me paul and my stepsons packed our bags and went on a picnic since the weather was nice and warm the boys had a great time and paul did as well that evening i got a ton of calls and nasty texts from mom my dad and my brother for not coming to support my sister and then i made a joke out of them and that the guests were looking for me and i let my sister down as her older sister my sister was upset that i missed her wedding and called me awful for being inconsiderate of her feelings to add my boys are well behaved our oldest is incredibly responsible and helpful our youngest has already bonded with my cousin's son who's 9. i've talked to paul and he said it's up to me whether i still want to be in contact with my family but he won't let the boys be treated like this anymore i understand how he felt i feel terrible too i just couldn't imagine what paul would have felt seeing others bring their kids except for us man the hypocrisy coming out of these people in today's episode man oh man what your sister is saying op is that you're expected to support her family but she doesn't have to support your family that is just complete and total bs op i don't blame you if i were in your shoes i would not have gone to my sister's wedding either op i'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes i'm giving your sister and your mom 3.5 out of 5 buttholes am i at the butthole for waking my girlfriend up with my morning routine i'm a 21 year old guy and my girlfriend is 20. we've dated for over two years and lived together over one my girlfriend and i both work full time she's work from home right now when i work outside of the home she works from eight to five and i work from 5 30 a.m to 2 30 p.m the past few months we've had morning arguments because she says my routine wakes her up i get up significantly earlier than she does about three hours before she wakes up and she is not a morning person here's her issue my dad works at the same place as me so usually he'll text me in the morning to make sure i'm awake he'll keep texting until i answer or eventually call i keep my phone's volume all the way up so i can hear often i don't answer the first time and by the second text my girlfriend wakes up then there are my alarms i hit the snooze button a lot because i set them early so that when i wake up i know i have some time to sleep still these usually wake her up too it's just part of my routine she's a very light sleeper and has trouble going to sleep when she's up she gets so angry with me when this happens because she's always exhausted she's in college too so she's often up late doing homework despite having to get up and work the next day as well we've tried a few solutions like her wearing headphones or an alarm clock that turns a light on and it still doesn't help either of us she thinks that i'm the butthole because i won't just get up with my alarm goes off or my dad texts me she says that would solve all our issues and that i'm the butthole for not doing the simple solutions so she can get some sleep i say she needs to learn to live with my routine am i the butthole here op yes definitely you are the butthole why is this so hard when your alarm goes off get up why do you need multiple alarms and your daddy calling you to make sure you get up on time you're acting like a kid op i'm giving you two out of five buttholes your girlfriend gets zero out of five buttholes grow up already am i the butthole for not being nice to the people trying to force me to sell my home a large company is trying to buy up all the houses in my area to build a luxury resort with a golf field pool and other things a few days ago i got a knock on my door and the lady at the door said she was offering to buy my home willing to give me five percent over the market value their bs market value is less than what i paid for it i politely said no i'm sorry but i'm not at all interested in selling my house have a good day she kept trying to get me to sell the house and i told her to have a good day three days later she came back with a new offer now 7.5 over market value i said the same thing please go away i'm not interested the next day someone else called i just hung up on them all of my neighbors have been getting the same thing some were deciding to sell but most are refusing later when i was outside that same lady came over and said hello good news we have a better offer for you twelve percent over market value that's great isn't it surely we can work something out i then ask do you have kids a pet she then responded i have a son and two cats why i said how much for your son i'll give you fifteen thousand dollars for him and 2k for both of your cats confused she said um those aren't for sale so i responded back okay douchebag neither is my house i hope you understand now and get the f off my property and never come back you're not welcome here or anywhere in this neighborhood she said listen i tried being nice to you your house will be sold and we'll try other legal means to get your house i said did you not understand what i just said get the f off my property you ugly disgusting b word and she left i'm scared this company is going to try to use eminent domain to force me to sell my house down in the comments some people are saying that op is the butthole because he unnecessarily was rude to that woman but i completely disagree everyone has a right to not be harassed in their own home op was being polite but they decided to keep harassing them so they had it coming will i be the butthole if i sued my boyfriend's elderly mother and press charges against her okay i know how this sounds but please hear me out at least i've been with my boyfriend for 11 years since i was 15. his mother has hated me since the first day she met me she hated me due to my ethnicity i'm kosavan albanian she also hated me due to my career i work as a model and she decided that makes me an empty-headed vain shallow person then when i told her i still plan to go to university alongside my career she said that i was just doing it to impress my boyfriend i've since graduated from university with a distinction and her new reason to hate me is i try too hard she also insisted that i cheated on him throughout our entire relationship which is a ridiculous claim i've never even kissed another man in my whole life i have zero desire to cheat and i never will late last year she attempted to void the insurance on my boyfriend's motorbikes she tried to do this under my name so hypothetically when he was arrested for riding with no insurance and called his insurance company i'd get the blame after this happened my boyfriend and i agreed to cut her out however it hasn't stuck she left my boyfriend alone and respected his wishes for no contact but she continued to contact and harass me this leads us to the last few weeks my boyfriend works as a motorcycle test rider and he got in an awful motorbike crash while working as such i now need to care for him i'm okay with that and i'm focusing on seeing it as an opportunity for us to get closer it's been nice honestly however his mother has been awful to me she's called me a litany of terms like nasty syrupy and half breed i'm not serbian and she's well aware that calling a kosovan a serb is offensive i tried to block her so she started making new imessage accounts and began continually harassing me on those accounts then came friday night the police turned up on our door i was pretty confused and i was told that they were there to do a welfare check because they'd received multiple claims of horrific abuse that i was apparently putting my boyfriend through obviously they quickly discovered that he was fine albeit grumpy and they left i know for a fact that this was his mother because some of the details the police mentioned made that obvious i'm now at the point where i've realized that i literally cannot do this i'm gonna press charges against her for the insurance and harassment crimes these are crimes in the uk and i'm likely going to sue her for damages for the sake of my mental health i need to do this i don't want to be a victim and she has to be forced to stop i've mentioned my intentions to her if she doesn't back off and she pretty much mocked me saying that i won't do anything but i absolutely will i just feel like morally this may make me an awful person she sucks i know this however she's old and miserable enough as it is and i feel like doing this may ruin whatever small amount of life she has left i feel like i may be going too far i really don't know though and i genuinely cannot be objective here will i be the butthole here if i do this so op let me get this straight your boyfriend's mother tried to cancel his insurance when he works as a motorcycle test driver a job that theoretically is super dangerous and actually is dangerous because he was just in a huge wreck then if she had succeeded her own son would have been in a major medical accident and had no insurance to cover him op your boyfriend's mother has far past the point of being annoying now she's straight up dangerous opie i think you have a responsibility to both you and your boyfriend to put a stop to this however you can if that means suing her into the ground then sew her into the ground because based on this story she deserves it that was our slash am i the butthole and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 372,938
Rating: 4.9320436 out of 5
Id: -J7qVp-mKdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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