r/AmITheA**hole For Making A Karen Upset?

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welcome to r slash mi the butthole where a racist gets put in his place am i the butthole for telling my husband that his culture is garbage and i won't compromise by incorporating it into our family life my husband and i live in the northeast usa where i'm from my husband john moved here for work several years ago from the deep south of the u.s where he grew up raised with christian holidays but never attending church coincidentally shortly before everything hit john's parents and his childhood best friend dan and his wife decided to move up here as well this past weekend was the first that us three couples have gathered together since any of us moved here we had a distance picnic at our house jon sat down two to three minutes after i did as he was settling our kid into his playpen in the yard with us dan and my father-in-law immediately started to jokingly rip on him for being whipped and doing my job of parenting our child while he was supposed to be allowed to just catch up with the two other men i was trying to politely deflect when it turned to how mean i was for not fixing him a plate and serving him before serving myself if i thought a certain dish would run out before he got to it or if he had asked me to i of course would have dan and my father-in-law continue to brag about how their families do it right where they handled the outside chores while their wives handled the inside chores i think it's important to note here that both currently live in rented condos that by their nature don't have outdoor chores and both of their wives have always worked full time just like i do the whole day was kind of wrecked by that start and i was frustrated when jon left with dan and my father-in-law to go for a walk and left me to do all the cleanup alone while also looking after our kid i expected jon to apologize when he returned hours later but instead he got mad at me for making him look bad in front of his friend and dad he brought up how a traditional division of labor is a huge part of southern culture and how i was being disrespectful to his background by forcing northern culture onto him and his family he said he's been building up a lot of resentment the past few months that i make him do half the chores in child care since in his culture women do the chores and hands-on child care and men do the fun parenting the discipline mow the grass and bring in the cars for oil changes when needed i was stunned but honest and told him that southern culture is garbage it's bigotry i lived in john's home state for eight years and i saw how southern hospitality is reserved only for those in your in group deviate from the norm by being queer non-christian a person of color a liberal a non-traditional woman and they turn on you viciously does every single person act like that always no but it's the culture john is livid and says that his culture is just as valid as that of other global regions religions and ethnic groups so i'm the bigot by not compromising with him here and incorporating aspects of his culture into our family life the way i would if his culture was islamic or asian or whatnot wait wait wait so you have to respect his culture where women are basically servants but he's not willing to respect your northern culture where women are more equal nah op you get zero out of five buttholes your husband gets four out of five buttholes for not viewing you as an equal and your father-in-law and dan each get three out of five buttholes for insulting you in your own home look i think there's some merit in saying that all cultures are valid but that doesn't mean that all aspects of all cultures are valid some cultures have super toxic elements and it's totally reasonable to reject them am i the butthole for punishing my son after he said something racist i'm a 39 year old female and about a week ago my family ordered chinese food for delivery when the delivery driver came to the door my 16 year old daughter was taking the cat upstairs to put her in the room because he always tries to eat the food my 13 year old son loudly says make sure to hide the cat from the chinese guy as i'm at the door getting the food from the chinese delivery driver he very obviously heard what my son said and was upset by it i quickly apologized and took the food i told my son that racist jokes were completely unacceptable and very wrong and he refused to admit that he was in the wrong so later that night i forced my son to write a sincere apology to the delivery driver his name was on the receipt as well as write a one-page paper on chinese culture and a one-page paper on why racism is perpetuated by racist jokes and stereotypes then the next day i took him to the restaurant and had him read his apology aloud to the delivery driver as well as given the papers he wrote the driver was very appreciative of the apology and thanked me for making my son do it he then told my son about multiple instances where he'd faced racist comments and attacks from people while he was a delivery driver that night my husband and i got into an argument about me making our son do this he told me that it was embarrassing for our son to have to do the apology and that the punishment didn't fit the crime i told him that it was much more embarrassing for the driver to have to face that kind of racism and racist stereotypes and that our son would get over the embarrassment i don't condone any kind of hateful thinking in my house and the fact that my son said that embarrassed me as well my husband told me that it was just a joke and it wasn't that big of a deal i feel like i might have overreacted some but i think it's important to help my son understand that what he said was wrong and hurtful so down in the comments people are overwhelmingly saying not the butthole and i'm going to read this comment from della evan not the butthole sounds like your husband could use the lesson too you know actually my mom pulled something similar to me when i was a kid so back in like middle school i had this math assignment that i didn't really want to do so i asked my buddy if i could just copy his homework and he agreed but the teacher saw us and grabbed both of our homework and told my mom and then that night my mom made me write an apology letter to my teacher and my friend so the fact that i still remember that incident means that it must have been a pretty effective form of punishment from that day on i learned that if you're gonna cheat you have to be way more careful about it am i the butthole for telling my relatives how much i make and defending my salary i'm a 23 year old woman and over the weekend i went to dinner with some of my dad's relatives who i don't see very often my dad has never gotten along with his brother and i haven't either he's rude condescending and we don't agree with him on a lot of things normally i just try to ignore him however at dinner my uncle asked me about my car i'd shown up in my new job i started my job a little over a year ago after graduating college and i worked hard for it i make a lot of money and i'm proud of that i'm a software engineer i recently bought myself my dream car that i've always wanted my uncle asked how much are they paying you anyway in a condescending tone and i just point blank told them how much i make i guess i was supposed to laugh and say something like oh enough but i told him the number he started going off on a rant about how no 23 year old should make that much money and how stupid my company is for paying me that much i got pissed and said i deserve every penny i make i work hard and most people can't do what i do well i guess this really made my uncle angry because after dinner i received a text from my cousin saying i had been really rude at dinner and insulted my uncle's intelligence my dad sided with me because he hates my uncle anyway but my sister agreed with my cousin and said i shouldn't have said how much money i make or talk to my uncle the way i did because it was impolite down in the comments i'm gonna agree with neriogenesis not the butthole he asked the question you answered he insulted you and you defended yourself don't dish it out if you can't take it is my motto yeah op you get zero out of five buttholes for me and as for your uncle that's one of the most boomer responses i've ever read so i'm giving him three out of five buttholes am i the butthole for walking out of a ginger reveal party i'm a 33 year old guy and my 34 year old wife and i are having our second child we have a five-year-old daughter she's been grouchy her whole pregnancy so her sister offered to plan her a gender reveal party the plan was that all the food and decorations would be blue or pink and in the end we get one of those special sparklers that would light up in either blue or pink to reveal the gender we went to the doctor and got her to write the result in a folded piece of paper that we passed over to our sister without looking so flash forward to the day of the party and the moment of truth comes and the sparkler turns out to be pink for a girl i don't know what came over me but all i felt at that moment was bitter disappointments to be honest all i was hoping for for baby number two is to be able to toss a ball around with them and coach little league or watch him go on boy scout camping trips i know my daughter is only five but i've already started to deal with the dramas of being a father of a girl and the thought of having to double up now in the neuroticism was harrowing i grew up in a house with three older boys and one younger sister and i can't imagine myself being outnumbered my wife grabbed my arm as people were approaching us to say their congratulations and said i needed to look happier at that moment i just snapped i shook my head and walked out to my car we came separately and drove to my sister's house i start getting texts from my sister-in-law and my wife saying way to reenact their dad leaving their mom when they were 10 and 12. i felt like that accusation was unfair and i just needed some time alone i didn't ask to be flabbergasted it just happened and i don't think it's fair that they would have demanded i smile and nod for the next couple of hours am i the butthole op i really feel for you you said to be honest all i was hoping for for baby number two is to be able to toss a ball around with him and coach little league or watch him go on boy scout camping trips it's a shame you won't be able to experience that because as we all know little girls are literally incapable of throwing or catching a ball and unfortunately in america they don't let little girls play sports so you won't be able to experience that joy either oh no wait it's that other thing you can do both these things with a little girl you're just choosing not to because let's be honest you're sexist i have a neighbor on my street and let me think i think he's like maybe three or four houses down from me and when i walk my dog i often see him outside with his maybe like seven-year-old daughter and they're just playing catch together he throws her a football she catches it then she throws it to him and he catches it and would you believe it it's a little girl and not a little boy isn't that just crazy come on opie you need to pull your head out of your butt i'm giving you three out of five buttholes am i the butthole for making fun of a woman for being in her 40s and single this whole saga started because my husband took my last name a couple of weeks ago he got his workplace to change it and his co-workers found out about half of them think this is the funniest thing ever and about half are deeply offended brenda is in the offended half and has made that clear my husband and i are in a group chat with his co-workers where we organize carpooling during the pandemic it's very helpful to us so we can't leave the chat since he changed his name my husband and i have been dealing with a lot of dumb jokes in the chat which we've been mostly ignoring yesterday brenda his co-worker and i got into a bit of a spat i messaged the group asking if someone could take my husband home since i wouldn't be back from work until late and needed the car one of his co-workers agreed and i thought that was that brenda messages the group saying maybe if you spent less time at work and more time being a wife your husband wouldn't come into work with dirty shirts i took this as a bad joke initially my husband is a rural mail carrier so his shirts look like shirts worn by someone in 90 degree heat on dusty roads i do wash them but there's only so much to be done i said i could make cleaning those shirts my full-time job and it wouldn't do much for lol you won't be married very long if you keep trying to be the man in the relationship i'd be embarrassed as a wife if i did so little for my husband well i work more hours and pay the bills so i think he can oxiclean his own shirts if it's so important maybe you should learn to take proper care of your husband or you'll find yourself divorced i'll let you know when i need to take relationship advice from someone who's 42 and single now apparently brenda is going around saying that i mocked her for being single in her 40s i don't care if someone is single in their 40s but i think it's absolute bs that she can call me a bad wife but i can't point out that she has no frame of reference am i the butthole reddits so yeah op i've got to admit that engaging this woman in a fight in a group chat is slightly butthole-ish behavior so i can't let you completely off the hook and i have to give you at least one out of five buttholes that being said you're honestly just defending yourself against brenda who let's be honest had it coming brenda gets 2.5 out of 5 buttholes for sticking her nose in your business in a group chat she sounds like a sexist busybody that was our slash am i the butthole and if you like this content then check out my patreon where i publish extra videos also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
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Id: xPxfji6_mEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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