Ramen Seasoning Packet Taste Test

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(rooster crowing) (lion roaring) (wheel clacking) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. Can we identify ramen seasoning packets by eating just the ramen seasoning packets? - I bet we can. You know what we can also do? We can check our voicemail. - I'd love to do that. - [Man On Phone] Did you know that before a movie starts in a movie theater, it's just 50 people in the dark eating corn? - Not anymore, brother. - [Announcer] I thought that sounded like Matt Carney. - Yeah. It might have been. - People in the dark eating corn, yeah. Yeah, I haven't been to a movie in a long time. Maybe some people are going back to the movies but I have not. - Do you-- - But when I do, I'll eat some corn. - Do you typically get popcorn? - No, I don't. - Come on, just say it. You don't like to eat and watch a movie at the same time? - No, so I'll eat-- - Popcorn was invented, 'cause you don't really have to think about it but every once in a while, you go to one of those places like I really like the Alamo Drafthouse 'cause the food is good, the vibe is good, but that point, you got like, servers coming in during the movie so I make it a point to watch either a movie that I've seen or a movie that you don't have to see every bit of this movie. - Yeah, that's a good point. - But I recommend that. Eat like just a big old enchilada. - [Announcer] Guys, Matt Carney thought that was Matt Carney, too. 'Cause he's listening on the Google-- - He thought that was him? - [Announcer] Yeah. - Oh, okay. There's another Matt Carney out there. We gotta kill him. - Now, well, - there can only be one. When you find your clone, you have to take care of it. That's how it works. - You think it's-- - Sometimes one gets in from an alternate dimension and it can screw everything up if you don't take immediate action. - Before us, we have two ramekins. - Sorry, man. - Each of the same ramen seasoning. Can I just? - You gonna sneeze? I feel like I gotta sneeze 'cause I just sniffed. (Link sneezing) - I inhaled it. (Link sneezing) - I kinda like that. All right. I'm not familiar with how many flavors of ramen there are. - I know, I'm not a ramen eater. My kids like it. - Oh, what? Whoa! Super sour then super hot! - Oh, yeah. Ooh, dang. Chase. - I'm gonna say hot and sour. - [Announcer] Do you wanna avoid the "Three, two, one" guessing system? - Sweet, kinda sour. - Cayenne. - [Announcer] Is that a yes? - Cayenne and lemon. - [Announcer] No, I said, "Is that a yes?" not a guess. You're both incorrect. - Man, I like this one a lot. Good gracious, I'd put that on anything. It's got a citric, it's got that, what is the-- - Lime. Cayenne lime. - What would be hot with lime in it? - [Announcer] There's one element that you're not getting from that for some reason. - Sugar. There's a sweetness to it. - [Announcer] It's a protein. - Shrimp? - [Announcer] Yeah. - Hot shrimp. - [Announcer] But what did you I think Link was closer in his descriptive, description of it. - Cayenne lime shrimp? Lemon, lemon, Spicy lemon shrimp? (sharp sucking) - What did he say? He said, "Cayenne and lime." - [Announcer] Yeah. Lime. Lime, blank, shrimp. - Lime green shrimp. (crew laughing) - A third thing? - [Announcer] Lime? - Lime pepper. - Lime sour shrimp. - [Announcer] It's lime, some kind of pepper, shrimp. - Lime tiger shrimp. - [Announcer] Tiger? - Lime baby shrimp. - Lime jalapeno shrimp. Lime? - Lime pepper shrimp. - Lime. - Lime jalapeno shrimp. Did I already say that? - [Announcer] Yeah. - Already said that. - Already said that? Lime habanero shrimp? Is it a kind of pepper? - [Announcer] Yeah, kind of, yes. - Lime pepper shrimp. (crew laughing) - [Announcer] It's, I'll just give it to you. Lime chili. - Chili. - Oh, lime chili shrimp. - Lime chili shrimp. - Well, I think we both get points because Link got the lime and I got the shrimp. - [Announcer] Okay. - I really like that. - Yeah, that's a good one. Good one, I'll leave that one there. - It's like, very special to me. (glass clanking) - Bring in the new ramekin. (glass clanking) - All right, so this one. - When did you learn the term "ramekin?" I was well into adulthood. - Hell yeah. I think on this show. - Get rid of that. - Oh, this is savory. - Oh. - Almost barbecue-y. - Taramind? - [Announcer] What? - Taramind. - Taramind? - Tamarind? - Tamarind. (crew laughing) I was like, I know you're not saying that right but it's so wrong, I can't make it right. - Tamarind. - Tamarind. - That's right, right? - [Announcer] No. - Taramind (laughs). - I've had this. - Yeah. Definitely, it's like, "Oh yeah, that thing!" but I can't think of right now. It's funny how there's something in your brain. Your taste buds are like, "You've had this before, "but in order to get to the part of your brain "to access what it is, "in like, the vocal part of your brain," - You have to... - It's weird, what's happening in my brain right now. It's like the taste is shooting into the brain and like, "Where? "Where do I go?" - Yeah, I know. - [Announcer] Did you make a guess, Link? - I've had it and I don't have a guess. Tamarind. - [Announcer] It's a, you could say it's a condiment that you would find on a table. - Oh, Worcestershire sauce. - Pepper. Black pepper. - A1. - [Announcer] No. That you would find on your table. - Soy sauce. - [Announcer] Yes, correct. - It's just soy sauce? - Do you know what I like-- - Soy sauce flavor. Boring! - Have you ever just taken rice or noodles and just put soy sauce and butter on them? Like, just take some rice and just put soy sauce and butter. I mean, you can just never stop eating that. Then you'd be happy. - You want this record from us? I just wanna remind you, you gotta be a third degree Mythical Society member. That's quarterly or annual plan to get this thing. You gotta be a member by June 30th. It's the "Rhett and Link, I'm on Vacation" record. That's the back of it. It's got "Why I Travel" on it which is an unreleased song and a remix of "On Vacation." - Wow. You really sold that substitute teacher, is what. It's like, somebody came in and was like, "I gotta teach this lesson. "I wasn't really prepared for it." - I mean, well, I know they want it so it's just-- - I'm gonna, you know what, I'm just gonna put on a video for you guys. - It sells itself, man. - You're right, you're right, you're right. - It sells itself. Oh, this just looks like something from a chemistry lab. - This looks like bismuth, sulfur. What? - I wanna say it's buttery 'cause you were talking about butter. - So I just say things then you think about? - It kinda stinks. I say things sometimes. Do you think about them? You should. (smacking lips) - Again. - The yellow color. - Something very specific. It's going into my brain. My tongue remembers it, my mind doesn't. - I think this is a, it's a meaty thing, right? Like this is savory. This is like chicken. Chicken marsala. Chicken marsala. For ramen-- - Almost has like, curry-ish kinda thing happening. - There's a weird spice. - [Announcer] I thought for a second you were just gonna straight up say it, Link. You were so close. - Chicken. - Chicken pot pie? - Chicken samala. (crew laughing) Chicken. - Chicken marsala, chicken samala. Chicken soup. - Chicken noodle soup. - [Announcer] Chicken mmm? - Chicken... Magic. - Chicken? - Chicken a la king. Chicken... Mushroom. - Chicken monkeys. - [Announcer] Chicken mushroom. - Chicken mushroom? I would prefer chicken monkeys. - It's pretty, you know, pretty simple. I was thinking we're gonna go more interesting. - That mushroom flavor is dead-on, though. - Yeah, those mushrooms are dead. - Dead-on. (glass clanking) Okay, let's continue to boost our sodium intake with another ramekin of dust. Ramen dust. - Oh. - Ooh, that's good. - Oh! Oh! What? - This is fry seasoning. - Barbecue. No, no. I love this stuff, what is this stuff? - Is it spicy? - What is this? I love it! - This is spicy barbecue sauce, isn't it? - No. - Who is spicy? - Why is it all so familiar? - Hot wings? Hot wing ramen. Hoo! The heat kinda builds, y'all. - [Announcer] There's a protein and a descriptor, basically. - Right. Hot chicken? - Spicy ribs? - [Announcer] I guess when I say descriptor, it sounds like adjective, but it is another ingredient. Protein ingredient. - What is that? (stuttering) It's there and it's gone. - Grape. - No. - Trout. (crew laughing) - I smell grape. See if you can smell grape. - [Announcer] Okay, protein first. - Grape trout sounds like the worst (huffing). What flavor is that grape trout? - Smell of it and see if you can smell grapes. - No. I'm not gonna get it 'cause I just keep... - [Announcer] Okay, it's a protein. - Beef. Pork. Chicken. - [Announcer] Chicken? - Chicken... Chicken, chicken thyme. Chicken. - [Announcer] You almost just said it again. - Chicken? - Chicken. When I said, "Chicken thyme," it starts with a T. Chicken trout? - Chicken masala. Not? (crew laughing) Chicken tangerine. Chicken train. - Chicken threaded eyebrows. Chicken. - Chicken. Treasure. - Chicken (slurs) tomb. - Chicken tuna (laughs). Chicken, - Chicken ta... (slurs) - Chicken trout? - Ta... - Chicken trout grape. Chicken try this. Chicken? - Chicken to (slurs). - [Announcer] (groans) - Chicken tartar (laughs). - Chicken ta... (slurs) - Chicken taco. - [Announcer] (groans) - Taco. - Chicken taco time (claps). - Ta... (slurs) - Chicken castle. - [Announcer] Okay. Not chicken taco but chicken? - Enchilada. (crew laughing) - [Announcer] It starts with a T. - Chicken ta... (slurs) - Tostada? (exclaiming) Chicken to... (slurs) - Chicken toast. (laughs) - Chicken to... (slurs) - Chicken tostada? - Chicken to... (slurs) - Chicken taco? Chicken tortilla. - [Announcer] Chicken tortilla. - What? What's a chicken tortilla? - It's a chicken. It's a tortilla with chicken in it. - We don't know our ramens. Chicken tortilla? - I think the thing that, okay. My brain-- - Why isn't it chicken taco? - Let me look at the seasoning because, my brain is recognizing something that I'm recognizing from something else and going beyond the answer to an ingredient, you know, it's weird. - I think it's grapes. - Grape trout. That's a good band name. - No, we're not. No, it's not. - Yeah, it is. I'd go see Grape Trout. - It sounds stupid. - No, it's like a good high school band name. You immediately laugh. - [Announcer] Okay, this is the last round. - You don't take that. Once you sign, once you sign, they drop "grape" and it's just "trout." - Okay, Rhett. - 'Cause Trout's a good name for a band 'cause of fish. - Hoo! - Which you spell it with a W, T-R-O-W-T. - I'm just smelling grape. I'm only smelling grapes now. Why am I smelling grapes? Ew. Ew! That's not good. - I can see when dissolved with noodles, that could be okay. - All right, so this is fish. Is this trout? Could it be? - [Announcer] It's not grapes and it's not fish. - Could it be grape trout? - It tastes like fish to me, it tastes like beef. - [Announcer] Hmm? - Beef? Beef taco. - Chief beef. Oh, almost dropped it. - You know what? Beef and onion, it's just simple. - Yeah, it could be. - Liver and beef? - Beef? Beef and onion soup? - Beef and broccoli. - [Announcer] It's a type of beef. - Tri-tip. Hamburger beef? - Rib, rib, rib noodle. - Type of beef? Sirloin. - Ramen rib-eye. - A type of beef? Wagyu beef. - [Announcer] Well I mean like, you could order this on a sandwich. - Pastrami. - Philly cheese steak. - Roast beef. - [Announcer] Yeah, roast beef. I feel like this was-- - You know what, there's a nasty taste in roast beef that they've nailed. - They've nailed that nasty. - And that's the only part they put in here. It's like the nasty part of roast beef. It's kind of metallic. - [Announcer] I think that even though the points say that Rhett won, I still feel like leaking your nudes. So I'm gonna leak your nudes, anyway. - Oh, what? Okay. - [Link] Your eyes are-- - [Rhett] I don't understand how the eyes work. - [Link] Your eyes and your nipples are peeking out from in between some noods, noodles. - [Rhett] Yeah, right. Oh, when I took that picture, I didn't expect to ever see it again. I thought I deleted it. Somebody got into my photos. I hate it. My life is over. - You got a lot of pictures in that, right next to that shower. - My wife took those pictures. Put them up there and framed, seemed like a professional. Really just did it with her phone. Join the Mythical Society 3rd Degree Quarterly or Annual Plan at mythicalsociety.com to get the Rhett and Link On Vacation vinyl release.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 938,139
Rating: 4.9313765 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Id: G4hn0fgUZBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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