Mystery Shotski Taste Test

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- Welcome to Good Mythical More. We're going to continue to celebrate Rhett's birthday over this whole weekend coming up. And we're going to take some mythical shotskis in his honor. - But first we're going to play Who You Talkin' About? This is when we read a comment and we figure out whether it's about me or Link. Let's play. - Okay. - This one is from Brecor, who says blank is simultaneously a strict mother and a little brother. - Well, that's gonna be me. (laughter) - I think so. I'm going to go with Link on this one. Yes, Link is a very strict mother and a little brother. - That's great - [Stevie] I specifically remember this comment, I specifically remember it because I thought it was so good. - Strict mother, little brother, that's me, Link. - And you know what? I'm going to go easy on you today cause we're leading into your birthday with the mythical shotskis here. We have an array of these. Is this what a shotski is? It's a board with two shots on it? - Is that what it is? It's like a beer flight. - So you're forced to take it in tandem. - [Voice] At the same time, yeah. - Okay. - That's a shotski. - [Voice] Yes. - Now, before we do this shotski, I want you to understand something. You know what? I have some favorite things that are the favorite merch items that we sell at - Thought you were about to get mad again. - And between now and through my birthday on Sunday, we're going to take up to 30% off of all my favorite merch items. Go over to,, And check them out. Save some money, - I thought you were going to say, I want you to know something. I did not cheat. Oh, he didn't cheat. - I didn't cheat. You, you don't believe... - Clean sweep on beans. - They gave, oh they gave him the answers for his birthday. They thought it would be cool. - They were doing hands signals. - Guys, remember this is enter, this is about being entertaining, so there's no, we don't cheat on this show, okay? I didn't get those answers. The only time we cheat is when we're playing a prank on Link. Okay? And that wasn't happening. - Your mother and your son at the same time. - Right. - So we have this and we also have these bean gloves, which I need to wear in order to give you the clean sweep bean massage. - And the massage is just from me winning, I mean, it's going to be extra special from the queen, for the clean sweep. - I need to have a few shots in me before I, I attempt to try to massage you. - None of this is alcoholic so it's not going to do anything for you. Here we go. - We have to guess what these are because they're all very strange. Three, two... - Oh that's chocolatey. - Yeah it's like, - I think I should have kept it in my mouth a little while because now it's just... - S'mores. - You think it's a... - [Stevie] Nope. - It's just hot chocolate. - It, it had some, - [Stevie] No. - It had some chunkiness in it. - [Stevie] Yep. - Chunky chocolate. - Beans, chocolate beans. - [Stevie] No. - You're playing hard to guess today, Stevie. - [Stevie] This is something, it's blank and blank that you... - Chocolate and peanut butter. - [Stevie] You would have before, before bed as a, as a, as a dessert item in the, in the winter months. - Chocolate and mint. - There's no mint in it. Chocolate and marshmallows. Chocolate? - [Stevie] I don't have pre-written clues. - Chocolate and nutmeg. Cinnamon and chocolate. - [Stevie] One of the things has chocolate in it. - Hot chocolate and marshmallow. - [Stevie] And the other thing is what you dip this thing in. - Hot chocolate and... what you dip in what? - Fondue. Chocolate fondue. - What do you dip in hot chocolate? - You used all your good luck. - Your finger? - [Stevie] One thing is cookies. - Cookies and hot chocolate, cookies and milk. - [Stevie] Cookies and milk, yeah. - Oh, cookies and milk. Those cookies were... - Careful now. Careful. - So where does this go? - You're going to get it all over yourself. - We got another one here. Oh gosh. This one is... - So they hand these out at bars? They got these at bars, Josh? - We're sheltered. We don't- - [Voice] I don't know. - [Stevie] It seems like a frat thing. - I didn't see it, a big college party thing. - I'm not gonna drink unless you drink with me, man. - At the same time, we gotta be attached by wood. - Come on, man, I can't drink unless you drink. Let's drink together. - [Voice] They use a ski. - A ski? - [Voice] Yeah. - Shotski! - [Voice] Wow, I thought it was plural. And it was like a schotzko, multiple shotski. - [Voice] No, we put like four or five shot glasses on a ski. - [Voice] Oh, okay. - Where'd you go to college? - [Voice] BU, but they didn't do that at my college. I just know. - Oh. (laughter) - Caitlin, everybody. - I was about to say, I was - Very defensive. - I was about to say maybe they did- - I did go to college! But I did not do that at my college. - Maybe they just used a ski at your college. (laughter) - This, this does not look appetizing. - Well, let's go for it. - It looks granular. - Three, two... - [Stevie] It's not, it's not- - It's not vomit. - [Stevie] It's edible yeah. - It's already like vomit. - Bread? - Cheese. - [Stevie] There's cheese. - There's cheese and chicken or something, man. - Cheese and chicken, it's cheese and chicken. - You like that cheese and chicken? I guess I'm assuming all these are for Rhett's birthday. Am I right? - Grilled Cheese. - [Stevie] You right! - [Stevie] No it's cheese and a meat product. - Chicken. - Cheese and hot dogs. - [Stevie] It's juice from a meat product. - It's hot dog juice, I think. - [Stevie] Close. - Sausage juice. - [Stevie] Think smaller. - Cheddar wurst. Cheddar wurst juice. - It's a little, it's a - A little smokey. - A little smokey juice? - [Stevie] Yeah. - A little smokey and cheese. - All right, Rip. - Did you just call me Rip? - Rip van Winkle. Wake up, buddy. I'm about to give you a massage. - I'm gonna give you massage now. - Okay, putting gloves on. - You never called me Rip before. Call me Rip. - Look at, isn't that cool looking? - Yeah. You wanna touch my hand. - Oh, you want a hand massage? - That's what you're supposed to give me, right? Isn't it? Or is it just a massage? - [Stevie] You can wherever, yeah. - It's a three, wherever. - [Stevie] What? - What did you call it? - [Stevie] I meant like on your shoulders. - You call it a three hand bean massage. - [Stevie] Three bean. I think there's three different kinds of beans. - A three being hand massage. I thought it was a three hand. - I was like, who's going to provide the third hand? Listen, I almost got a four hand massage. - If you're ever being massaged and all of a sudden you feel a third hand and you didn't know that person was there... - Keep your eyes closed. - Just, just enjoy it. - When Christie and I went to Sedona, there was a brochure in our Airbnb and they, - Really? - They were promoting a four- - Stop there. Don't tell me about anything else. (laughter) - You're going to lose your birthday privileges, big buddy. Rip. And the brochure was advertising a four hand massage. - Wow. - That's two people giving a massage to one per- I've never had that. - [Stevie] Full Desert. - I've had a lot of massages and I've never had that. Oh we, we've had it all, but we've never had... - You ever had somebody walk on you, Stevie? - [Stevie] Yeah. I'm sorry. Do you guys remember Full Desert? - I don't like, I don't massage him. - [Stevie] I can't go into it fully right now. - That's not something we do. - Full Desert? - [Stevie] In relation to a massage place that was located near our former studio. - I don't, I don't know. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And the door was always a little bit cracked open. - [Stevie] I mean, sure. - Yeah. The only times I went in there was just for massage and nothing else. - Now listen, have you ever massaged me? - No, but- - Have I ever massage you? On this show, we've been forced to massage each other. - I'll say a couple of things. There are and I'm not I'm, I'm I know I'm kind of generalizing here, but you know, there's always that one guy in a group of friends who's the guy who just massages people. Y'all know what I'm talking about. - Yeah just rubbing shoulders and stuff. - Maybe this was 20 years ago, but it's just like, you just come up and just be like, you just kinda like... - [Stevie] Like in a group of guy friends? - Yeah, a group of people talking and then the guy will come up and he'll be like... - [Stevie] There's one guy who's a massage guy? - Yeah yeah! [Stevie] What? - Yeah everybody's, everybody's nodding their heads! There's like one dude and he's like he's the massage guy. - It's like it's about him. - And yeah, it is because nobody asked for it. - And then you felt, because you do the, like the normal thing that like you're in a conversation, there's a whole group of people. - I, and you know me, I mean, I'm probably not going to ask for this, but then I'm just like yeah, I'm just trying to be present, you know? Don't, the hair! Don't do their hair. Their hair hurts. - What do you want me to tussle the hair? - No, I'm tender headed. - You don't like beans on the head? - Stick on the shoulder, I like stick on the shoulder. I like the beans on it. Oh ow! You're pulling my, you're pulling my hair with the bean gloves. - This is about me. This is not about, this is, the only way I can do this is to channel someone I hate. - That's what I was going to do for you. - Yeah, this is helpful. - Be the massage guy. - Anybody else need a massage? You know. - Oh yeah yeah yeah. - You know, I brought the shotski board too, so. If you want like, oh, yeah I'll get those delts, man. - He doesn't talk about it. He doesn't reference what he's doing. He talks about something else. It's like, so talk about something else. - You've been in the hot tub yet? (laughter) - Something way more tangential. Not something that's even relaxing. - Have you ever thought about how strong ants are? - Yeah. - Like, ants can live lift like 18 times their body weight, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw that on discovery channel. - I've been trained how to do this. - No, don't talk about it. Don't talk about it. - They can lift so much, man. - Yeah. - It's just... - Don't touch my hair. Don't touch my hair, man. - Okay. What about towards delts again? - Yeah. That's good, that's good. - Anybody else want like a massage? Cause I'm here at the Airbnb all weekend. I'm actually part of what you paid for. I don't know if you knew about that. - Stevie, the thing that's most upsetting is that you didn't have a dude in your friend group. - [Stevie] Oh, no no no. I have had plenty of dudes in my friend group who have given me an unwanted massage. I thought you meant like a bunch of dudes hanging out and there's one dude. - Well, no, no. Yeah, The guy does, he usually does target women when he does this, but he also, and I think it's to take the heat off of himself, also massages a lot of other dudes. - It's about the massage. It's not about who I'm touching even though like, I'm really just waiting to get over there and massage Christine or something. - Right. He's like, if I massage Rob first, then when I get to Christine, it won't be weird. Cause it's like, it's this isn't about that. I just massaged Rob! - This is at least how we thought this guy was thinking about it. And I've seen multiple people do it. It's not one guy that we're thinking about. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - This is horrible. - I'm thinking about four or five people that I knew. - It smells sweet. I think that's going to be okay. - Oh, sorry. - [Stevie] What'd you say? - Sorry. My beard just catches things these days. - That one tastes good. - [Stevie] It should be very good. - No, that was good. - That is... - It's milky. I mean, it looks, it looks like larva. But it tastes good. - Horchata? - [Stevie] Nope. - Is it a combination of things? - [Stevie] Nope. - Just one thing. - Just one thing? - Well then it's just in water then. - [Stevie] One specific thing that you like to have on your birthday. - Ice cream cake? - Earl gray tea pie. - Oh yes. It's earl gray. Is it earl gray tea pie? - [Stevie] It's earl gray pie from Pie Hole. - That was good. - Do you have it unshotified? - That was a good one. - [Stevie] I don't know the answer to that. - [Voice] We did have it unshotified and then we ate it in the kitchen to celebrate you. - Oh. - [Voice] So, you're welcome. Happy birthday. - Thank you so much for that. - [Voice] True story. Sorry about that, should've thought. - Now mine still have stuff floating in it and Rhett's doesn't. Wait, hold on. - [Stevie] Ah, just stir it up. I don't know if something's not floating. Just put your finger in it. - Mine's got floaties, but Rhett's doesn't. - [Voice] Are these floaties or sinkies? This is the same contents. - Oh, this has got alcohol in it. - Yeah, it does. - Is that tequila? - [Stevie] This is two things. - Is that vodka or tequila? What is that? - [Stevie] Neither. - What? Martini? What's in a martini? - Is it gin? - [Stevie] No, no. - Oh. - [Stevie] What's the other thing that's not that? - Beans. - [Stevie] Yeah. What would beans? - Cause there were like a piece of bean in my mouth. It's bean juice and- - Beans and whiskey? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Beans and whiskey. Is that a, is there a name for that? - Bisky - Dumb. That was tough. Actually, no it wasn't. - [Stevie] Is there a name for that? - Is there a name for beans and whiskey? - I didn't know what a shotski was. - Yeah. The massage guy, man. - Put these on. Put them on backwards. - What makes someone into a massage guy? And I don't mean I'm a masseuse, I mean a dude in a group of people. - Put them on this way and then you've got a decorative glove. Look at that. That's cool looking. That's like a gauntlet. It's like a freaking gauntlet. - Man, think about how cool I can be with these. - Here, take this one. Put them, wear it like a gauntlet. - It would be now, I feel like I could be the massage guy if I had these gloves. - [Stevie] Are they like, are they rub- like rubbery feeling? I can't tell. - Yeah. - Yeah. - [Stevie] You could make beans... - They're made out of like cookie monsters foreskin - [Stevie] in these gloves. Like, when you're touching a hot pot or something. - Yeah. Take those home Rhett. That's my birthday present to you. - Oh thank you. - That's what I got you this year. Alright. - [Stevie] This is three things. - Oh gosh. It's got stuff floating in it too. - Okay. - Chocolate. Beans. - That's also got beans in it. - [Stevie] There are no beans. - There's something that looks like beans. There's cake! There's like a, a flowery thing. - Something that tastes like glue. Is glue one of them? - [Stevie] All three of these things you have previously really liked. To the point where they got to stand on a pedestal. - Oh this is the three winning pop tart flavors? - [Stevie] Close. - Oh this is the three winning cheesecakes. - [Stevie] It's the three, it's, it's the winning Krispy Kreme gut-check donut, which is original glaze. The winning pop tart, which was wildlicious wildberry and the winning Ben and Jerry's, which was Peanut Butter World. - You said, you said. And I said cake, cause I was tasting some donuty stuff in there. That's exactly what it was. - Is this is the last one? - [Stevie] Yep. - Oh thank God. - I'm glad I didn't party in college. - [Stevie] Happy birthday! - Happy birthday, man. You know what? Keep it up. Just don't die. - Okay, I'll try. - [Rhett] Celebrate my birthday with up to 30% off of my favorite items at Now through October 11th.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 774,898
Rating: 4.9562001 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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