Reacting To Vintage Toilet Seats

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(rooster crowing) (tiger roaring) (dramatic whooshing) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. Toilet seat covers. It's a world that we need to explore, so let's do it. - But first, congratulations to Hadassah for repping that Mythical merch out there in the wild with #Merchicality. You, for doing that, we're gonna give you a $30 gift card. - All right, man. I'm so glad that's over. - I feel like I've been through something. - I woke up this morning and I was like, oh, gosh, today's the day, you know? I've been really gearing up for this. - Well, it shows, man. You gotta give me some pointers on the pinching. I just feel like it's very on or off for me and I think I feel like if I constrict, I'm going to hurt something. I think I'm fearful of constriction. - Yeah, I really wanted to win. Maybe I hurt something. (laughing) Maybe I hurt something. Before we sat back down here, we emptied our, these are new gloves, by the way, but we emptied our own urine and then I had to pee again because I had been drinking. - I peed a healthy amount of pee immediately. And again, right before a healthy amount of pee. And by the way, we did the calculation really quickly. So you peed two and a half cups. I peed 2.9 cups and they said that a healthy pee is around two cups. So we're both actually beyond what is considered a healthy bladder full of pee, so I think we're gonna be okay. We don't need to call up Dr. Hyman. - Well, we are. That that's our urologist, if you. - Yeah, he's the one who performed our- - Vasectomy. - Vasectomies. - Oh, look at this. - Almost the same time. - This is like a prom dress on a toilet lid. Is this is like an eBay purchase? - [Lucas] Amazon. - Is this brand new? - [Lucas] Yeah. - But the toilet itself is used. - [Lucas] That's from the Mythical bathroom. - Oh, is it? - [Lucas] Yeah. (laughing) - [Lucas] Reuse, recycle. - It's the one that we just used. - I don't understand. Just to decorate your toilet. - I understand wanting your toilet to be pretty, but here's the problem. Open it up again. Look at this. This right here. - When it's up and your peen. - Absorbing material anywhere near this. I mean, first of all, if you live in a house with- - Boys. - Where the boys outnumber of the women three to one, not counting the dog, then your toilet seats are problematic on many levels. - I saw footage of a German shepherd that could walk up and then lift the leg and pee into a toilet and then flush it. - I've seen those TikTok dogs that use the bathroom. I just don't think Barbara's tall enough. - No. So I'm not in favor of this. I mean, it is just, it's sheer material, but there's still gonna be lots of spray that's gonna be captured here. - Is the mentality- - Not good/ - Because a toilet is sort of, a toilet itself is a little bit of a- - I'll leave it there in case we- - An eye sore? Is that what's happening when people decorate toilets? It's like, oh, the toilet is something that we don't want. Okay, so my wife as an interior designer, she's taking pictures of things and she takes pictures of like the bathroom and she really wants to de-emphasize the toilet. Because when you look at a toilet, you just think of somebody just sitting on there taking a dookie and it's not the thing you wanna think about. - [Stevie] But she doesn't put covers on. - She does not. She just insists on very sleek-looking toilets. - [Stevie] I am interested in the comment section about toilet cover usage geographically. - Oh, so you want everyone to say whether they're for it or against it and where they live? - [Stevie] Well, more do they have one or do they not in where they live? - Well, I have theories about this. There's a lot of crossover between- - I like this one, by the way. - Well, seasonal. You gotta take this off by- - A lot of absorptive material that then you store for 11 months. - And it's a joke because Santa's not gonna watch you do your business. - I like the joke. So this one's nice. This one's a keeper. - The Midwest and the South tend to have a fair amount of crossover with a lot of things. - [Stevie] Yeah. - But moms who put inspirational quotes up on the wall in your house. - [Stevie] Yes, live, laugh, learn. - It's a very Southern thing. It's a very Midwestern thing. I mean, I'm sure it happens other places. - [Stevie] It's not a coastal thing. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right. Not a coastal thing. So I think that seat covers- - I think that if you go to Kennebunkport to a cottage, there's gonna be stuff written on the walls. I think if you get up there to- - [Stevie] I think they're outliers, but I do see where you're going with the specific to the toilet seat cover. - I feel like the more inspirational quotes you have up in your house, the more likely you are to have one of these on your toilet. - Yeah, that definitely makes sense. - [Stevie] Okay, we need that in the comments. We need you to comment about your quote usage, as well as the toilet seat cover usage, and location. Is there anything else we need? We need age? Is age? Age, I think, is a factor. Is age a factor? - Age is a factor. - Yeah. - Social security number's of factor. - [Stevie] No, no, no. - This is probably coming back, though. Stevie, you were talking about normcore. - [Stevie] Normcore. Does normcore apply to house decor? - Well, that's the question. - Does it? - Is there a tacky core, like a gaudy core thing where like, oh, yeah, this guy in Silver Lake who's got a mustache and tucks his shirt in. - [Stevie] You know what I have seen in decor is a kind of like a 90s vibe is cool now. And also, I don't know how to describe it. I wanna say cottage core 90s, like a floral wallpaper situation that seems a little bit 80s, 90s, but ironically, is cool. I've seen that. So I do think a toilet seat cover in that world. - But it hasn't gone that far, though. What's this? The Old West ain't what it used to be. Goodbye, cruel world. Does this want to have a reveal? - This guy's going into the- - Oh, don't throw butts in this toilet. It makes them soggy and hard to light. Royal flush. What is all this? - There's too much information on this. - Yeah, this is crazy. - It's got a joke for the gentlemen and the ladies. Gentlemen, stand close. It may be shorter than you think. Ladies, please remain seated during the entire performance. I kind of like that. - To your point, these are the types of things that would be on the on the wall of a bathroom, too. - Exactly! - [Stevie] This is cool. But that's not, I'm talking like shag. You know, shag situation, not joke territory. - There's also a cross over with people who do the padded toilet seat. - Oh, we need that in the comments. - That's very specifically, I've only ever seen that at my grandmother's house and Link's grandmother's house. - [Stevie] My aunt and uncle in Cary, North Carolina, have the padded seats. - Yeah, so this seat itself is that vinyl padded. - It lets a little air out, right? When you sit on it. - But it's not absorptive. So it's like- - It's vinyl, yeah. - Your butt sticks to it. - Do you like it? - No. - Why don't you like it? - It is warm, though. It gets warm really quick and it doesn't start off really cold, but the cracks. Here's the problem. The cracks hurt. - Oh, if you get a little butt cheek hair in there. Yeah. - [Stevie] I think that there's a lot of emotions that you go through when you sit down on one of those. - Ladies, it is not necessary to stand on our toilet. Our fleas can jump 10 feet. Is that what ladies do? They stand on the toilet? - Hold on, I don't understand the joke. - Squat and pee? - I'm really not understanding the joke. Can someone explain it to me? - [Stevie] I think that they meant like don't hover. - Oh, what is that? There's a freaking hair right here! A curly one! - [Stevie] Oh. Lucas! (laughing in background) - There's a pupe on that seat. - You don't have enough hair on your head for that to be from your head. - [Lucas] I'm certain it's somebody else. (laughing) - That's pleasant. - [Stevie] This is designed by a man. - Do you understand the joke? The fleas? - [Stevie] This is designed by a man who thinks that women stand on the toilet seats. - I mean, I've heard of the hover. I know the hover's a thing. - I don't know about the fleas, man. That's the thing. - When you stand, is that how they do it? One leg up? - [Stevie] (laughing) Yeah, yeah. - Could you do that? - [Stevie] Yeah, if you're looking for your other leg to get a little- - Get doused. - Luke has apologized under his breath before handing this one to us. - Remember, the job's not done until the paperwork's finished. - Oh, wow, okay. - We aim to please. Will you aim, too, please? - Yeah, okay, I've seen that. - Saying that if you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be seated during the entire performance. Stand closer, please. The next may not be wearing shoes. The next man may not be wearing shoes. Smokers! Please do not those cigarette butts in the bowl. It makes him soggy and hard to light. Okay. We've heard these jokes before. - Yeah, this is coming from the same place. - This is like for, again, it's for- - [Both] A restaurant. - Unless you just have a lot of guests. - So crazy. - [Lucas] Last one. - [Stevie] A lot of guests smoking in your bathroom. - Yeah, right. - And another goodbye cruel world.. This is old time-y humor. - Yeah, yeah. - Haven't we've seen this one entirely? Yes. - Well, we have, but it was a different character. - I just don't. And, oh, my gosh. Look at how. Look at the stains on this thing. - Somebody missed. - The whole top of this is just got brown streaks. - Now, what we don't, okay. Let's kind of shift the conversation a little bit to carpet in the bathroom. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Okay, because that's another thing that happens. - [Stevie] Well, you know the matching. Or are you talking about carpet are you talking about rugs? - No, I'm talking about someone who has made the decision to put carpet on the floor. - [Stevie] Install situation. - Installed carpet, wall-to-wall carpet, in the bathroom. - [Stevie] Yeah. - I've been to a house where they had wall-to-wall carpet in the kitchen. - [Stevie] I think that there was a big- - I think that's was an 80s thing. - [Stevie] Isn't the photo of the Demi Moore's bathroom that recently, not recently, popped last year, had a living room in the bathroom vibe that I do believe included the carpet? - My in-laws have carpet in their bathroom, in the bathroom that I would use as a guest. - In the guest bathroom? - In the guest bathroom. - How is this possible? - Which was Christy and her sister's bathroom growing up. - [Stevie] Do they have rugs on the carpet? - Yes. - [Stevie] Yeah, yeah. - There's one of those rugs that goes around. - If you've got two women who are the ones who were primarily using it, I think you can get away with that. I mean, listen. - Your feet stay warm when you're brushing your teeth and stuff. - I don't go into my boy's bathroom. I don't know what, I don't know who's been in there besides them recently, but there's definitely no carpet. - You're pulling up Demi Moore has a carpeted bathroom. - [Stevie] I couldn't recall. I just remembered it being living room-like because it went pretty viral. - Oh yeah, she's got carpet. There's a bathtub right there. She has got carpet. A lot of people like the idea of not ever. Oh, carpet around the toilet. Look at that. She totally does it. - I like carpet in the bathroom. I mean, we don't have carpet. - It feels good. - We don't have any carpet in our house. - It's just gross. - Maybe I just like have this nostalgic feeling for carpet in general. - My life is anti-carpet. - I think your bathroom could be carpeted, but then when it gets to the toilet, it should be on that section should be un-carpeted. - There should be a little perimeter of- - Or a big one. - [Stevie] I worry about the water when you're getting out of the shower bath situation, too. - Oh, yeah, that's true. - It says Demi Moore defends decision to have carpet in bathroom. I mean, what does she say? What is the defense here? - She was on like a morning show and this is what she was defending. By the way, we're asking you guys to put your demographics in the comments, but we're also asking for you to buy our grooming products. Where are they? Are they hiding? - Well, we have a bag full of them. - There they are. - I've got the lotion over here. - Oh, I love. The lotion's great. It's a more subtle version of the Mythical No 9 scent. I'm very happy with it. I'm very happy with the, well, this is the beard balm. - I've got the musical comb. - But you also have the pomade, I'm very happy with that. All of the lip balms. Peanut butter peppermint and we've got candy milk. Go to Check out the whole line. Beard oil, beard balm, pomade, clay for your hair. That's what I use. - Also carries all this stuff for Prime shipping. - And as we discovered, I've only done this one time since discovering it, you can play the whole GMM theme song if you just go all the way. (comb playing) - Yeah. - You gotta go all the way. You go halfway and then hit the base note. - So if you need a comb, get yourself the Mythical musical comb. Again, Get it while the getting's good. Thanks for the ratings, too, by the way. - Okay, this is what, we used to say Demi when we were growing up and then something happened with Demi. So I'm gonna just say Demi. She said that originally was a Bruce Willis choice, not to put it off on him. Did you know they haven't been together for years, but they all hang out together. - [Stevie] Yeah. - They get together for holidays and so Bruce Willis and whoever he's with and Demi Moore and whoever she's with and all the kids get together for all holidays and take a bunch of pictures together. - That's great to hear. I love that. - Yeah. - And Ashton? Is he in the mix? - I think he's moved on. - Right, but does everybody come back together? - I think that could be a little bit weirder. Yeah. - Oh, could it? I mean, do they all get in the bathroom? Lay down on the carpet? - Maybe that's where the carpet is for. - Yeah, carpet in the bathroom. Not a great idea, the more I think about it. Yeah. I just feel so relieved right now that this is over. I wonder if people are gonna not click on the episode because they don't wanna see two grown men pee. - We need to call it something else, then. - Yeah. Who can what the longest? Something people wanna click on. A title like that. - Eat, definitely eat. Who can eat the longest? - Who can eat the longest? - Who can eat the longest thing? - They're gonna be in for a rude awakening, if we go that route. Our grooming collection is growing! Shop the expanded Mythical Grooming Collection now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 244,393
Rating: 4.9464307 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: v3x7WD8oJik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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