(rooster crows) (lion roars) (wheel clicking) - Welcome to Good Mythical Good Morning. Jelly Belly makes sparkling water. Let's taste it, rank it and compare it to their own jelly bean flavors. - But not after we take a new selfie, this selfie's called,
"Who's house am I in?" - What's in this house? - [Stevie] He said, "Well, not after". Not after, but yes, after.
- Not after? - [Stevie] Yes after you take the selfie. Is when you will be doing it. I mean, not to call you out or anything. - But not after we take a
selfie. Is that what I said? What did I say? - Not until after, is what you meant. - [Stevie] Now you're confusing me. - Did you know that Jelly Belly has water? - No. And I think right off the bat, I feel like there's a branding problem because the first thing I thought when I heard that Jelly
Belly had hard seltzer, is sparkling water.
- Is sparkling water. - Is that it had calories in it. - Zero sugar, zero sweetener, zero calories, zero sodium. - Because people who like Jelly Belly's are usually not worried about not drinking sugary drinks, right? I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Now it says, 'True to life flavor'. So we're gonna put that to the test. You have your own series over here. Do you want to start? - With a piña colada? - Piña colada? They have to clarify on the can that this one is nonalcoholic because a piña colada typically is. The other ones don't do that. We've got Very Cherry, Pink Grapefruit, Watermelon, and Orange Sherbet. Pink Grapefruit, I predict will be my fav, but we still got to... Let's taste it and then
try the jelly bean. 'Cause I assume it'll be not
as concentrated of a taste. - Pretty, pretty authentic to piña colada, but also a little chemically.
- Yeah. - Is it not? Tastes exactly like the jelly bean. Without the sugar. - Yeah, it does. - Okay. You must not like it. - I don't like piña colada flavored stuff. I like, I like raw coconut
and I like coconut water. - [Stevie] Wait, you don't
like an actual piña colada or just the flavor? - What's the, what do you mean? - [Stevie] Like, if you're by the pool and somebody is like,
what do you want to drink? - I don't think, I don't
think I enjoy those because it's coconuty flavored. - [Stevie] Stop it! But if you just gave me some
coconut water, I like that. - [ Stevie] It's not--but it's
like a--it's like a smoothie type of situation and like, has whipped cream and a cherry and like-- - Give me a mudslide. - Okay. It's okay, it's not, not great. Let's move to Cherry. - I mean, I feel like-- Another flavor that Link doesn't like, but we'll drink it. - I'm a fan of a cherry though. Just a nice raw cherry. That's strong. I mean, I gotta hand it to 'em, in tasting both of these, the carbonation level is on the high end. Like you got like Topo Chico, and then you've got LaCroix down here. I think it's closer to LaCroix, but-- - You seem like--
- But higher. - Something can't be too
effervescent for you. I feel like--
- I love a Topo Chico. - Sometimes things can be
too effervescent for me. - It'll make you burp. - Not just that; it just becomes like, all I'm tasting is the carbon dioxide. - I like that. It's a treat. I limit
myself to one a night. - One what? - Topo Chico. And I don't let the kids drink 'em. - Hold on. You have Topo Chico in your house, and you drink one every night? - Every single night, yeah. If I'm watching something
on TV or something. - [ Stevie] Why don't you
let the kids drink them? - Because they'll be gone. (laughing) They don't like 'em either. They don't like that
level of effervescence. - I will say that once
the kids get into things, you can forget there being
a constant supply of them. - Yeah. We also have sparkling waters of all types of varieties in the house. And I try to limit how many they drink, just so they don't get gone. But we don't have soft
drinks in the house. - [Stevie] See, I told you
about, I was talking about the Soda Stream and how it is helpful for that type of situation. - It is, and that's why I got one. - And you can choose your
fizzy level, so you can- - And I do go full fizz. I do go full fizz on, I do three. Actually, I don't know
if you know this, Stevie, I heard you talking about your Soda Stream and it made me realize that
you didn't get the Soda Stream that you just press the certain button, and it automatically does
the level that you want. - Oh no, no.
- You have a pumper? - You could have paid, like-- - [Stevie] It's like a pusher, but yeah. - But you have to be the judge of it. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Me, I just press one of three buttons. It's only like 15 bucks more.
You should have gotten that. - [Stevie] I didn't get myself, I was gifted this Soda Stream. - That explains a lot. - They nailed the flavor
with both of them. - I like Cherry more. - They've really done an amazing job of translating their flavor. So at this point, I'm a believer. - Here's the thing, though. - In their packaging, true to life. - Is it really that big
of an accomplishment? I mean, listen, I'm
not knocking them, but. - I think so. Yeah.
There's no sugar in this. - Right, right. But the flavor compounds that created these jelly beans were
already in the like, world of fake flavors.
- Chemicals. - Yeah. - So to translate that to
a sparkling water is like, I mean, what are you looking
for? A pat on the back? What do you want from us? - I'm trying to give jelly a belly rub, and you're over there-- - You didn't take a cherry and
then replicate it with fake. You took something you
already made a fake cherry and you made more fake cherry,
just made it in liquid. I mean, I'm not going to
send you a metal or anything. - Remember that time that we
went to the Flavor Factory? - The Flavor Factory. - What did they make
there besides flavors? They made something. This is, this is an episode
of GMM where we went to- - No, they made only flavors, but they made them in different ways. They had one machine that was, they were making, like
sometimes they make flavors that are just chemical. And sometimes they make flavors that are concentrates from real thing. And they had a giant thing,
like a massive telescope. And they, it was, they were
currently making coffee flavor. - That's right. - And they were pressing
coffee into this thing, That was literally like 16 feet long, pressing it and pressing
it and pressing it and pressing it and pressing it. And basically pressing coffee
concentrated down into this liquid that was like a
drop of coffee flavor that could flavor like 15,000 coffees. - A nation. - 'Flavor the Nation", that's
the slogan of the place. [Man] My sense of smell was overwhelmed for like weeks after that place. 'Cause it was so pungent. - Yeah. And they had some nasty flavors and we had to guess what they were. And then we made the, we made our own concoctions at the end. - I had a taste a barnyard milkshake. - That's right. Pink Grapefruit, did you try it? - I did. - It is my favorite. - Hmm. I like grapefruit flavor. - It goes with the effervescence so well. - They didn't get this one as close. - And I'm glad. - What happened here? All you had to do was take the thing. - It's less-- - That you put into the bean
and put it into the water. - It's a lot less citrusy. - You coulda called me. - I really like it though. - It is the best flavored one, because-- - I think I like these
better than LaCroix because they're more effervescent. - Yeah. But here's the thing. If you get Jelly Belly
drinks at your house, you gonna keep your kids away from those? I got half full LaCroix
cans all over my house. - Oh gosh, don't get me started. - Yeah. Right. And I said, here's a new thing, kids. Every time I find a half can of LaCroix in the house from now on it's one less semester I pay for college. (laughing) - It (inaudible) I mean, when I find half a can- - (inaudible) through their
whole college education pretty fast, I don't know
what we're gonna do now. - All I do is, I'll take
whatever's left in the can, I track 'em down where they
are in the house and I just slowly pour it over their head. - Yeah. - Because that's a direct thing. You feel pain now. Not in college, now. Punitive, now. - But my kids love it when they get water poured on their heads. So it would be a reward and they would start leaving 'em just almost completely full. - I'm not a watermelon flavor man, either. - [Stevie] Okay, but let's say
you're on a tropical vacation and you're by the pool. And there is somebody
that can get you a drink. You want a mudslide? - That's a little heavy. - It's a little heavy. You're right. What do I end up ordering? - Oh yeah, we're gonna talk
about that in a second, Chase. You just wait. - Are you gonna take it away? - Keep waving it. - Bright out, dang. You want us to talk about
it? We'll talk about it. Chase can't get enough.
- I really want one. - Of our Mythical Society robe. You can wear this on the beach. - Cloak of mythicality. - It's sweatshirt material.
- It's a technical term. - It's very comfortable and you could celebrate your secrecy. But you need to sign up
for monthly third tier The Mythical Society today
in order to be eligible. That's a word that you're having trouble saying I've noticed. - Elgible. I don't say eligible. - Elgible. - Yeah. I don't need, I
don't need that middle "I". - So if you're in the market for monthly Mythical
Society, do it right now. - Let's go back to the- - This isn't bad. I don't know what to tell you- - The scenario that
Stevie was talking about. - The pineapple. What's the pineapple one. That's like, that's mixed,
but it's either mango or pineapple with like something in it. Like that's, that's how I order. - [Stevie] Piña colada
has coconut pineapple. - You can do the pineapple or the mango. I like pineapple or mango smoothie with some alcohol in it, but-- - I know what I discovered one time, this is a good poolside drink and you can get this, you could probably get this in most bars but they
were doing this as a special at this place I was at one time. Vodka and coconut water mixed. - [Stevie] Hmm. - It was just light. But it kind of got you to
where you needed to be, you know what I'm sayin'? - [Stevie] Mmhmm. - Vodka and coconut water. - Vodka and coconut water. - Coconut water has a thickness to it. - Well, you were like, you
felt like you were drinking a drink, but you felt like
it was almost healthy. Like I'm giving myself
electrolytes right now. - Yeah. Yeah. - If I wanted to go and do the butterfly in the pool right now,
and impress all y'all and not burn out, I could do it, but I won't because
there's also vodka in it. - Can you imagine goin' to like, a resort? And you're like poolside and
then some dude gets in there and starts doing the butterfly. - Puts on goggles and a
swim cap. (whooshing noise) - Butterfly, when's the
last time you butterflied? I thought you were
talkin' about the dance. - No, no. I was never great at the
butterfly swim stroke. Never great at it. That
was my weak stroke. In the individual medley,
you had to do that one. And that was my weak,
that was my weak lap. - I do not like the watermelon. It's got a weird after taste. - It tastes like watermelon bubble gum. It tastes like most, watermelon flavor is just something they came
up with because apparently they couldn't get it from watermelons. - But coconut water
comes from the coconut. Here we have orange
sherbet. I'm intrigued. I'm listening, I'm sipping. I'm thinking, I'm analyzing. (can pops) - You know some people will do
this before they open a can. What's that do? - [Stevie] It's if it, if you're afraid it's going to like, explode. It makes it not? [Man] Inaudible. - Yeah. Chase said knocking to be polite. I do not think that it helps. - That jelly bean is my favorite 'cause it tastes like a Tic
Tac, like an orange Tic Tac. - It tastes like an orangesicle. This tastes like orangesicle water. - But the water. it's got that cream aftertaste. - You about to tell us a story? - [Stevie] Some people
think tapping the sides or top of the can will
break up the bubbles. But according to an article on Chow.com representatives from both
Coke and Pepsi agree, the tapping method does not work. In fact, by adding energy to the system, you stand a chance of generating bubbles. - Making it worse, right? - It's like a very gentle shake. - I was watching a movie recently and there was a scene where
the lawyer was meeting with a guy in prison and the prisoner asked the lawyer to buy him a can drink. And he did that before he opened it up. And I was like, that's a
cool thing to do as an actor. But I don't believe that it's a cool thing to do in the real world. - Is that what the lawyer said? - No, that's what I said. - Be quite a meta-conversation. My favorite is the Pink Grapefruit. - I'm not going to argue with that. They're all better than I expected. I will say that much, Jelly Belly. - Way to go, Jelly Belly. Cloak yourself in Mythicality with our newest society
exclusive collectible item. A secret society cloak! Sign up for the third degree
monthly plan by July 31st at mythicalsociety.com to be eligible.
Jelly belly cherry soda is liquid heroin
God I wish we got that in Aus!
Interesting. I really like the can designs. Will they have a Buttered Popcorn flavor? Do they still make Jelly Belly soda? I think the guys in the video went off subject a bit and one of them disrespected the Jelly Belly by spitting them out. Also it would have been less wasteful if they would have just opened one can of each flavor and poured it in cups as it doesn’t look like they are going to finish their cans except for the Pink Grapefruit.