Will It Ramen? Taste Test

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I always wonder if Josh hopes that each item he creates will be deemed worthy to will it? I mean, stuff with brain, liver, or heart probably doesn't have much of a chance, but I still wonder if he pulls for it to make it through?

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/wacky_wombat61 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

They should start a restaurant in LA called Good Mythical Restaurant and use Josh's best recipes from the show.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/mchuffin 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm so happy my suggestion from a year ago made it!


Edit: Thank you for the gold, mythical beast!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/thefuryx 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

josh is a genius. a miracle worker. all praise josh

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yo, what was the brain ramen? Was it a human brain? An animal brain? If an animal brain, what animal?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SilverSmoke45 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Anyone know where Link got his sweater? It's pretty fire

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mugtra 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Today we ask the age-old question. - Will it ramen? - Let's talk about that. (groovy electronic music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Ear Biscuits is our weekly podcast where we open our minds, our hearts, and our memories, giving you our most personal stories. Listen on iTunes or Spotify or watch it on YouTube.com/EarBiscuits. - Yes. As a soon to be dead start once said, winter is coming, y'all. And when that frosty chill of 75 degrees hits LA, the only way to keep yourself from feeling as cold as Santa's loveless marriage is to warm up with a nice steaming bowl of ramen. - So to best prepare for the icy weather ahead, we are going to slurp up some hot soupy noods, the likes of which you've never seen in your local ramen hoods. But will any of it be any good? (chuckles) It's time for-- - Will It Ramen? - Ramen traditionally consists of three things: broth, noodles, and meat and with that versatility, you can get ramen practically anywhere, from Michelin star restaurants to those little styrofoam cups that you gotta BYOHWTE. - Eh, so with that said, this first one is for all of us picky eaters who might need a gateway bowl to the world of ramen. We're calling it grilled cheese ramen, or staying with dad this weekend ramen. (Rhett chuckles) Look at that. Josh, what have you done? - [Josh] So we have a cheddar pork broth. We have tomato-infused noodles like with tomato soup and then we have a bread-wrapped, deep-fried soft boiled egg and then a pork katsu grilled cheese sandwich laid on top. - Okay I'm gonna go noodles first. - Oh you are? Now, I think you're supposed to, you're really supposed to have this all together, right? It's like one of these-- - There are no rules, man. You can do it however you want to and you can let everyone else do it the way they want to. (Rhett chuckles) - Mm, got the pork. So cheesy. - This is-- - And then the, you got the egg here. Whoop! - Now typically-- - Oopsy daisy. - The dairy in the cheese is not a part of it which makes it so, like, it feels wrong but I don't wanna be right. You know what I'm saying? - This whole thing is just quite a treat. - This is one of the-- - My lips are so-- - I can't even gather myself. - My lips are lubricated. Are your lips lubricated? - So lubricated. - Woo! - This is one of the best things that we've had on the show and we've had a lot of really good things. This is up there, this is top 10 best tastes that I've put in my mouth at this desk. So easy, grilled cheese. Will it ramen? - [Rhett and Link] Yes! - Ramen is a quick food so we thought, what if we combined it with fast food? - Ah. - This is Jack in the bowl. (Rhett chuckles) Yeah, we've ramened Jack in the Box. How did this happen, Josh? - [Josh] So we made a buttery Jack broth, which is exactly what it sounds like, and then we have Jumbo Jack noodles. We have just two tacos on the outside-- - Hold on, Jumbo Jack noodles? What is that? - We ground up some Jumbo Jacks right into the noodle dough and then just boiled those off. - So like a cheeseburger noodle. - [Josh] Yes, correct. - Okay. - And then we also have a little curly fry fish cake. There's no fish in it, just curly fry. - The noodles-- - Tastes like a burger. - That is weird. - Tastes like a noodled burger. - You ever just licked an entire Jack in the Box restaurant, like from the moment you walked in, you're dragging your tongue up to the register? That's what I'm gettin' with the noodles. And then the buttery-- - That's how I enter Jack in the Box every time I go. - Boop! - Tongue first. - What's this thing again? This is a curly fry cake? - Yeah. - And this is just a quesadilla. I mean a taco. - [Josh] You don't mess with perfection. Taco Bell figured it, or Jack in the Box figured it out. - Okay. - I like the taco dipped in the ramen. - [Josh] Nice. - I'm-- - I'm enjoying myself but-- - [Link] I'm having a little trouble with the noodles. They're a little odd to me. - I'm not enthusiastic about this one. You know, I was so enthusiastic about grilled cheese that I'm slowing my roll just a little bit. - And this guy is just plain creepy, you know? I think it'll be the perfect thing for him to serve. It's like oh gosh, are you a clown? Are you a ping pong? - Okay well, ping pong. - Ball. (Rhett chuckles) - Okay so are we saying Jack in the Box. Will it ramen? - [Rhett and Link] No. - Soda, it's great in a can, it's great in a bottle, it's great in a glass, but is it great in a bowl? We're calling this one getting fizzy with it. - Oh ho ho. - Ramen. - Bringing that back. - Now as southerners, we always have a problem calling it soda or soda pop 'cause we just, we called it-- - Coke. - We called everything Coke. - No matter what it was. - Or you would just call it what it was, like I want some grape soda or-- - Mello Yello or whatever. - Yeah, whatever. - Okay and we've been told-- - Josh. - To reinvigorate this a little bit with some fresh ginger ale. - [Link] What is in this? - [Josh] It's just ginger ale. - No in the bowl. - Okay the bowl. So we have a ginger ale and chicken broth and then we have an egg that's actually made out of cactus cooler and Sprite. That's a vegan egg substitute and then we have Mountain Dew picked mustard greens and then we have chashu pork that's been braised in cherry Dr. Pepper. (Rhett grunts) And then some grape soda noodles. - Dr. Pepper braised pork. - [Josh] And this is a cold ramen styled after hiyashi chuka which is a cold Japanese ramen dish. - Look at that egg. Look at this translucent egg! - It looks like a soap that your weird aunt would make. Like I've been making soaps on Etsy! They're not moving too much so you can have a carton. - A carton. - Grape soda noodles is where I'm gonna begin my journey. - [Rhett] I'm having some egg. I'm so intrigued by it. - Whoa! - I don't mind that. - Mm, that's kinda good. I like some grape noodles. - It's weird how, I mean, it could be that there's just a bunch of Skittles and water. - [Josh] Mm-hmm. - If you told me that's what this was, it kinda tastes like that but I think Skittles and water would be a good thing according to this because, and the cold is not throwing me off. It might turn me onto what did you call it? - [Josh] Hiyashi chuka. - Yeah, that. You on the same page here? Oh you just ate the egg and you look upset. - I mean that's just a bit disturbing but it doesn't taste bad at all. - It tastes good, it tastes like a gummy. - Yeah, it's not bad. And then (slurps broth). - That. - Yeah I'd think I'm pleasantly surprised. This is quite an adventure. - Who would have thunk it? Soda, will it ramen? - [Rhett] Yes! - Now I like throwing a big hard square of ramen in some hot water and watching it relax into floppy noodles and a very similar thing happens to me when I take a bath. So we were like, what if we made ramen into a bath bomb? Say hello to the bath bamen. (chuckles) (crew laughs) - [Link] Okay so, what is this? - [Josh] That's the question, man. So it's baking soda, powdered sugar, citric acid and corn starch, that forms the bath bomb. Then we have a lot of dehydrated ramen vegetables and instant ramen in there along with the seasoning packet. - So we're gonna throw this in there-- - And this thing is solid, by the way. - It's gonna dissipate. - It is solid. - Oh gosh. - It's solid all the way through. - Here we go. And then we just give it some time I guess. (tape fast-forwarding) This is some freaking colorful ramen. Just like a colorful bath bomb. Ooh there's some shrimp. - Man. I just wish I could be in that-- - Bowl with it. - Yeah the bowl with it. I'd eat noodles off of myself. - I actually think it's good to start eating knowing that it's still kinda dissipating at the same time. - I think we can eat the loose parts for sure. - Yeah 'cause this is a hefty, hefty boulder of a ramen ball. - [Josh] Meant for a real big bath. - [Link] This is cool though man. Here you want that? - Yeah I'll get it. I'm trying to, well, the noodles are still pretty crispy. - [Josh] Al dente is the cooking term. - Okay and is that intentional? - [Josh] It is indeed. - He's gonna say everything that we ask is intentional if you ask him if it's intentional. - [Josh] Yes, that is correct. - But you know what-- - It's not too crunchy. - It's like these noodles are in a plasma state. - [Josh] That's what al dente actually means in Italian, plasma state. - And that's chicken? - Yeah dehydrated chicken-- - Oh gosh, dehydrated chicken. - [Josh] Yeah, well it's hydrating right now. You guys just didn't have the patience. - Not quite hydrated chicken. - Is there baking soda? There's something that's really knocking-- - A lot of baking soda. - Knocking my taste buds-- - Almost mostly baking soda. - Wow, woo! - Can you just eat baking soda straight? - [Josh] We're finding out right now. (Rhett laughs) - Gah I think, woo that's tough. The thing that makes it fizzy and turns it into a rock is also a thing that makes it-- - Salty. - Makes you real salty. - I really wanna like this, Josh. - The experience was great. Watching it start to happen, but then when it gets to the eatin' portion of the meal-- - Yeah I'm just gonna put that right back in there. - Which kinda matters, it's not coming together. - Yeah, you get an A for effort though. - Bath bombs, will it ramen? - No. - No. Now when I look at dry ramen noodles, I've often thought, that looks like a brain except square. - Yep. - And apparently, this Japanese company thought the same thing. Of course this is false advertising. There's no actually brain in there. - Right. - So in the interest of accuracy and honesty, we present medula ramen-gata. And we're gonna eat it from our own brains. From our own heads. - Something about this feels wrong. I feel like we should, you wanna eat from yourself or you wanna eat it from your buddy? - Yeah, I got enough of my own brains. At least that's my opinion. What you wanna do, we eat each other's brain. We drank each other's urine. - Yeah, that feels right. That feels right. - Okay so-- - [Rhett] I like what you've done with your facial hair. - Got a little shadow there, I got a shadow. All right I'm gonna reveal first here. (grunts) Oh my gosh, look at all that. There's an actual brain in there. It's not just in the noodles. - Oh wow. The smell is, wow, how did you achieve that? - [Josh] So this is a 24 hour brain broth. (Link gags) We've simmered the brains for 24 hours, then blended a few into the broth to get some body-- - [Rhett] There's plenty body. - [Josh] And into the noodles and then just some fresh brain on top for texture. - Thanks for the fresh brain on top for texture. - All right let's-- - Only the best. - I don't want 'em to watch us eating. - It smells absolutely horrible. It smells like, which something I've never done before, what it would smell like if you were to just take somebody's head and pull the top of their skull off. - [Josh] That's just like, your opinion, man. - I think if I can get used to the scent, I'll be able to at least give it a shot. - This is what brain surgeons see every day, man. - Okay, all right let's not stall anymore here. - Okay here we go. Yeah, I guess we gotta just create a bite. I mean you gotta put some actual, oh gosh. - [Link] There's brain bits all over my noodles. Oh gosh. - Okay well-- - The key is not to think about it being brain. You gotta think about it being something else-- - Hold on, you gotta put fresh brain on top of it. - Well there's brain all over. There's actually even hair. - You have to honor the chef. The request of the chef, you don't wanna insult him. - You're saying-- - I just got a little piece of brain, just nestle it right on top there. - [Link] Okay. (Rhett grunts) - Yeah. Yeah, I came to play today. (crew laughs) Put me in, coach. - How much do you have? - Watch what I'm gonna do. I want the ball, coach. I'm clutch. (chuckles) - Okay, I'm not gonna spit this out. - I'm psyching myself up. A-dink it. - Dink it. - And. - And slurp it. (both slurping noodles) - Oh man, you're making it worse than it has to be. (Link grunts) (Link gagging) (Link sputters) (crew moans) You should have been starting me all year. (crew laughs) You see what I do when you put me in? You see how I behave under pressure? (Rhett grunts) (Rhett grunting) (Link gags) - I got it! You can do it too. - Ah! - Yeah! - Yeah! (crew applauds) Oh gosh, oh. Don't yell too loudly. I almost just threw up mine yelling. Wow, okay. Now hey, give it a moment. Give it a moment to hit the stomach to see if your receive anything. - It's in there. Let's cover this guy 'cause I don't want to be... (crew chuckling) - I feel good. - I feel smarter. - I feel like I did something. But you know what, the lingering taste in my mouth tastes like butt. - [Link] Brains. Will it ramen? - [Rhett and Link] No. - Okay hey, you know what, we almost got there. We did successfully consume it. - Oh my gosh. - And we got two things that did will. (Link blows nose) (Rhett chuckles) (Link coughs) Grilled cheese and soda so I feel like we've accomplished something today. - (sighs) Thank you for commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - I'm Cade. - And I'm Misha. - And we're on the Trans America Trail in New Mexico. Willett Road? - [Both] And now it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Oh ho, you know when they saw that, they were like, hey, we gotta stop! (Link chuckles) I love it. Click the top link to watch us try all 31 flavors of Baskin ramens with Josh in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - I love this town. Like where can you go, get a lavender latte, get on a giant swan-- - Swan. - Paddle way to your way-- - To a rap battle!
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,816,229
Rating: 4.9386315 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, Will It Ramen? Taste Test, ice cream, daikokuya, ippudo, jack in the box, grilled cheese, brains, brain meat, taste test, ramen noodles, gmm taste test, instant noodle, instant ramen, rhett and link taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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