Terraria 1.4 Infinite Money Glitch Is Broken! Terraria Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits

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this is what cold hard capitalism looks like ladies and gents you might not like it but this is how it works this is what peak financial performance looks like hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spirit and today we're playing terraria and we're going to be answering the question how much money is too much money I mean are you tired of being poor want to find a way to make money that doesn't just require being born in the right place and the right time will allow me to present the perfect solution to you infinite money exploits they exist in every facet of our life be they creative taxation solutions money laundering and my personal favorite Kickstarter's speaking of which make sure to invest money in my latest project the spiff ventures video game which should release hopefully sometime in the next millennia which you can support for only a small charitable pledge of both of your kidneys don't ask why I need your kidneys to make video games it's just part of the production process anyway those over money exploits aside it turns out to Rory has won as well what are the benefits of being rich in terraria well it allows you to buy whatever you like from the NPC's but most importantly it allows you to hard flex on all of your friends by spraying gold coins everywhere and was there are some things money can't buy it can most certainly buy my interest now this exploit is also exceedingly easy which means you'll get a metric ton of money in the early game which is very useful and it's also exceedingly cheesy which I'm a big fan of now you might be thinking well spiff why not just use the item duplication exploit you showed us in the last to Rory video well it turns out ladies and gentlemen I can't because the developers decided to patch it I know it's a shame but fear not for the game version is 1.40 for the final definitive update to terraria and with it comes a whole host of new items and exploits some of which are yet to be discovered and so we sit on a groundbreaking position where millions of exploits exist out there just waiting to be discovered and I have one of the most entertaining for you today anyway ladies and gentlemen it's time for us to jump into a brand new single-player game and for that we're going to need a brand new character someone who likes money but not just likes money loves money like physically needs money there's only one person who I know who loves money that much oh wait no I can't let HMRC know that are fantastic I present to you my latest and greatest creation scrooge mcduck are fantastic money hungry character who trust me just needs to get all of the gold sadly tosser this game didn't actually have many duck based hairstyles which is a real shame so instead we're going to have to make our scrooge mcduck entirely bald and here we have it our fantastic duck based character lovely stuff' scrooge mcduck himself he's a classic mode character meaning he drops money upon his death this is basically the most vanilla game mode which exists now with our fantastic new character we're going to need to put them into a brand new world for him to enjoy now this world needs to be a place of money a place of capitalism a place where we can literally squeeze money out of just the most bare-bones resources this world has to offer and I can only think of one such place where Scrooge McDuck would fit in it's of course doors Neal and which has to be named as such so to dodge yet sort of a copyright strike oh this chatter oh look at this now we're going to be enjoyed Ghazni land and I strongly recommend when you're making your world there is basically one unique item which you need to grab and the easiest way to grab it is to make sure you have a small world because it's guaranteed to be in that world you just need to reach it you can't go for medium and large it's just that you're going to save yourself a lot of time and at the end of the day you can make your second world put your character on it go pick up this item and then go back to your regular wall to pull off this duplication glitch so we're going for our character into the lovely world of doors Neal and right here so let's generate Dazs Neal and hopefully will be a place of fun and magic instead of a place full of the corruption and demons oh my goodness our character is terrifying anyway welcome to doors Neal and ladies and gentlemen as you can see we have basically nothing we have some wooden planks and that's about it and honestly that's all we're going to need you see from this point on we're going to say goodbye to Luke um in the lovely spawn area trust me he's going to be fine don't actually need to worry about him and instead we need to make her way across the world just ignore all of the slimes it's okay you don't need to worry about any in this world it's all fine Oh beans we've ready run into the corruption okay well this is gonna be an interesting one your best bet to make it through the corruption is just to run quite fast genuinely just run as fast as you can to make it away from all of the mean angry boys oh my god and make sure not to go down any of these tiny holes which will 100% kill us Oh beans or beans opens Oh beans Oh beans piss off piss off piss off piss off piss off piss off piss off pissed off or you're angry stabby boys great now I have to climb up through the mountain oh this is fine everything is fine here now it's at times like this I'd love to say I love terraria and honestly I do I think it's a brilliant game I think it's had some fantastic years of development and it's gonna be a real shame see that it's no longer getting worked on but at the end of the day these things have to happen eventually a game but you know and love does have to come to an end oh my goodness I think I've actually done it I've made it out of the tiny cave which I'd dug for myself and they were going free right make a run for it come on say goodbye to the angry demon monsters I don't want to ever have to see those again I'm fantastic a budge save for landscapes no is it safer I'm not sure now I'm not saying that the eater souls is annoying I'm just saying that considering I have a crappy copper stabby boy yeah it's a frustrating enemy to fight but it's fine we've dealt with him now we can escape and continue our adventure left now there's only a small world so our adventures shouldn't be too long don't have much further to go hopefully arts a penguin or some cute very nice it can be a friendly oh it's dead time each of worlds white must you kill everything I love we've made our way to the desert biome now where we're going to get stalked by angry vultures and what is this oh fantastic this is the this is the dungeon at the far left of the screen and of course we can 100% not get in there as we will die so instead what you want to do is just climb over it trust me it's much safer this way and provided my calculations are correct we have made it to the ocean yes finally we've made it here's the sleeping angler it's poor guy you know he's fine he can for some reason swim on his back why is the ocean so important well it's got these things here it's got coram it's got seashells it's got starfish Chiz you name it it's got all of these lovely shells just lying around on its surface and the best thing is it turns out no one stopped to check to see how overpowered these shows were there are new addition in 1.4 so naturally they haven't been balanced checked anyway now that we have our stuff we're actually completely done with this world we don't need to worry about it anymore but you know that's a life we could probably do with surviving this night naturally the best way to survive the night is to put yourself inside a tiny box in an elevated position and wait in today's waiting beverage of choice is a lovely refreshing cup of Yorkshire tea mm-hmm it's fantastic simply enjoy it's beautiful and incredible taste or swatching the chaos of existence unfold around you now what if I told you already 2/3 of the way towards completing our exploit this exploit legitimately only requires a handful of seashells which can be picked up for free about 6 dirt blocks and I think one piece of wood oh and also technically a hammer you do need one of those bad boys now there are quite a few things about Toro which can be exploited other than this for example most of the boss fights in this game can be massively cheesed if you understand the patterns several of them you can literally put yourself in a tiny box and have your summoned friends defeat them one of my favourite exploits at the moment is the fact that enemies spawn exactly at your height at the side of the screen no matter where you are this creates an interesting situation where basically you can build a massive pole up into the sky put some lava at either end of your screen and then just have a million zombies fall into some lava and die it's a beautiful and chaotic thing to watch now I managed to steal a recall poem from one of the chests so as soon as it becomes de type which is pretty soon we're just gonna teleport away from this monstrous hellscape and get to creating it for the 12th right and it's teleport time welcome we're now back in the forest and well it's a unique place to say the least now what I'm going to do is I'm going to build myself a lovely little encasing structure for beans piss off flying fish as that's going to help me get to work with the exploit but most importantly what we're going to need to pull this off from this point on is I think about twelve wood or something like that so what you're going to want to do is gather up some wood make yourself a workbench and then the only other thing we're going to need is a wooden hammer and most importantly two wooden platforms lovely stuff indeed it's there we go we've just gathered all of the ingredients necessary to technically provide ourselves with infinite wealth might be wondering how such a thing is possible well allow me to demonstrate you see one point for added some new playable items most notably all of the choral stuff so what we're going to do is build up a little plinth for ourselves you can use any material but seeing as dirt as these is to come by it's dirt then you're going to add two little wooden platforms like so fantastic and now I'm going to zoom into the game so you can see what's happening welcome to the exploit zone so ladies and gentlemen all you need is an item to exploit in our case tulip shows work lovely but also so do starfishes and we'll be using starfishes for the sake of that now in order to turn this standard Pole of dirt into a massive money-making monstrosity all you need to do is add your wooden platforms like so and hid your wooden platforms free times so they're now lower down than before and then select the item that you want to duplicate and hold it at the square above your closest platform in our case right here now all we're going to do ladies and gentlemen is hold down now what you're going to be hearing is the sound of fabric and time breaking as you'll notice a lot on a hot bar the number of starfish we have is increasing at a terrifying rate you see what's happening here is that the game is effectively duplicating the item by placing it down and then saying this item can't be placed so putting the item back in our inventory while simultaneously placing it down and breaking it on the spot leading for two items being spawned meaning every time I have my finger down and every time no point two seconds pass a starfish is duplicated we now have almost free thousand starfish some would say enough starfish to take over the world I mean just look at how cute they are I mean they can't stack on top of each other but you can put them down everywhere look at these lovely starfish for everyone fantastic now why are starfish useful well turns out ladies and gentlemen they're not they're pretty redundant they're hardly used in any crafting recipes meaning that they're kind of just a bit rubbish but the best thing is it's not just our fish that this is limited to you can also use lighting well shells they can all be duplicated at a terrifying speed and my personal favorite infinite tulip shells are lovely lovely lovely stuff now why is duplicating shells even important it seems like a pretty wasteful thing to do considering that they can only be crafted into other shells using a workbench well it turns out that you can actually sell these shows that's right it turns out that the ancient proverb is true she does sell shells by the seashore turns out that was actually referenced to a infinite gold exploit conducted many years ago now of course this is a brand new world of terraria we have nowhere to sell our shells there is no merchant here and I mean Luke here he's pretty useless it mostly just keeps asking for a home go make yourself one Luke go on like to see you try so instead of actually building a place for a merchant to spawn here we're going to do something entirely different we're going to leave this world see you Luke now in order to get ourselves a merchant very quickly what you could do is hop onto a friends multiplayer world and use one of theirs or in our case we're going to get access to a merchant faster than anyone else by creating money land money land must have one very important feature it must be using this seed shown on screen not the bees in its very case sensetive must have the spaces you can have the exclamation mark or not but I like it and of course make it whatever game-mode you're currently playing on and you can make it small large you name it whatever you like anyway load up this world generating bees now the reason the seed not the bees is important is because instead of starting out with your fantastic faithful companion you now instead start out with a merchant herald here he is now what we're going to immediately want to do is box ourselves in with our merchant friend because we need him for trading I'm sorry Harold hello Harold oh yes you love being too trapped in a tiny box fantastic so we want to shop with Harold and buy shop I mean sell him some starfish 999 starfish in fact which is of course 66 gold selfish famously the most valuable item to duplicate for some unknown reason actuate no it seems like the lighting well shows are even more valuable oh my god tulip shows so one platinum each for each stack brilliant right I'll have a platinum coin oh this is just lovely no we're going to do is deposit off all but one of our starfish and then we're going to say goodbye to Harold and we can come back to him whenever we like for more money now we select Scrooge McDuck again but this time returned to doors Neal and where more money production needs to be done and naturally for that we need to start spamming up more tulip shells this is what cold hard capitalism looks like ladies and gents you might not like it but this is how it works this is what peak financial performance looks like every time I effectively hold down this button we are making around about one gold per second a J's probably even more than that now you're probably saying spiff okay this is a fantastic exploit it's a lovely to plication exploit but surely there are more in one point for which are probably better than this and to an extent you'd be correct I've seen a couple of interesting duplication exploits crop up including one which involves opening gold doors very quickly allowing you to duplicate gold doors which are of course a very valuable item but it actually takes a while and you're gonna be a bit of the way into the game before you start getting gold doors and the ability to set up switches for them chulip shows however are very easy to come by they're simply on either edge of the world or on the far left of the world and on the far right of the world so you need to do is stroll over there pick it up and then construct this fantastic duplication pile on yes terraria I love you I really do if you've never played Tori before I do recommend picking it up Plus this is its final update it's 100% not the end for terraria it has a massively extensive modding community and with all of the new stuff that they've added in 1.4 there's a bunch of new things that need to be discovered I'm sure there's a bunch of final Easter eggs which the devs have added and we just don't know about them yet right have now also constructed the duplication box and even more powerful design so that even when night time comes their production does not end now just how far does this exploit go well I'm not quite sure it's one of your classic run-of-the-mill item duplication exploits but it does only affect some brand new items in one point for now of course the easiest to access of these brand new placeable items are shells but they're very old we always fix points on the map but there are a whole host of / items in one point for which players might not have even gotten their hands on yet and who knows how powerful they might be to duplicate hopefully this exploits going to spawn some very confusing interactions when you encounter your friends in multiplayer games I mean what would your reaction be when you've been down in the mine for about 40 minutes and then you come back and you see one of your friends has built a box for themselves and there's all of this confetti spewing out of them and also now they have enough money to buy the moon and it's still not quite enough money to buy Amazon from Jeff Bezos but it's certainly a decent attempt I don't even think Scrooge McDuck could do that right we've over 5,400 tulip shells so it's time for us to change servers I have a go with back in money land where we can quickly access our trapped Herald and immediately sell our tulip shells to him see one individual tulips us four thirteen silver and thirty-three copper which is actually more than a fallen star now an entire stack of course sells for one entire platinum which has allowed us to get up to 44 platinum here which is just downright silly what's even better is the fact that in this brand new update you can actually make these merchants happy by putting them in specific places near specific NPCs and the happier they are the cheaper they'll make things for you are fantastic there we go I've purchased everything I'd like and have this cool mining helmet as well nice and we're back ladies and gentlemen in our lovely das Neil and this is it we've achieved maximum wealth despite only being in this world for around about 30 minutes if that we've managed to achieve 29 platinum coins and we technically have an unlimited supply it's cheesy it's broken and it's absolutely fantastic and fun to watch I love to our exploits you really do tickle me in a certain type of way but I imagine this is actually going to be the end of terraria for not only myself but many other content creators because as I've previously mentioned this is the final update the end of terraria West I'm sure many will continue on playing with content driven by the community I'm afraid I'm only here for the exploits so alas for me this is farewell to terraria I have many many many happy memories I was absolutely proud to say that as part of this game's fantastic journey and so should all of you who've played it or just even heard about it's gone from a game which people mocked for just being 2d minecraft to then winning those same critics over by proving that this game is something so uniquely different to everything else on the market I would have honestly never played this game if it had to be now off of the back of many many strong recommendations from friends and so take this as my recommendation pick up terraria it really does deserve it it's really cheap on Steam as well and trust me you're gonna get more bang for your buck from this game than you will say the next assassin's creed or watchdogs or whatever Triple A games coming out this year okay maybe not a cyberpunk or maybe yes cyberpunk who knows anyway I think that's it for Torreya and that's it for me as well today ladies and gentlemen if you have indeed enjoyed today's video then feel free to give it a like the end of the day it does massively help me out but before I go I have a very important question what video would you like to see next I've got some very important decisions for you to make would you like to see a and of a fallout 4 video be another Skyrim video or C I'm going to throw in a curveball here ladies and gentlemen spore the definitive edition my magnum opus some would say because good god spore is unique anyway I've been the sniffing bred if you've enjoyed what you've seen feel free to subscribe we would absolutely love to have you onboard of us and there's always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who provide a lovely and stable budget in these very confusing financial times some days YouTube gives me a nice amount of money some days YouTube gives me no money it's a strange yet fantastic job and I wouldn't change you for anything else so thank you as well to the audience for actually allowing me to do this but also thank you to the patrons for providing some normalcy to this chaos and hey if you're wondering what video to watch next look no further than this one on screen now if you've enjoyed today's terraria then I think it's time for you to dive down this rabbit hole anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,595,201
Rating: 4.8987966 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, funny moments, perfectly balanced game, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit, terraria, terraria 1.4, 1.4 update, 1.4 terraria, terraria exploit, terraria 1.4 exploit, infinite money, infinite money terraria, infinite money glitch, infinite money exploit, funny, exploit, terraria update, video game exploit, unlimited money, terraria is a perfectly balanced game, not the bees, terraria guide, terraria 1.4 tips, tips and tricks, guide, walkthrough, master mode
Id: YHuu6DnyesA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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