Don't do shrooms in Thailand

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all right welcome mate welcome back to my youtube channel good to have you uh I've got another story for y'all this one is about a little thing that happened when I was in Thailand at the full moon party alright so as some of you may know my buddy Devin and I devin is in many of my vines and he we started to travel travel account together when traveling um we quit our jobs in 20 28 14 I think and travel the world right and while we did that we one of the places we went was Thailand and it you know we were traveling to party you know I mean a lot of people go to Southeast Asia like I want to check out the temples once you see one temple you've seen every [ __ ] temple alright they all look the same it's the same [ __ ] right but every party every place is a different party scene right so that's what we're trying to explore and the most notable party the most famous party from Southeast Asia is Thailand's full moon party right where they sell but celebrate the full moon happens once per month and we just happen to be there for the full moon well we definitely planned it but yes we were there during the full moon it's at it's on island called cope and yang in Thailand right and you know you hear a lot of timelines like known to be kind of a dangerous place right people are like oh you know my my parents friends uncle's cousin got killed there in Thailand whatever I think generally if you're not a dumbass about what you do it's a safe place right it's like people people do stupid [ __ ] like they take like weird ketamine from a random Thai dude and expect to like live to see the next day you know I mean just don't do dumb [ __ ] don't like get in fights with the locals for example that's something you shouldn't do right okay so the night of the full moon party comes right we're having a [ __ ] blast it's crazy that party is [ __ ] crazy if you ever have a chance to go to that party absolutely 100% go it's insane it's like you know it's a bunch of people [ __ ] on this beach not [ __ ] on the beach but they're on the beach partying some people probably [ __ ] and there's like a bunch of like alcohol stands and [ __ ] like that and it's like it's dope is [ __ ] so much fun definitely go right so we're having a great time we're on the beach turning up everyone's this crazy face paint on you know I mean we had been drinking doing some other stuff we were feeling good right and we realized Devin's like oh [ __ ] I forgot my wallet right now we were staying on the opposite side of the island it's about a 10-minute bike cab ride or whatever we had like rented mopeds or something but didn't drive them that night because drinking and driving is irresponsible especially on a moped we realized we had to go to the other side of the island it's packed right nobody can [ __ ] leave this Beach it's packed and that in the dudes like Thai dudes will drive you on their mopeds back to the other side the island but they'll charge infinite amounts of money because all these drunk kids that want to get back they're gonna charge whatever they want this one dude pulls up this [ __ ] guardian angel pulls up in his pickup truck and he's like get in the back and we're like okay 50/50 shot we're gonna get killed here but you know I'm gonna give this random tide dude the benefit of a doubt I'm gonna get in the back of his pickup truck so he starts driving right and he drives up the hill because basically like the other side of the island is like it goes up a hill and then back down down the other side of the island is right there right so we drive up this hill and we both look back and it's like the most peaceful moment of Our Lives right we can see like the ocean the full moon is reflecting off the oceans cloudless day absolutely beautiful and like the music of the parties kind of like subdued in the background you just kind of hear it and it's just like it's mostly silent and we're driving this thing there's no cars in the road because everyone's at the party like honestly one of the most like beautiful moments of my entire life all of a sudden this [ __ ] dude runs out of the forest in front of this truck right we're like oh [ __ ] the guy stops the truck cause he almost hit this kid his kids like pantings [ __ ] both put put both hands on the truck like this and it's like stop the truck we stop and he like meanders over the side of it by the driver and they say something to each other and the guy walks over here and gets in the back of the truck with us and he's like breathing like lies down like this and the dudes obviously like [ __ ] up beyond belief and we're like what the [ __ ] just happened this just went from like the most peaceful moment of our entire lives so like who is this random British dude in the back of this truck he was British Devin I imagine that so he gets in he's like sorry night isawful I think for the sake of this video for the sake of you guys I'm just like not going to try to do this accent so everything I say picture it in like some kind of shabby British accent not shabby sort of posh British accent okay so he's like he's like sorry guys there I go again he's like sorry guys um this guy's like bucked up he can barely get a word out he's like he's like you guys saved me you guys saved me and were like saves you from what he was like a Time Afiya I don't know we're like what the time mafia was chasing after you he was like yeah yeah they're chasing after me through the forest what happened alright start over what the [ __ ] happened he tells us he drank seven shrooms shakes in Thailand like they sell like milkshakes with shrooms in them right people drink them they get really high I got all [ __ ] up and they're hallucinating and she like that so this guy just said he drank seven one of these things will make you hallucinate this guy decided to be a good idea to try seven he's like you know I [ __ ] I'm on vacation I'm gonna do seventh room shakes does happen on the night of the most dangerous party ever like literally dudes from the time Aafia will stand on the beach and just like target people that are too [ __ ] up the number one rule there is don't fall asleep on the beach that's the number one rule that's the dumbest [ __ ] thing that you can do so guy goes I drank seven shrimp shakes and I was so [ __ ] up I fell asleep on the beach literally the two worst things like when people tell you to go to Thailand be safe I think what they're saying is don't do a bunch of Thai drugs and don't fall asleep on the beach and this guy hit both of those he hit both of the most dangerous things you can do he's like [ __ ] two birds one stone I'm just gonna do them both so anyways a time off via dude woke him up on the beach and was like come with me and this student is like shrimp outstate was like ah [ __ ] and he just like got up and ran into the forest and these tattoos were literally granted I don't know if any of this is actually true he's telling us this story he could've just hallucinate all this but I seriously doubt it it seemed like he was pretty [ __ ] worried right he's freaking out he's like still panting he's like this guy he's like thank god you guys saved me thank God and we're like alright dude you're welcome but where are you staying he's like all the way on the other so like we were staying on the other side of the island he was saying like wrapped around on the other side but you have your phone or anything no I lost my phone he was like all right like you know how are you gonna pay this guy is there any way you can like have your room key or whatever and he opens up he takes out his wallet and it's empty just like this leather wall this like Thai guy had like actually robbed them before he went to the force and he had nothing on him his ID everything was gone this dude and he goes I don't have anything I don't have anything we're like okay well like this guy will definitely take you back just like talk to the person at the hotel desk I'm sure you can get in your room he's like thank you guys so much thank you is it token of my appreciation here take my wallet I'm like what music take my wallet please it's a good luck charm he told us to take his wallet as a good luck charm first of all there's nothing in the [ __ ] wallet second of all that's the only thing he had left that was the only thing he was the only possession he had left was this leather wallet like the saddest saying empty was the only thing he had left in the world he was just gonna give it away third of all as a good luck charm this guy literally had the worst luck of anyone I'd ever met on my traveling experiences like I'm gonna take his [ __ ] good luck charm so that I can get robbed he'll [ __ ] know we were like no you know you dude you can have it you can seize like please just take it we're like absolute hot dude I'm not gonna take your [ __ ] bad omens because you don't want your empty wallet anymore poor guy man poor guy honest he's kind of [ __ ] up but we like didn't stay with him - like escort him back to his thing we just kind of trusted the driver to do it and the driver was a [ __ ] angel swear to God nicest dude I've ever met and our stop was earlier so we got out and we were kind of like just you know Godspeed and I really hope he made it dude if you're watching this man [ __ ] leave a comment you probably don't remember anything that happened that night but [ __ ] if you're watching this and you remember that moment [ __ ] leave a comment tell me how you are tell me how you living how's life in in London or Britain or wherever the [ __ ] you were from I don't know but um yeah so that's that story moral of the story is don't do drugs in Thailand don't fall asleep on the beach I mean you could probably do those two things separately if you do them safely alright don't do both at the FOMO party that's [ __ ] stupid okay all right that's today's story I hope you enjoyed that we got some other stories from my abroad my travels abroad so I will share those with you one day hopefully if you like this one if you like this one tell me in the comments tell me if you want more that [ __ ] my links are all in the description so hit that subscribe to my [ __ ] and I'll see you next time alright wash ah
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,948,321
Rating: 4.9311533 out of 5
Keywords: Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: Y_z1Nk8KBrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2016
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