2018 wAs tHe bEsT yEaR oF mY LiFe

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guys from us to you we want to wish you all very happy holidays Happy New Year it's been a crazy year hasn't it yeah 2018 has been has been great honestly what some things happen in 2018 Justin Bieber got married yes that's what I was gonna say for the past two years I've done like a the end of the year I did like a year in review video where I wrote down everything that happened to me in the year everything I did everything I didn't do and I read it out all super quickly and you know I go back and watch doesn't I kind of cringe a little bit but I wanted to make a video in celebration of 2018 and so I started stress and I was like what could I do and all of a sudden all these videos started going viral on Twitter of people is like two-minute videos of people doing things in slow motion with some music behind it and it was working for them so I thought we'd take a look at those see how we can make our own and maybe that's what we'll do to end 2018 with a bang yes are you saying perfect make our owns perfect let's do it but before we do that let's talk about resolutions do you have any resolutions for 2019 I do what is it to be healthy to be healthy yeah yeah my tip well mine's to dye my hair back to brown that's my resolution is to watch you dye your hair that's about but if yours is to get healthy then I want to talk to you for a second just a quick second about the sponsor of this video which is life some life some is an app it's a health focused app that keeps you on track and helps you kick your goals asses you can do tons with it you can listen you can log calories with it which is great like for example you know I'll put in here that for breakfast I had 12 cheese blintzes right and right away you see it says off track yeah exactly too many says you're off track yeah not no bueno you know maybe limit that to six or maybe zero next time right you can log exercise as well like you know I played an hour or four night today I type that in not exercise nothing found right clearly so maybe I'll go for a run instead and log that you can find meal plans you can find recipes all in all just a great way to help you keep you on track you know as everyone needs a little guidance when it comes to health at least I do I know I've been using this at spray I haven't used it too so if this sounds like something that might interest you just hit the link in the description download it and try it out and let us know let's get fit together okay let's get into it let's get started and let's get into it now we have these videos these videos have been going crazy viral on Twitter in the past week or so and they're like the little wrap-up videos so let's take a look the first one here the tweet here is never been one for New Year's resolutions glad I kept this one by the way the music that is in these videos is copyrighted so I'm going to replace it with another song that's basically the same it's tropical house of some sort basically the same vibes don't make me say do you see what I see I I probably do I don't want to say it at the same time one two three blue ass water what's up blue ass one water yeah that's right yeah what were you gonna say I just blew ass water that's right shed yeah okay good we're not really around blue water we do have white as snow though we do have white ice know we can make that work it's come it's kind of a weird resolution to make a little bit isn't it that's a tough resolution to make yeah it's pretty vague like hot like you think you'd have some like action points like how you're gonna get there what says I mean you're gonna be healthier happier all of the above like it's yeah I just wanted to talk the aryans you're just gonna experience things you know but it also be like the best year of your life could be sixtieth the one year that you sat in works for a year straight right well someone could be in a cubicle for a year and then they'd be like that was the best year my life is I got the most [ __ ] done it's whatever you make of it but it looks like he his jets King I think that's what [Music] that's life that's what we that's that's why we need 2019 baby more slippin sides [Music] in 2018 I decided to have more frat parties that dudes wasted he's definitely wasted I always have a funny looks like it looks like fun it just looks like a frat party wow this is just so different from I guess what I expect when I open a video it is like you know when I expect is like Jay Alvarez on the side of a car and Dubai right or skydiving or so yeah not like a drunk cowboy walking around doing slide I think we've just I've seen so many other of these videos where it's just like over the top yeah I'm I'm always expecting a little bit more and then it's just someone dancing in mud yeah I kind of like yeah me too I love shots like that because you have no idea if those are his shots you can just get those on YouTube it's true maybe that's what we should do when ours is real really spice it up with some crazy drunk shots of like mountains and stuff okay places we even go like Bali [Music] so it's so funny this honestly just looks like he like for just shot his summer vacation for a week yeah do you like Porto Beata and just took footage for you in slow motion and put some music on it so maybe that well that's a good though that's good for us because we don't have a lot of time to make footage so we can as long as we do stuff in slow-mo add a little music behind it tropical house maybe a couple drone shots couple drone shots at our NARS makeshift slip-and-slide mm-hmm make a slope it's live but okay so I think that's it for that one thanks drew I like the video I do I like the video it's a good video yeah I'm glad you had the best year of your life I'm glad I'm glad you had the best year of your life as well let's move on to the next one so this the tweet for this one says this year I packed up my life into a tiny suitcase and moved to a little rock in the middle of the ocean I fell in love with Hawaii I fell in love with these people but above all I fell in love with being alive [Music] I'm only your friend Hawaii as a little rock in the middle of the ocean from now on where you guys go for vacation oh just this tiny little wrong in the middle of the ocean that's pretty low-key yeah it's just this tiny little rock in the middle of the ocean super quaint we thought we'd pack our lives into tiny little suitcases and out there like a tiny little suitcase suitcase we're putting like one little little sting of a little blouse for a doll in the suitcase and I'm like Honey I Shrunk the kid style all right let's see what falling in love with being alive is all about again I think this song is copyrighted so and it's sort of like a indie song it's like a girl singing over some ukulele and so I thought in order to you know not get copyrighted for this one what I'd do is play just some play some royalty-free ukulele music and you can she's got a great indie singer voice so I figured you can maybe do the singing for this one yeah absolutely I'd be just super happy to do that okay cool I can't sing and want the same guys and think of all Z where it should I say it let's say it should I say do you know mommy you're gonna make me say it I'll say it okay on the count of three one two three hot girl he's got you can take me this kind of looks like you know what your photos app makes for you like if you just go like make slide shout it just does that not not to say like the coloring is really good and stuff right yeah and the music is good if you guys could hear it hers is actually even better yeah I mind sounds pretty much exactly the same not dissing we're saying it is a little it is I want to see a little bit of slow-motion I haven't seen any so much emotion I haven't seen a single drone shot yeah exactly which is a little bit concerning she found she found happiness and just the simple things yeah okay so what can we what can we take from this to just enjoy the nature of your surroundings okay I like that that's a good lesson actually that is a good lesson Plus indie music pause any music but again the rest of the stuff no skydiving or anything simplicity is key yeah so what I hanging out I think we can make something like this yeah I think after watching these you know that one has like a hundred thousand likes or something like that on Twitter that's that is viral so I think we can make something like this I think so and we're gonna show we're gonna show you guys how our 2018 one mm-hmm ready now [Music] I'll hold on to this arm cuz I need to be swept away swept away I'm cornered in the cold let me [Music] [Applause] I cannot let you go [Music] [Music] [Music] guys thank you for watching and thank you for a great year it's been an incredible year really has been 2018 has been crazy my channel one from 600,000 subs to 1.8 million subs what's yours at night yours went from zero to 200 thousand some like that it's incredible Noel and I went on tour for the first time back in March now we're going on a national tour in January by the way come see us in Nashville and April they're still tickets available for that show at the Nashville comedy fest we came up with our first mixtape our podcast went from zero to 6,000 patrons on patreon it's been insane Kelsey and I moved in together real Bros is out now it's like a that's a show I'm in on Facebook watch big thanks to Jimmy and Christian for that for writing that show casting me in it it's super funny it's like my favorite thing I've ever acted in so check that out and I'm really looking forward to 2019 we got some great stuff planned some great stuff in the works we might have some one furry moving in let's just say that a furry a guy who in a furry suit he we decided we're gonna rent out our second room yes and heat us up on Craigslist and we're like who are we to judge right come move in come on in yeah that's what we said Clark is his name Clark's his name yeah no I'm kidding we're getting a dog so really looking forward to that it's gonna be a great year none of this stuff will be possible if it wasn't for you guys really appreciate you you know sticking with me supporting me watching everything I do messin with everything I do whatever maybe the podcast some music whatever you know some things didn't go great this year some things went great but you guys were there supporting me and I really appreciate that I do so here's 420 here's to a great 2019 so so one two three Happy New Year does the first one they actually said the same thing oh yeah right right right [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 3,540,206
Rating: 4.9737701 out of 5
Keywords: 2018, year in review, twitter, wrap up, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: -PRzceEsReI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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