The Wise Men of Instagram

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sorry for the change in scenery we're on a little staycation right now it's an involuntary of staycation actually we came home the other day and our place was covered in [ __ ] literally literal [ __ ] the toilet was just overflowing [ __ ] water everywhere and my whole office is [ __ ] up and a bunch of my [ __ ] got destroyed and now we got to stay in a hotel because they gotta like rip out the floors because apparently if you don't clean up the sewage water from underneath there poop trees will grow in your living room or something no I'm kidding you'll get a lung infection so until then we're just kind of you know nomads people of the land and you know what I've been feeling pretty down about it both of us Kelsey and I have been feeling down about it but it's okay because someone sent me this Instagram account and it's called words of wise men and I really think this is the perfect thing to to help you know cheer me up inspiration motivation success turn on post notifications oh cool yeah no will do turn on post notifications there we go cool let's see what the wise men of Instagram have to say finding a caring wife is like searching dinosaur in a 21st century what I'm I don't know what what kind of motivational post was that I guess he's saying it's impossible to find a caring woman which is first of all not motivational second of all not true third of all like weirdly angry like I feel like the dude who runs this account just got broken up with and he's like on here and he's like too distracted by the break-up to make actual motivational posts so he's like I'm gonna let people know the truth so that someone like me comes along and goes hey let's find an inspirational post-show we what do we got here no woman will ever care for you brother the Red Hill hmm okay I'm gonna turn off post notifications also I love that this dude in the background his mood just does not match the caption at all he looks like he's having a great time maybe it does match actually maybe he's ditched his dreams of finding a real woman and he's just instead turned to this giant stuffed teddy bear for love which that's if he's happy Who am I to judge I hope you two are very happy together it's a little joke women I'm getting back from that one invest in ideas and business not in people and emotions I thought this one was kind of funny because I guess a lot of these are meant to inspire young business minded people the type of people that watch wolf of wallstreet are like yeah yeah guys [ __ ] sick money is [ __ ] awesome and that's the only thing I should care about but what's funny about this is it's actually bad advice yeah here here's a quote from Paul Graham founder of one of the biggest startup accelerators ever they were the first people that invested in like Airbnb and reddit we've learned in the six years of doing Y Combinator to look at the founders not the business ideas because the earlier invest the more you're investing in people literally the opposite of what this supposed wise man is telling us but I mean it's on a picture of Leo dekap from Wolf of Wall Street the ultimate boss so I mean who can you really trust if I could do quaaludes with anyone alive or dead it would be [ __ ] leo from Wolf of Wall Street dude [ __ ] she's not slow at texting she's texting someone better than you oh my god that's so depressing this guy this guy whoever runs his account it's like really messed up from like whatever this girl did to him how the [ __ ] is this supposed to make anyone feel inspired hey you know that girl you really like that you know things are going great right you went out on a good date feeling good about things you got that connection you know well she's texting someone watch bigger and richer and better funnier and cooler and just generally doper than you bigger dick - sorry hope that inspires you to never talk to women ever again I guess also look at this dude this guy's [ __ ] hot if he's getting curved none of us have a shot he's wearing a [ __ ] wallet chain so tight probably drives a motorcycle - I bet also how a hot guy is it to get completely ready and then put your shirt on this dude has got all of his jewelry on his hair is done he's brushing his teeth he's checking his text from well supposed to text from girls who are probably curving him I guess and he still doesn't have a [ __ ] shirt on this guy's gonna wait to the last [ __ ] second to put his shirt on he's gonna be he's gonna be leaving he's gonna be no he's gonna [ __ ] he's gonna put his motorcycle helmet on first and then take like one more glance in the mirror and then stretch his shirt over the helmet being single is so relaxing nobody can torture your emotions oh my god this is it's funny cuz any any one of these by themselves if you were to come across it on your leg Explorer page or whatever you'd be like I mean I it's a little weird but I guess maybe some people can relate but reading these like in succession just tells the story of like some really sad frustrated guy like this could easily be written as being single is so relaxing you only have to worry about yourself right that's a little bit more of a positive spin on things but instead it's being single is so relaxing nobody can torture your emotions if you want to be happy in life then you have to learn how to hide that way there's more pain what kind of message is that hey you want to be happy you just got to learn how to hide your sadness don't deal with the issues head-on no instead back down bottle it up push it deep inside you like it was never there and then just repeat just keep doing that take the pain take the sadness hah squeeze it squeeze it into you and then ignore it and just push it down and just do that over and over and over and over again and just keep hiding it keep hiding it until one day you snap and you kill your whole family dear ex Lamborghini is more beautiful than you oh because you know what they say as the old saying goes the best revenge is a new Lambo how did you not figure that stupid oh my god my girlfriend broke up with me what do I do buy a Lamborghini you [ __ ] dunce or you know what maybe it's not even maybe there's not even there Lambo maybe he's just saying Lamborghini is more beautiful than you which is like like a weird diss hey you're hot but like Loki I'm attracted to cars so is there a word for that yeah Meccano philia then admits to having sex with a thousand cars there you go he read this post and just took it way too far relationship nah let me correct it it's relationships dude who hurt you man missing you is not my hobby but now it's becoming [ __ ] oh man now we're I guess we're moving on to the next stage of the break-up like the first stage he's distraught you know he's like [ __ ] that [ __ ] relationship more like real aim Shin [ __ ] and then he's like whatever I don't need that [ __ ] I got my Lambos and you know no woman is as attractive as that finely crafted piece of machinery and now we're at the stage where he has everything and he's looking around like I got no one to share it with I miss you Samantha come back to me if missing you was a job I'd be the richest man on earth boom there's another one this dude looks like Seth from the OSI had a child with a bush baby are you free tomorrow no unexpensive tomorrow imagine actually saying this to someone hey man you free tomorrow to run over everything for the presentation we have oh oh okay I thought you told me that you um expensive tomorrow though yeah yeah I don't really know what that means I thought we were gonna go over stuff for the press I'll be there great I love that all of these say comment yes if you agree like how can you even agree with this you know what [ __ ] it about throw me yes it does not matter who likes us we like us says the group of what looks like the most annoying dudes ever this picture kind of looks like a failed boyband and these are the lyrics for their song that was like almost a hit time change priority change people change nobody stay but one person always with you until your last breath what the [ __ ] is this picture dude why is his Photoshop so [ __ ] weird that beard has to be fake right I'm sorry but I got a comment no on this one he is a king but when he feels hurt he goes from being royal to gangster in point five seconds all right these are good these are getting weird what is this picture looks like it came from some weird like Chippendales calendar or something what is this supposed to what is what is the story behind this picture supposed to be oh hey I was just saving this child from that burning building over there sorry about my shirt being open it came open while I was saving this child's from that burning building over there I wish I could close it to cover my rippling 12-pack but I can't because I'm carrying this child that I saved from that burning building over there and in my other hand I have my axe which I used to save this child and that burning building over there do you want to [ __ ] one bro sister is another bro sister I mean that's just bro code baby everyone knows that there's a prank invasion joke here I just don't know what it is why I'm single 2% because of my shyness 3% because I don't Ford and 95% because I respect women and you know that's the lesson of today's video if you respect women don't talk to them don't date them stay single forever have sex with your cars instead and if you want to be happy bottle up your pain and just shove it down you know after reading these I actually do feel a little bit better I'm happy we did this let's end on this one this one tag your beard partners it's called I don't know what what is a beard partner beard makes man batter makeup makes woman better this dude just said man batter yes it make man batter [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 4,916,021
Rating: 4.9774323 out of 5
Keywords: instagram, wisemen, advice, inspiration, motiviation, Cody ko, cody, ko, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: 9xg_Wp76pY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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