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oh god damn it I'm sweating greetings my children today we're gonna look at a video that I saw on the trending page from a dude named Papa Jake who I guess who I'm guessing is Papa John's like brother maybe son no well that wouldn't make any sense because then he would be pretty would it be sunjai Finn or Papa John jr. Papa John jr. or would it be it doesn't matter anyways the video that we're gonna be watching it's called a box fort zombie trap box emoji emoji 24 hour box fort zombie base box fort zombie trap okay so it's like a like a booby trap for zombies 24 hour box fort zombie base it's like a day long thing where they try to catch the zombies and I don't know maybe the description will tell us more today Papa Jake builds a 24 hour zombie box for its survival base along with a box for trap to catch a zombie okay we have to survive the zombie apocalypse in and what after escaping from our box for prison escape a secret package arrived at the door the informed us of zombies coming subscribe to Papa Jake for more PG kid-friendly and family-friendly videos with no swears oh no swears that's [ __ ] boring I'm still not really sure what this is about so let's let's take a look at it there's just no better way to ruin an intense moment by popping up the subscribe button in the lower left hand side and then pointing to it Logan Logan wake up get back goddamn there's a zombie in this guy's living room right next to the pool table get back oh the [ __ ] sound effects are so good holy [ __ ] I gotta watch that again boom boom [ __ ] you got pwned whoa feel it get baited making a nerf gun sound like a real gun is the tightest [ __ ] of all time Oh what do we have here oh come on wake up another caption let's get 30,000 likes for episode three you know what just because of that I'm gonna go ahead and Logan wake up come on you gotta get up Logan Logan what the [ __ ] dude were you just sleeping Jean just hear the gunshot I just killed a zombie like three feet from here how are you still sleeping we've got to get out we've got to go to the supply locker Jake I'm so hungry I don't know if I can do this I know that they can do it come on are you trying to survive are you trying to die this is zombie apocalypse this is a [ __ ] joke guys make sure you smash that subscribe button and hit the bell if you want to be notified when I post work cardboard box crazy-looking look I know but we have to go outside we have to get to the supply locker we stashed away a bug-out kit with all the essentials in there we'll be able to survive a little bit longer in this base the zombies are coming in if we're gonna expand to reinforce this place but what what is this storyline this is jr. our toll keen to smoke some meth that's what this is we need to build a trap and test it out on the zombie we're just happen late the power to shut off yeah probably Logan's fault [ __ ] idiot all right let's watch another one this one this one has 1.7 million views from a couple weeks ago it's called fortnight box fort battle IRL Thanos Infinity Gauntlet and I know if I pronounced that I was wrong Thanos should be a million people in the comments be nice you idiot oh no sorry this has 2.2 million views already damn okay let's see the description Pappa Jake does a fortnight in real life box fort with an awesome fort night nerf war featuring the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet from the New Avengers movie if you like boar night as much as us you'll love this video Dewi are you even trying with this I get that you're trying to put as many like trending words in your description as possible so your video will get shared more but when there's spelt wrong it totally defeats the purpose fortnight in real life is awesome oh look looks like a news coming ha dude nice job nothing stopping us today yeah man this is gonna be the best four night game ever gross former game that was weird okay look clearly this content isn't made for people our age or even close I don't think anyone over the age of four would watch it dude kill fake zombies in a box for it he made in his own living room unless there's some weird like cult following for box fort videos it's kids who are watching this young kids and it says it himself in the description it says kid-friendly videos it's a little tiny bit weird that he named himself Papa Jake and he makes kid videos but if the videos are like somewhat wholesome and kids enjoy them then whatever I guess I'm not trying to knock the dudes hustle I just kind of find it funny with this whole genre of content on YouTube that's targeted at very very young kids how clear it is that it's not about entertaining kids at all it's so clearly about manipulating YouTube's algorithm to get as many views as possible so that they can get to the bag money ever heard of it if you like people in the past that made kids [ __ ] they care about what kids watch right like all the cartoons we watched even as an adult I feel like you can appreciate somewhat but nowadays you just got to build a box for it in your living room and write a giant nonsensical paragraph filled with the word nerf gun to cash in on those sweet sweet lucrative toddler views baby it's funny because you could be go through this news profile he was just making normal videos and then he made a box for video for whatever reason and that [ __ ] blew the [ __ ] up so he was like alright well I guess this is my thing now and I mean hey he's getting to the bag clearly look at this dude's Instagram flex flex flex flex he got this new car BMW i8 and he did a YouTube video about getting the new car I'm assuming to flex and the [ __ ] stuck a box forward into it you beast you absolute box for Beast bfb Papa Jake is the goddamn king of box for videos and you cannot dispute that and we're getting this car for the Papa Jake family oh look there's six mid-roll ads in this BMW video and read the description brand deal look at that he is getting to the bag he's getting paid showing off how much he's getting paid that's crazy but yet it's so funny to sit back and look at how much they look how rich I am mentality doesn't work unless you're a rapper or Tai Lopez look at the comments for this video nobody gives a [ __ ] about the car do box for airport and box for bus and White House and Trump Tower and Las Vegas box for tea city hey Jake you should have box for it library I think you might have a word there buddy make a box for it bus blows man that's why kids are great dude you can't you can't flex on kids they don't give a [ __ ] this dude just spent a hundred and eighty thousand dollars on a car and there's kids like can you just make a bus out of cardboard but hey man keep milking those sweet views get to the damn bag live your life I just think the world of kids can't on YouTube is a very funny thing I mean check out this channel call ins key oh my god it [ __ ] hurts my eyes just looking at this guy's page this is what unicorn [ __ ] looks like and look at the titles is the same thing making objects out of candy learn how to make why edible candy items verse real food challenge what ten funny pranks plus prank wars phone in jello learn how to make funny easy DIY food and candy okay what is it are you pranking each other while learning how to make DIY candy and then what's the phone in the jello thing how do kids make sense of this the ki brothers bros in parenthesis not twins we'll teach you the easy educational tutorial to pranking kids whether boy-girl you'll love trying testing test try these crazy comedy pancake art challenge life hack hacks best weird edible slime food candy science experiments DIYs and challenge you need to try what the [ __ ] did I just read that's not even English also I love the not twins distinction I totally picture that being like a weird like point of contention with them you guys look exactly the same are you twins we're not twins okay we're not we're two years apart [Music] this is what meth feels like right here if someone was asked me hey I think I'm thinking about smoking some meth do you do you know what it feels like I just give him the link to this video and I feel like this feels like watching this video like it looks like they just make candy but in the loudest way possible right now it's time for something wasabi Jim what oh oh my god it's almost too intense what happens after they shut the camera off do they both just take a deep breath not at each other and then just go like walk around a Japanese garden or something like recenter themselves that's that intro I did was like 10 seconds and I was sweating at the end of that they do this [ __ ] for like an hour what I'm assuming it's also funny to watch this dude's page evolve in kind of the same way as the Box Ford dude like he used to do normal videos here you doing magic he was on America's Got Talent and then as you scroll his page just slowly becomes more and more dangerous for people with epilepsy hey but he's getting to the bag right he's getting that money this guy gets a [ __ ] ton of use this shed every video is like at least 5 million views 10 million 12 19 million on a minion DIY video god that makes me mad I hate minions Who am I to designate what kids want to watch and what they don't I I'm not I just the same be careful where your kids are watching because they could be getting flexed on through box forts and as a responsible parent it is your job to make sure your kid does not get flexed on anyways guys thanks for watching I'm gonna go box for dummy DIY with my sister not twins by the ways fortnight also I have new merch if you're interested if you're wondering what merch is I have the Google search on here this is the definition right there so that should clear things up and then if you're wondering actually what it looks like Bertuzzi looks something like this so there's a picture there on this shirt if you want that one so you can find the link in the description and I appreciate you helping me get to the bag and I'm gonna make sure never to never to flex on you too hard except for right now you
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,083,925
Rating: 4.9757261 out of 5
Keywords: satire, diy, challenge, candy, box fort, fortnite, collins key, papa jake, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: nLqqlBxiWkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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