Queen of the Castle: Best of Elaine Benes

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let's go do something I don't want to just sit around here okay want to go get something to eat well you want to go I don't care I'm not hungry you go one of those cappuccino places they let you just sit there what are we gonna do there talk you can't talk I'll go if I don't have to talk all I know is he doesn't like games and he doesn't play games you know he is too much character and integrity uh-huh and what is his stand on abortion yeah and when I see freaks in the street I never ever stare at him and yet I'm careful not to look away because I want to make the freaks feel comfortable he sold us a hair with a cake around oh you're getting an air conditioner for Amy Amy just like the temperature appears she's a little ha what happened to you somebody put a cane on my foot just like the one I'm gonna put up hey what happened to your car you keep bringing up the Bubble Boy you don't have to mention the Bubble Boy I know about the Bubble Boy I'm aware of the Bubble Boy why do you keep reminding me about the Bubble Boy you know all these years I've always wanted to see the two of you get back together well that's because you're an idiot yeah have a nice ride great rock oh that's good cuz it's your last John F Kennedy jr. he's gonna be in your class today in my class John Kennedy's gonna be in my class I can get you a spot right behind him he has got a great butt yeah ha great but Jojo you think the putty actually believes in something it's it's a used car it probably never changed the presets yes he is lazy plus he probably doesn't even know how to program the buttons yes he is dumb so you prefer dumb and lazy to religious Devin lately I understand how shall I put this we'll just put it he took it out he what he took it out hey did you happen to speak to my friend George as a matter of fact I did aha well listen you would be wise to keep your distance from him well hi he seems harmless oh he's not he's very harmful really Oh trust me he's a bad seed he's a horrible seed he's one of the worst seeds I've ever seen and you two were friends yeah we're good friends I gotta get going my parents are expecting don't forget to wash your hands before in this scene my co-star who's right over here follow me is George Costanza and he plays an airline planet who's just returned from Rome and I'm about to show him how much I've missed okay well see you around yeah see you all right let's go I'll give you half an hour say astronaut it took too many of those pills yes cannot say it ultimately I don't think they'll stay up for a while yes but not in the long run that's why I got you the tire one forgets about those why do you keep mention those what do you want I want a decent sock that's kept the waters of stain on my foot all right you came right upstairs without talking to the doorman but the doorman's gonna say that I was there what no one's gonna believe a doorman but I don't know if this is gonna work on Nick with the story we'll be fine let me do the talking okay good now fix me a drink oftentimes in cases of interfaith marriages couples have differ no one's getting married here you aren't No oh we're just you know having a good time Oh what'd you do last night nothing I know nothing but what did you actually do literally nothing i sat in the chair and I stared it's true I'm George I'm George sir so now Joe mayor wants me to buy him a new coat because you throw it out no because I was in charge of the coats it's insane what you did actually throw his coat out the window but he doesn't know that as far as he knows soin stole it and that's the person who should be held responsible although one wonders if Warren piece would have been as highly acclaimed as it was had it been published under its original title war what is it good for yeah Hellman was able to get us all tickets to the bolshoy North row center hundreds of people my parents my boss you look at the picture I didn't notice Oh what am I gonna do you know your whole life you you go goose painstaking efforts dyed your nipple on that boom suddenly hundreds of people get their own personal shot of it good you feel done it's the big deal tomorrow or the next day you have your chin you have to go down we'll never make it don't say that what complete it takes 45 minutes tick ethic yet there that will only leave me five minutes to get to the point yeah your balls no I'm not I was bald I don't like this and here's what I wake up yuxuan slug wake up please I can't hold it anymore Elaine I hope you're watching the clothes because I can't take my eyes off of it / no I can't do this anymore I can't it's too long even quit telling your stupid story about the stupid desert and just die already die Elaine you don't like the movie if any George enginex are you still master of your domain I'm queen of the kisser y'all go visit my mother she just bought me some new panties and they're all laid out for me I never knew I could drive like that I was going faster than I've ever gone before and yet it all seemed to be happening in slow motion I was seen three in four moves ahead weaving in and out of lanes like an Olympic skier on a gold medal run I knew I was challenging the very laws of physics at Queens Boulevard I took to shoulder a jewel Avenue I used the median I had it I was there and then I hit the Van Wyck I say no one's ever beaten the Van Wyck but gentlemen I tell you this I came as close as anyone ever has and if it hadn't been for that five car pileup on Rockaway Boulevard that numbskull would be on a plane for Seattle right now instead of looking for parking space down stairs you think I've got germs I'll give you some germs how about some for your keyboard huh how about for your stapler that's good isn't it you have a happen in a healthy I thought we were good friends I don't get a Christmas cut I don't get it you want a Christmas card you want a Christmas card all right here I'm not a lesbian I hate men but nonetheless where did you get those how the movie didn't the theater manager give you the message before you went in yeah hey then when did you get those characters so you heard that I was in a car accident and then decided to stop off for some jujyfruits whoa McKellar who would write there I thought you said it was imminent yeah it was but then I just couldn't decide if he was really sponge worthy why did the shrink that just dies I don't know how you guys walk around with those things Elaine was supposed to help me hey I got bit by a dog I still go to the hospital I was bleeding to death I can't fall very little random you have rabies oh that's fatal you don't want that yo man this is my aunt Stella is my recipe for a wild mushroom yeah that's ready I got him all cold cucumber corn and crab chowder mulligatawny Monica don't you lose nothing no more I have lost my fiancee the poor baby maybe the dingo ate your baby the dingo ate your baby why'd you have a fake what really great occasion and the guy never knows yes did he not know that because I was good I guess after that many beers he's probably a little groggy anyway you didn't know you didn't know are you saying yeah I think I'll have a piece of cake with me well you faked with me yeah you faked with me yeah no yeah you faked it I think that whole thing the whole production it was all an act not bad huh what about the breathing the panting the moaning the screaming hey hey hey hey I met this lawyer we went out to dinner I had the lobster bisque we went back to my place yadda yadda yadda I never heard from him again what's he Yatta Yatta dover the best part no I mentioned the bisque ah this is great this is what I need just what I need okay take it easy I'm sure it's nothing probably rats on the track they're stopping for rats Oh God so found it how could there be so many people this guy really smells doesn't anyone who's children's in the city what's so hard you take the cap off you roll it on but I feel something dropping against me disgusting animals these people should be in a cage we have already cage if I miss the wedding I got the ring what they do you can't get married without a ring oh I can't breathe I feel faint or should take it easy it'll start moving soon I think about people in concentration camps what they went through the hostages what would you do if your hostage think about that this is nothing no it's not nothing it's something it's a nightmare with the train is I'm trapped there's no traffic I'm gonna train gets stuck what a day the conductor explain it to us I'm sorry there's a delay will be moving in five minutes I wanna hear of boys I couldn't I take a cab for six dollars my whole life could have changed what is that on my bag I'll never get out of here what if I'm here for the rest of my life maybe I'll get out in five seconds one banana two four five banana no I'm still here still here when will they start moving
Channel: License to Review
Views: 2,228,835
Rating: 4.795496 out of 5
Keywords: Elaine Benes (Fictional Character), Seinfeld (TV Show), best, queen, castle, television, moments, scenes, kramer, costanza, jerry, newman
Id: sM2x90x0UJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2013
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