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I started writing these trains in the forties those days a man to give up and see for a woman that were liberated we have to stand it's ironic what's ironic this that we've come all this way we made all this progress but you know we want some little things or niceties no I mean what is ironic me such a nice present huh birthday party a wedding a wedding yeah I didn't think people still get married it's hard today with the men and women you telling me they're a nice couple oh very nice what does he do if you don't mind my asking she she she works he doesn't he sounds like my son there is no heat there's no heat so who's getting married to women it's a lesbian wedding and wedding I'm bein the best man my luck I don't talk to a soul on the subway for 35 years I get the best man I'm really looking forward to this I love weddings maybe I'll meet somebody maybe not oh man we're stopping now if this is great this is what I need just what I need okay take it easy I'm sure it's nothing probably rats on the track they're stopping for rats how could there be so many people this guy really smells doesn't anyone who's children's in the city what is so hard you take the cap off you roll it on it's just something dropping against me disgusting animals these people should be in a cage we have already cage if I miss the wedding I got the room what they do you can't get married without a ring I feel faint okay take it easy it'll start moving soon I think about people in concentration camps what they went through no hostages what would you do if you were hostage think about that this is nothing no it's not nothing it's something it's a nightmare I'm sorry the delay will be moving in five minutes I'm gonna hear a voice I couldn't I take a cab for $6 my whole life could have changed isn't that on my leg I'll never get out of here what if I'm here for the rest of my life maybe I'll get out in five seconds one banana two or five banana no I'm still here still here when will they start moving
Views: 801,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seinfeld, elain, on, the, train, subway, hq
Id: pnDjjtgYtMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2011
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