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“Get Ta’Hell Otta Here” haha

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
ballerina is this a dollar 89 where is they no angling in this country I guess we'd like to think we've progressed beyond a knife fight for a citrus drink not me everything should be negotiable restaurants - absolutely you telling me there's no room to move on pasta all starches are a scam yeah especially ziti with that big hole taller 19 I'll give you a quarter I'm 40 and no fork 30 that's it you leave and never come back how about we leave and come back in a week deal all right okay I got something so what are you guys doing for dinner we have no planets look at that Helen do you see what he's wearing that's the executive that what is the executive the Bella's trenchcoat my father invented it I sure did raincoats for my business the executive was a classic these haven't been made in 20 years why would they nobody bought the men he's wearing one now these are a hot item at Rudy's you don't say you know I have boxers are those sitting in my garage in Florida get them up here you know you give me 25% I'll take care of everything you've got a deal yeah this is like the meeting of Smith & Wesson apparently the Seinfeld's are too good for us shouldn't say anything bad about your your partner no no you know we're not really partner it's time to get 25% 25% that was your idea yeah I know you doing all the legwork that's right he's ripping you off you're right he's ripping me off everybody should be getting more it's you you know I've been thinking why is crema getting 25% well they told you about the place so what why is that where 25% so find this fee you don't want to find this figures you find something you get a fee finder's fee is 10% no more well it's too late now those are my coats I saved them I stored them I've been waiting years for this payoff well you're not gonna say anything I've been thinking about something yes oh god I don't think the deal is fair you don't think enough no no I found the place I set the whole thing up I'm doing all the legwork what like work oh there's Lake Worth if anything you're getting too much too much that's right they're my coats I want 35% I'm thinking more like 15 no way I've taken 15 yeah I'm not getting 35 all right let's compromise 25 percent okay it's a deal I guess I've been hanging on to them for so long because I just could accept the fact that dad was really gone forever uh-huh they will get a good home won't they look I gotta be honest with you there's nothing here too spectacular oh I beg to differ my father took great pride in his appearance he's a very handsome man a Casanova really I'll give you $200 for the three boxes could you make it to 25 that was his high game and bowling yeah my good mood here so you wanna take a ride with me on to Jersey I'm gonna try and sell the van know a lot dealer are you insane no take out an ad sell it privately I don't think I want to meet the people that are in the market for a use of a ham Jerry just let me help you okay all right okay so I for sale for sale big juicy van and who better put down interesting trades considered wanna trade you don't have to it's all about tickling they're buying Bo so how come you selling it you know why I'm selling it I hate it how many miles to City Highway look do you really want to buy this thing or what hey take it easy I'm not gonna be pressured I'll walk away right now does this think bent not paying for that all right just get out of here I'm gonna be honest I'm very interested in the van okay fine what do I have to do to put you in this van today well I don't have any money but it says right here interesting trades consider you put that in yeah you want to trade me an undershirt no I want to trade you screen legend Anthony Quinn's undershirts and took this off to do sit-ups in the park and I nabbed it that's disgusting well that's my final offer Craver hello man come on let's go I got the helmet go get the radar okay okay all right I'll be back in a sec hey you guys coming to my party yeah now we're making a trade I'm giving him my motorcycle helmet he's given me his radar detector I don't know you have a motorcycle well my girlfriend had one you have a girlfriend I had a girlfriend and she was pretty wild were you with a girl nevertheless this is a pretty bad deal for Kramer you know a radar detector is worth much more than that helmet I think you're cheating them don't say anything all right hey you know you're getting gypped over here hey we had a deal are you relating out of the deal are you reneging that's a ring that all stops chain right Negi well you're reneging okay okay I'm not written a key all right give me that Ricky here idiots thanks buddy so long nothing worked you think I don't know what do you think well it's something to consider yeah I mean let's say what if we did what if is that like the end of the world or something certainly no why shouldn't we be able to do that once in a while if we want to I mean really what is the big deal we go in there we're there for a while it's almost oopah dif we didn't of course I guess maybe some little problems could arise there always a few I mean if anything happened and we couldn't be friends the way we are now that would really be bad devastating because this is very good and that would be good that would be good too the idea is to combine this and that but this cannot be disturbed we just want to take this and add that but of course we'd have to figure out a way to avoid the things that caused the little problems maybe some rules or something huh for example whatever I'm inclined and vice versa but if we did that we might feel a certain obligation to call well why should that be oh I have an idea I have an idea no calls the day after that you let's make it a rule now here's another little rule yeah when we see each other now we retire to our separate quarters but sometimes when people get involved with that they feel pressure to sleep over when that is not really sleep is separate from that and I don't see why sleep got all time okay okay rule number two spending the night is optional well now we're getting somewhere what about the kiss goodnight tough one your call fine well you ready ready
Channel: Seth Andrews
Views: 3,831,913
Rating: 4.7497678 out of 5
Id: I078P-5e11g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2013
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