Pushing Helldivers 2 Secret Stealth Mechanics to its Limits

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hell divers actually has built-in stealth mechanics that are a little unusual and not very well explained this is the Hitman hell diver challenge this is a unique challenge designed for one person to try to master some of the most archaic and strange mechanics of Hell divers 2 the base rules for this challenge are as follows first you are only allowed to use your sidearm for basic fights unless you find another weapon in the wild this is all you got this and and your snipe rifle or the antimaterial rifle as they call it this is the only strategy you allowed to use no big bombastic explosions no Eagle strafes no turrets nothing this is it this also has the unique catch of disallowing you from using things like your resupplies or more importantly your reinforcements meaning you are stuck with just one life to gear up I started out with the base pistol this pistol is is not the greatest but it felt very in flavor for the hell divers challenge another critical part to the success of this run is to grab the sc34 infiltrator chest piece now this chest piece is on a rather long list of light armor but the important part about this one in particular is it has the Scout perk the Scout perk allows you to get better radar on anything that you ping on your mini map but more importantly it makes it 30% more difficult for enemies to detect you which because we're not able to use anything outside of this sard arm and we don't have a lot of ammo to spare stealth takedowns are the main way we're going to be able to complete any objectives at all now let's talk about those lesser known stealth mechanics interestingly if you melee an enemy while crouched the rest of the enemies nearby won't notice you thankfully the automatons did not design ears secondly well I'll I'll just let you see for for yourself I'm going to see how well I can shoot things without them noticing all right so we're going to get maximum stealth nice and quiet this was the first time I had tested or pushed my luck firing a weapon in a stealth environment I'd gotten a little bit of practice meleeing enemy ankles and it works all right but sometimes that's just not going to cut it yeah just because they scan like that doesn't mean they found you yeah they're coming to investigate they're coming to investigate okay that's good to know cuz we technically aren't biscuits yeah there we go run for your lives hell diver run for your life hell diver okay so we know that we can kill at least one of them without them alerting everything it turns out that assuming you don't get actually spotted by any enemies you're able to shoot enemies without them being able to notice you but I would quickly run into my next obstruction the mission I had decided to choose was a seismic activity Scout requiring you to call down a beacon punch in the strategy and then wait unfortunately missions such as this immediately blow your cover even if not a single enemy saw you from the moment that you landed an unbelievable swarm of enemies will be on your location okay they know we're here I think yeah they definitely do well now things are going to have to get interesting I don't think these guys know we're here I think they're just in the area they know that something happened here all right these guys know we here though my gosh we don't have enough sh BS for all of [Music] you holy crap ow [Music] ow yeah all right okay we need to do a different Mission something that doesn't require us to do any sort of uh defend the point I was disgruntled but I had figured this was a very important lesson you're going to have to choose your missions carefully if you're going to attempt this challenge as I loaded into my next area I learned something else new this is the booty Patrol now I call them the booty Patrol because they are coming to inspect your booty how do they know that your booty's there they just do the booty Patrol will track down your location even if the game technically doesn't initiate combat this booty Patrol will send a random quote unquote random Scout to your location to try to get you into combat this is where we start to learn how Hell divers from a top down handles a stealthing player hell divers is basically begging you at any given time to get into combat is doing absolutely everything it can to flex its over-the-top and bombastic mechanics which includes making sure that you're never too bored so even if I am in a very safe location and taking my time cutting through a base I'm on a constant timer to avoid the booty Patrol and worse than that if the booty Patrol ever spots you and you're able to break their line of sight they're going to be very wise anytime you fire a weapon whereas in most cases if you're near a small outg grve of enemies the nearby enemies won't engage on you even if you pull the trigger the booty Patrol will find an engage on you my next objective was to retrieve data and to launch the ICBM I figured this would be a little bit easier as it doesn't necessarily require me to interact with any strategems that would immediately blow my cover but my first objective had a larger brute enemy and this is where we had to push the snipe rifle to its limit now it's not the most wellknown but the sniper can take down bigger groups including the highly oppressive hulks assuming you can hit their crit spot but with stealth being an absolute must I had to hit this shot with one clean go prob stomping on Democracy which means we're going to have to stop him come on bud like right there's the shot but he's moving too erratically for me to guarantee a clean hit and the the you can see my sniper has sway I can't steady the thing out he is distracted got it damn it all right okay bot drop's going to come let's do it quick yeah there's the patrol all right let's make this fast where's the damn that's ammo where's the find the hard disc containing the launch codes now got the launch codes all right we're out of here panicking I was able to break the line of sight and get on with the rest of my mission and here I learned a another thing about how Hell diverse handles its stealth mechanics interestingly automatons act individually to try to figure out where you are it's not actually a group think meaning that if you were to get spotted by one automaton it might alert the others as to an enemy being present but those enemies might not know where you are unlike the first automaton they don't share information I'm taking this Hulk down okay Hulk's dead Hulk's dead all right time to go loud good going to need as much ammo as we can get here this this person doesn't this bot doesn't know we're here maybe I don't think it does yeah they don't know we're here okay we just got to find the launch codes yep now it's going to get loud yep things are going to go south run hell diver why are you squatting oh holy ow got it there we go maybe we can lose him again after a lot of struggling to get this second ICBM objective up I found another problem to make this challenge even harder oh I forgot it's going to launch okay we just got to launch the ICBM and run like hell in the longer missions you have a maximum of 40 minutes to complete your objective now up to this point I hadn't really bumped into that and I had assumed that Running Out of Time meant I would no longer have access to my strategems which isn't really a problem cuz I'm not calling anything in anyways but it turns out I'm wrong at the 40-minute Mark the extraction shuttle will come regardless of where you're at in the mission so I had to make a tough call and I decided to book it towards extraction and abandon my mission just for the sake of saying I had completed something why is there such a massive Ravine no what a two foot drop killed me bro so it turns out light armor does not make you more resilient to fall damage yeah great I tried a couple other missions and throughout them I continue to encounter problems specifically there are so many enemies on any one base that even if you're able to get to the objective you'll be swarmed so quickly you will not survive for any much longer did I get it I got it holy I got it oh my gosh I can't believe that worked I panicked like a mofo no don't do [Music] that why is the melee so in this game [Music] [ __ ] hell why do you have ankles made of [Music] glass here we go here we go here we go upload that [ __ ] that's not doing anything to him look some samples ammo no ammo where the hell yeah I tried this a handful of times on other missions but ultimately I decided to fall back on a different Mission at the level four difficulty the assassination missions these missions have you kill a Hulk and two of them on the map which seems perfect and in flavor for the Hitman Challenge we're going for even though I'll need to fire a shot to get the kill I can do it and then immediately run away knowing my objective is complete and not have to stick around and defend a point for an extended period of time that's got to be a patrol I think turret guy has to go first yeah I don't like how much coverage he has everyone else that guy is doing a great job staring at that wall [ __ ] every damn time okay find the find the Hulk find the Hulk find the Hulk I'm seeing a whopping zero confirmation on a Hulk okay there he is there he is all right big boy time to go night night stand [Music] still well that made it easy all right one down with the first Hulk down thankfully due to some type of pathing error I was on to my very last Hulk here it was my mission all it took was just one clean shot the booty Patrol was not going to allow me any sort of safety and it chased me up this small Mountain which I figured would actually be all right because I think I'd be able to get a shot in at the Hulk on the base without anything noticing me I waited and abided my time but quickly realized I was not going to be able to hit its crit spot and the only thing this Hulk was giving me was its shoulder this was is n going to cut it but I figured if I bided my time I might be able to figure out another solution that is until the booty Patrol had other plans what are you excuse the right out of me what the hell is that hor oh my gosh so is a stealth Only Hell divers 2 Hitman challenge possible yes I think it might be but pure stealth I doubt it frustrated I accepted my defeat but I'll be back to try this again I've learned my lesson and hey if you like this challenge consider leaving a like And subscribe bless your faces and democracy a
Channel: TDTwo
Views: 574,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TDT, TDTwo, Tips, Builds, Loadouts, Clips, Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 stealth, Helldivers 2 challenge, Helldivers, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 best stratagems, hitman
Id: Urbibo92yo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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