Firearms Expert Reacts to Helldivers 2's Guns PART 2

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this is Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this episode as the battle to defend super Earth continues and the fall of Malon Creek is fresh in our minds we're looking at some more weapons from Hell divers too oh oh it is like a quake lightning gun Quake lightning gun that makes bugs explode well if you can hit something with actual lightning they may not explode but they're not going to enjoy it if you like this kind of content make sure to subscribe and let us know in the comments section down below what future episodes you'd like to see right all hell divers to HELLP pods as it's over to Jonathan all right this is a bit of a kppa rhino situation we have going on here as well as a bloodied Cape but some weird stuff going on with the hammer there well I think it's working it's just it doesn't have much travel just kind of limply flapping a number of times we've quered read or I have we read um revolvers in science fiction pretty conventional the the cylinder rotating really high up and it looks to me like the site would get in the way of reloading although it doesn't seem to there's a front sight and I don't know why just look at any modern Red Dot site you don't need the thing at the front but we've got to have our Magnum space revolver of course in a a game like this very bulky there's a lot going on at the front and I think artists are concerned that if you don't bulk out a revolver it looks oldfashioned you know little spindly revolver Barrel doesn't really fit the vibe so you want it to be big and square like a big muzzle weight SL ejector shroud but that's excessively chunky we can assume some lightweight materials to make up for that of course but you've still got to holster this the the thing that makes it particularly Rhino esque other than the angles is that Barrel in line with the bottom chamber of the cylinder is he a robot or does he just have a robot armed he's a veteran oh it's like the Starship Troopers mobile infantry made me the man I am today infantry sir good for you mobile infantry made me the man I am today oh dear we got some interesting objection going on it looks like we've got a stream of links coming out the left side but the cartridge case is somehow coming back and ejecting out the right side so we've got a right hand feed right hand ejection which doesn't really make any sense you could achieve it mechanically I think but I don't know why he would Nord the links need to eject with that amount of force there's no case head to get hold of and spin out of the gun links are normally just pushed out of the side of the gun sometimes with a bit of force but those are ejecting like cases basically and they're ejecting from the same side and location that the case should eject I'm not getting a particular gun that this is based on it's a nice extrapolation of what current sort of assault machine guns are short compact that sort of chunky aesthetic quite a stylized low detail looking carry handle of a weird shape as well I think it's there more for for visual interest than for any practical purpose it's not a very high caliber weapon so you can see if I'm I'm shooting some of these robots rounds are actually pinging off the sloped armor very frustrating when there's a bunch of them coming at you but now that I'm away from it I can appreciate that it looks cool it does look cool and and it's a good visual indicator as well that you're not doing what you want to be doing one of the um features that we didn't get to touch on last time was the ability to change the rate of fire of the machine guns does that have any sort of relevance in reality so the minigun has I think typically two switchable rates of fire because the the rate of ammo consumption is so high and I guess there's concern over wear as well High rate guns like that are switchable to some extent the Browning automatic rifle 1982 A2 model did away with the semi-auto function and went to slow and high rates of fire one of our two cuz we're very greedy Maxim prototype machine guns from 1884 as a variable rate as well so at the very Inception of the machine gun the idea was you could go as slow as one round per minute and then you had notches on this lever all the way up to fast which was 500 rounds per minute can't recall any inservice lmgs gpmg that do it but even as I say that someone's probably going to think of want to put it in the comments oh wow that's some spectacular case ejection there those are huge cases a great big toggle lock and a classic stripper clip loading and I'm not quite sure how that clip is so energetically just pinging itself up and out of the way there doesn't seem to be a mechanism to facil itate that I think it's getting stripped off as you insert the rounds that's not typical if that's what's happening that's not typical your classic Enfield Mouser the clip stays in place in the guide you push in the rounds then you either bang the clip out of the way with the bolt or you remove the clip manually this almost seems like a hybrid between something like a gar and a true strip eclip system not this wouldn't work if there's some kind of a pull to to capture that top round just the clip system is in interesting old school we got the crew served aspect there as well of almost like a bers anti-aircraft system we got a guy slamming in the clips there and then there's the toggle Rock and then then there's also the form factor of this weapon so of those four possible Inspirations or callbacks or references I've grabbed two things now this actually would cover two of them this is the US pedison rifle this is a Vicor pedison Vicor made and it has toggle a toggle lock much like you saw there for those who don't understand what I'm bleeding on about with toggles it operates like your arm joint famously in the luga it's inside the Maxum gun and it's inside the Winchester rifle as well and the pedison utilizes exactly the same thing there's that toggle joint it's a pivoted a hinged joint a great big flappy thing comes flapping up into your face every time you shoot and when you're empty you know you're empty cuz there's a great big steel wall in front of your face this ticks the another box for this gun as well because it does have a charger guide so you insert the clip charge the magazine remove that clip and then let the toggle go go a bit more energetically than that and it in loads your first round and every time you pull the trigger this toggle does its thing so that I thought was relevant and it's historic and interesting this was the Rival to the M1 Garand long story short the Garand was the superior rifle and it won the trial then in terms of the form factor of this weapon we have this absolute Beast which makes a a brief appearance in my Bullpup Firearms book it's not British per se it's Australian so this is Russell Shepard Robinson who designed all sorts of crazy but clever stuff and it's a shoulder fire gun with the action at the back much like this hell divers Auto Cannon thing double pistol grips the sights uh well one site's missing and the other one's bent on this I'm guessing someone dropped it due to its extreme weight and it's 50 caliber and it's the SR9 for those of you keeping score we showed the sr1 on our channel the other week and you now need to I need to Jedi mind trick or neuralize you all into forgetting it because i' quite like to cover it in a video video but I could not resist showing you this because it's pretty similar and it does in fact or did in fact load from the top with its feed device intact but if you press that catch we have a a lid so you can feed this thing from the top and it ejects out the side and I need to put this down because it's very heavy here's an even bigger version of the weapon it's a sentry gun oh yeah as if the previous Auto Cannon wasn't big enough exact same system scaled up and looking much more Lugal like the way that toggle is wraps over the top of the gun looks just like the luga I'm kind of disappointed that the ejected cases don't do a tiny bit of damage when they land on you and it really would hurt like it's really it's kind of hypnotic watching them inject now the cartridge cases or shell cases on the portable version were a bit of a weird shape and proportion the the fixed gun looks they look more like standard sort of 40 milish may be a bit bigger what two pounder shell aren't they and I'm sure some of you have guessed reminds me of the origin well big Square slow firing very similar silhouette to this very industrial looking gun especially the butt stock that looks to be like a fixed gerder kind of butt stock on there almost looks a bit of an afterthought compared to the rest of the of the design the origin 12 uses a an m 4es buffer tube even though it doesn't need it so I I would imagine inspired by this but it's by no means um a copy of it definite kind of Warhammer Vibe as well 40K Bolter esque I actually just looked behind me to see if I had a Bolter on a Model I could hold the camera but I don't think I do I think it fits the bill doesn't it yes this is the same same weapon system but incendiary oh okay so we've somehow got an incendiary fuel tank and a magazine for shotgun gun shells not usually how incendiary works we don't normally dip our slugs in in Bernie stuff and send them out of the gun incendiary effect is baked into the projectile strictly visually speaking I think it might be the best looking like dragon's breathes round I've seen in a video game and the way that you get um splashback or bounce when they hit stuff is very cool almost a sort of white phosphorous particle effect even more so than actual dragon breath has so I can kind of that this is a a weaponized militarized form of dragon bre as much as I my brain Rebels against the idea of a combined shotgun flamethrower which is clearly the the concept for this it's almost like someone took Ripley's pulse rifle and flamethrower that she taped together in Aliens and just went one gun please and then we're going to for health and safety reasons make it bright orange kind of like it ah last as in Las gun presumably like the look at it oh yes yes do like a phaser style beam weapon this this is a heat-based weapon and it has heat sinks that you can replace depending on the planet you're on and the planet's temperature that heat sink can last longer okay if it's freezing cold you can hold the trigger down much longer that does make some sense ambient temperature does affect even conventional firearm ammunition anyone that served in the military will will always certainly have observed the gun will overheat quicker and and you'll head toward that Cookoff temperature and that damage to the polymer of the receiver all of that is exacerbated by ambient temperature to some extent and with a super hot weapon like this that can only be worse so that's stuff that's got some basis in reality that's then played with for for gameplay and fun reasons is always the fast and what do we have here this is the rail gun does look like it could be a rail gun with a with a pair of opposing electromagnetic rails rather than a series of coils calls back to you know it makes me think of a razor the AR Arnold sorts movie we've got a charge up there is it possible to release it before it's fully charged it's hard limited unless you actively set it to unsafe mode which case if you overcharge it wow perfect timing there if the bar reaches the top you're toast is that right I like the idea of having to remove the safety limit here we go again I think rail guns gas guns coil guns as and when they become available if they ever do are probably going to be a bit less interesting than the ones we see in fiction um I think they'll just make a noise and not much will move you'll still need some sort of feed system of course yeah I'm not sure about stuff popping out and spinning around and all the stuff that see in games reloading okay a very sci-fi conventional over and under SK shooting 12 gaug shotgun but in space there's some quite interesting context to the double barel shotgun because it's not a weapon that you can take with you it's a weapon you find oh unlike the frontier planets of super Earth extending its borders it's it's the weapon of these B Frontiersman but you can pick it up from these abandoned outposts that humans are no longer occupying I think that makes a surprising amount of sense actually why wouldn't we still have for non-military purposes as you say a futuristic double barel shotgun the break open aspect again it's been that way for a 100 plus year 150 years is for a reason it works it's simple it's reliable it's cheap we have a bewildering array of different shotgun actions um from from the late 19th century when they were essentially trying to arrive at this system so I'm a big fan of this it's very contextual uh it's a very nice design for that allows you to have a gun that all the players are going to want to [Music] have flag's empty whoa okay very reminiscent of the tesque shotgun from earlier same Aesthetics same butt stock I think but some massive rounds the description says that the jar five Dominator fires jet propelled rounds which instantly made me think of the gyro jet that we've talked about before okay I'm not seeing that I'm not sure in what way those are rocket or jet propelled watching it in slow motion it does look like a round is fired and then little distance away you can see propulsion begin in a trail so I think I think they really are LIF from from the 40K thing there the size of them means there's quite an explosion when they impact as well if it hits armor it's just sort of blasts over the armor but if you hit a squishy bit the round goes in and then detonates on the inside of the bug adjustable fusing of rounds is something that's been worked on quite a bit the the ill- fated xm25 which is due a comeback I gather the idea there was that you could choose when that round would explode would it go through a door before it blows up would it go over the head of of the enemy and explode over their heads it's always good when it's not just the same impact from every weapon in a game you're just taking hit points off an object you're not you're not usually seeing much in the way of a different effect to see stuff bounce off or just Dent armor or something and then if it hits something softer to actually do significant damage always good to see nothing in the chamber bit of a John Wick flick there it reminds me of the Halo Magnum but mechanically it's fairly conventional pistol almost looks like 9 mil rounds thumbhole stocks on rifles and machine guns and knuckle bow trigger guards on pistols you know you're in the future it's a sort of design language thing I'm not seeing what he's actually doing with the one-handed reload is he putting the gun on top of a presented magazines on his belt it looks like it and you can see when he when he brings it back up he's like racking the slide with one hand that's what it looks like very much taken from Modern Tactical Behavior with a with a riot shield down to the count of the pistol and lets you potentially Seether a viewport for your sights okay what on Earth is this oh oh it is like a quake lightning gun Quake lightning gun that makes bugs explode yeah well you can hit something with actual lightning it may not explode but they're not going to enjoy it yeah definite change lightning in gun form not the first time that's been done but it's quite distinctive to to look at it's interesting as well with those sort of electrode prong things on the front you've got the um the Star Trek phaser weapon which is the same color as a phaser beam and then you've got a version of a lightning gun and they're very they're visually distinctive they they do seem to work differently so good we're really getting some sci-fi references in today AR we yeah another step towards Galactic Liberation so here I just wanted to show off the mortar Sentry you can see the mortar R being fed through like a mechanical arm and dropped down the tube which is kind of it's very cool and I I love that they've done it but it's extremely silly you'd have a scaled up grenade machine gun type weapon you wouldn't make a mechanically Cru serve muzzle loading mortar that's a bit silly but extremely cool don't get me one reason we still use muzzle loading mortors is how easy it is to adjust range with a with an additional charge clipped onto the the base I guess that's that's the justification is that they still want to be able to vary the range although it doesn't look like you are able to vary range they just sort of adapts okay let's let's say that the AI running it Clips on uh invisible additional charges or tweaks the amount of propellant I me in reality I think you just have different magazines and it would feed from each magazine depending on on Range don't know interesting to think about democracy has been well delivered may your extraction be swift so have a huge great missile silo in the in the ground oh yes there's no missing that one oh and there's the shock wave it's a rule within our group that you have to salute as the missile detonates as well that's very impressive that looks a lot like the nuclear test footage that I'm sure a lot of people have seen it seems to have impacted very close range I'm not sure how survivable that would be but I guess the actual mushroom cloud is is significantly far away and you're just getting the the edge of the of the blast wave the radiological effects would be concerning I mean we have some sort of space suit thing so we have no nuclear weapons we don't do air launched air dropped Munitions and that includes self-propelled things like icbms there is is a nuclear system I think most of a system at Imperial War Museum duckford if anyone's interested okay guys well um you asked for it and if you didn't you got it anyway more guns from Hell divers 2 quite cool range of stuff on display there I have to admit thank you for watching as always um do check out our Royal Armory channel here on YouTube um our website social media until the end of June we have a display of decorated Firearms uh some goldplated Kalashnikov to Imperial Russian Flint loock musket do check that out if you can but we'll see you here as always next week
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 584,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 weapons, helldivers 2 guns, helldivers 2 expert reacts, helldivers 2 firearms expert, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, dave jewitt, loadout, helldivers 2 nerf, breaker, autocannon, railgun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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