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[Music] do not that oh lost careful what careful I'm look I I feel I feel safe close to this thing man I do cuz it's engaging terminal come on come on I'm about to get touched what the f come on dud come the on there we go no I'm just saying like don't all die we were all saluting Under The Landing Pad I was like don't all die hey [Music] buddy did Paul die died to my G Sho as he was walking look I need to show you all something that's very important okay very important okay now in the bottom right there's like the effects and the orders button MH right so you press it you look at your arm right okay yeah now now it's very important that you can press this repeatedly okay it's very important oh yeah I'm enjoying this now you can now hold on hold on you can you can actually you can actually combo this with emotes okay very important boom hug me and keep pressing the button yeah there you go you see you see this is this is this is democracy all right this is this is it this is what you play this game for right here just this so so so throw out your arms here for a h this is what I learned by watching YouTube I need help out fine I'll help you oh you killed me why did you do that that looks important okay stay low can't see you behind the rock maybe you does oh somebody give me a hug initi stand for take but oh oh okay you yeah let's do it yeah we Sur oh [ __ ] fire fire complete give me a hug all the Galaxy looks to you oh God I'm going R in taking it from behind one behind hey I'm just going to stri so you might you might leave you oh yo hey slider support we shoot that support weapon canel that oh oh right there right there enemies oh I see him head shot who's dead who is dead one hey that's not nice hey you didn't do nothing to you stop that oh my God deserve that he didn't do nothing to you come on man Jesus you th like a mar oh my God now it's all up to BL it's all up to you mate we believe in you stay alive for a minute and 42 seconds that's crazy legs are still standing there I love that his legs are just vertical oh my God that's so funny he's right on you Jeremy no I don't think you're I don't think you're telling the truth [Music] what happened sequence initiated watch where you're standing oh my God no no no no no no no no no no bring me back bring me back bring me back I want to get on this [ __ ] ship bring me back bring me back bring me back bring me back I want to get on this [Music] ship oh my god oh they said it couldn't be done man but you're you're out here to prove them wrong I'll miss you L brother I'm sorry for doubting you progress requires sacrifice just let him let him go let him go we'll watch authorizing nuclear launch good luck out there b my God this could be a first time ever for all we know we're witnessing history [Music] I love you boys what the just happened who did that what was that oh no go for the it's just you did all of this happen at once what extraction in one second you got J man you got you got Bo how did all of this happen at once I can't believe this he's dead it's over no no no no it's not over oh the ship can't land it can't land yeah LZ is filled with wait landed 15 seconds to get in you there back juice holy de in dead in holy [ __ ] let's fing go let's [ __ ] go I terminal what does it say I can't even see it I'm like no I'm like clipping into the wall what do what does the terminal say uh hold on right down down left right left it's funny dude my camera was like in the there's wall here I couldn't see this better not blow up make sure you try to stay away from that wall cuz I can shoot a rocket right there reinfor thanks yo where did he even throw me I don't I don't think you're in the [Music] map what what what the no hell can Liberate the Galaxy alone that's why we have Team weapons one Allied Destroyer has left Squadron oh here it is right leg left leg leg shoot left leg what do you mean left leg left leg right legoody look at his left leg no that is right leg no it's not that's your right you [ __ ] idiot that's his left leg no but this is our right yeah I said shoot his left leg but our right why don't you just say shoot the right leg because I know my left and right now to think about it confus it why would I want to know from his point of view going out there can you see that is that just [Laughter] me why is happening punch him in Get Him in get him no he infinitely hard [ __ ] it ched you but why would you think that was a good idea it's he's in no he's not where is he he's teleported over there he's crawling get in the ship get in the ship get in the ship get in the ship get in sorry [Music] iot reloading what the and also I was on the bug side because I was trying to get homie [Music] to for on your soldier we are leaving calling in orbital strike oh no no no no no no no no I don't have any stems [Laughter] I'm little preoccupied right now I'm sorry Jes keeping keeping CH get the out of [Laughter] there my I can't move my leg no deploying [Music] um you what wait what is safe and [Music] unsafe oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I'm running through the M oh holy [ __ ] damn get out of there CJ don't worry I'm going to call you in drop me right on top of that [ __ ] drop me right on top of him oh oh I'm coming it get him oh Jesus you got him I got him buddy dude I got him all right we we are doing this coming in we are completing this Mission if they guy take us home in a body bag back up back up back up back up W nice roast them don't shoot let him burn oh my god oh W that's where it stops oh come on bro bro I need help oh no [ __ ] help man I'm coming buddy I'm coming I got to get those samples no you don't no [ __ ] the samples we're not leaving here without those samples dude I need help we're being overrun the mission I'm coming buddy oh my God they spawned behind me I'm coming dude I need you I'm coming buddy I'm here I'm here get away from the trail cover meic throw M's down requesting orbit almost there 380 380 coming in buddy CJ look up I got it Sak sneaky I'm coming don't forget about that Minefield be be be mindful of it I don't know where it is oh dude you're in it you're in the Minefield I'm going to lead them through it come on you [ __ ] follow me yeah that's right oh come on get that guy get that guy get him get him get him get him get him oh Jesus leave leave just leave no no no no you a 380 you psycho get out of there why would you do that cuz I didn't think I was going to explode come on get in come on chewy holy [ __ ] woo damage run to the shuttle oh no where is oh my gosh it's up top oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh sh just got launched into the air oh no is the shuttle here I was right there at the shuttle remember this um friendly f as well yeah what the why you shoot me you shot me with the rocket launch he's [ __ ] fully dead I can save you bro his arms come off oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh god oh my god dude this is insane reinforcements the [ __ ] thing I what what do you want me to do orbital orbital spawn on my position suck [ __ ] Bots get out of there you jumped in front of a Hulk no not like this St Soldier oh my God the light armor the light armor it's working jump Soldier I'll handle the terminal oh no I can't see the terminal I'm on the terminal because of can you tell me what you see in the screen oh um you know if you activate that I don't think you're going to be able to run okay it is hold on I can see it if I turn the camera it is right left left right left left up up down is it it y we go good job panic panic panic good job L you did a great job I'll be watching from over here yeah excellent work honey I love him oh oh no oh no really no jump [Laughter] I was to see if I could see it coming down here what let me damage you uh oh stem stem oh I made it I'm alive my health I'm alive wow oh yeah boys did you make it yep got little leg yo no we got we got a patrol here the big one we call resupply cuz it's 10 second I think the turret's angry oh it's definitely is it looking at me it can't yep what what the push out that was easy oh [ __ ] godam oh my God that's a lot of oh my God I'm calling an eagle why is it there I did not throw that there I am so so I did not throw that there I'm so sorry I'm so sorry get Timmy in it's our only help I got it I got it all right only made it s what is this what is this it just left it was why am I still playing I di why am I still playing help I'm on a Last Stand go boys what's good what's good yo thank you guys for waiting for me man oh my God what is this oh my God this is amazing bro this is the hell diver Community right here thank you guys hug somebody man yo let's go bro I love you guys there go wait doings you've got a smoke bomb try this again is that what that is Thief artillery smoke easy as I don't know what that stands for SE no that one wasn't a smoke one dude that one definitely wasn't a smoke one that was what I literally had just called in a minute ago ah oh I'm so I swear I swear I didn't mean to actually hit you I thought I thought I'm getting so good at this like I'll just scare him and be funny and then he bested I was trying to miss you the whole time that was so weird shut up that was so dumb SOS SOS s oh yeah yeah did Destiny blow you up no he did it to himself no I stepped on a mine throwing Supply Beacon oh what the okay I think I'm going to die so um call it in on top of your head yeah he bounc right back on my headest approved deploying reinforcements I'm going to do a quick free Supply what you are leaving the mission area dud look at my freaking are you what happened where are you who what the I ha you why you flying away huh all right let's go north here did I miss it did I miss there is a bouncing bug following Kev right now oh my God he's just look at this guy do you see him what what is he went to the stratosphere bang where what's going on he's just he's gone all right Michael let me know when you need the rifle big right here you need the rifle fire one ready yep fire what did I die in my own sh everybody get the ship oh my god dude what happed what did you die you're dead on the yes I am yes I Fold It Off probably the only person that died while they on sitting down look at this did we all make it no no he died but he di going up the ramp he survived all of that combat to stub his toe on the way up the ramp ready yeah for democracy yep okay you die okay yeah you know you die immediately yep huh well let's see what we got here way back in don't throw me in the hole reinforcing okay I can steer away from it wait just fall back it's really dark on the planet I could see oh okay he got one shot by that oh he did Itt neutralized he dropped an item what is this oh God oh my God was it a b swag what it says it's an orbal strike I thought it was an item it was a it was a [ __ ] oral [Applause] strike oh is that what we're supposed to use to destroy the building what probably Taco what what did you even kill me with oh God it's right on our heads yeah reinforcement dead what who died you just oh my God that was completely dumb ass dude how did you die J Anthony murdered me Dam that's [ __ ] up that wasn't even on purpose how was that not on purpose look at me I fa doing stract oh God that's hilarious I'm so sorry there he was right there he was what are you going to tell my wife child that I have back home I'm going to tell them the truth oh the tank is coming to me [ __ ] you [Music] tank then you is that a h throwing grenade whoa what happened wa did I don't take any damage from that you had the most massive I was flying and I don't think I took any damage oh you got the shield generator oh yeah you're Invincible now I saw some dude doing a hell dive solo with that thing well I just ran over a mine so it's not extraction is a kable oh [ __ ] sample ooh piece of candy got a sample ooh piece of candy he killed him with a shovel look at that he died but he killed him with a shovel that's so cool you see this this is a that is so hardcore this guy literally killed this guy with a shovel before he died next to a grave that's the most patriotic thing ever dude salute salute democracy f going God damn oh he's still alive oh what the hell hit me I fell down a hole I fell down a hole what what's going on I'm I'm in I'm underground you're under the ship am I under the sh I can't get out maybe yes I'm out okay I oh oh it's up there I thought it'd be down here cover me oh you jumped right in front of it said cover me don't shoot me I really need to clip that tank A4 A4 wake up wake up A4 you robot [ __ ] God speed salute this hero of democracy oh hell yeah God speed to you who would have expected this yeah here it comes ladies and gentlemen welcome to the hell divers 2 Championship League JD with a clutch going to die D it looks like we got another trador on our hands don't we oh look out what just happened yeah I found the Traer it's officer guys how do I get down from here look at her n is you'll be right I did it one it's fine I we have eight of 10 G so we're Gucci whatever look at where he's there goes my hero do you have a shield pack and do you want one I don't have one I don't even know what oh it's apparently going to land on me that's awesome great it's stuck why is it stuck to me my body is still bouncing it wasn't bouncing at all and then it just flew in the air for no reason stand extraction complete pelic one beginning Ascent okay I got [Laughter] you all right I'm so ready to throw this at a moment's notice hold on no Jeremy please don't no you the what's this going to do H what's going to happen no yes boys 360 dude I [ __ ] bounced I can't pick it up cuz there's so muching guns I know CHR stop way bro you [ __ ] come on come on we got go we got go we go I have all the samples I'm I Su flip bro toart launch in seconds War you areion oh my God what the wait I'm minut it I was wondering what was going on I was like stuck in the shuttle not a good start not a good start we're good we're good oh are you guys see skills oh okay are you dead yeah so a bug got down Mr President the other bugs with my nade I'm dead good oh that's a bomb that's a bomb do not shoot that oh wait never mind it's I got it's that what is that it's [Music] red I hate you iing hate you so much I [ __ ] hate you so much reload on go go go go wait it's a heavy one it might have I don't care I'm running I am running right now I'm running I'm running I'm throwing aade I'm running and I'm going for it I'm going for it t I don't care get hit by your own AR orbital strike I throw a down I threw a KN down we got it you have to do the other one I'm taking yeah I'm throwing down random [ __ ] by the way so if you're down here good luck it's just probably going to kill you uhhuh in an eagle they W you yet oh my God I'm going to Lop some nades at him on my way oh oh god oh no he outplayed me I had a grenade in my hand and he shot me and then I fell over and then I blew me up was that your grenade yes he knocked me over with a grenade in my hand we should get in the ship so he doesn't have time to spawn in I'm I'm in let's go let's go oh me in Stand get in get in Kevin I called in noral right get in no n you going Bor off bro we can't even get into the [ __ ] what the I can't [Laughter] move we got to make a tough decision how you dieing well I threw laser that's unfortunate he straight ditched you you called it back you got seven you didn't even say anything he didn't even say anything please there's the samples left go left I got the samples don't leave my god get on yes no hang on there's a guy get over to to your left yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's see what you got brother all right let see if we missed one on the back oh [ __ ] how are you still alive I was so nope reloading not working where's SL oh oh okay I might have Mis aimed that slightly slightly slightly how do I move this map around oh are you busted I'm trying to look [Laughter] my where am where am I where did [Laughter] you dude you're so far away give me a hug [ __ ] oh AR thrower it's like I I've heard that that's from XCOM [Music] arer no you killed us all you cut his head clean off like I'm telling you he was like raring back and it was just like a freaking Guillotine um yep the ship has flown away engaging terminal calling down supplies B it's it's B5 it's V5 oh I have to like place it okay B five is that it there we go a I had it reinforce I have air strikes too therey I killed I killed him all right let's go let's go let's take off let's take off you dumb ass I got a B my head yeah it's uploading something yeah you don't want to stay there oh my [Laughter] God okay we got four kills for that I thought I was going to get one oh eliminated byan hey you walked into it and I was so safe for the longest time oh my God oh this is a huge Hive over [Music] here kill a charger with a resupply pod by accident reloading oh nice jump thanks try [Music] it wow great turret firing right against the wall yeah they're not that smart 10 second Landing Zone I am so sorry I hit the Box dude samples here where the hell's the extract I got leted oh God oh God you got landed on do not let them sending down support weapon so remember sticky I deserve that I deserve 1,000% deserve that oh no oh no oh no C it oh my god oh no God b b b B B please start shooting any moment now oh my God I hate oh my God now it shoots now it shoots what [Laughter] I surpris there what the [ __ ] is going on with that guy did anyone else see that what the somebody oh [ __ ] is going on with that guy he's learned to fly I'm slipping and sliding watch this watch this watch this watch this oh no don't watch don't that is not what I [Music] meant oh never mind that was close don't mind me while I take 5 years to reload every single one of my weapons oh oh watch out watch out watch out calling in reinforcement get down Mr President are you come here give me a hug a genocide oh everyone's got to give me a hug my no no I don't want to hug from you anymore you're mean to me what the did that just oh it's on me no no no no please no my democracy is he going to explode I don't know you I'm just going to D down game so [Laughter] cool whip whip Paul whip charge Paul you better run what you you to see the robots my are you safe up here holy hey guys are we the villains look what we we just freaking I mean right we have to destroy okay oh my God you got H I didn't think it would clear us there stand clear I'm sorry guys I did a bad thing what did you do calling down a Sentry oh oh my God hell pod sent to the sky [Music] [Applause] bro
Channel: Zynxize
Views: 273,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, Helldivers 2 PC, Helldivers 2 funny, Helldivers 2 clips, top Helldivers 2 plays, best Helldivers 2 moments, top Helldivers 2 moments, Helldivers 2 best moments, Helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2, hell divers 2, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 how to, helldivers 2 random, helldivers funny, helldivers 2 top 100, helldivers 2 top 200, helldivers 2 lore, helldivers 2 best loadouts
Id: Irx2c2jDdHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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