HELLDIVERS 2 - Unwritten Rules

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today we're having a chat about the subtle art of how not to upset your teammates and more importantly how to make sure we start and end every game fighting the enemies of democracy not each other I realized I had encouraged everyone to go out and fraternize with one another without realizing some folks can be as oblivious as a blind man in a silent movie turns out common courtesy doesn't happen to be all that common I'd like to include a disclaimer here before we get this all started even I'm guilty of breaking a few of these rules from time to time so don't be too hard on yourself if you found out you've been doing something that's actually kind of prone to upsetting people this first one isn't all that unspoken but it's often forgotten about in the midst of all the chaos over and above all you finish the mission no matter what it takes or what risks are incurred side objectives are great destroying hives and factories are Sensational if you're out there doing it I'm proud of you but the main objective is what all of your success hinges upon it's valuable to bear in mind everyone has a slightly or majorly differing play style than yours they may not necessarily go about things in the same way you do I can't tell you how to play because that's your own preference and I don't want you to conform to a standard that I prefer I can however tell you some time marks to go off of this will allow you to better schedule hitting certain objectives in time if your team isn't necessarily helping it takes about a minute to a minute 30 to cross a standard map this is not factoring in things like combat obstacles heat exhaustion or trudging through snow those caveats will likely take up to two or even 3 minutes to get from one end of the map to the other most small outposts will take one or two minutes if it gets a little out of hand medium will take about three if it gets bad and large can be up between 5 to 8 timing out extraction can also get rough you'll want to start heading out at 5 minutes for the standard 2minute extraction if there is the modifier for increased call-in time you're going to want to head out at seven or so as it'll take four minutes to pick up now back to our regularly scheduled programming this one may be a point of contention to some of you but do your best not to find yourselves in matches you aren't able to handle now I know that sounds rough at first because it seems like this is advocating against testing yourself which is something I am on record as having encouraged in the past but hear me out here I'm going to give you an example to where this would be applied let's say you were playing on challenge in and you felt as if you were getting thrashed about relentlessly the whole game and you barely escaped with mission complete and your life I would actually advocate for you playing challenging again because you are clearly capable of winning we have established that difficulty as somewhere you can experience adversity and have your skills tested but you aren't overwhelmed and crumbling under the pressure I would tell you to stay away from moving up a difficulty until you had sufficiently mastered that current one for the purpose of today we're going to consider Mastery to be if you are good enough to do that mission alone never worry about struggling in a match either that happens to everybody whether they'll admit it or not it's an invariable experience we have all had the best places to hone our skills are in uncomfortable environments not impossible rage inducing ones you'll get better just by playing challenging things not necessarily ones that are Way Beyond your depth and feel like actual hell the following is mostly a warning if you're joining an SOS Mission because those people often require a lot of help if you go into an SOS Mission understand you are probably throwing someone on your back and carrying them out of there so you'll need to be capable of handling both yourself and another person one of the most impactful slip UPS you can make would be stealing one of your teammates weapons without permission this is probably the most egregious thing you can do apart from shooting him in the back of the head or her you know I don't judge uh you don't walk into your friend's bathroom and start using their toothbrush so why would you take their grenade launcher without asking it's pretty much the same exact thing most people customize their class to mesh well together if I gear my kid around smoking Chargers and someone takes my recoiless rifle and runs away with it I'm not saying I want the person to die I'm simply saying I may become significantly less interested in their overall well-being others may not be so subtle in how they communicate their displeasure if you really want a weapon that someone else has the best way to go about that is ask if you can have their next one or their old one once their strategy off of cool down I'd classify this rule as a whole to be the concept of don't piss on someone else's parade if someone wants to go quiet and that's not your style that's completely fine you don't need to go with them and be quiet just don't crash their party and go guns blazing right next to them respect that they want to take their own approach and don't pull a wave of enemies on top of them more often than not those people are the big lifters for for objectives anyway because they get in and get out in a Flash besides if a different teammate's going weapons hot in a blaze of glory they'll be more than happy to have a partner in that Venture and they'll likely need them a lot more anyway don't forget that blaz the glory guy can always be you that brings us on to some fight etiquette very important first point if you are stacked up in a fight and you are behind someone it is your job not to shoot them in the back it is not their job to be blamed if you hit them if they Sprint out of nowhere into your bullet stream that's entirely different that's on them it's also your job when grouped to handle the angles your partner cannot view typically two people are perfectly capable of handling 180° in front of them if they both cover one half of the split if you aren't next to each other and you are instead the person far behind them you can expect them to handle the area immediately in front of them and you will help clearing out anything that's working its way out of that danger area to their left or right I'll keep the friendly fire portion brief because obviously don't do it it's funny amongst friends in brief amounts every once in a while but do not do it around people you don't know more often than not it completely poisons the entire trust Dynamic your team has see to it that you are discussing supply drops and distribution it doesn't matter whose delusions of grandeur makes them think they are the best and most deserving everybody is entitled to one pull from the resupply Pod if you have extras then you can sort it out amongst yourselves but I know we have all been there when someone drops supplies and then Scoops everything up we're trying to avoid that this is something primarily solo players meet included should remember since we aren't used to sharing also speaking as someone who often separates to complete objectives alone as the person who branches off from the main group your job requirements include self-sufficiency resupply is reserved for the well-being of your three teammates who stayed together if you do ever find yourself alone it's a good practice to never start a fight that you can't finish especially if you've broken off from the main group because if you die all those samples that you had are now a massive distance away from you and your teammates I have been guilty of doing this in the past and will probably bite off more than I can chew in the future so don't worry too much about that sometimes it happens to the best of us at the end of the day this is still a democracy when it comes to extraction in choices made for the good of the team majority vote decid decides what happens if you find yourselves running into an impass often invest in the rock paper scissors emote and settle your disputes that way when it comes down to it these are guidelines more than they are words to live by you don't have to follow them to a tea to find success but if you don't want to draw the ey of your teammates these are the ways to avoid some of the biggest complaints I've seen people have I'll be honest after having articulated a lot of them this can be boiled down to exhibiting manners that people seem to be having all too little of these days I know I sound like a boomer when I say that I think it would surprise some folks to see how much good a humble please and thank you could do this world maybe my next video could be about how to deal with people who seem to be having less than an ideal time seeing if you can cheer them up or at least mitigate disaster or maybe I'll tell you about that time I pulled that guy out of the river and Florida in any case I'd like to thank you as always for sitting down and spending some time with me today hopefully you were able to learn something if you feel there's anything I have missed or that you have noticed because I couldn't have possibly gotten everything feel free to comment otherwise thanks again and have a good [Music] night
Channel: JebblesJr
Views: 79,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zgdW8-TF4LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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