Pro Hairdresser Rates Your Curly To Straight Hair Routine

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hi beautiful I'm back to rape more hair routines today we're raiding curly hair routines people blow drying their hair from curly to straight and/or flat ironing their hair and/or blow drying and flat ironing we'll see what happens today a lots gonna happen I am gonna be very very critical on these routines why you ask because it's more fun that way and honestly there's always room for growth with a hair care routine or with anything that is beauty so I'm gonna be hypercritical really be hard on these girls look at every single thing they're doing within their hair care routines and break it all down for you tell you why it's right why it's wrong we're gonna start with ten points on the board for each girl and every time one of these girls does something wrong or something that I think they could have done better with their hair care routines they're going to lose a point and out of the three girls you watch today we'll see which girl has the best hair care routine for curly to straight blow-drying and hopefully you'll learn a few things along the way let's do our first contestant on our game show today it's Gabriella great house and her video is called how to easy blowout blow-dry routine wet-to-dry salon quality tutorial she's claiming this is salon quality so it better be really really good should I be even more harder than her because of that title should I be I'm feeling a little bit mean tonight though you're in luck and let's get ten points on the board let's see how many points of those she can keep it throughout this video so today I'm jumping okay into the video I'm going to show you how I give myself the perfect salon blow-dry act off the bat we're working with you know wavy hair it's definitely an irregular wave some pieces that are very wavy some pieces that are kind of straight some pieces that are very curly her roots definitely look a little bit frizzy she's going to really need to work those roots in order to get a very good salon quality blowout she's going in with the detangler first let's see she detangles so I'm starting off with freshly washed hair and I'm going to go ahead and detangle my hair using a tamil teeth I love that I'm going to use a heat protector this is a must you guys we're off to a great start on now to evenly disperse this into my hair I'm going to brush my hair out once I'm using some coconut oil to give my hair some shine I love coconut oil it smells amazing and I made sure to apply only a tiny amount as I didn't want my hair to look oily okay so let's recap all of that so she did a lot of great things here so she first went in with the proper brush to detangle her hair if you know me you know that I hate when people use the incorrect brushes with say detangling people will go in with a ceramic or round brush to detangle their hair when it's wet and let's not do that any more about that because you're just not gonna detangle very good and it's just not good for your hair you're really pulling on those hair strands with those metal fibers so a tangle teezer is a great option for when you are detangling your hair then she's spray a heat protector in I'm and she really distributed that heat protection beautifully what he protect her does is kind of put a coating on the hair that way if the heat protectant is protecting the hair because it is putting a film sort of on the hair to protect it from heat damage then she went in with a brush again and kind of distributed that product through I always like to recommend to rush products through after you apply them that way you know it's getting on every single hair strand after that we've got a little bit interesting because she used coconut oil the thing is with coconut oil and I'm not a coconut oil scientist here I'm just telling you from my experience with coconut oil I feel like it actually doesn't hydrate at all what coconut oil does is trap in hydration and it doesn't allow for more hydration to come into the hair you know I would have liked her to prepped with say like an argan oil or oil that really gets sucked in by the hair and doesn't just leave a coating on the hair I know a lot of you probably love Coco and that's gonna be triggering for a lot of you but there's applications for it this isn't one of them for me so let's take off a point we're at nine points now again I'm being very critical let's keep watching to begin I start off by sectioning my hair taking a small section on the highest heat setting on my blow-dry really close to my hair completely dry I move down easing my hair through the brush yeah as you can see I feed my head down then I roll it back up and I do this repeated hold on completely satisfied with how it looks now to give my hair the perfect curls I roll the barrel all the way up and I clip it in place then I release the button and I've removed that handle whoa so she takes a section does something that I'm 100% gonna take a point out for it let's lose a point there and then I'll explain we're at eight points now this works me so much but she used the blow-dryer without a concentrator nozzle on it ah so it blow dryers right you see those little bars inside the blow dryer if you look down right in the blow-dryer there's usually like metal bars those things heat up so hot and what happens without a concentrator nozzle is you end up like putting the hair directly into those hot bars which ends up really like burning the hair and it's really not good for it the concentrator nozzle is there so it directs the heat perfectly throughout the hair strand and you get a really wide spread of hot air on the hair with a concentrator nozzle and you aren't gonna get that without it and you're also more likely to burn the hair without it oh when clients tell me they lost their concentrator nozzle and they don't use it at home I'm like get a new one you have to she does have great technique I didn't really love her sectioning I do wish she kind of went around her hairline first because what tends to happen is by the time you get to the front hairline um it's already dried and with curly or frizzy hair you want to really hit that hairline first while your hair is wet and more malleable otherwise you're going to kind of let your hair dry in that frizzy state and then your try and take that frizz out again and it's just not gonna work as well going on the hairline up here and back here first is the best idea you can do a halo section you guys know I love that section where you just take a perimeter section first but yeah I mean her techniques is awesome with the blow-dry I thought she did a great job with that it was very impressive that it's not easy to do then she left the round brush in the hair which is a cool technique and a lot of professional hairstyles do it I don't because I'm worried the brush is gonna get caught in the hair too much but she seems to have a really good grasp on how to do that and let's see how it comes out let's see what else she does whichever barrel I reach for is the one at very small sections not having a routine for instance only using the large barrels on the bottom section of my hair and the mediums on top means that the blow-dry looks effortless and I rather prefer it that way as I don't have enough barrels for all of the sections of my hair I remove a barrel from one section of the bottom of my hair and then I blow-dry another sections that seems like a lot of work completely blow-dried all sections okay because this isn't very practical I'm gonna take a point off right we've got a seven this just seems like such a waste of time to me if you look at her head she just has so much going on you saw the way it came out when she unraveled the curl did it look much different then before she left with a curler in her hair I just don't think it was needed or necessary or whatever it might give her a little bit more volume but there's just easier ways to do this I'm not a fan of leading brushes in hair I think it looks kind of weird and tacky but that's just me but you can use curlers you can use velcro curlers you can use regular curlers and those are much easier to apply in my opinion I like the way she is rolling the hair over the rollers instead of under this way she's gonna get a lot more volume this way then if she did it this way it would be depleting volume so that's great too now once I reach my baby has I blow-dry backwards in order to ensure that great technique completely straight and then I just wish she had a concentrator on there but the same previous steps and I clip it in place okay see how she put that roller underneath and raveled it up instead of going the hair we're the ruler she's gonna deplete all of that volume there maybe she wanted to do that though so I'm not gonna take a point off for that I don't think she was going for a really flat look here I think we were going for volume but we don't know that so I'm not gonna take a point off and I like the way she's blow-drying the hair up right here in kind of a smaller section and that way she gets a lot of volume here and she gets that really nice and blowout bang just definitely be careful with blow-drying the hair upwards because you'll get a lot of frizzing at the root three to five minutes she's now cooling down the hair hold and then I slip rate job be careful as this can be a little bit tricky this is why I don't do this so take little pieces of hair up first if this does happen until they have all come off oh my god this is triggering for me so I mean like I've probably done this once in my life where I will leave the brush and the hair and I think that one time I did it the brush wouldn't come out of this girl's hair and I was sweating dripping sweat down my face I was like how do I tell this girl I can't get the brush of her hair do you want to do I think that's why I hate the SEC Niek so much it's really scary you can really get brushes stuck in people's hair I stay away and now to finish off I just shake my roots and then I apply oh my god Wow and this is how I achieve my effortless salan blow-dry at home it was pretty it really was it was really pretty I do have critiques however obviously the coconut oil at the end not a huge fan I think she would be better off with something that is hydrating as well as styling and just adds a little bit more creamy texture I can always recommend my own products you can use electric rain by ex mondo really great for after blowouts and pre blowout and not weigh the hair down but add necessary moisture but you could tell that she had kind of no rhyme or reason for the perler she's set in her hair she said she was kind of just using whatever was available like she used a bigger curling rod here and a smaller one up here I mean it depends what kind of look we're going for but with this I probably would have tried to stick with always just the big ones or the small ones and in this case I really wouldn't do that it would just be that kind of a weird blow out it wouldn't really make any sense and if you want that really nice volumous a little bit of wave blow out with a lot of body you're gonna want to use you know big curling rods or big barrel brushes and the hair in this case I'm gonna take a point after that because you kind of had no rhyme or reason for what she did with those curlers I don't know what you call them and you could kind of tell on the end result it was kind of like an irregular wave but overall I think she did an awesome awesome job I think that she really has great technique and has a lot of experience of blow-drying curly hair I love the way she really got those roots and attacked them really got that frizz down do I think it could be better yeah everybody's routine could be a little bit better but it was pretty dope this is really hard to do if I had hair like that I probably wouldn't be able to do it so props to you Gabriela great job I think you did an amazing job but I'm just being critical so that is her score and we'll move on to our next girl let's see how she does next contestant on is your hair routine good is joy before her that is the channel and it is called my blow dryer routine new muse self haired stealth hair dryer okay let's put ten points on the board let's see how many points she loses before we're finished I haven't seen my hair straight and so long it's been over a year oh this is fun and I want to see my length and I also have a beat you hair i'm straightened or blown out with my new color the last time I straightened my hair was over what Oh ever since I went darker a little darker to light brown I still have some blond highlights we are starting off with curl / wave her hair is quite frizzy however most of the frizz is sort of concentrated towards the bottom of her hair whereas the top of her hair near the roots doesn't seem to be as frizzy which is great that's gonna be a lot easier for her to blow-dry because she doesn't have those really frizzy roots and let's see what else happens here shall we I haven't seen like this color so if you have natural curly hair like me I always recommend you prepare your hair before you put heat on it so I'll just get started I'm going to section my hair and then start blow drying almost like we'd be using the first fan speed and the hottest heat setting and to take a point on we are one minute and 50 seconds and past the intro and we're taking a point off you know why do you know why can you guess why because her hair is way too damn dry to be below drying right now with wavy curly hair hair that is kinky hair that is a little bit frizzy don't blow dry it if it's more than 70% dry don't do you want to work with it a bit more wet than when you're working with straight hair the hair is a lot more malleable when it is wet you're gonna be able to really pull that curl out really nice and taut and get that heat in there very close and get it really straight when it's wet or damp but when it's dry it's gonna be a lot harder for you to get that curl out and get rid of that frizz the blow it just doesn't last as long unless you get the heat in there when it's really wet but at least she's using a concentrator nozzle I'm happy with that okay so starting off what I do is I've not much suction going on here Glee on my hand we're taking up a point for that because it's like cooking of terrible use a halo section or just section how nicer that leaves her with eight points and I try to use some tension by pulling the brush away from my head and bringing the nozzle to my hair and close to the brush okay guys so here's the thing I'll be honest with you I have never been good at blowouts it's just not something that I like to do so she said that she's not good at blow-drying she knows that I'm gonna have to disagree with her this technique is quite advanced in my opinion um she is going really close to those roots she's directing and the blow-dryer down so all that frizz gets pushed the back of her hair and it leaves the top of her hair with a very smooth shiny finish I think she's doing a great job her sections are way too small I must say she's wasting her time there and for that I'm gonna take a point off because we're being very critical god you're just wasting so much time please the thing is when you have a better foundation when you section correctly when you are taking large enough pieces and not too large of pieces when you're doing all these things correctly your blow-dry routine will go by a lot faster alright so making sure that you sections are nice a little bit less than an inch thick I mean it really depends on what kind of hair you have but for her probably like a little bit less than an inch wide section three-quarters of an inch is probably good and then working within the length of the brush is best that way you can work those individual sections for a longer period of time and you're just gonna get a faster result that way it's gonna be a lot more precise and even if you're taking the same sections on each side you know what I mean there's definitely not a lot of thought going into it the way she's sectioning which is stressing me up Oh Ruffy err alright um all right all right okay all right those are really small sections were taking she didn't tell us if she prepped the hair with any kind of serum or cream or you know styling product so I'm gonna take a point off that I totally forgot about that for a second because I was paying attention to her blow-dry technique but that leaves worth a 6 here and I just feel like her hair looks very dry and like there's really no shine to it because she isn't using any of the proper products you know with a blow-dry I like to use a styling product with a heat protectant you can use glitterati and then I like to use a cream product so with a lot of hydration you can use electric rain for that I mean it's really up to you you can add products here and there you can put some oil on the ends of her hair definitely the next time please wrap your blow-dry with the proper products that will help this process go by so much faster it'll make your blow up so much smoother my little secret is to use dry shampoo you can use mine it's called Club kid dry shampoo it'll be released on January 17 which will make your blow-dry last twice as long I love to do that on clients it's such a great little secret because when your oils come out of your scalp they're quickly absorbed by of you a bit of powder from the dry shampoo and it makes your blow it lasts so long and it really lasts like twice as long unusual so dry shampoo after a blow-dry awesome check out club kid it's link below we're going at it girl I mean I mean she's giving it a try you know at least she's trying you have to give her a round of applause for that come on I mean I'll take it man at least you tried and we're using some kind of oil serum when I blow-dry my hair I like it to have some body rather than it being totally totally straight what happened oh oh oh what happened here these ends look rough I'm gonna go ahead and say it let's take a point offering that I don't know what we're at anymore but this is what we're not I think I think we're at like a five or so Jesus okay why don't I tell you guys what I think you should have done here so I think where we went wrong is majorly the sectioning mainly the products that she didn't use she didn't spend enough time working each section it's really important to follow that blow-dryer and brush all the way down the hair to the ends and really focus on those ends that is the part of the hair that is usually the most difficult to get smooth because it is the oldest part of your hair it's been to the most it has the most damage it just needs extra love and care and the proper products I can't stress that enough it's not much good about this blow-dry oh I'm sorry you you're a beautiful woman but the blow-dry ain't it you can do the Farrah Fawcett thing just make sure it's smooth and nicely blown out you know we all have our own styles and I appreciate that a few yet that's your style I'm gonna leave her when I think five points on the board that is your score you got crushed by the first contestant but that's okay we learned something from this video ah maybe what not to do with a blow dryer maybe let's move on and our last and final contestant is Mariam Hampton good luck to you we're all rooting for you Miriam yaar besides me full curly to straight natural hair routine and cleanse condition blow dry flat iron that's quite the title I have to give it to you you would win if it was a competition for the longest title alright let's watch what she does to her curly hair to get it nice and straight and flat ironed or whatever the hell she's doing let's check it out after I let my hair air dry for a few hours I will go ahead and start with the blow-dryer before I show me your hair process I always make sure to use a heat protectant and today I'm gonna be using the damage remedy protected girl we made to repair and protect hair from heat styling okay so she has been beautiful locks oh they're so pretty I am obsessed with her hair I don't even think she should be blow-drying it I want to see how long this hair gets that is what I'm most excited about I feel like it's gonna be down here and it's gonna be just so she is prepping the hair with a sort of cream heat protectant which i think is so perfect for her this is awesome I just love cream products when you're going for styling coat the hair better they last longer I think oils are awesome too but more use at the bottom of the hair rather than all over Duke oh god I just finished speaking and I looked over and there was just something going wrong already and you maybe you know what it is by now she's not using a concentrator nozzle why is this the world we live in if we're not using concentrated nozzles I don't want to be part of this world um no I do actually it's fine she has ten points she lost one that brings her down [Laughter] we're knocking off another point here we're down to eight you know why do you want to know why she is taking the blow-dryer with no nozzle and just holding the hair strands out and blow-drying I understand that she's going for a fast method here it's just not an effective way to blow-dry hair like this in my opinion again this is all subjective your you can have your own opinion here I mean I'm guessing she's gonna go in with a flatiron after you're not gonna ever get a good smooth flat ironed result if you're not taking the time to first blow-dry with a proper brush you're never gonna get all those roots completely straight unless you spend literally three hours when you could just spent a little bit of extra time blow-drying and then spend way less time flat ironing also you guys I forgot to mention before but with curly hair I highly recommend a natural bristle brush I like to use the Ibiza brushes a lot with curly hair they give you a lot of tension a lot to work with when pulling out the hair it really really gets that grip on there and get right in the roots really easily it's great for natural curly hair because it's gonna really smooth the hair down a lot and tame that frizz and encourage a lot of shine in the hair she's going in with that oh listen the girl's hair blow dries nicely you can tell okay so she is going in combing it brushing it out then going right up cyber and holy Sh she's holding it that for a long time not just stressed me out and we're going down slowly it's the [ __ ] I love to see I love to see that wow that was great so she went really slow with the flat iron I made a video about how to flat iron hair properly this was one of the things I said people do the most that is incorrect is straighten the hair superfast just go right through it in reality you're gonna have to do more passes that way when you could just be doing one long slow pass and had it be twice as effective I like this size flat I aren't using too it's not too small it's not too large it's gonna be great for a really really long hair anything larger than that I feel like the heat just isn't distributed properly I have to say though I feel like she's just not getting her route very well even though she's really holding it there it still looks like it's quite frizzy I feel like this flattery needs to be a lot hotter or she needs more product you should definitely be getting a little bit of steam coming from the Flatiron if you're using the proper amount of products product just burns off a little bit creates a little bit steam when it's sort of working in my opinion I don't know if that's a scientifical fact but I always seem to get better blow dryers and better straightening when it has a little bit of steam coming off I see a little bit happening there she can afford to really glob on the product because she has curly hair and curly hair is a lot more dry than say straight hair it's gonna be very dry and it's very long so it's even more dry so being heavy-handed with that product at first will be great for her hair okay so there's definitely some frizz there still definitely not as straight as I would have liked to see it she's gonna have to lose the point here she needs a lot more hydration in there it would have been a lot easier you straighten if she had more moisture in there and more product so now the first girl and Miriam are tied for seventh let's see if she loses any more points for her styling techniques maybe they might tie okay so we see a little bit of steam coming off there that's great okay I like that I might not be able to see the steam because it's on a white background that's the other thing so don't come for me but god her hair is so long and luxurious and beautiful oh I love to see it I really do and I love that she's following the brush with her Flatiron that's a great way to make sure that all the tangles are out before the Flatiron hits otherwise if you don't brush the hair and follow the brush with the Flatiron you're gonna end up actually flat ironing those knots that you have into your hair and it's not gonna be good and it's gonna create a lot more frizz so make sure it's very combed out before you go through it with honor oh dude her hair is so pretty though oh it's so long and luscious oh we're giving a little trim now okay yeah I mean she could definitely use like a good like two inches off that if those ends I think it'll be really beneficial for her it's quite pretty I don't know how much more I can say I wish those ends were more polished is it bad no is it great no it could use a lot more shine maybe like a shine spray to finish it off we're using a cream here I think it's beautiful but those roots man I don't know so at the end of a blow dry like this or a straightening process I really like to take a comb and just pick up a paper thin section at the root and get really in there and get it really straight because that is the place that people see the most and you want to make sure that root right here is so smooth and beautiful and that was just not done here I'm gonna take a point off the bat leaving her at a sex scandal scandal scandal Oh scandalous scandalous okay so that was Mary Ann's straightening routine was it awesome no what is it the worst no think she looks great I think she's adorable I think she's so pretty and obviously I'm being a very hard critic today but that leaves her with a six so that means that miss Gabriela our first video we watched today she has today's best hair care routine for going from curly to straight hair there were just a few different things she could have improved on but overall it was a great job she did congratulations you win absolutely nothing bragging rights you know you get bragging rights I enjoyed that I love watching people of different haircare routines and just seeing how different people take care of their hair I think it's quite interesting hope you guys find it interesting too and maybe you can learn a thing or two from this video on how to improve your own hair care routine and like I said earlier I do have dry shampoo coming out with my brand X mondo and I'm so excited you guys have been asking for dry shampoo for so long dry shampoo is one of my favorite products ever something I use all the time on literally everybody so you can check out the product specs below with the link to my website and our product will be on sale officially tomorrow January 17th so get your hands on it and you'll love it and don't forget to follow me on instagram at brad mondo NYC and on twitter and i'm tik-tok if you really want to I can follow my hair care brand X amount of hair for new product updates as soon as they come out thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to live your extra eye and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,614,403
Rating: 4.899147 out of 5
Keywords: Pro Hairdresser Rates Your Curly To Straight Hair Routine, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresser, reacts, brad&eric, haircare routine, hair routine, curly hair routine, curly hair, curly to straight hair, straight hair routine, morning routine, night routine, hair, how to, beauty, haircare, tutorial, makeup, hair tips, healthy hair, shampoo, long hair, salon, fashion, at home, hair care tips, diy, hair color, hair care routine for damaged hair, washing hair, hair care routine, damaged hair
Id: P9bTEZBxGcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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