My Secret To Perfect Air-Dried Hair

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hi beautiful you look fabulous well you look fabulous every day nothing new here thank you for being here though you might be a seasoned vet on air drying your hair perfectly you might be like Brad I already know everything there is to know about air drying my hair maybe not after today you might also be that girl or that guy who says no no no no no no no my hair gets frizzy its unruly it gets nasty I don't have any wave pattern I made her tell you today that you aren't wrong anybody and everybody can air dry their hair and still have a look beautiful glossy shiny wavy and did I say perfect well perfect of all my years doing hair I've never come across one single person who can't be taught how to air dry their hair properly effectively and still have it look fabulous and gorgeous with absolutely no heat and very very little effort now this whole process involves having the right products and the right technique if you're not using products to air dry your hair that's so embarrassing I feel bad for you and if you are and you're not getting the right effect you're looking for maybe you're not using the right products and maybe you don't have the right technique we're gonna review my three easy ways to air dry your hair and we're also going to review my three favorite products to air dry your hair and things are gonna get spicy so by the end of this video you'll be able to give yourself those perfectly flawlessly defined speech waves at home if you're ready I'm ready let's get into it I want to preface this video by saying a few things to start these three three techniques can be used on any hair type or texture it's up to you to try the three of them and see which one works best for you some people might really hate one of these things it might really not work for your hair type but I'm pretty confident all three of these will work for any hair type or texture from my experience it has but hey I've been proved wrong before and now to really begin today we're talking about a brand new X mondo product and if you follow us at ex mono hair on Instagram you've seen it already and you know is fabulous it is called salty sea salt spray she is so beautiful and we just look so cute together like Hello we on the cover of Vogue with salty did we kill it together it is this beautiful pink color of course you know with the fabulous silver finish but you know what it's not about the bottle that counts it's about what's inside the bottle now I want to quickly highlight the products I'll be using today and salty is one of them now salty is formulated with water from France yes imported water from France because we want that very beautiful saltwater we also combined one of our favorite oils boba oil in two of the ingredients that way this sea salt spray doesn't dry your hair out too much that drying effect gives you amazing texture and that is why sea salt spray is so loved by people we made sure our formula wasn't too drying and also had a little bit of nutrients with those oils inside of it to help it stay a little bit moisturized and another product we'll be highlighting today is wavetech I know a lot of you guys already have it and thank you I appreciate everybody who have supported it is our number one product right now the reason why I wanted to bring up these two at the same time right now is because there is some confusion not a lot but some confusion on what the difference is between the two of these products now just review wavetech is a wave forming product you can use this on your existing curly hair or wavy hair people have 4c hair very very tight coily hair have uses product and found great results people with straight hair and also use it to give themselves a bit of wave now this waving product it does an amazing job at forming new wave and defining existing wave however it has very very little hold it'll define your wave it'll keep your wave there but there won't be any sort of texture it'll still be very soft which I know a lot of you guys absolutely love that and I do too it's gonna keep your hair bouncy there give me absolutely no crunch and you're gonna get those amazingly defined beach waves that you've been dying for with absolutely no frizz and you don't have to use heat with it now personally I use both of these products together pretty much all the time I start with wave tech and finish with salty that way I get that extra wavy wavy beachy beautiful look however the other differences are that this one adds a lot of sure this one's gonna keep your hair very bouncy and smooth and salty will give you a little bit more of a windswept kind of look a little more disheveled a little more textured a little more of that surfer girl kind of look but wave Tech will give you a more soft everyday kind of style now because wave Tech is a foam product it's not as good for on-the-go moments just because like if you actually are at the beach you want to put foam on your hand and then like scrunch your hair yeah that's kind of like a lot but with salty it is a spray it is a very fine mist you can bring it on the go with you it's very easy to use and throw your hair up in a bun let it down how to be wavy it's just a really easy product and very user-friendly I prefer to use salty on the go and wavetech at home but overall both amazing products that can be used together or separately and we'll go over more that later those are the two main products I'll be using today that I want to highlight because they are gonna be very important to making these looks last and work properly tools needed for this your hands some good products wide toothed comb is great and if you really want to be extra a few clips you don't need a lot but they are good to have for natural styling literally anybody could do this now why don't we bring in my model for today it makes many quick and let's do the first look Quinn thank you being here and being my friend we're in love with each other but I think she actually loves me with the don't become too attached as many men cuz one day I'm gonna throw you away but I love you thank you very much being in my videos with me as you can see her hair is air drying pretty quick that's just because her hair has a lot of chemicals in it for these looks I would definitely make sure your hair is prepped and washed and clean and ready to go but also just make sure that your hair is not dry I would also say that if your hair tends to be very frizzy make sure you're starting off with your hair quite wet like 95% wet and like just slightly towel dried real quick on those ends just so it's not dripping but you do want to be pretty wet when you are doing natural hair styling what will happen with the towel is you'll get a lot of frizz now if you really do want to tell dry your hair a lot try using a microfiber towel that will help decrease the amount of frizz you add with the towel also try using a paper towel I know kind of weird but when I've done perms I've used paper towels to dry their hair that way it doesn't get at all frizzy grab some paper towels and really scrunch with it and it tends to not rough up the cuticle or get any frizz in the hair so important that you prep your hair correctly for these hairstyles don't scrub your hair with a towel don't ever do that but especially not when you're doing a natural hairstyle like this as you can see she has a cute little tiny wave pattern going on that's her natural hair if it air dries it's pretty straight but we are going to manipulate that now everybody's hair has a little bit of wave if you say no Brad my hair is super pin straight there's my like 1% of people who have really in straight hair most people do not I have maybe seen like one person two people in my whole life that have naturally pin straight hair everybody has a tiny bit of a wave pattern I would comb out your hair very gently not with this well with a wide tooth comb maybe even wider than this would be better for you but just comb it out get those knots out and this is how we're going to prep for all of these styles just getting those knots out not stressing the hair too much not putting too much effort into the comb just making you look nice on the top less is more with a natural hair styling we're gonna call this first method the scrunch method oh my god that's groundbreaking Brad I've never scrunched my hair before shut up even if you scrunch your hair before you probably aren't doing it correctly for this first method we are using wavetech we are also using salty I always apply wavetech with a comb it's just so much easier this way you don't get on your hands wavetech is a very airy foam I feel like it's just more effective when you use a lot of it it smells so divine Japanese cherry blossom bergamont white butterfly Jasmine it is the most delicious smell ever what I'm doing is just combing this through the top of her hair I'm also going to just section off a little bit underneath here and make sure the product is distributed underneath her hair as well as on top check it out a little bit more I always just do like four pumps and honestly it's gonna look like you just shampooed your hair and didn't wash it out that's when you know you used enough of this you know don't be shy to use ton of this product do you hear this that's when you know you put enough wavetech in and we're gonna do the same thing all around our head just going on the underneath beautiful application all the product is raked through the hair this will work for people with 4c very curly hair now I wouldn't necessarily comb it all through like I just did you can actually just do it with your hands and just get it through your hair you do not have to comb it through I like to work in four quadrants so that's from ear to ear and down the middle of the back pick up her hair and scrunch it we're getting way of already you see that we're just being gentle with it though we're not like like that's how girls do it and it drives me not still get better waves with less frizz if you're more gentle with it so we're gonna go all the way to the ends with that same technique and just adding texture there's no frizz at the top and if there is please get it down before it air dries because that will not be cute again wavetech is going to give you very very light hold but it's going to define your waves I know that's kind of a weird mixture like it doesn't have hold but it also defines but once you use it you'll understand if your hair isn't sort of turning out like this you can go in and take pieces wrap them around your finger take it off your finger like this and drop it down see how to find that wave is now that will work on a pin straight hair so easy so chill sometimes I like to combine both of those techniques or I scrunch it then maybe in the front I will give her something nice to find waves or I won't do this at all I'll just scrunch the whole thing that's looking splendid I love it now let's do the next one we're going up scrunch down ring up scrunch down I love the way it looks I don't think it needs a lot more I think it's pretty chill but we can always just fake having a little bit more wave with just a few of these on top I want you guys to love your natural hair I really do that is my goal today I know it's possible for everybody to love their natural hair [Music] this looks perfect to me there's no frizz she has beautiful definition around her face and it is a great beachy look so you guys could totally leave it there and let it air dry or you could do one last step I like to use these little flat slips like this or you can use any kind of clip really I'm gonna use these today because it doesn't leave a crease in her hair if you guys are lacking volume and you really want to add some volume in there easily check out electrified it'll be linked below it's my volumizing foam it is incredible can't stress that enough holy it gives you so much volume ok now that her hair is all pinned in place let's let her air dry and I'll come back and show you how to finish off the look and she's back so you can tell that she has this volume still also this beautiful wave it looks stunning she has a very natural wave this is not going to look like you use a curling iron sometimes people think natural wave is ugly I personally think it's beautiful it's very irregular as you can see there is a beautiful amount of shine there's no frizz and her wave is beautifully defined all over however I want to kind of finish this off a little bit more with a few products I am going to add some salty in here to give her a little bit more peace eNOS it looks pretty it's really soft but I want to add more texture and more definition to these waves because that's how I like it so I'm just gonna spray this and just scrunch see how this is just adding that extra bit of definition we were lacking I'll do one side can also spray your hand then used on the hair beautiful that is what it looks like with salty in there now it'll dry just like that if you let it it'll help define the look and that is the before again and this is the after again as you can see it's a lot more defined even more than before and salty really emphasize the way we put in there previously with wavetech again they work amazing together [Music] that is some beautiful natural wavy hair I'm going to throw in some BDSM balm this is a very hydrating very high shine very light hold balm so it's gonna be great for defining naturally curly hair or hair that you just made curly with some wavetech and salty sea salt spray gonna put it on my fingertips and just go in on those areas where I want extra definition which is typically the ends because they are dry and this is our finished look I love it for a girl who would naturally have straight hair if it air dried by itself to go from straight hair to this is amazing it's so beautiful and that was the scrunch technique now let's move on to the next technique which is the twist technique we have her sister Miss Minnie Quinn they're twins and they do have very similar names I will admit it but very different people as you can see she has this gorgeous split tone color going on and she's about to get some natural waves on this very straight hair is one of the three favorites of mine we're gonna be prepping with wavetech again the same way we just did previously so let's do it okay so she's now loaded up with wavetech as you can see you got a lot of weight picking it now let's start on the front of her head I am going to split this quadrant in half just like that and we're gonna work down here first what we're gonna be doing here is twisting the hair now this twisting method will give you much more defined waves that are very coyly whereas our first technique is going to give you very irregular very different sorts of waves on the entire head this will give you similar waves on the entire head all around now let's take two strands let's twist and twist we're twisting each separate piece together and then twisting them together a lot of people have natural hair are like yeah it's really easy and we're getting a lot of wave tech in that bottom so that stays very nicely put and it'll just stay like that now we're gonna do that same thing on this section above and feel free to do bigger sections if you want larger waves or do smaller sections if you want really tight small waves and that is our two side sections I'm going to repeat that on all four sections so at the end we're gonna have eight sections in total all twisted up and if you're having trouble with your hair staying and it's really short like it is back here you can totally use a dual chrome clip to keep them in place it really doesn't need to be like completely flawless have fun with it guys hair is about having fun and learning the more you do it the better you get at it alright let me finish this off very quickly we're gonna make me go a little faster ready one two three alright so we're at the last section and I just wanted to review kind of how to do this one more time because I've actually gotten better at it the more I've done it right now so only one hand is ever doing the twisting the other hand is just passing the hair along okay so the entire head is now all twisted up it should look something like this now miss Manny Quinn is gonna go and air-dry oh she's done air drying her bangs look gross let's just comb those out and ruin the rest of her hair at the same time okay they look great now so let's quickly undo all this take these clips out so I did one side because I wasn't patient enough where he is a wide toothed comb and I am actually is going to call me out now it is going to be a little crazy at first but it's your job to reform those waves now people with naturally curly hair your hair will come out different than this it'll probably be a little less strain at the ends with the very wavy top but I really dig this look that's happening right now now we lost a little bit of definition down here as you can see is really poofy we have really nice waves right here and it's really poofy we're gonna fix that by using some VIPRE oil I'm gonna use quite a bit of this and we are going to go in through the ends and add back that definition this is going to a piece together the waves and add more hydration get rid of that little bit of I wouldn't call it frizz but the waves kind of got detach from each other which cause the frizz but it's not exactly like your typical frizz that is adding in the same amount of shine my oil the thing I love about it is that it really dries into the hair it's not going to leave a nasty slippery greasy mess on your head it's really going to get inside of the hair and really penetrate and hydrate from the inside out oh she looks so good so this definitely gave her more of a crimped really intense wave but it is so frickin pretty the more I play with it in my hands you see the more the wave is being released and it's getting a little bit flatter and she's getting less of that really like poufy wave and more of a soft to find look and I just think it looks so amazing so please if it doesn't come out perfect like right away sometimes just takes a little bit of work with your hands to get it into the shape you want it to be in it's all about like sculpting and the hair the way it wants to be sculpted be good to your hair and your hair will thank you that was beautiful that was also just so damn easy let's continue on to the last and final technique which is the bun technique another super simple one let's do it so I actually just found out that Miss Minnie Quinn is actually a triplets or other other sister Miss Minnie Quint and they all have the same name so what we're gonna do for this last and final technique is we're gonna use salty to prep the hair and we're going to get it all over underneath on top everywhere now that we got that all done we're just going to section out to the top and the bottom of her hair right above the ear just kind of messy it just like is that with our fingers is perfect boom so we have now this section we're going to comb it out now if you have curly hair naturally you don't have to comb it out you can just twist it gently and then twist it into a bun clip the end not making anything too tight or too perfect now with this top section I'm going to bring all of the hair to the top of her head basically like we're doing a top knot [Music] so now we have this section all up here we're going to divide right on the top of the ear another section this is our second section make sure there's no knots in there and we're gonna do this same thing just a very easy chill button now you can do more than three sections if you have longer hair that's totally fine and that is the look it's like how to Mohawk with buns maybe a little bit higher maybe but that's fine we're gonna let this air dry now and I'll be back to show you guys the results and how to finish this look okay she is all dry now and we're ready to take out the pins and see what we have going on this is our last and final look let's drop down and do do reveal oh this might be the prettiest one of all sorry we're gonna say it this is beautiful okay you might not get it right now but it's gonna be beautiful in a second let's drop down the front it's gorgeous and also guys if you have a lot of hair please do more sections in this cuz it does take a long time to dry or wear it overnight so honestly I would just look like this and shake my head but we're gonna take her off and do ever give her a real good shake just like this so I just put in a little bit more salty on her and it's just because I want to be a little bit more defined and then I let it air dry again for another half hour it was still a little bit damp and it wasn't how I wanted it so now we have this beautiful wave and as you can see a lot more of volumous than any of the other looks we've done so you're getting this amazing volume at the top because we over directed all the hair to the top of her head if you're getting amazing volume and lift at the root so if you're a lacking volume this is a great way to naturally style your hair I like this look it looks pretty you could totally leave like this gorgeous fabulous but I want to finish it off with again a little bit of BDSM this is going to definitely help define these waves a little bit more you know we can break up some of these waves so they don't look as Frenchy and it's really not crunchy in person salty is just designed to give you those beautiful tow souls beach waves and a little bit more texture like I mentioned before so this is definitely the person who loves that really rock or cool hair so let's add a little bit BDSM Bom my favorite styling aid for wavy hair or curly hair also just keep on pulling out some of these waves I'm just kind of raking my hands through and pulling on bottom with the BDSM balm and I think that is exactly where I want to leave it I think she looks divine like and this is the finished look as you can see I feel like it is the most natural looking wave at the mall it is definitely very much a beach wave and that is exactly what salty sea salt spray gives you it gives you that summer hair look like you just got out of the water and let it air dry and it is so pretty I mean it's still so soft and bouncy very shiny and healthy yay that's the last look I love it so much so those were my three techniques on air drying hair wavy or curly flawlessly I hope you can try at least one of those techniques on your own hair or all three of them and see which ones you like the best maybe like all of them maybe you only like one of them I would love to see how it goes if you try any of these looks make sure you tag me on either Twitter Instagram anywhere I'll probably see it and I can't wait to see how you guys do with these techniques that was a lot of waving man I feel wavy now I feel like I'm waving out I better go wave myself to sleep and if you guys would like to purchase any of the ex moto products they are linked below assault E is officially available today for purchase at ex moto hair comm and I'm so excited for you guys get your hands on it and that is all for today guys don't forget to follow me on Instagram Twitter tic toc at brat mondo NYC and check out my facebook page and at my snapchat show under rad mondo that's my man and that is all for today thank you guys so much for watching and don't forget to leave your extra life and I will see you next time bye guys this is wave tech wave phone if you have dull lifeless hair you have no wave in your hair or you have a ton of wave but your hair is really frizzy and the wave doesn't stay very well this is for you it's also amazing for those of you with straight hair who want a natural-looking wave and don't want to use any heat tools
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,587,865
Rating: 4.9148293 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, hair, hair tutorial, air dry hair, My Secret To Perfect Air-Dried Hair, air dry, curly hair, how to, air dried hair, beauty, beach waves, natural hair, curly, curls, bumble and bumble, dry, tutorial, how to air dry your hair, how to air dry, haircut, airdry, air dry hair without frizz, hairstyle, style, curly hair routine, drying, air drying, air drying technique, hair tips, waves, hair dye, hairstyles, hair cutting tutorial, Short hair
Id: -J4CisitHTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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