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there has come a time where boy turns into man where Brown turns into blonde where hair cuts are made and that is here on brat mandos YouTube channel and if you are trying to see a makeover a boy a little tiny boy if you are trying to see a tiny weak insignificant puny little boy Jane into a man today piece of dirt underneath your shoe turn into something a little more recognizable thanks Fred I didn't know what would it be when I first said it puny tiny piece of dirt that it was talking about yeah thanks thanks Robi supportive sister listen it's the least I could do for you why don't you get on camera a little bit maybe that will help oh hey brah sure thanks for coming back thanks for having dude Eric mondo sister mondo is here sister mondo and we're ready finally to give Eric a makeover and a lot of you guys have requested it for a long long time long time long time long time a lot of you guys have requested for a long time that I give Erica hair makeover and believe me I have wanted to for so long but Eric is a little scared little color and he's never done anything crazy drastic different amazing substantial I haven't caught my hair since like very young very young and he only just like highlights meetings over so today today is getting a whole new color and I'm thinking we might look a little more similar by the end of this video throw in a key oh there it goes over the cliff there goes so what's gonna happen today is when we call we're doing the haircuts and then I'm gonna give Eric a fashion makeover honey everything and also in between around town we're gonna be answering questions you guys gave us on Instagram yeah if you guys haven't followed us on Instagram brahmano NYC Eric mondo under hello see ya and then all your merchants make LLC alright so let's get started on your hair color let's do it let's jump into it shove it so here's the game plan for Eric's color I'm gonna be using big 9 by guy tank it is honestly my favorite thing to lighten with I've been using for everything dull processes foils valio everything because I like the way it doesn't crumble it stays creamy it is just a great consistency we want to go and it lightens a lot it'll lighten your black hair too blondie and then I mix it with 30 volume and olaplex which is gonna bring them 30 volume down to a 20 because it brings it down one level of lift when you add olaplex in so I just mix it the recommended ratio which is one to one and a half with developer and then of course the same mixing ratio for olaplex okay so great boring stuff out of the way and of course I'm using my beautiful this is not sponsored by anybody I'm using today but they just send me this stuff and look how pretty this bull is very pretty and this brush and wait till you see my foils amazing tonight they're so gorgeous and their ombre pink and blue foils Oh like frame art thank you so much because these are amazing and I'm obsessed the spray bar if you guys are a professional hairstylist out there and you guys are looking for some good some good to do hair color with go to frame iron for sure okay so basically what's gonna be going on here is I'm gonna be foiling every single piece of Eric's longer hair whoo that way the hair incubates and we get those ends really nice and light before we go and hit the root and so we're just gonna take really small sections we're just gonna foil what these gorgeous coils but I'm really excited to use whoa wow this is what I'm gonna be doing for the entire top of the head just like that but I'm nervous so we get guys the goal here is not to get it close to his root because we're gonna be doing that after this but that is my first boil it's just a simple old foil and leaving the root out for now because we're gonna go back and do all that out so I'm gonna go really fast and just do this entire top half and boom ah that's one side of Eric's head complete as you guys can see we got some satisfying foil work going on there and we got pink and blue foils that are so pretty and they're all braids and I'm so excited about them and I'm gonna work on the other side now do it let's do it okay so that is the entire foil section complete look how satisfying that is there's nothing I like better than like good foils besides clearly better but I don't talk about it as you can see I did really really really small sections really fine hair because you want that bleach to penetrate the entire section of hair you're doing if you take two biggest sections you'll get spotting and make sure you layer on that bleach very heavy when you're doing foils like this for a table process because mean that bleach to penetrate the entire foil okay we do not want bleed marks we do not want spotting that is not cute and if you don't get enough bleach on the hair it'll just end up yellow and that's not cute so he is incubating it is lightening currently obviously and then I'm gonna hit all of this and the roots in between all these foils and we're gonna process that whole thing for probably like 45 minutes to an hour and then when I rinse it off see what we got and work from there let's do it [Music] so we're now all done we're both sweating to death and we're gonna know I wouldn't process once these boils are nice and pale yellow like the inside of a banana we're gonna pull them out we're gonna run everything through the comb we're gonna make sure it's all distributed evenly there's no spotting there's no noting that everything's perfect and beautiful and blonde and platinum it's gonna take a little while Eric's hair is a little stubborn it's definitely not like mine it mine Layton's way faster than his butt so yeah we'll be back once eric is all washed and done and then we'll maybe like do a toner we'll see what happens after that this burns okay Eric hasn't seen himself yet obviously I'm nervous but he couldn't wait until I always got with the haircut and everything to see it he wanted to see it now so let's shut it three two whoa all right let me explain the color you guys so Eric does have a really dark face like he's like a level six like even like close to a five so it is much much harder to light into my hair but I mean look how even this color is you guys look at dad I'm speaking thank you sweetie sorry I'm obsessed with that we're gonna do a little haircut a little haircut really neat boy we're gonna answer some questions you guys asked us on Instagram also what I'm doing is haircut so let's do that let's get to it and transitions all right questions first one how does it feel to be two of the fattest oh oh it's joke let me jump feels good feels pretty good yeah pretty legit all right when you bleach your hair doesn't hurt it burns mine doesn't burn don't have it sensitive scalp I don't feel anything I guess I have a very sensitive skull because mine was burning for about three hours and we typically I'll do anything but sometimes I do this Rashmi and Illume 92 it's actually not a question it's a sentence here's German sentence for your read out loud do be shown I don't - it says you're a beautiful dubious did you are and then shown is beautiful Brad this one's for you what are some tips to get through beauty school I would say just do it as fast as you can and like do the faster program like usually schools offer faster situation and the slower one and just girl get it over with good done okay done work hard party hard as they say and just like oh don't miss any days sometimes it's fun sometimes it's rough you'll be quiet alright here's another one can you die Eric's hair in the next video the answer is yes yes did you feel competitive with your brother growing up no I never did either shout out to my mother Jane I mondo and my father who does not have a handle they were really good about not comparing us to each other and allowing us like be ourselves just encouraging us to be good people like whatever we were doing they definitely were advocates for being unique even though my mom didn't like what I see mom what's your most annoying habit I have a really annoying habit actually and I know you're you gotta know is it curling my hair I go like this all the time when I get nervous such a nervous habit look around it's so bad for me I think it's you're obviously the more creative one so you have that kind of creative energy where you like keep everything inside until like you're ready to just tell it everyone everything about what you're so like I'll be like rap what do you think Mary black oh and then work-wise you'll be like about halfway through the day you're like okay I'm ready there's like there's like five minutes of that says kimono you mean commando Brad cereal or milk first I don't see Rio ever get my word hundred percent hundred percent who doesn't know first thing we get about criminal right do you like Shawn Mendes no yeah what's your favorite quote let me think it's successes about being able to go but from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm is going from failure to failure you know what's crazy about guys always remember that you know what's crazy about that so Brad had that quote has that port on his phone he's had on his phone for like two years at least right but I've seen it many times and then just recently I was going through my computer and like going through like really old files cuz I got a new computer and I found my first facebook that I ever made back in like 2010 2009 and back then they used to ask what's your favorite quote and it was the same quote let me explain why I like that quote so much you guys I know you guys always see like my successes online but like behind the scenes not that easy and like a lot of things go wrong and a lot of things are upsetting a lot of things whatever but like you just have to remember that everybody kind of went through that in order to get to high levels that they are you know remember to have enthusiasm and be happy even when you fail at things in life because you will get somewhere sometimes you have to fail or succeed right exactly you're welcome to one percent they came for a makeover and they get and they get life advice like what what else could you want like what else making Eric into Brad 2.0 dye his hair silver and tournaments he you okay what are your tips for cutting bangs don't do it yourself but if you are gonna do it yourself because you probably are anyway is cut up words don't cut this way that's good unite some separation and nice texture and it won't be too like falando make it a little more modern what is your favorite color that you have colored your hair besides blonde the first time I didn't split color it was mint and pink that was really pretty is your brother a hairdresser too if not what does he do I am NOT a hairdresser although I love to give critical critiques constructive critiques I just recently quit my job in Boston which was working for an oil and gas company in the accounting and finance department and I am working with Brad on X mondo which has been a wild experience and we are doing a lot of great things over here revolution I think the hair care industry one product at a time and I reckon I together as a team and the other people we have on our team 4x motto great team Oh watch what cow job so as cutting his hair I decided I want a little bit silver just because we're talking and like definitely there's a little bit of yellow still showing I just wanna cancel that yellow out and get it nice and nice and nice and Eric agrees he initially wanted his silver anyways we're just gonna add a bit of silver in there who is most likely to get pregnant somebody asked that probably you know you're way more susceptible embarrassing stories from your childhood both of you what is it pawn ready send it to me okay ready oh it's downloading okay no give me a you like started like tugging on my pants like trying to get me like to get out my favorite pins put in half I was so bad wait where we at home where we are remember what got ran over and that wasn't embarrassing bread that hard we lived on a hill and you know we were just like kids doing like stupid things and we were on a wagon like riding it down the hill tried to stop it come on foot down stop it and it flipped over and just shredded the top of my foot it was disgusting shredded shredded it oh by the way you guys didn't even tell it what I'm using but this is like my favorite thing to do is use pastel gray overtone and mix it with conditioner to make it like extremely pastel because we don't want to over tone that grime good question are there going to be more hair products by X mondo I have to say about that mmm tea do you like New York I am so obsessed in New York I convinced everybody to live here and there's nothing I love more than New York City like every time I even travel I want to come back here and I just want to like be here it's just the best city in the world like I've been to a lot of different cities in the world and this is just nothing compares to it nothing's like it every kind of culture here we've ever kind of fashioned we've every kind of like every person in the world you could possibly want to hang out with it's just like this the coolest place ever anything so far loving New York alright here's another question will you ever do a video where you let Eric completely transform your hair love you two together yes what if I try hard Boombah that is it so if that is the toner on after all I ended up making his hair silver so we're gonna see how that looks when it's done and then we'll rinse it off and we'll do a little blow dry and then we'll get our and a cute little outfit yeah let's do it oh boy was that a day you guys we've been here for hours and hours and hours and it's getting really hot in this room for some reason there's like flames coming up from the ground oh my god period so clearly we went a little bit silver on the route Eric really wanted that and I was just like you know what I'm gonna give it to him I'm gonna give him exactly what he wanted which was the silver hair with so pretty white but it's definitely silver I mean like now we have a little bit of different hair I'm more of like a natural blonde he's more natural I am fully obsessed with it what do you think about it love it you love actually love it I crushed it crushed it I crushed it i slayed away on my hair and this is exactly what he wanted I'm so happy with it and I think he looks amazing and we look really scary similar now I'm not taking a picture you're really difficult to work with so for the toner the way I got it kind of like an ombre from a grayish color to a white at the end is by applying a that mixture of pastel silver overtone with conditioner a very small amount of that and then on the route I went back and I applied just straight up pastel silver onto the root and then comb it all through so it gives that gradient that you are seeing now and he still has his curl there it is fully fully curly love it you know lose any curls his hair is still very healthy and to style it we use of course glitterati by my own brand ex mondo if you want it you can get it purchase it below here comp and it really helps our excurrent act he use it every day his life so that is my full hair transformation Eric and we course put him in one of my shirts cuz we just had to finish it with that I'm really jealous of your hair I need to get my to rest though alright that is all for today follow us both and I see you I'm like I said before Eric Mondale underscore Brad and motto mi see and thank you guys so much for watching today don't forget to live your extra life like Eric now is oh and I will see you o next piece [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 4,272,808
Rating: 4.9608707 out of 5
Keywords: I GAVE MY TWIN A MAJOR HAIR MAKEOVER!, brad mondo, eric mondo, twins, twin hair, blond hair, platinum blond, gray hair, silver hair, I colored my twins hair, dobre twins, lucas and marcus, twin brother, dolan twins, hairdresser reacts, hair stylist, how to, diy hair, at home, hair dresser, professional hair color, how to double process, how to bleach hair, 30 vol, 40 vol, babylights, foil highlights, how to foil highlight
Id: xRTsmFFf4VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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