Hairdresser Reacts To Curly Girl Hair Routines

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hi beautiful you look ravishing today thank you for being here i appreciate it we're watching some people use my best-selling product wave tech wave foam they're gonna be using this to make their curls and their waves all kinds of fabulous and gorgeous and just seeing that people love this stuff as much as i did when i was creating it and i still do love it it's just so cool and i can't wait to see your videos today and see what's going on let's watch some people use wave tech wave foam to do their curly hair and let's see how it goes let's do it [Music] so today we're watching a combination of youtube videos and tick tocks because there's all kinds of good going on everywhere so let's first check out this video by the court report and this is called curly girl trying new products x mondo wave tag for some reason y'all curly girls make me real nervous you do the curl game is very serious and i don't want to [ __ ] anything up i put a lot of thought in my products and i hope uh it lives up to your standards i am gonna try out this x x-mondo wave tech he uses a wide tooth comb and brushes through his curls everybody seems to be kind of hung up about this whole combing out your curls before kind of scrunching them i feel like it detangles the hair nicely without you know removing that curl formation or separating everything too much so i like to do like that you can totally skip that step if you want to i think when you comb it through the curls just come out more uniform and perfect so a lot of people don't like that i said that in that video and that i did that first things first is section off my hair what he does is he takes the wave tech puts it on his comb like this evenly distributes it you want to get like every piece of hair i love that she's using the comb and sectioning your hair because some people just don't use enough i like to make it known that you need to use a good amount of this stuff it's meant to go all over your hair it's going to be kind of sudsy when you put it on it might feel a little bit weird but i promise it'll dry really nicely so she's using an amazing amount of it it's going to work perfectly for her because she's doing it all properly and yeah i like to put it right on the comb and brush it through i feel like it's the easiest way to kind of distribute it throughout your hair and you don't have to get it all over your hands i get so excited when you guys use my products not just because you're like purchasing my products it's really not it's just really cool creating a product for an entire year and then finally i get to see you use it and i see you guys reacting to it and that's the most nerve-wracking part because sometimes you can go wrong you can think of products amazing even me i can think of products amazing and then you guys try and you're like well you know could have been better and i'm like damn it and then we fix it you know it's just always learning process and you know we're always just trying to make the best products possible and i'm always listening to your feedback so criticism is welcome if it's done in a kind manner that's my speech for today look at her put that product on guys that is how much you need on your head that is it this is how you do it you scrunch as you go you put all that product in right on those ends where they really need it because when your hair gets a little dead at the ends it's not the curl kind of stops forming a little bit so gotta get that product real in there you know they're forming so nicely you can see the curls forming before your eyes it's like magic it's magic in a bottle really right emma totally totally oh so you don't think it's magic in a bottle i know i think it's magic in a bottle did you see what it did genie in a bottle emma it's a genie in a bottle and it rubs me and then he said right around the face he does some finger curls which i think i'm gonna try let's try it why not so it's more like a wrap around the finger moment where you like take a piece and you wrap it on your finger and then you just take it off your finger it's not an actual like finger like like that holy moly that's a real big one ah maybe not maybe not that that's me in bed holy moly that's a real big one i think i'm good and i'm like maybe not i didn't feel like my hair was heavy i didn't feel like there was a ton of product even in my hair even though i did use a lot of product it honestly dries so nicely it doesn't dry thick moussey or over conditioned or over gelled that's the best part about foam is that it is so lightweight so when you put in your hair it's going to make your hair really bouncy and full without weighing it down so that's why i chose to do a foam instead of a cream but who knows maybe it'll be a cream at some point i'm just going to let it completely air dry i'm not doing anything else to my hair i love that she's not using any heat and she's just letting it air dry this will really show the power of wave tech it's almost fully dried except right back here i wanted to show you what my results are oh my god it burns my eyes it's so pretty oh i'm crying you can see that it looks just like fluffy curls all just straight that wave tech and a little bit of leave-in conditioner brad mondo just crying over his own product working for 10 minutes straight this stuff is super great if you a don't have super curly hair or you just have wavy hair when i watched his youtube video he was saying he just wants you to love your natural hair and so this is basically my natural hair all air dried this is so true though i do just want you to love your natural hair you guys you don't have to like blow it out and straighten it every day you can use a product and make it look good naturally and let it air dry just use the right products right emma use the right products use the right products and your hair will turn out sensational without blow drying it or doing any heat styling if that's not your thing oh oh yes yes yes yes i can relate it's not my thing either so use the right product i am very very impressed with how it turned out i really like it this product might be a winner i'm just so happy that you love it because you seem like you would tell me the truth like you're giving me those vibes where you would just be like this sucks like i feel like you would just straight up tell me that i'm glad i could win you over with this one and hopefully you become a loyal wave tech fan thanks for that video your hair looks gorgeous now on to tick tack the witch is dead up first we have a video by honey kk and this is me living my extra life i have already seen this one but i just want to you know show you again oh okay so she's using all x model products here and she whips out wave tech she's putting plenty of it in her hands and scrunching it through and using bdsm bdsm for waving curly hair oh it just adds that perfect amount of definition and think of it like an oil but like a really thick oil it has a ton of hydration a ton of shine and clumps those curls just the right amount the little dry ends put that in there it'll make the curls look so freaking cute why are her curls so pretty it gets me every time like it just oh my god we're putting salty and and viper you can't do this to me and not expecting me to react like that that was gorgeous i'm so glad you love wave tech i've noticed that you've used it um several times after that so thank you for your support on the product and all my products and you look real good first time i saw her hair i was like goddamn so this next girl is sadie blue she's using a wide tooth comb and she is combing the product through again you guys are always scared about the combing thing but i i love it and when using white to comb it actually helps clump the curls better but she's putting plenty of it in and it's looking good already oh and she's using salty oh wow her curls are literally perfect they're so defined and beautiful and shiny oh wow she says wave text her new favorite product thank you gorgeous i love your waves i love the way you put it in your hair and you did a great job i've also seen this one before um this one's by mackenzie gournet and just get ready for this so she's using salty and wave tech in her wide tooth comb i mean she just has wonderfully gorgeous hair she's using a ton of it and combing it all through [Music] so we're doing the scrunch oh my god when she does that part where she puts it on one side i die every time like what the hell oh my god mackenzie i love you thank you so much for posting that and loving the product so much um makes me very happy the next tick tock is by megan and nanny and this says i had to try it no complaints here she's using wave tech and hydromania also a great combination get that extra hydration in there if your hair is really dry and she is spraying the hydra mini in first great idea and then we're putting the wave tech in we're using the wide tooth comb i'm just now realizing that every single one of you pretty much have been using the wide tooth comb method and not using your hands i don't know why it makes me so happy that you guys are you know you really listen and i appreciate that oh those curls are starting to form right before her eyes it's like magic it looks so pretty oh yo what it looks like she literally used a curling iron wow that's really pretty maybe i should start using hydra manio with wavetech more i mean that was gorgeous okay enough for tick tock let's get back to youtube and check out one last video this is pair by frankie and this is called how to use x model wave tech today's video is a tutorial of how to use the x-mondo wave tech wave foam and you're going to use quite a bit of product because you want to make sure that every hair is coated so don't feel scared by the amount you're putting in i'm probably going to go through and do at least three or four pumps if not more of this exactly do not be afraid of the product you will see that you can put a lot of this in and it's still gonna be totally fine and your hair's not gonna feel weight down or like it has a ton of product in it so she's great advice so what i like to do here because i've got sort of these growing out bangs is i'll just make sure that there's a bit of product in those front bits and then i'm just going to put a couple of twists in just to make sure that those sort of sit where i want them to as the rest of the curls on the head can do whatever they want but these ones need to lean to be a little bit more structured so i'm just going to twist those bits in my opinion it's a lot better if you take the hair like a curling iron and twist it around like i said before trying that might might also add to the definition of your waves and curls um and so maybe give it a try and as somebody said i feel like you're a lot more sad in real life than you are in your videos and you're like and i go you're right and then you're like no i'm just kidding i'm really happy i said false i'm consistently sad and then you wrote just kidding i'm actually i am happy chris you better keep some funny parts of me in it too because people love me i don't know that's not true i make it much funnier i actually really enjoy my comments because i feel like it adds a little to it you know when you think your hair is sort of like all the product is evenly distributed and you scrunched it enough so that you can sort of see a curl pattern that's when you're going to want to start diffuse drying it if you went in with a hair dryer now you'd probably have a bit more definition because the foam would be doing something it would be a little bit frizzier i always feel like the best way of drying your hair is you know without heat that's because when you start putting that blow dryer on with the diffuser you always get frizz like there's air blowing in your hair all different directions so you're gonna get frizz inevitably if you air dry your hair it's not gonna be nearly as frizzy i'm gonna have my diffused dryer on a medium heat and i'm gonna have it on a medium blow so i don't want it too intense with the heat and i definitely don't want it too intense with the blow because that's just gonna blow a load of frizz into my hair and we don't want that so so you heard her guys keep the air low the heat low that way you don't start getting frizz everywhere what i'm doing with the diffuser is putting it at the ends of my hair pushing it up towards the root so this is going to make sure that we've got a lot of volume at the root because we've got our head tilted over but it's also going to make sure that the curls are really sort of springy and bouncy because it's pushing those curls to the root as well listen i don't think she's wrong at all i think this is probably one of the best ways of getting a lot of volume however i don't like to put the head upside down and do the diffuser because it pushes all the hair up and you're gonna get a lot of frizz going on with that i like to just lift the hair and diffuse from the side and do it that way that works better for me however if this works for her then so be it keep doing it okay so i've just diffused dried my hair oh it's looking so fierce my fringe has gone wild as per usual but i quite like it it's cute but i would definitely recommend the wave tech wave foam for wavy and curly hair it's got a really nice finish to it it doesn't feel sticky or crispy at all and if you do have areas that are slightly crispy then you can just scrunch out the crunch she loves it she looks great and i love her natural wave i love the fringe it looks beautiful great job and thank you for that review thank you so much thanks homie so that was awesome to watch i love when you guys use my products and it works for you it makes me really happy thank you for making that content and thank you for telling people about the products that you love even that's not my product i love just watching your reviews and you guys talk about products so please keep coming so my gift for me to you today is 10 off wave tech from now until february 27th so if you would like 10 off use the code wave10 at checkout the link to the website to shop wavetech is right down below and wavetech is actually linked as well so go for it get your hands on it now while you can with 10 off and if you guys want to sign up to be notified when my hair color is restocked because it is all sold out right now you can also click the link below and check out x mono color you can check us on instagram at x model color you can also check out the rest of our haircare line at x model hair or on instagram at xmondo hair make sure you guys subscribe to me right down below click the bell icon and the like button if you enjoyed the video today i'm very much appreciate it you guys wanna check out my merch here it all is it's my live your extra life merch and it is brand new and you guys have been loving it so thank you so much if you guys would like to shop the merch you can also shop at link below you guys want to follow me everywhere else here all my social media handles all around me go for it have fun make sure to text me at this number right here yes it is really my number yes i really do see all your text messages and yes i'll be replying to a few of you if you text me right now you'll also be notified every time i post a new video today's instagram shout out goes to tay and she says hi brad i have had purple hair for almost three years decided to go back to my natural went to a salon and they did color remover and tried all the dye job they could i have a lot of hair and they ran out of color remover i'm extremely green what do i do i don't want to spend another 250. i don't blame you that sounds awful and really sad that they um ran out of color remover that's scary there's only so much that i can recommend for you with only just seeing pictures based on what you're showing me i think you need to do a bleach bath which is powder lightener 20 volume water and shampoo mixed together into like a nice creamy consistency and you put on your damp hair leave it on there for like 15 minutes or so and see what happens it should remove some of that green and then once that green is removed do a nice toner over it i don't know what what level you're going for but maybe like an eight or nine would look perfect for you so i hope that helps you but again i can only recommend so much stuff without actually seeing your hair in person and doing it myself good luck and i hope that works out for you that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra life and i'll see you guys next time bye guys [Music] [Laughter] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,579,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts To Curly Girl Hair Routines, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, wavetech, wave foam, curly girl, curly girl routine, curly girl method, natural hair, curly hair girl, curly girl routine, curly girl method wavy hair, curly girl method for beginners, curls, how to style curly hair, wavy hair routine, curly girl method products, wavy hair, cantu, curly hair products, curly girl method routine, curly girl method tutorial, deva curl, shea moisture, curly
Id: W7Uk7-UPzcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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