Flat Iron Hacks To Style Your Hair Better, Faster, Easier

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hi beautiful what's up I into it today were talking about flat irons and if that sounds like a boring topic to you well it isn't it's fun as fudge mmm I'm trying stop swearing so much it's getting a little bit out of hand on this channel and I'm so sorry for that except I'm also not by Barnes I love them they're great for everything literally everything and I always shock people with some my skills so I wanted to show you guys a bunch of stuff today with the flat iron that is going to blow your mind I swear let's um get some mannequins out let's do it welcome back Miss Minnie Quinn she's gonna gone for a while this one I didn't know she would ever see the daylight again but today she's come back out this is my from the overtone video I did but um and she seems to love this color on this mannequin so much like when they come to my house like who is that I'm like that's Miss mannequin number 63 um she's retired but now she's back what's up girl you look cute so of course I prepared her hair with glitterati by a brand called X mondo I don't know what it is but like it works just kidding it's my brand and it's gonna be phrase smooth ad hold and a lot of shine and of course a little extra Sparkle so whoo let's just get into the things why don't we start off with the most simple of simple things to do with the flat iron which is flat ironing with a flat iron you can actually straighten hair with a flat iron I don't know if I knew that today I'm using the t3 flat iron and I'm not sponsored by that they did tell me this but I didn't they didn't pay me anything for it so I do like ceramic plates a lot and it's set on the third highest temperature which is around like 350 I typically don't ever use it all the way at 450 I mean it's just like really not needed that's a lot of heat so we're gonna start off in the front of her now I like to work in sections that are small about an inch wide a little less than a half an inch thick I always recommend following the comb with a flat iron and not the other way around not going like this because guess what you want to make sure that hair is combed out and ready to go before the flatiron even hits the hair all right because if you have a tangles in your hair you're going to flat iron the tangles into your head and you don't want that unless you are into tangly hair I don't know you I don't think you want that so we're gonna go like this and hold it at first and pull it really far away from the head that way you can get really close in there to the scalp and then start with the comb and this is the secret you guys go slow slow and steady wins the race I love when hair smokes my the only one because typically means that the product is working and is protecting the hair in my eyes at least that's beautiful look at that already so straight and stunning okay now typically I go with a second pass all right and a slow pass this is not a whoever finishes first wins the race type of race this is a whoever finishes last wins the race type of race and one of those races and look at that two passes completely straight you're gonna see a lot of shine and honey that is from the glitterati honey you've got I wish you could feel her hair through the screen I want it to be my blanket this is super simple but it acts me when girls take the flat iron and just go really fast with the sound effects and everything and their hair still is in the street okay it's about being slow and steady I swear you'll probably get your hair done faster if you just go slower alright and we're gonna follow with the comb or lead with the comb sorry and we're just gonna straighten this out super simply and damn I don't even have to go with a second pass however I would love to just because I just like a little extra Sun and the second pass you can go a little bit faster it's that first pass that is gonna make huge difference okay look at that shine that's from going slow and using the proper products Wow okay sorry back to what I was doing so that's that that's always fun and we're gonna move on all right let's do something a little bit more fun let's do some waving techniques I'm gonna show you all the different ways you can actually wave hair with a flat iron and curl it I'm also going to show you two on short hair so just stay tuned for that if you have short hair or if path forward whatever you want to do first we're gonna do a simple curl technique with a flat iron so let's start with a curl just a simple for some people um flat iron curls so you're gonna start off at the roots of course and you're gonna make sure this all combed out on yourself you're gonna be like this like pointing upwards towards your head and you're gonna turn the hair backwards away from your face most modern hair stylists have waves going away from the face for curls is more of an old Hollywood style so if you're into that if you want that totally do that go forward otherwise you want to go away from the face but I like to also alternate the curls like I'll show you in a second so I go up to the root you'd be holding like this and you turn half way and you grab the ends again and you pull out you see that it's really not that hard I don't know exactly why everybody seems to make a fuss out of it if you get too much of a curl at the ends you can just quickly go in and add some heat and it'll release that curl a little bit but that's one down let's do the front piece and now again we go from under uploads the iron twist halfway and start to pull quickly not too fast but you don't want to let sit in one place for else you're gonna get a lot of crimping and it's gonna be ugly and nasty and make sure you go all the way to the bottom all the way all the way and twist it with your fingers because if you don't twist it with your fingers oh look that beautiful old girl hello how you doing waves are you doing curls how you do it we know pretty there if you don't twist it at the end it will release some of the wave you have to think hair gets hot and when it cools down it sets into place so when it's still hot and you twist on your fingers you're kind of molding it again to reassign that curl to where it supposed to be so you have a little time to reshape after you're done if the curls do tight you can pull it down really hard and pull your hair a little bit and it'll release some of that wave as its setting and you can kind of rake it out your hands obviously have moisture in them so you can use some of that moisture to take some of the wave out and let's just do a few more I'll show you that again we're gonna alternate a little bit in the back and then we'll move on let's just fast-forward through this [Music] so what will happen if you curl everything away from the face is it clumps together and to me like clump together what curls aren't cute so you can kind of throw an odd ball in the mix and do it forward and that will stop the hair from clumping together there you go it kind of splits them up and adds a bunch of body and texture and I think these are too curly so I'm just gonna flat iron them really quick down just to make them a little bit more modern and pretty but yeah that's the basics of curling with a flat iron congratulations you passed my class to get an a-plus beautiful and she looks stunning and she could leave the house right now but she's not going to could she can also brush it out and make a really soft fabulous wave BAM all right let's move on to the next sort of thing we should talk about I want to go on to the purple now that we have the curling figure now we're gonna move on to stuff a little more artistic if you're ready for it okay so I love to do this again take a same section now this I don't really use much of a comb or brush my hand for this I used my fingers this will give you precision this will give you part actually they'll both give you art but these will give you some more art so I like to take the hair and you're gonna turn it half way down and you're gonna turn half way up and half way down and half way up can you guess what's gonna happen here you're gonna get these fabulous waves that are almost natural-looking this is a lot of what we're seeing now it's kind of this like wave it almost looks like it could be somebody's natural hair but it's not it's a flattering wave and that's how you do it so let me show you that again you're gonna take the section boom clip it on boom halfway turn pull out halfway turn pull out and make sure every turn is even make sure the last turn is the same as the first turn so if you're pulling for like one second you're gonna turn it away for one second and either way for one second so that way that the wave is cohesive and even all the way through it's gonna help also if you kind of push the hair up after you do it it's give you kind of a more defined wave if you kind of like push it upwards towards the scalp as you do it so as you can see she has these beautiful waves going on and they are very artsy waves they're very natural-looking and they're kind of just boho chic we're not looking for anything perfect here we're looking for organic you can also kind of go back in on some parts that weren't wavy enough and just turn half way and just remember to keep the iron moving at all times don't stay in one spot you're gonna get burning now I'm kind of using my artistic touch here to just add more texture and more wave to it and you're just kind of eyeballing the pieces that need a little bit more love and also you can take some hairspray or some texture spray add it on there in order to get a little bit more definition as you're doing the wave all right as you can see it's messy it's cool it's not supposed to be all pretty this is supposed to be pretty this is supposed to be kind of like oh I'm a cool girl and I like my hair wavy you know what I mean like she's not trying to impress anybody she's just trying to live her life and this is how I wear my hair if I was a girl a little more texture spraying here see that difference girl boho soho boho stuff actually Soho NoHo I don't know one of them it's cute I like it it's fun it's a very light dirty sort of wave moment very cute and very chic let's move on okay baby what should we do next mmm ready for that you think so okay all right so we're gonna spray some texture spray in first this process I would do probably right after you blow-dry if you tend to have flat hair this is gonna be good for you this is gonna help your look last so miss Brenda texture spray here it is very texturizing which I happen to like say you just have flat hair you want volume you're like do it never last this will help you alright I like to go in the give it a damp bevel dude like just bevel the root so you're pulling it away from the scalp and giving it a little bit of a bend you're really just adding texture in there and you're gonna get height okay this girl's hair is majorly flat the fact that I just got that volume in there just a flat iron it's pretty dope so this is something you can do super fast and on the fly and you can also just do it on the top of your head where it's really flat and just take the hair up in sections give it a bevel and hold it there for a second him that is gonna give you some major volume all right we're gonna brush it out after we're done with this part but I'm just gonna keep going and show you what I mean all right so once that's all cooled down you're already seeing a lot of volume you can also see little holes of volume in there now that this is cooled we can now take our brush and brush that out and as you can see the hair is no longer stuck to the head and she's got some volume down there and this will last you a lot longer than blow-drying volume we'll just because you're really flattering that product into the hair and giving it that bevel and that high heat it needs to stay let me just flat iron the ends just so you can kind of see the look this is great when you're on the fly and you just want to spruce up your hair a little bit obviously I'm not like going full-on with the style right now I'm not trying my heart as to like make it look perfect with a lot of things to go over but that's how you bevel the hair you get the point it's pretty doped just give it a little bit more of a refreshed volumous look with a flat iron so one tool great for everything yeah if you want that wavy look we did before but you don't exactly still know how to do it you're still confused there's other ways now it's gonna give you a little bit of a different wave this time it's gonna give you a little bit of a tighter even more of a raw cool girl vibe so if you're into that I'm gonna put a bit of texturizing spray on again same OGX or hair spray or anything like that now I would recommend blow-drying the roots just get the roots a bit not wavy but otherwise just braid your hair okay you can take bigger sections or smaller section it's the bigger sections the heat isn't gonna penetrate as much and it's gonna give you less tight waves otherwise this is gonna give you a very extreme wave which is the vibe I'm going for so now that we have this all braided all you're gonna do is take the flat iron and slowly move down the hair as if you are flat ironing it straight we're gonna do two passes and a little curl in the ends cause behind on maybe a little extra alright as you're letting it cool down I just wanna mention please use enough product when you do this or else it's not gonna give the effects that you're looking for it needs a lot of holes and don't make it like extremely big of a braid or else it's not gonna get enough heat to penetrate all the layers of the hair let's let that cool down a bit all right let's see how this is going I'm just gonna be delicate with this scrumptious okay and it's gonna kind of give you that crimped hair vibe that is so cute and I'm the only one who likes the flake probably you're gonna get that super crimped awesome look with the dark hair it looks so pretty I love it that's how you do the crimped look the longer you let it sit the better will come out I lived in Lepus very long so it should should be more crimped than that typically but it looks dope all right now that we went over those techniques why don't we break out some short hair because you guys think that you know you can't do these things on Twitter it's not true and I'm gonna show you a few more things you can do and kind of combine all these things we just did into one mega it's not ironing I can't get this thing off this is recognize this girl from another Oh God actually her hair came out really cute I'm actually obsessed with it but she was from teaching my brother had a cut hair video was a fun video so now that we have our techniques down fully go through how I would exactly style it say she wakes up or she lets her hair air-dry it's just a mess right she's just like well this is what you do I like to take a round section out halo sections like to call them which is just taking the perimeter out otherwise take a little surprise break it up okay cool we sprayed it up did that now we're gonna start on the back you don't need a lot of way back here and what's gonna happen if you do a little wave is you're gonna get stacking you don't want stacking when you have short hair okay so typically I like to just keep this part straight honestly give it a little bit of a bend that's fine you just don't want to put too much of a bevel in the hair in the back or else you're gonna get it really gross stacking and it's gonna look not modern that's pricey a lot of girls go wrong as they're giving it too much curl for their shorter hair it's all about doing the least when you have a short bob or anything like this the least I'm doing the least see that we're never doing the most okay except for like usual day life but right now we're gonna do please take it boom boom boom boom I like to use the wave technique for most short hair bob looks again we're twisting and a half way twisting and a half way twisting in that way twisting you're half way and look at how ha Jing pretty that is dude and are you thinking well how does that look so easy but when I do it at home it's not just don't overthink it man it's supposed to be organic it's supposed to be fun now to make this hair go out of their face we're gonna do a little bit of a curl backwards so you're kind of mixing all of those techniques we just learned all in one I don't like the way this kind of pops out you see that so we're just gonna kind of go Boop and straighten that back down and now comb it out see if it's your liking if it's not go back in do it again that is one layer fully down that took me to me in 30 seconds now we're gonna take a big chunk of hair again it down that first layer being straight is not going to show so don't worry about it and then we're gonna form with our hands see that we're taking our hands and work that hot hot hair if we're gonna go like this scrunch it and your any of that wave that is fabulous okay I have one of the beauty cons I did a presentation on how to wave your hair and they gave me ten minutes to fully describe the look and then do the look so if I can do that that fast you can do it too just again don't overthink the steps and kind of keep looking in the mirror and say is this too poufy and then just adjust from there just feel it be an artist of your own hair that sides done that took me all of four minutes five minutes to do I'm gonna kind of break it up again I think it looks too perfect pull these pieces down I also love to put pomade in the hair just rub it on your hands and kind of go in there and it kind of just forms so wave for you a little better it's it's looking too straight at the ends so we're gonna take the flat iron and just go in on those ends give it a little bevel right here that looks cute to me that looks modern that looks fresh that looks fun maybe some people will say this looks terrible this looks messy but to me this looks modern and beautiful teach their own right so let's move on to this side and I'll do a little bit more of a romantic wave something that doesn't look as boho and chic cuz it's not everybody's not boho and chic okay we can't all be like you know we're gonna work for this side in a bit of a different way we are gonna again do the halo section all right and it's it's messy man it doesn't need to be perfect I'm not much of a perfectionist when it comes to like styling I just like organic if you like we're gonna click the forgot this video we're in now take it and we're gonna do a half-turn like I taught you before and this time this is the serious part twist it twist it twist it pull it pull it pull it down don't kill your client or yourself but that's gonna make an extremely flat wait see how flat that is and now you can go in and flatten it even more that way you don't get that stacking that you're gonna get if you don't pull it down after I'm gonna do this way it's going forward with short hair it's important that when it comes out of the Flatiron you twist it right away or else it's not gonna give any kind of that bevel to the hair so I did that piece forward I'm gonna do this piece forward again and we're gonna give kind of variation of twists backwards and forwards backwards and forward and just pull that hair down and just don't give too much wave to it all right now this part is the part again that people will mess up on the most which is giving it too much wave I like to just babble the ends a little bit different directions so it looks a little weird and confused but I don't actually like to put wave back here because it will just give too much of volume a little bobs like this so you got kind of texture you got your curl wavy thing in the front and now on to the next layer we're gonna cut this in half and go again and we're gonna do some backwards waves okay and twist it with your hand boom and now we're on to the last layer and that took again all of five minutes to get here so we're gonna finish this top layer and we're gonna put a nice wave right in the front because that affordable look the most give me that really like Instagram you like ooh I just got my hair done I got a bob kind of moment let me do this one forward feel it guys she an artist so as you can see we have two totally different types of waves going on we have one side that is very boho chic very modern very cool and this sides more refined still really cool but a different vibe as you can see I'm more of this girl so I'm even more of this girl also now this is cooled down we can kind of brush this out with our hands and modernize it a little bit more and you're gonna give it a little bit more volume to it a little more texture and if you say you like this but you like this too that's okay I got an answer for you you can do both so now that we already have these waves going on we can just dig into this pile of wave and add a few waves I can join the other side so now you're getting two different textures in one and that is probably my actual favorite when we're doing this I like to mix up styles and that's how you kind of keep it fresh and it really doesn't need a lot of these just by putting a few in really kind of switches up the style a lot let me show you that it's gonna give kind of a confused little wave and it's not gonna be as perfect so a couple different ways to wave hair super different super fun and you can do it on really short hair those are all my beautiful fabulous techniques on how to do some Flatiron tricks all right now you fudge it up says you get in there and you do that now if you're wondering is flat I this question a lot is titanium or ceramic plates better now there's no real easy way to answer this I use a lot of ceramic plates that are not good I've used a lot of titanium plates that aren't good either so honestly just buy a good flat iron I used the t3 today however before I started using the t3 my first and probably true love right now and that I've used for ages the GHD gold iron I mean they make great tools my flat iron has been with me for like 10 years now it's expensive but it never broke great iron it has temperature control but honestly I don't want to give you any misinformation so I just say that as long as you are using the correct techniques you should be able to get away with both with either one I haven't noticed a huge difference between the two so I don't think it's that crazy important just being honest with you you might watch this video and you might try this at home all these techniques just have patience with yourself a lot of these techniques I did get down really quick however I'm a very visual artistic person so I think it comes more natural to me where some people are very technical and wanted to are being perfect and right be creative with your hair have fun with it it doesn't need to look perfect as long as you put a little effort in you know people will notice it and appreciate it so just practice these things practice at home keep trying and you will get it I promise you as you keep going and as you keep trying just like anything in life you know it's the same with hair so get on that start waving your hair star curling it or start straightening it and it'll change your life okay that is all for today I hope you guys liked that I know you like some informational videos so there is one again thank you so much for watching don't forget to follow me on instagram mi Brian exile hair and mine is my feet on Twitter and also tick-tock don't do that shop glitterati you my excellent O'Hara fellow and that is all for today thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life I'll see you next time bye love you see leaders deuces ye that's stupid [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 4,903,713
Rating: 4.9400024 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresser, reacts, brad&eric, Flat Iron Hacks To Style Your Hair Better, hairdresser reacts, Faster, Easier, hair tutorial, how to, long hair, hair styles, how to curl hair, flat iron, short hair, beachy waves, how-to (website category), hair (quotation subject), long hairstyles, easy hairstyles, school hairstyles, hair tutorials, how to straighten your hair, back to school, milabu hairstyles, how to curl hair with flat iron, curling hair, curl hair
Id: _yRZWyJhnSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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