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good morning boys I'm going shopping I guess where I'm going Erik no John no Erik let's yoga no one more time Jon Apple store maybe later follow me this way I know your thought I've longed to be shopping what like I'm going to the transform huh what I love the drugstore and listen uncle her come often there's no shame to that I actually have a lot of hair care products from the drugstore that I use all the time and I want to share that with you guys but I also want to go find some new stuff so I got today's look on and I'm ready it's a head said that drug store we all do it I mean it's really just like pooping we all go there so we're in the haircare aisle we have arrived and there's a lot of things oh what's this [Music] there's some things you should stay away from in the drugstore and this is one of them I better see none of you putting this on your head you hear me okay this stuff okay actually really like this okay this is exciting this is exciting okay first we're gonna talk about oh this is so pretty this looks a lot like glitterati y'all comes my gate for what I want to get a few these OGX products just because it looks like it's really pretty I'm not gonna lie and I'm very interested to see if it really compares to the other objects products I've used so why don't we do dry texturizing because I love texture sprays why don't we also try the soap blowout Oh dry shampoo phone I've actually never used dry shampoo foam before that seems like fun am i right let's try also the hairspray sugar I'm really excited I want to try all these things mitten okay I feel like I got a lot from that line but um they had really good packaging so OGX good stuff is very important to be looking for some sulfate free products when you're at the drugstore not all drugstores are bad guys and I'm not ever trying to say that but you have to be weary about the bad products and there are some Joe what is this my conditioner dry conditioner so we're gonna put this to the test why don't we also try this one our basket is getting a little full over here texturizing beach spray and again laughs texturizing so what the rest of its all right let's get a few of not your mother's because a lot of people rave about this stuff and I have used the dry shampoo before so I want to give this a try let's get the original more texturizing spray let's also put this the test I think this isn't weird a lot of dry shampoo this way because there is a lot of options but let's do the original of everything I'm also really interested in this dove like I didn't even know dove had a styling Caroline so why don't we give them this a shot let's do flexible hold hairspray this seems like a good idea it's only eight dollars like thank you I definitely tried L'Oreal before but some of it I've loved some of it I have not but let's try some their new stuff which is the iron straight heat spray which is going to make it very sleek like that class hair look let's try some in this let's try some of this high lift inject volume mousse cuz this packaging is sickening and it looks like fun well that is about all that money gets today because I think I got plenty I'm all gone now I want more stuff I kids stop again stop help me help me this is Carlos he got his hair and didn't like it because of me and now he's back to dark there it didn't work out consider where it goes for Carlos [Music] [Music] I'm back from Duane Reade / Walgreens apparently it's a it's a collab I'm here there's actually nothing in this bag just a promise so I actually already emptied everything out I already put it in categories I'm ready to test these products on miss many quaint over there hey babe after I got home from shopping I was so tired that I took a nap and I took a nap for a couple hours so I am ready to go now and I'm ready to test some products and let's see how they all work out so let me grab Miss Minnie claim and let's get it started baby this isn't fact that love my life miss Minnie granny and she is looking greasy because I just put so much oil in her hair that way we can test these try shampoos properly so why don't we start on this side of her head and let's test our five dry shampoos now today's lineup for dry shampoos is consisting of not your mother's texturizing dry shampoo so it's a little different than their other ones but we're also even testing on your mother is original because who doesn't love an original we're also gonna test some dry conditioner so I guess this is kind of like a mixed category I'm not gonna lie so we're testing dry shampoos recognition and dry texturizing spray we have also but tea stay which is a cult favorite classic without you call it I don't know I'm just trying to like go with the trends here I hear people say it all the time and I just want to like use that word for something this is the original cleaning classic of that teas stay dry shampoo which is a can't wait to try it and we have the OGX dry shampoo foam so we have all different kinds of dry shampoo Satan's going on here and I am ready to test all these new different products I mean not really new but like different let's do an exciting one first which is the OGX dry shampoo foam I've used all kinds of dry shampoos I mean powders pace regular ones in a can but I have never used a foam so I'm excited to try this new thing and maybe it'll be my new favorite thing I also want to mention that I have no problem with drugstore products I have used a lot of them and I don't think you need to always use one product from one line and only six pad line I think there's so many different products out there and I love to dip into other care care lines besides my own it's important that I venture off and try other girls hair products and see what other people drink on the market that way I can have my own haircare line be the best it possibly can be so we're gonna now do this bamboo fiber full dry shampoo balm so a beautiful packaging grab the bat it says with bamboo fibers and soy proteins helps boost body absorb oil and freshen and beautify cool take well before use suspense a dime sized amount and apply directly to roots massage and absorb excess oils and we're gonna apply it to this side of her head oh okay wow this smells absolutely delicious it smells like just tropical vacation Chi smells like sunscreen but it's coming so all right we're gonna apply a guest like this just put it in the hair oh whoa okay so clearly there's a whole lot of alcohol in this because oh my and if after that immediate like smell of island get away it goes away you immediately smell like heavy amounts of alcohol which is just what I expected because that is how you observe oils with alcohol it smells like I poured isopropyl alcohol all over her head and it does Li her hair wet so it doesn't say to blow-dry okay its drying now because it is alcohol but okay so we're still working it in it's definitely getting drier as we go definitely absorb the oils like this is what it started with and now you can see let me brush it real quick okay Wow actually oh wait what wait this is amazing so it pretty much dissolved all of those oils and left her hair really nice and shiny and the alcohol smell did go away and her hair doesn't feel like it has like that chalky cast that some dry shampoos give the hair like this would even be perfect on really dark hair because it doesn't leave any residue behind like look at that okay really like this really like this only thing I'm worried about is people with curly hair using this because it is so wet it might freeze your hair back up so you might want to stick with something that is aerosol but for people who don't have curly hair wow this made a huge difference really like it okay cool so this is definitely gonna stay in my tool kit product kit because that was really nice and absorbed a lot a lot of oils and left the hair really soft cuz a lot of dry shampoos don't leave her hair soft and this one really really did this is what we started with guys it was really early and now it's completely not oily anymore kind of really into that so yes thank you for this is a really dope but again people with curly hair maybe not maybe not we already have the dry shampoo up here so why don't we move down of the hair shaft and try the dry conditioner on these ends so the next brand is called cake and I have never heard of this before it is called a lock so dry conditioner if you guys don't know what that is it is not a very common thing that people use a lot but it is actually very helpful nice thing to use I almost like to call it a fabric softener for hair it's when you want that smoothness on your end you don't want like that heavy weight that comes with oil but you don't want it to weigh your hair down like oil does so it really just smoothes your ends without adding any kind of like residue behind if that makes any sense when you have that second day hair that's kind of knotted and you kind of can't brush through it dry conditioner is actually really great for that it says totally to die for instantly polish your hair and leave your locs softly restored and superbly shiny this feather-light formula transforms unruly second day hair into tame lustrous hair without the harsh chemicals shake well it's bright at least 15 centimeters from hair let's shake it up let's shake it up with shake it up and her ends are actually kind of right now because she's been through a lot so let's see how much this really brings him back to life she's got some dead ends on here honey and so does everybody's look it's fine huh it smells good I don't know what the scent is it smells kind of like candy maybe it was a smelly cake cool let's brush that through okay okay okay okay okay oh my god wait these legs are actually thickening right off the bat I can definitely tell that I can brush through this hair so much easier and it's so soft again it feels think I put fabric softener on the hair but it's it's really nice it's very subtle difference but it leaves it kind of like a little bit of a shine is not heavy and makes it really easy to brush your hair out and give that second day hair like a little bit of a boost it needs so love that again you guys an awesome product so we're really waiting at the drugstores back Kate the locksmith I reckon let's move on okay so this has been a product I've been a meeting to try for a long time which is the Baptiste a dry shampoo it's just the original version of it and we're gonna try it on the other side of her head she's nice and greasy on this side as you can see so we're gonna try this and it just basically says how to use a dry shampoo which we all I think would know by now and so we're gonna try and get all this oil out of her hair let's see how good this works I'm kind of wondering how this will smell they didn't have a few different formulas with different scents but I want to try the original just because I think the original is always the best you know let's shake this up and let's start applying to Miss Minnie Queen oh that ain't it okay oh it smells like toxic chemicals immediately it's leaving a large white cast on this blonde hair which is surprising because usually we only get a white cast and like dark hair but look at this you're getting a white cast on blonde hair that is not a good sign you know what she'll treat is gray hair now okay let's brush it through yeah it's like catching in the oils oh this is tragic do you see that oh my God look at her roots look how white it made them bended by this stuff and it's like there's like chunky pieces of it like it all got caught in the oils and like chunk together in my hands are like now white as hell compare it to this side look at this oh my gosh this side it was amazing like this foam dry shampoo you guys go get it because it is unbelievable and this is so gross you guys I am immediately throwing this away and if you have this at home please throw it away because it is revolting I don't know how they have made such a business off of this because I am and would not recommend anybody use this it does not work that TSA I'm so sorry but please reformulate or do something and it's not even that cheap so you're doing something wrong clearly or something right or I'm just crazy I don't know okay up next we have another very much a cult favorite which is the not your mother's Game Freak refreshing dry shampoo the original version again said the regular size one retails for six dollars so it is a lot cheaper than the baptise days and hopefully it also works better than that one it is an aerosol dry shampoo and we're gonna try it in her bangs here and they are nice and greased up so let's do it let's do a little try definitely smells a little out golly that's fine that usually goes away unfortunately he is leaving a cast ooh guys damn that is what you call a cheap dry shampoo oh oh no not your mother is damn I was actually really rooting for this one and it smells so bad and it left a white cat just like the baptise say one i don't know how both of these became so popular when they both smell and don't work I am confused I would not recommend these are terrible I'm so sorry Baptista but I'm sure not all of your products are bad but I wouldn't use this on a client sorry not happy at all with those thank you but no thank you moving on okay this next crunch is a texturizing dry shampoo so it's a dry shampoo but it's gonna have more texture that was the dumbest thing I've ever said what that really means is like and it just has more of a grit to it so I do actually like that because when I use dry shampoo I'm using it to style a lot more often then I'm using it to absorb excess oils so we got our last section here that is nice and greasy in the back of her hair okay so hopefully it's other now your mother's product gets a little bit of a better s let's do the same thing it's nice and greasy back here okay immediately has a better scent this is actually the toasted coconut version so I like coconut so if you like coconut it definitely smells coconut as you would expect oh my god what is this what is it me am i doing something wrong cuz this is leaving a humungous white cast terrible I mean even if I sprayed farther away it's still leaving a discussing white cast and even if I brush it through it's hardly even absorbing new oils what is not your mother's what happened what why does it relight this product because it's easy to get from a drug so we're like it's not even good okay so I don't feel any texture I'm not impressed kind of sad sorry not your mother's you guys I don't know I don't I don't know it's what so absorb and add texture and make it Beach ready so I'm gonna have to say no on this this is not good either it leaves a white pass again don't some brown hair for sure even on blonde hair this is not working good and I don't feel any texture so I don't know what that's about so those are the dry shampoos and dry conditioners and stuff the tutor that I really liked wore out poorest the dry shampoo foam which was amazing and the cake dry conditioner which was awesome I love it okay moving on let's go faster at our next product we're gonna try this one which again really excited about I think I said that many times but this one is really cool because it is the l'oreal advanced style collaboration where they apparently it says the special edition packaging designed by international artists bloggers and artists design this and it is the artist collaboration series i thought it was like hair artists like collabed on this stuff but apparently it's just new packaging okay so it's just a new look i'll but it's called boost it and there's volume and Jeff mousse I just really wanted to try a new moves because I do really like mooses they're really fun to get that nice big volume at last all day it's lightweight aerated mousse gives lifeless hair of volume for 24 hours infused with thickening agents hair is boosted for long-lasting bouncy and volume eyes who sit evenly throughout damp hair style as usual so for this I am going to do what I would usually with mousse which is apply on a damp hair mostly on the root and then do a nice pin curl set and then let it down and see the amount of volume we end up getting in that root and usually there's a little bit of like stiffness left at the roots so we're gonna see how sieve it really gets and if it works well so I'm gonna dampen it apply really quickly let's just do a section right here right and I'm gonna apply this and see how it smell it smells kind of fruity I kinda like it and we're just gonna rake this through the entire strand mousse also gets a lot of holes in the hair so if you wanted like a pink roll set and make your hair wavy and curly just to make a really nice blowout with a lot of body this is really gonna help you with that so I'm a big fan of mousse this is a great thing to have at your disposal so already I feel a lot a lot of texture in there and I like that I really do like texture as we've talked about throughout this entire video but let's give this a quick blow-dry let's see how it performs all right Artie we're getting nice lipped and it's not greasy at all so we're gonna let that just sit for a moment in a pin curl this is what I would typically do and let's just see how much I really stays as we're letting that sit for a moment let's try another product it's by the same line l'oreal paris the iron straight feet spray so it says our high performance lightweight hairspray offers three days sleek hair protects me damage calms frizz seals and shine blocks humidity and conditions first leaks have the last three days so unfortunately I can't find out if it's gonna last three days because I'm not a real head but we're gonna see yeah just how like real sweet it makes the hair this is just air dried hair without anything in it so let's see if it really smooths out quite nicely apply on damp hair and style with heat I'm gonna blow dry this in just like the last one so we're gonna dampen this boom boom boom bang OH a very fine mist and we love a good fine mist so that is great also smells delicious smells like fruit and like sugar so then let's blow dry that's it okay so this is air dried over here this is blow dried and even feeling this like it's soft but like this is really enjoy this okay love that again I can't test the three days stay thing that they claim but really really enjoying this product love that okay it didn't add any kind of grit it just feels like very healthy and nice and it's not oily really like this product awesome cool love that okay and let's check back on our boosted volumizing mousse by L'Oreal over here we've had that set for like probably five minutes now let's see what we get here and typically I would just brush this out gently okay so you can see that we're getting good projection from this scalp I put quite a bit in there and I'm definitely not really getting any kind of hold that I can feel I like what volumizing mousse is have a bit of like texture up here that way you can really feel like there's kind of a a grip you're getting on the roots that's what's really gonna keep the volume staying for a long period of time but I feel like this is just getting volume because of the pin curl clip I mean it's just really soft and it feels nice but oh I'm not feeling anything really I mean that's just from the pink rub but like this kind of dead and lifeless so this is got you know for me unfortunately this one's not the best this what works great but okay moving alright this is the quick dragon thermal spray so this is gonna protect your hair from heat and it's gonna decrease your blow drying time apparently so we're gonna try this on this strand of hair I'm gonna really wet it down and we're gonna see just how bad this helps brighten the hair so let's really wet this down it just says to spray it on and comb through perfect I don't know doesn't really feel like much kind of nice okay I like that and we're gonna really get in there usually drying aids like this have a lot of alcohol in them and that's how they work but just be careful you have a very lightened hair chemically because it will dry your hair out okay let's see if this cuts down at all on this drying time okay so what I'm immediately noticing is that it is nowhere near as soft and as shiny and full of life as this last strand is you can tell this one's very smooth out and this one it's kind of like puffy and like not good I did load on the exact same way with the exact same brush and blow dryer and I don't feel like it cut down on blow-dry time at all and it just kind of left this kind of residue on the hair just dry feeling I don't like the way that looks at all so this is said no all right okay we have five more products ago and we're go Buster this really quick so we have hair spray it now and we have one from OGX which I found that I'd like some of the products and don't like some of them so we'll see what this one and now we have a Dove style and care which is so weird that dove makes hair products since when do you do hair products stop or I don't know maybe stop I don't know we'll see this is flexible hold hairspray in this is big hair spray so they're both at a level four of hold so let's see how both these work and having smell we're gonna try it on this piece of hair and we're gonna do like a nice curl with hairspray that way we can just test how these work for holding curls in her hair and it's a good way to test it so I'm gonna do it okay great perfect so first up we're gonna use the Dove one which is a flexible hold hairspray and it's just guys it's a hairspray this fast drying nonstick formula lets you enjoy a frizz proof touchable style so it's mostly touchable it's also to be hard natural movement and shine we're gonna try it on this piece right what about three four five we'll just do five like that okay immediately as a fresh smell so far I feel nothing on the hair and that was a very very fine mist let's just put a little bit more on there really not doing anything I would not give this a level four of hold out of five whatever what we're gonna try and curl it let's try and see if this is activated by heat at all okay so we definitely have some heat activated styling going on by the hairspray I definitely feel the hold now yeah I definitely feel a bit of hold I would not call it a level-4 hold I definitely think this is a very very light hold hairspray it's just break through it you're into very very very light hold hairspray this might be your go to it definitely gives you a workable nice light hold with a lot of shine it's quite pretty but I wouldn't call this like a medium hold hairspray and it smells fresh yeah it's decent I don't mind that one not my cup of tea moving on up next we have another OGX product this is supposed to be the same amount of hold as they dub one let's try it on this strand okay immediately look at your getting hold like this entire strand is just like glued together that is what I'm expecting from a medium hold hairspray the scent isn't the greatest but let's now wait this through and put a curl in it ooh see I like that you can very much feel the whole going on look at that bounce you get with that it really adds a ton of nice hold but it isn't like stiff or like gelled feeling so that's great okay love this like this this is better though oh yeah moving so I really went with the OGX products and last two products I have to try are the Aspen extract texture and the bamboo fiber full which is they're both just texturize name is tousle spray and this one is dry texturing finishing spray we're gonna try both of these but I'm realizing that I probably should just picked one brand to go it and just try to all their products because I just have so many different products I want to try today and if you guys like this stuff but you want more of an organized video next time let me know next I could just picked one product line and go with that let's say you this one says it's gonna give you the loose leaved in look separates elevate and define texture without the dry out oh I love that okay we're gonna try to the last section that I have not yet try to anything on and let's just see so it's really wet I wasn't expecting that let's try this again because apparently you're supposed to really shake it up and then spray very lightly on the hair because this just soaked the hair I mean we don't want that oh this ain't it I'm not getting any texture here not even a little bit it actually made the hair softer it's supposed to add an add mess and height girl all this did was way the hair down and make it shinier and moisturize somebody must have mislabeled this because I'm not understanding yeah I don't get it and use it on this piece I'm sorry this is so messy at this point do you guys see texture there because I don't see anything okay this is an absolute no-go for me and it also has a white cast not working for me so Oh Jax fiber full sugar high fossil spray is gonna be and lastly we have made it to the last product let's try it at the natural finish Aspen extract texture it gets that matte mess up look what day one a hair with a kick of body inflexible hold this sound more up my alley shake well finish look with 10 to 12 inches away on dry hair for the texture hold use fingers to achieve desired look I will definitely use my fingers ok I don't know what it smells like ok so we are getting texture with this product you can see that oh I just feel a stickiness - I like that stickiness that texturizing products give you actually not bad if I were to actually like put some curls in this and then put this texture spray in it would look really nice clearly I don't have a curled or anything right now but working with straight hair and adding just a little bit of movement with my fingers it is working so I am happy with that and giving that tousle look without making it too too far and yeah clearly I didn't do a very good job styling right now but this actually feels very nice it's lightweight it adds a lot of nice texture it just kind of smells like like kind of fresh hair product smell I like this I like this a lot let's see what use this I'm so happy we ended on a good note thank God okay so this worked amazing oh boy oh my god what a day of testing hair products it has been I spent the entire day looking for new stuff I haven't used before a new stuff that I can try from the drugstore and I found a lot of great things and a lot of really bad things but overall I'm very intrigued with how drugstores have evolved and have a lot cooler products now than growing up really enjoyed a lot of them hopefully you guys took something out of this and if next time you want to see me do this video differently doing different brands or doing shampoos and conditioners I totally can just let me know and give this video a like if you enjoyed it I love you and of course another product that I can highly recommend is my own glitterati pax mondo use this to smooth your hair out add holes and moisture and a touch of extra fine mica which is glitter like they save the environment so check it out link below check out x100 hair on instagram also for new product releases coming up call mean instagram bremen NYC and think you've got so much for watching I love you ah don't forget to leave your extra life and I will see you Oh [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 4,563,668
Rating: 4.8863912 out of 5
Keywords: HAIRDRESSER TRIES DRUGSTORE HAIR PRODUCTS, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, drugstore, hairdresser reacts, how to, curly hair, color treated hair, hair stylist, hair products, best shampoo for color treated hair, beauty expert, mens hair, best hair products, natural hair, hair care routine, beauty hacks, hair hacks, walgreens, drugstore makeup, drugstore makeup tutorial, cheap hair products, coloring hair, diy hair color
Id: aPa-IoZhTRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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