The Beast System and the Last Days - LIVE Encounter Service - Denver, CO

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i need to talk to you about a sobering reality i need to share with you what's coming you can sense it people know it all around the world both redeemed and unredeemed alike are keenly aware of the fact that something big is coming something in our world has changed there has been a global shift and all of us who have our spiritual eyes open can see coming upon the horizon something big something spectacular something different [Music] something historic in nature i'll tell you this right now the world has never seen anything like what's coming now that is both an encouragement and a warning because when things really start moving in the spiritual dynamics those who don't know the lord will be struck with fear but the church will be struck with awe something big is coming something has shifted something is changing we all know it we all sense it but there is a shaking coming to this globe the likes of which have never been experienced before [Music] you think coven was chaos you think kovid shook things up you haven't seen anything yet it's only the beginning it's only the start of the great shaking that's going to happen now i don't say this to scare you i say this to prepare you look if i just wanted to tickle your ears i'd come up here and i tell you everything's going to continue as it always has it's not the case church we're not going to go back to business as usual things aren't going to go back to normal as we say as we knew them everything has changed a spiritual dynamic has shifted [Music] now there's so much chaos in this world and with all of the information coming at you from various different places new sources social media feeds phone calls and texts i'm sure if you're like me you have friends sending you all sorts of different articles and links and stories of things happening around the world and not only does the information come in great amounts but the information seems to be conflicting so many different opinions on so many different topics you can't post anything without the keyboard warriors coming out against you there's no statement you can make that is free of opinions for everything you say there will be a disagreement for everything you say someone will point out something that you forgot to say i can get up here and preach about salvation and someone could tell me brother david you forgot to talk about healing and i could talk about healing and someone could say but brother healing is not the message the message is the cross and so forth and so on that's the way the world is but we find our footing for seeing the world as it actually is in the scripture the bible is not some outdated book that needs to be revisited the bible is not full of suggestions the bible is not just a book filled with good ideas the bible is the word of god period [Music] and we preachers have to get back to emphasizing that again the reason the nations are the way they are is because we've stepped off the footing of the certainty of the word of god well didn't jesus say that if you build your house upon my words it's like building upon a rock the same thing goes for nations and i think what has happened is collectively nations have stepped off the firm footing of the word of god but i'm here to declare to you that the bible is the word of god the bible is the final authority it is not up for debate it is not up for discussion if the scripture teaches it that settles it and it doesn't matter what culture or others say jesus has the final word now i know that might offend some people and while it's never my goal to offend anyone i don't purposefully set out to offend people but i would rather offend you into heaven than comfort you into hell i would rather tell you a truth that sets you free than a lie that comforts you and keeps you bound i want to tell you the truth of the word and the bible is the word of god so the simplest way to navigate our understanding of end time events is to take what the scripture says clearly i think a mistake that we often make myself included and i have to be careful that i don't make this mistake is sometimes i'll take unclear portions of scripture and try to create an understanding based on that when the key to understanding biblical principles is to take the very clear issues the very clear statements of scripture and then build upon that you interpret the unclear through the clear not the other way around and concerning the end times we have no clearer text than matthew 24. the book of daniel is wonderful and filled with revelation about the future the book of revelation is wonderful and filled with wonderful apocalyptic imagery that gives us insight into the future but no text is so clear as matthew 24 and i'm not saying the others are inferior i'm saying this is what you should base your understanding on is these words matthew 24 i'm going to read verses 4-14 later jesus sat on the mount of olives his disciples came to him privately and said tell us when will all this happen what sign will signal your return and the end of the world jesus told them don't let anyone mislead you for many will come in my name claiming i am the messiah they will deceive many and you will hear of wars and threats of wars but don't panic yes these things must take place but the end won't follow immediately nation will go to war against nation and kingdom against kingdom there will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world but all this is only the first of the birth pains with more to come then you will be persecuted arrested and killed you will be hated all over the world because you are my followers and many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other and many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people sin will be rampant everywhere and the love of many will grow cold but the one who endures to the end will be saved and the good news about the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world so that all nations will hear it and then the end will come a few things that jesus says will indicate the season of the final days the first thing we see here is that many will come in my name claiming i am the messiah now in the original language this term i am the messiah means anointed one so it's not necessarily that people will come claiming to be jesus though that will happen and i think sometimes we have a limited view on this because we just take that one angle but it's not just going to be people claiming to be the savior or claiming to be jesus this is talking about people who claim to be anointed it's much broader than just the specific claim saying i'm jesus or i'm the way to salvation this is talking about people who claim to have the anointing but really are wolves in sheep's clothing deceiving god's people [Music] many will come in my name claiming i am the messiah and i suspect these are some of the ones mentioned in matthew chapter 7 who come strutting up to the lord on that day fully confident that they'll be accepted in and he says depart from me i never knew you i love the way the message translation puts it where jesus says to these who did wonderful works he says to them get out of here get away from me all you did was use me to make yourselves important and that's what some do they they treat the church and the gospel like it's a business opportunity [Music] and they they peddle the word like it's a product now as i mentioned before there is financial support involved in ministries but the purpose of ministry isn't money some people treat preaching like it's a career not a calling and because of that it becomes about them and this is what jesus was talking about in the last days there's going to be a lot of people who claim i'm anointed i'm anointed i'm anointed anyone with access to live stream equipment can get on garner an audience and claim to be anointed but don't let anyone mislead you [Music] and you will hear of wars and threats of wars nation going to war against nation treaties being dissolved national relations becoming tense uncertain sounds like things happening today now interestingly jesus says here in verse six yes these things must take place but the end won't follow immediately in other words these aren't the only indicators he goes on nation will go to war against nation kingdom against kingdom then he says there will be famines food shortages people of god there will be food shortages in all parts of the world as we get closer and closer to that final day it's not just going to be a scramble for toilet paper it'll be a scramble for bread for meat i suspect that at this point we'll start to see miracles of food multiplication among the people of god suspect at this point we're going to see things like manna coming from heaven for god's remnant because the darker it gets out there the brighter it gets in the church [Music] you want to see greater miracles well then you want persecution because the scripture says that you're blessed when people insult you for the lord's name it says actually and then the glorious spirit will rest on you there's something to be said about persecution bringing the glory of god on your life the greater the pressure against the church the greater the power within the church so famines and earthquakes while we were here we just landed i was having dinner last night with patrick and steve and patrick's wife text him saying there was an earthquake in california a pretty good one say again 4.4 i don't know where that is on the scale but it sounds big to me [Music] and people began to talk again about the big one coming you don't have to worry about that here necessarily in denver but in california they talk of the big one big one the big one the one that will shake everything up literally i believe there are big ones on the way not just in california in many parts of the world in fact that's what the scripture says [Music] and then verse 8 but all this is only the first of birth pains everything i just mentioned the wars the international tension the food shortages the many claiming to be anointed the earthquakes in many parts of the world in verse 8 it says but all this is only the first of the birth pains with more to come verse 9 then you speaking to his followers will be arrested persecuted and killed [Music] you will be hated all over the world why because you are my followers and many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other this is probably the most tragic of the things listed verse 10. many will turn from me jesus says so he's talking about his followers i'm just going to be real with you there are people leaving the faith claiming that they're doing so for intellectual and moral reasons when it only has to do with the fact that they love their sin and then what happens is they turn around and they accuse the church of being hypocrites i am so sick of people criticizing the bride of christ you you hear this all the time and it's become almost culturally acceptable to say in fact it's it's almost been just a given people just accept the fact that the reason people turn away from the church is because there's just a bunch of mean grumpy people who are hypocrites that's not why they turn from the gospel jesus said they turn because they didn't like the light they preferred their darkness so they rejected the light [Music] i'll be honest with you my experience with church people i'd say 99.9 of god's people are wonderful loving peace filled gracious kind forgiving people and i'm tired of people saying otherwise but see this is the excuse that they use and it's just kind of been repeated so much that's what the nazis believe if you tell a lie often enough people begin to believe it and that's a lie that people just keep saying again and again all the church is filled with hypocrites church is filled with hypocrites bunch of mean people in church but and then they portray it on tv shows in movies on radio programs on podcast and they repeat that lie again and again and again why because it dehumanized dehumanizes the church so that when they turn on you nobody feels as bad and so this is what happens is people leave the church claiming all hypocrites that's why i left no you left because your foundation wasn't firm you left because you allowed bitterness in your heart you left because you rebelled against god and the scripture says here that in those days we'll be arrested persecuted and killed will be hated all over the world and many will turn from me that means people will leave the church they will reject christ having once served him and they will hate each other people will leave the church turn around and hate the church and this is a part of the signs of the final days and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people now this is interesting to me because verse 11 says many false prophets will appear these could be prophets of all kind false prophets in the scripture were considered prophets of baal prophets of the other nations prophets of false gods this is much different than verses 4 and 5 where it talks about those claiming to be anointed coming in the name of jesus so there's two types of spiritual leaders that jesus is warning us against in this text the first kind is the ones who come in his name and claim to be anointed of god but are hypocrites and the second kind are false prophets that lead people astray to other belief systems like new ageism oh pray to the universe manifest why do you need to pray to the universe when you can pray to the one who created it false prophets no power [Music] false religions of the world those are false prophets people who who make claims for other gods and they will deceive many sin will be rampant everywhere i don't even have to i don't even have to deal with that one you can see it it's right there in your face and not only are they targeting you now they're targeting your children [Music] i saw a commercial from one of the major networks they're all demonic the news networks turn them off profits of bail [Music] they are a bunch of liars and and i saw a woman it was like one of their public service announcements and she said i kid you not she looked right in that camera she said remember your children aren't just your children they belong to the government they're they belong to society there will come a day where teaching your children the bible will be considered child abuse [Music] sin will be rampant everywhere and the love of many will grow cold the one who endures to the end will be saved verse 14 and the good news about the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world so that all nations will hear it and then the end will come so before the end god will give the world one more opportunity to respond to the gospel you might be in this place tonight listening to what i'm saying [Music] perhaps you have yet to receive christ as your savior you hear of all these things happening and you can't deny that what jesus spoke a couple thousand years ago is perfectly descriptive of the day in which we live [Applause] a perfect match to describe these times and everything please hear me everything will unravel very very quickly [Music] my aria was born i remember it started very slow when my wife went into labor the birth pains came few and far between with some intensity and the more intense they became the more frequent they became and then before you knew it there was my little aria rose but this is how the bible describes the end times birth pains there is going to be an intensification not only of the pain but things like this will be more and more and more frequent and it will come fast [Music] matthew 24 27 for as the lightning flashes in the east and shines to the west so it will be when the son of man comes mark 13 26 says then everyone will see the son of man coming on the clouds with great power and glory so far everything the scripture has predicted everything the bible has said concerning the truth either has yet to be fulfilled or has been fulfilled with 100 percent accuracy [Music] the scripture warned of these days long ago and the scripture also tells us that one of these days coming upon the clouds with great power and glory jesus the christ will return to this earth church it's time we preach it again jesus is coming soon jesus is coming it's it's going to happen that is a reality that we will experience the world we'll see it and he'll come not this time as a gentle lamb he will come back as a conquering lion with the mighty roar [Music] it will come quickly and to those of us who've received christ as lord it will be a great day of celebration but to the wicked who've rejected him in their hearts knowing deep inside that they shouldn't that day will come and inspire great fear like standing before a deep abyss or looking in to a dark and deep ocean the sight of the coming of the lord will be so beautiful it will be frightening like lightning flashing across the sky [Music] the beauty and terror the coming of the lord second peter chapter three says this in verse 3 most importantly i want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come mocking the truth and following their own desires they will say what happened to the promise that jesus is coming again from before the times of our ancestors everything has remained the same since the world was first created they deliberately forget that god made the heavens long ago by the word of his command and he brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water the timing of the lord is there [Music] that sinners might be given time to repent and there will be those who say you've been saying this since forever the church has been saying it for all too long they've heard the sermon series on the end times they've watched the movie you guys all know the movie and they've seen these different presentations and they've heard these different warnings and they say within themselves i've heard that before where is he you've been saying he's going to come all this time where is he the scripture says in second peter chapter 3 verse 10 actually let's read verse 9 the lord isn't really being slow about his promise as some people think no he is being patient for your sake he does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent now we go to verse 10 but the day of the lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgments [Music] just being patient [Music] i remember a few years ago i purchased a vr headset virtual reality [Applause] [Music] and i would bring different people to my home it wasn't it's not something you really use every day but when you have people over you give them a little bit of entertainment you know and i would let them go into different worlds and i had one where you can go into like this deep sea diving and it was so interesting to watch people standing in the middle of my living room with this headset on acting like they're in this [Music] fake world that doesn't even exist and i can see on my tv with what they're experiencing i i watched people flinch when a shark came by them point at things that weren't there and what was interesting is the response that i saw almost every single time they took off the headset they would go from seeing this world that didn't exist right in front of their eyes and the way my system would work is that the the the world would kind of just disappear around them and then they would take the headset off and every time they would have to kind of find their bearings again and go oh my goodness they would find that instead of standing in their original spot they were you know six feet the other way this time and they had gone across the room they'd knock some things over they're thinking oh my goodness i'm so sorry and they had forgotten that there were people in the room watching i had i had a headset on them just fully immersive they completely forgot about everybody but every single time the reaction was the same it was like they were waking up from a dream coming back from a different reality well the scripture says we just read it then the heavens will pass away with the terrible noise and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire that means the very the very elements the very fabric of reality as we know it will dissolve and on that day many will step into eternity [Music] when christ returns the world as we know it will be peeled away from our eyes [Music] and they'll come out of this virtual reality take off the headset of the flesh look around and realize god was watching all along this world is temporary [Music] no one knows the hour it will be like in the days of noah parting drinking laughing marrying starting businesses pursuing academic careers everything you are doing now that's what will be done on that day and it will come suddenly in fact we are seeing the systems the end times [Music] come into place now church you need to hear this [Music] there is a system forming now in the world that is completely antichrist [Applause] the world and its systems are uniting into one [Music] the world is united in its rebellion against god revelation 13 says this in verse 16 and 17. speaking of the antichrist he required everyone small and great rich and poor free enslave to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead and no one could buy or sell anything without that mark which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name this is a system of control conformity and compliance now what amazing prophetic insight that scripture had that it could look forward to the day when you couldn't buy or sell without having some type of mark that wasn't even something they could conceptualize back then everyone just traded with one another [Music] you know it's being considered now you've heard it probably on the news that the irs is now going to monitor accounts with more than 600 in it 600 or more they're going to monitor it i don't think that's passed yet but that's what they're shooting for they want to watch your every move they want to know every detail of everything you say brother david you sound like a conspiracy theorist look you know me i don't veer off topic like that i'm not i'm not a click bait artist you don't build a ministry on clickbait but i'm being completely honest and transparent with you i like to be grounded i like to watch things unfold i like to be very very careful about the way i examine information i don't believe headlines i look into stories and research and numbers and data but i'm telling you this right now the way things are going the governments of the world are looking to control and see every aspect of your life why because government says there is no god because government wants to be god it's happening right now it's happening now you may say one thing or another about different things and i'm not here to debate certain things but i will say that there is a system coming into place now and that system is about one thing control [Music] it's a sobering reality and it's time to wake up it's time to wake up this antichrist this one who who who is against god in all his ways will demand allegiance from everyone the day is coming soon people of god but they won't cancel you they'll kill you [Music] now this may sound terrifying but only to those who don't know the lord now you look at the way the world is going you look at the calamity that's coming and it is coming and you may be wondering what's the way of escape how how do you escape such a thing where in this world can you go that was one of the more terrifying realities when the pandemic hit i travel quite extensively and everywhere i went from the big cities to the little villages off in the middle of nowhere there were signs concerning coven everywhere it touched every part of the world please don't hear what i'm not saying i'm not commenting on the pandemic or things like that i'm commenting on the spirit of the world today [Music] and there will be nowhere to go there will be no political solution no economic solution no breakthrough of any kind you know why man is now focused on colonizing space is because we as a civilization are beginning to realize that this world isn't going to last forever all the systems are fragile everything fails my friend you're hearing me tonight and you hear of all the coming calamity and you hear of the things that are troubling in our world and you hear of all the disasters that are about to unfold and you may be asking how can i escape i'm glad you asked [Applause] hebrews 2 1-4 this is what the bible says so we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard or we may drift away from it for the message of god delivered to angels has always stood firm and every violation of the law and every act of disobedience was punished so what makes us think we can escape if we ignore this great salvation that was first announced by the lord jesus himself and then delivered to us by those who heard him speak and god confirmed the message by giving signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the holy spirit whenever he chose you want to know how to escape as i said man has his attempts economic solution no all systems fail perhaps a politician will figure everything out man fails [Music] there's only one way to escape god's hand is not too short that it cannot save [Music] there is no depth you've gone to that god cannot reach you it's time to wake up [Music] it's time to realize that this world is only temporary your life is but a vapor the only thing that matters is what you did with jesus as we read previously god is very patiently waiting very patiently waiting so that none could should perish you want to know what this message is it's so simple it's so simple jesus will save you from your sin he will forgive you you must repent and turn from your wicked ways and our ways are so wicked the reason people are so offended by the idea of hell is because they're not offended enough by the idea of sin you have a choice to make tonight my friend i plead with you how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation jesus the son of god offers to you salvation true salvation [Music] your sins can be forgiven your past can be erased you can be made new you can be put back in connection with god the father and deep in your heart you know it [Applause] deep in your heart you know it something something something is not right i tell you what that something is that something is sin and one day soon we'll all have to choose the world the devil sin the kingdom of darkness the system of the beast or the kingdom of god the way to eternal life my friend i can't promise you that if you give your life to jesus that everything's going to be perfect i can't promise that he'll make you a millionaire if you come up and receive christ you're going to go back to your seat and your bank account will look exactly the same your marriage may look exactly the same situation exactly the same [Music] but when you receive jesus you'll have peace in your heart the love of god the forgiveness of sins and so i invite you tonight make a decision make a decision to either accept jesus or reject him you may say i've done too much i've gone too far my sins are too great no my friend there's no sin you've committed that jesus can't wash away you may say well i have time i'll i'll do it maybe after i graduate maybe after i buy the home maybe after i get promoted maybe after i get married after my children move out my friend you are not promised tomorrow you don't know that this is the last opportunity you'll have to receive christ as your savior he stands before you today ready to accept you the holy spirit pulling on you tonight is the night tonight is the night are you watching online same thing perhaps you're listening to this christians who hear this we get excited people who aren't christians hear this they get all freaked out i'll tell you what that is your faith is in the world your faith is in the systems of the world when believers hear the systems of the world will fail we say well my god can never fail but where do the unredeemed run when the systems of the world fail when the systems of the world turn on them tonight's the night i'm not going to have anyone close their eyes or bow their head we're going to leave the lights exactly the same jesus said you confess me before man i'll confess you before my father in heaven in other words don't be ashamed of him he said if you reject me in front of others i'll reject you before my father in heaven it's a public declaration that you're turning from your sin and you're following the way of christ so right now the holy spirit is speaking to you you know that you need to receive jesus my friend if you die today are you ready are your sins forgiven are you ready to stand before your creator if not then i want you on the count of three to not think about what your neighbor is going to do to not think about what your friends may say about you to not wait until you see that other people are responding then you're just going with the crowd you must make a personal decision you're ready to receive christ and on the count of three i want you to stand to your feet one two three stand up if that's you [Music] if you're standing up i want you to step out of your seat come out of the aisle come from the back from the front we'll wait for you just come down and stand right over here church can we give jesus a mighty hand for what's happening here and they're still coming they're still coming they're still coming come on down this is going to be the best decision you've ever made the best decision you've ever made wow i see all races all ages all kinds jesus it's is god's gift to all men and women now listen to me you're standing up here tonight you're about to make a decision and this decision if you are truly deciding will change the direction of your life you can't just say a prayer and be saved that's nowhere in the bible prayer doesn't save you only jesus can save you but today you're turning from your old way of life the the word repent literally means to change your mind in terms of what it means in the bible it's to change your mind in such a way that the result is that you turn from your sin and old way of living and that's what you're doing it's not the end this is the beginning every sin you've committed every deed you've done in darkness every thought you thought of which you are ashamed if you turn to jesus after tonight after this moment you'll be cleansed from that sin you can let it go there are things that you may have done that no one else knows about and you don't want anyone to know about god knows about it and he's going to forgive you he's going to cleanse you and in response for him saving you you're giving him your life he wants your life now we can't save ourselves you go to church every day for the rest of your life and never sin again still wouldn't be good enough so it's like this if i go in for surgery i don't come out of the surgery going man i did so good all i did was go to sleep all i did was get on the table well jesus is the surgeon of the soul and and what you're doing is is you're trusting him enough to where you're putting yourself on the table you can't save yourself so don't even try you're getting on the table and saying you do the surgery lord you do the saving and as a thank you i'm gonna live my life for you it's that simple so what i want you to do as a symbol of surrendering to god is lift your hands up like this your eyes close your eyes think about nothing else right now it's just you and jesus just you and jesus and i want you to repeat after me in church we're going to stand in agreement and pray with them you can remain seated but we're going to stand in agreement and pray with them everyone out loud unashamed now say dear lord jesus i come to you as a sinner i admit i've done wrong i've sinned against you [Applause] and now i'm asking you to save me to cleanse me i turn from my sin i reject the world i reject satan i accept jesus jesus rescue me from my sin rescue me from myself [Applause] i believe say it out loud i believe you are the son of god i believe you died on the cross for my sins i believe he rose again from the dead jesus please save me be my lord my god my king my savior i turn to you now and i declare that today and forever i am born again in jesus name amen you look across this room i see so many different ages tears flowing from faces this is what jesus does this is what jesus does and now your new life begins your new life begins do one more thing for me if you're up here standing here i want you to turn around and face the people behind you and i want all of us to welcome the new members of the kingdom family come on church let's hear it for our new brothers and sisters singing eyes surrender all as they go back to their scene god bless you [Music] standing up all over this room please [Music] one more time every hand lifted church my every voice lifted now just the people sing it out and hide let them know at church say it again all to thee my blessed savior you may be seated god bless you wow isn't that beautiful isn't that just beautiful there's nothing like the joy i sense after seeing so many come to the cross i mean we all remember that day when the burden of sin was lifted when joy and peace first filled our hearts he's so good to us he sold it to us jesus we love you thank you for your mercy thank you for your love and grace and we honor you for jesus you know you know you've been in the anointing when burdens are lifted i've been in some services i've watched some programs after i leave i feel all tense and worked up but in the presence of the holy ghost there's peace and joy wow i'm just savoring the moment right now there's a real peace that's on the road a real power now i want to ask you for your help people of god there are many great and wonderful causes all throughout the world and i honor and i respect the great efforts to make our world a better place but there is no cause more important than the cause of the gospel there's no cause more important than the cause of the gospel [Applause] right now there is a war for the soul of this generation hollywood is antichrist the movie industry is antichrist big tech is anti-christ major news networks anti-christ the music industry anti-christ the school systems and political systems anti-christ do you think any of those systems will put any effort into winning souls church if we don't do it nobody will if the church does not support the gospel nobody will you see these people standing in the front here tears streaming down their faces this is the fruit of our giving why so that the gospel can go forward people can hear and souls can be saved i know you you're the people of god even just looking out in the room i sense nothing but love coming from the people of god i know you love the lord i know you love souls i know you love the gospel but sometimes it can feel as though we're just one person have you ever watched the news or scroll down a social media feed and just sigh because you felt so powerless to change anything feels like things are just being pushed and there's nothing any of us can do i'll tell you this jesus did say that in the last days perilous times would come but he never said that in the last days that the gospel would lose its power the gospel is the answer jesus is the answer for the world today he's the only way he's the only hope now church i'm just going to be very transparent with you because that's the way i like to do things this event because of all the people we have to fit because of i mean this stage wasn't here lighting wasn't here nothing nothing was here we have to start renting larger spaces because the crowds are just getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and and and that is a work of god they're not you guys aren't here because of me i promise you that they're coming because god is moving it's god's move god's work i'm i'm just a steward i just watch over it okay you're here for jesus i promise that so so when when i talk numbers i don't want to come across like i'm bragging if anything i'm bragging on jesus jesus knows how to draw a crown now in drawing these crowds and then doing these events on this scale the cost goes up and up and up and up to bring in the team to hire personnel you would be amazed at how much it is just to even rent the room for one night the whole event marketing and all everything all in is eighty thousand dollars now you may go whoa that's a lot well for one person maybe but you see all of us together can bring our resources our gifts together now at an at a conference you go to some conferences around this size they'll charge you three 400 250 a person right right but but we just decided i'm not speaking against those ministries i just i personally my conscience would be so tormented if i charge to get through those doors i can't do it i can't do it i won't do it you think some of these people would have come here tonight if they had to pay three 300 no so it's on us we have one strategy say how do you go out and do it we have one strategy one word faith you know like they did in the old days back in the old good old revival days just faith no registration just faith so i trust god and i trust that you the people of god will allow him to touch your heart with generosity we are going to ask and i'm not naming these amounts and saying oh here's the special amounts you know a thousand dollar seed and you'll break the back of debt no i don't i don't know if that will happen or 77 and in seven days you'll be debt free i i doubt that no gimmicks here guys i'm just being real with you and open our books are open here tonight we do need some people to consider those thousand dollar gifts if you can maybe there are businessmen and women in this room who could do more than ten thousand we've had that happen before we've had people pay the whole thing but we need everyone in this room to do their absolute best their absolute best and if everyone here does their absolute best i believe god will meet the need god will meet the need so if you can do those gifts i mentioned but all i'm asking is for you the people of god to say we're going to get behind you i need to know you're with me because this is the first of many we're going to go all across the nation doing these and these are going to get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger until we're paying for those big stadiums and you watch they're going to be filled in america again okay so so help this ministry continue to go and grow anything that comes in over that is going to be put right back into the ministry and then we go from there so will you help us tonight church we all we ask is you do your absolute best in giving tonight that's all we can ask and some of you that's going to be more than others but you do your best every individual and if you'll do that a crowd this size we can meet that need in one night i've seen it done before we can meet that one in one night so what i'm gonna ask is the ushers to come all the way to the front please and you giving online too your online giving helps us immensely you're watching online and you may feel well i'm not really there i mean that's partly why we do it you know it costs tens of thousands of dollars to bring the equipment to pay the personnel to set up the things that we set up to also broadcast this so it costs money to do the live stream too and so everyone can give in there's thousands who will see this online i see even right now there's about fourteen hundred of you who are watching live i mean that's a that's a tremendous number fourteen hundred people i'm doing the uh the little math on fourteen hundred people online if the average gift is 50 or 60 dollars and all of you give it'll be done it'll be done and you here and those watching recognize that not everyone watching and not everyone here is going to give so you say i'll take their blessing how about that and you do what you can so all right enough talking from me on the giving we're gonna pass the envelopes now to every single person everyone's gonna get one you have a choice you can give through the envelope or you can just go right there to that link donate you watching online i will see your online gift come in later on my phone i'll see all the names my team provides those for me and you here just ask the lord what is the absolute best i can do maybe you'll have to make some sacrifices maybe there'll be some things we say okay we won't do this so we won't buy that after all we're going to give it to the gospel instead yes god will bless you but i think a better message is we give because we love we don't give to get we give because we love and yes the lord will bless you yes the lord will provide for your needs but we have to take care of business here tonight we want to see more ministries doing this then we have to get behind them and support them so do what you can some of you can do those gifts of a hundred some can do 500 some can do a thousand some maybe not so much but if everyone does their absolute best we will be able to meet that need tonight and i ask those of you watching online even though you're at a great distance your participation in the giving makes all the difference in the world and i know we can count on you too so as those envelopes are going around the room and as you're filling out that information i'll just encourage you by telling you where your support is partially going to go yes it will fund this event but it'll also go on funding the media that we put out for you on a weekly basis now it's like three videos a week which is high production value we do a live stream once a week we do events like this all over the world we also have the holy spirit school which is an online bible school that we never charge admission for there is no charge to take our online school it's all free everything we have we give it away for free and it's 100 donor supported so as you give keep that in mind your giving helps to keep the ministry in operation it helps to keep the events occurring and most importantly it helps us in the fight for the soul of a generation you want to do something about what's going on in this world this is your chance together all of us are using our resources like a weapon in our hands to push back against the darkness i pray that the gospel goes forward so that your children and grandchildren will grow up in the nation that is based on the word of god and i believe that can happen i believe it will happen but we must we must we must preach the gospel we must we must we must preach the gospel if you're making a check make it payable to david hernandez ministries and just a note for those of you filling out the envelope if you are giving by the envelope we ask you to fill out the whole thing name address email so that we can put that into the system so we can run whatever the cards are so we can also give you your giving receipt at the end of the year we appreciate your support now i want to know how many of you are still filling out the envelope just wave at me so i can see okay so a good portion of you so i'll continue just to talk about what this ministry is doing you know one of the things about our ministry that we try to really be focused on is biblical balance that's bible-based and spirit-filled so there's a strong foundation of the word and we don't veer off into the weird and bizarre strange doctrines that you may see floating around neither do we shy away from the power of the holy spirit i saw a survey came out today i think it was larry sparks from destiny image who posted it a survey came out today saying that most born-again believers don't believe the holy spirit is real that's the church guys so we need to take this message of not only the gospel but the person of the holy spirit to the church and that's partly what you're giving toward everything this ministry does all operations that's what you're supporting here tonight thank you to those of you giving online i see um sharon isharoon here on the front where where is he he's in another room and i see him online right here when i see sharoon's on with us good to see you sharoon and those of you giving online thank you i see the gifts coming in from all around the world we so appreciate you guys i'll be done in a moment with the offering and then we're going to get right into the ministry to the sick but this is something we have to take care of it sustains what we're doing and helps the ministry to continue to go and grow and once we're done here we then we can focus back on the the prayer for the sick one more time does anyone else need time filling out the envelope okay looks like everyone's done here's what i want you to do if you gave raise your envelope if you gave online you could still raise the envelope just kind of like as a representative and if somebody else has your envelope you gave together all you could just lift your hands and what i'm going to do is i'm going to pray now remember we don't give to get but i do believe god does bless the giver so let's pray for that and those of you watching online too everyone agree now just let the lord speak to you i'm going to pray for you you just receive father in the name of jesus i pray your people would never know a day of lack i pray you would sustain them in every season every situation and i pray lord not only that you would sustain them but that you would prosper them that they might continue to be a resource center for the kingdom expansion to which you've called us lord use our resources as a weapon in your hand to destroy the works of the devil in the name of jesus lord let souls be saved let people be delivered let people be healed and set free because of the giving to the gospel we pray it be done in the mighty name of jesus we pray and all of god's people said almighty amen as the buckets pass you i just want you to begin to prepare your heart as you pray in the holy ghost as the buckets pass just go ahead and stand and just begin to ask the lord to speak to you as the buckets pass you just go ahead and stand you online thank you for your support god's gonna touch you too there's no distance in the spirit god's power is present here to touch you as well everyone standing as the buckets pass you hands lifted eyes closed just begin to prepare your heart the power of the holy spirit is moving jesus we honor jesus we honor you condor bobo saint jesus jesus jesus i love you lord jesus just lift your hands and forget about everything else around you everyone standing now please everyone standing all across the room jesus we love you we love you we love you jesus holy spirit let your power begin to flow let there be a mighty demonstration of your power just forget about everything else right now we're ascending to higher places ascending to higher places hands lifted eyes closed the power of god in just a moment is about to feel this room some of you will feel like heat come upon you some will feel like electricity pulsing through your body this is the true power of god this is the true power of the holy spirit i promise you tonight this is the real deal it's the same power that came upon the church in the book of acts it's the same power that worked upon the apostles the same power within the early church jesus the son of god the ancient of days is moving across this room right now and if you'll just surrender if you'll just surrender his power will touch you and change your life a single moment in the presence of the holy spirit can transform your life forever mark chapter 6 verse 56 says this and wither so ever he entered into villages or cities or country they laid the stick in the streets and besought him that they might touch him if it were but the border of his garment i love this right here this is for everyone in the room and everyone watching live right now and as many as touched him were made whole people of god would you lift your hands and touch them whatever your need he's able whether you need to be set free from some sickness some demonic influence some harassment or perhaps you just need a fresh touch of his power one touch one touch one touch one touch will do it in a moment we're going to begin to worship and as we worship the lord the power of the holy spirit will begin to manifest in this room don't be afraid when it begins don't be afraid when it begins to move across this room i assure you it's the power of god even now some of you sensed it even in line some of you sensed it waiting to get in faith and anticipation in the air it's the power of god he's here he's here he's here he's here hands lifted eyes closed as we tell the lord together that we love him love you i love you my love i love you i love simple words sing it out to him i love you i love you i love you my lord [Music] i love you i love you i love you my i love you i love you i love you i love you i love oh love you i love you i love you my lord sing it out i praise you i praise you i praise you my lord i praise you i pray jesus glory to the land jesus we love you just begin to pray in your heavenly language now pray in your heavenly language [Applause] so baby for you are glorious and worthy too we praise you're the lamb upon the throne and on to you we lift our voice in praise you're the lamb upon the throne for you are glorious and worthy to be praised you're the land upon the throne and on to you we lift our voice in praise you're the lamb upon the throne glory and glory glory glory to the lamb jesus and glory glory glory to them upon the throne in praise for you are and worthy to be praised you're the lamb upon the throne and turn to you we lift our voice something has changed in the atmosphere as many as touched him were made whole [Applause] as many as touched him were made whole look to jesus now look to the healer look to the great deliverer jesus the son of the living god is walking through the aisles right now what you're sensing is the presence of the holy spirit there's such a glory on the room right now in the name of jesus we the church of the living god declare that heaven is open over this room church there are angelic there are angelic beings moving about the room heavenly hosts you're standing on holy ground you're standing on holy ground if you're believing for a healing in your body i want you to take your hand and place it on the part of your body where you need healing if it's more than one part of your body that's neat healing just place it on your head your whole being if there's a specific part place it on that part of your body don't wait for me to lay hands on you jesus himself is going to lay hands on you right now the way this works is simple we believe he does the miracle it's just god's healing power many of you will be healed as you stand in your seat right there and there's that flow that mighty river of god's power the king is here your healer is here your healer is here in the room with you right now he's standing in your midst the great i am the glorious one the son of god the ancient of days he's standing in your midst right now jesus makes you whole i sense him moving around the room i know you do too jesus the son of god is here in the name of jesus we the church of the living god drive out every sickness and every disease i rebuke it now that stronghold of infirmity we break your power that spirit of witchcraft that hovers over above this state we break your power now in the name of jesus the blood of jesus is against every demonic power i cancel every plan of hell over god's people i cancel every work of the devil for jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and we pray that the power of sickness be broken in this room tonight it's the glory of god place your hand on your body right now you're going to be healed in the name of jesus i command eyes to be open right now ears be open neck be healed back be healed arms be healed legs be healed bones be healed nerves be healed i rebuke cancer now in the name of jesus it goes in the name of jesus church there's a mighty flow of god's power flowing through this room just focus on the lord he's doing it he's doing it he's doing it sickness has lost its power in this room sickness has lost its power in this room receive that healing touch receive that healing touch some of you are feeling like heat come upon your body others like electricity some like a weight some you feel like a wave moving through the room that's god's healing power receive it now lord let nerves be healed let paralysis be healed paralysis we rebuke you in the name of jesus tumors go i rebuke every tumor in the name of jesus skin disease go go go go go go go in the name of jesus come out of that wheelchair in the name of jesus let go of that walker in the name of jesus i command movement to be restored to limbs feeling to be restored to parts of the body that had no feeling lord we come against every sickness bones be mended someone with a torn muscle you've just been healed i thank you jesus someone with a torn muscle somebody's right ear has just been healed i thank you lord everybody praying in the holy ghost now something is happening miracles are occurring somebody's right ears just been healed i thank you lord don't wait for me to call out your healing you're being healed without me having to be calling you out in the name of jesus in the name of jesus a tumor on the neck just been healed i thank you lord paralysis is being healed right now thank you jesus glaucoma i rebuke it someone's eyes have just been healed i give you the praise jesus someone with an issue with both knees both knees you're being healed right now i thank you lord a shoulder has just been healed a shoulder has just been healed someone to my left someone to my left you had a skin disorder a skin disease your skin is clearing up right now as we speak in the name of jesus i thank you lord for that miracle lord show me show me show me what you're doing let me see with eyes of the spirit someone came into this room you came here depressed and suicidal and you said i'm gonna give this one more chance and tonight the power of the holy ghost broke that depression from off of you i thank you jesus [Music] thank you lord thank you lord a vertebrae somebody's vertebrae has just been healed i give you the glory lord someone's gallbladder has been healed a stomach condition a stomach ulcer has just been healed there's a woman with a digestive issue god's healing you right now a digestive issue there's someone else here that you just got an x-ray back there was a scan that you got and it showed some what they think is inflammation on the brain it's been causing you severe headaches you're being healed right now by the power of the holy ghost i give you the praise jesus somebody else you were gonna go in for a dental procedure a dental procedure something is wrong with the back right side of your mouth and god is healing you tonight the pain is leaving your body i give you the glory a little boy is being healed i don't know of what but a parent brought their son someone's son a little boy is being healed i see you now god is making you whole i give you the glory lord keep praying in the holy ghost something is happening miracles miracles miracles i want you for the next two or three minutes to pray loudly and boldly in the holy ghost go go go go go kenta robobo yes lord yes lord miracles miracles miracles canteri swelling on the shoulders just been healed somebody with a broken rib on your left side you're being healed i give you the glory condor says somebody's eyes are being healed somebody's ears are opening somebody who had little to no movement because of paralysis that's being restored i thank you lord konto romo centering as we sing it that river of healing is washing through this room [Music] every voice lifted down [Applause] [Music] now hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] now it's time to step out in faith how many of you as we prayed you felt god's healing power go through you just wave at me wave at me look at that all around the room he's here tonight he's here tonight now if you're in this room and you're believing for your healing start to test your body now right now if you couldn't move something the way a certain way before start to move it if you couldn't see out of a certain eye start to test that eye test your ears test your limbs test everything there is that there that you have the test many of you are gonna notice that you've been made whole by god's healing power it's his work now how many of you believe you've been healed wave at me wave at me waving look around the room guys wow okay i wanna ask you one more thing if you've been healed tonight you waved at me you believe you're healed i'm gonna ask you to do one more thing and and i understand that many of you might be shy and i understand that that's okay but we gotta tell the world what jesus did so if you've been healed in your body and you know it right now don't hesitate step out of your seat where do you want them pat and come line up on this side of the room where i'm pointing quickly now quickly now come out of your seat and come line up over here and let's give the lord a hands of praise as they come lining up i'm getting testimonies also online somebody left a comment online guys one of the live viewers just said that as they were watching their skin disease started to clear up right as they were watching that's a creative miracle that's a creative miracle and look at the many who are coming now to testify of having been healed you may take your seats the rest of you this is one of the spectacular portions of the service all parts of the service are wonderful but this is one of my favorites because now we're going to hear testimonies of god's healing power and god's power is going to begin to flow in a very special way you've seen it on the broadcast you've seen it in the videos that we've released that electric like power is here now and i can't explain why god does it that way i can't i can't tell you why those are you in line wondering i don't know why god does it like that in different ministries he moves different ways with our ministry there's just like this electric power that moves and and i i can't do anything to cause that it's just god's power but as it begins to flow i know god's power is also going to touch those of you in your seats now tomorrow night just before we hear these testimonies tomorrow night i want to lay hands on everyone who feels called to go into ministry and we're going to believe god for a wonderful impartation how many of you just by show of hands are going to come back tomorrow night just wave raise your hand raise your hand tomorrow night that's sunday night get here early tomorrow we will probably have to extend the seating which will have seats everyone but get here early and same thing tomorrow as tonight there will be parking that we've covered for everybody who wants to come uh mr vargas tell me what's going on here nice and clearly explain what happened here diga i have lisa here for six months now has had intestine issues she said it's gone up to her chest to her throat to her mouth she said for the past two months hasn't been able to move her mouth properly hasn't been able to eat hasn't been able to even suck out of a straw she said if she said she fell as if her mouth was shrinking and she said it feels normal now she's able to move her mouth properly say again for me my mouth is moving now that's that's a bit of unique when i've actually never heard anything like that explain to me what was wrong whatever it was like eating me from the inside out and coming up to my mouth and it came up my esophagus then my mouth started to get really hard my lips were getting harder and then we were shrinking and i couldn't suck on a straw i couldn't whistle anymore my mouth's moving and tonight what happened when god started to heal you it just started to work did you feel anything come on you or did you just got here before i got here it started before i got here what do you mean it started before you got here holy spirit has been on me before i got here that's god's work he's present now he's present now it's been a long battle the holy spirit comes to refresh you now receive a fresh touch of the holy ghost father whatever this issue was let it never come back again in jesus mighty name and the church said amen you know you hear these testimonies and i love the reaction that you guys have the you're rejoicing with them just applauding and that's the right reaction because these are people whose lives are about to be transformed i mean she she was dealing with this issue i'm sure that was worrisome and now she's going home to be well because of what jesus has done now reuben is there or is there also another usher we have that can come here and help the people down the stairs um is there anyone available to do that or are we maxed out on yeah my friend you thank you my brother i appreciate you sergio what happened here this is mikey he actually came in his wrist for a month he had pain couldn't even rotate it all the way halfway he would only be able to rotate when we begin to pray he said he felt the school win come over him and the pain is gone he can rotate all the way [Applause] say again that's crazy that's crazy you said so what exactly was wrong so i fell like a little over a month ago and it's been like uh pretty painful like just doing everyday things hurt and uh i haven't been able to like fully rotate it move it and uh i just felt like a like a little wind and when you told us to like put our hand on whatever it was it just i stopped feeling everything like i didn't feel anything and then when i let go of it i was able to i just didn't notice and i moved it you know and now you say you felt like like a little wind can you elaborate on that a little bit like it just felt like a little breeze and then like i got like goose bumps everywhere and like even like the hairs on the back of my neck stood up that's the presence of the holy ghost brother that's the presence of the holy ghost it's it's very strong right now help him up guys [Music] you know every so often i can see things on people you sir are called to preach the gospel what do you feel on you right now i just feel really peaceful give a more lord give him more in the name of jesus it's the work of the holy spirit he is in a whole different realm right now help him again one more time i want to talk to him i it's like you're not even here right now i don't know what to say i just feel really peaceful this feels crazy i've never felt this like this say again i've never felt anything like this and it's the power of god may go with you and may you never be the same again in jesus name and the church said lord holy spirit we give jesus the glory for the power that's present can you please just turn it up a little bit in jesus name what happened here reuben hello i have lisa here for a year oh sorry ally i'm sorry so this is ally ali here was diagnosed a year ago she can't have kids it's not working properly anymore she said today when we were praying she said she felt this weight lift off her and she said that would even cause pain in her stomach and she said it would come and go and she said today she said she felt this weight come off her and she said there's no more pain anymore she said she's believed she believes she's been healed you know not everybody knows this and the anointing is very strong right now not everybody knows this but for several years jess and i were unable to conceive and we prayed that god would give us a miracle baby that's our arya now now i can't claim to know what it's like to suffer from the mother's perspective because that's just something i can't understand so this is a very beautiful thing that jesus is doing lord we pray it be so and let your power oh so strong let your power flow through this woman's body making her completely whole what are you feeling on you right now i feel the presence of god i feel it just am working in my body look at that that is the power of the holy ghost lord let her be like hannah let there just be stirrings of the spirit and let that prayer from deep within flow out of her jesus grant this miracle we pray in the name of jesus jesus we give you the glory what did you sense on you right now as you were on the floor god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's the glory of god it's the glory of god i told you he's here today he's walking with us and please understand this is not me this is who is around me it's my my i call it my dear friend the holy spirit [Music] my dear dear friend the holy spirit i love him and i love his presence and i'm not ashamed of him i tell him i want it to be evident when you walk with me you know when you want to be around someone and you love someone you want everyone to see you with them that's how i feel with the holy spirit holy spirit walk with me in such a way that everyone knows you walk around with me you should pray that too help her up and you guys are going to have to help her help her down that way because there's more of you over on that side it's the presence of the holy ghost sergio what happened here deega this is mary she came with pain today and she had for one month pain on the right knee and it started to affect on the left knee she said it was even hard to worship but the moment you stood here you said somebody in their knees are being healed and she said the pain is gone and she can stand with no pain i couldn't even walk i was like limping just a little while ago you couldn't even walk without pain yeah pain i've had it for a month and then today my left knee started hurting bad i was like what's going on well can you show us what jesus said you want to stop that foot for us there you go look at that it's beautiful it's beautiful it's the presence of the holy ghost just receive it receive it oh whoa whoa whoa bring her back i heard you go whoa what did you sense right now the power of the holy spirit more lord in jesus name just don't let her get all the way to the end some people they do that they stumble all the way and then my ushers fall off the back so lord fill her to overflowing in jesus name what just describe for the people what it's like oh it's wonderful it's just so wonderful it's the hand of jesus lord everywhere feel her let her be in a different place and don't let her walk all the way back reuben what happened well yeah keep it's called a delayed reaction reuben what happened here this is laura she said earlier when you called out that somebody had pain in their right jaw she said she immediately knew that was her she said she started praying and she said she felt as if someone's hands began to touch her mouth and she said the pain immediately went away she said it decreased dramatically she said she has no more pain in her right side of her jaw and you said that you felt someone like grab your face yeah i had my hands on my jaw and i felt the hands of jesus come and so he said take your hands off laura yeah lord place your hand on her again did your power flow through her body everyone stretch your hands toward this woman we thank you for this healing lord and we don't take for granted any of them now jesus stretch forth your hand and stir up the prophetic gift be bold let him stir it let him stir touch your lord in the name of jesus filling to overflowing that's the glory of god on earth that's the glory of god on earth lord let the power flow through her being jesus it's so beautiful do you feel that there's like a flow up here right now [Music] sergio what happened giga this is kelsey she's been having digestion problems for a year and a half and even pain in the head for a year i rebuke it in jesus name your power flow receive it all receive it all fill her up like a cup to overflowing let her mouth speak forth your word this is beautiful look at she's she's just in come look at this she's in just a different place right now [Music] it's the beauty of the lord you can see it like on her face how many could just see like the glory of god all over her there's such a peace on you right now tell us what it's like unlike anything i've ever felt before unlike anything you've ever felt before yeah it's the presence of jesus now lift your hands both hands close your eyes father overwhelm her in your glory take her to higher heights that's it that's him that's him don't worry don't be afraid don't be afraid higher highs and deeper depths higher heights and deeper depths just a gentle flow right now a gentle flow a gentle flow all you lift your hands pray in the holy ghost right now and please if if at all possible let's minimize the movement out there just just just keep it to absolute necessary movement please mr vargas you gotta have arturo here he said for the past couple of days has has pain in his right shoulder and in his right hamstring because of the work he's in and he said when he was when you were praying he said he felt this breeze come upon him you felt the breeze too and then what happened and then he said once the breeze came upon him he said he immediately felt the pain going away and what was wrong with your shoulder it was just a sharp pain in my right shoulder and in my right hamstring do you know what it was from i don't i see god's power on you lift your hands brother whoa god's gonna use your life there is such a strong anointing here stretch your hands toward this man pray in the holy ghost come on guys i how many just feel like this i can't explain it i can't explain it it is just this energy on the room and it's very strong up here on the platform i can't really fully describe it very very strong up here on the platform lord i'm asking again intensify intensify help him up reuben what's happening here diego i have hayden here for a couple years now has had blurred vision in his right eye because he had a splinter there he even had lasik done but he said he still had blurred vision he's also had pain in his she in his knees and in his back from sports injuries but he said today he said his eye cleared up he's able to see properly now he said the pain in his back the pain in his knees is gone how long were you dealing with the blurriness in your eyes uh for years i was chopping wood and splinter went my eye and i haven't been able to see right ever since and how do you know you're healed now well when you said it you're like you know something about the eyes i was like wait a minute and i checked and i looked and i'm like oh my gosh praise god jesus healed your eye yes sir and he's and he saved my soul from hell thank you jesus you gave your life to the lord tonight i saw that well lift your hands father use him for your glory in the name of jesus and the church said amen thank you jesus thank you jesus sergio what's going on here this is elizabeth she actually came with pain she had pain on her breast and she even did a biopsy and they found a lump there she said the lump is gone come on church give jesus a mighty hand of praise the lump is gone yes it is gone you checked it and it's gone yes say it again it's gone now i see the tears flowing what does it mean that jesus did this for you it means the world i have babies i want to be there for my babies church this is a creative miracle the lump disappeared that's the healing hand of jesus and lord let it let it never ever ever return in the name of jesus and the church said wow wow help her up a second i just see god's power all over you i'm overwhelmed with emotion feel peaceful if you free where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty and to jesus belongs all the glory this is jesus that did this mr vargas what's going on i have melanie here who was healed from pain in her right arm because she had it run over three months ago by a car she said ever since then she's been in pain she hasn't been able to move it properly she said today the pain is gone she's able to lift up her arm when you said i'm healing a torn muscle i was claiming the lord said do you want to be whole i said yes jesus i do but i knew that was me because i could go and i've claimed healing since that time i've never gone in but i've been in a lot of pain and the pain is gone totally i'm praising the lord i love it and and and how far could you move it before without pain but i could not do anything like this without pain so god is god what did you sense when jesus was healing you i just felt his love and i saw his face and he said do you want to be well i'm like yes yes so thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus father [Music] the lord's giving you an invitation now deeper depths deeper depths i just i sense this so strongly pay very close attention to how he speaks to you in dreams and in the midnight hours an invitation has been given lord let her go deeper wow [Music] just for a moment lift your hands softly now you are alpha and omega [Music] and we worship you [Music] one more time stephen sing it softly people of god join with us [Music] we worship you [Music] britain come here [Music] fire in jesus name come on him [Music] keep that same flow and the same reverence sergio what happened diego this is george he came with knee pain he's been having pain for 15 years and he said still he can feel wind blowing over his knees and the pain is completely gone even when he was in the back i said begin to do she couldn't do he began to move up and down say again since i was 15 i played a lot of rugby in high school and college so since i was 15 since you were 15 years old yes sir you couldn't do that without pain a lot of locking and pressure he says jesus we give you the glory for this that's the glory of god here church you better lift your hands and ask him to feel you because something again i'm telling you we go from glory that's what i love about these services we started here and i thought there's no way there's no way we could go any higher and now we're way up here it's a different place reuben what happened michaela here has had eczema her whole life eczema she came in with itchy red skin all over her arms she said it's went away she said lotion ointment nothing would heal it she said today the pain and the itch is gone and the the redness is gone too yes oh you need to give the lord a hand of praise for that [Music] how shocked were you when you checked your skin it didn't burn and i was like oh my god thank you jesus for the anointing we give you glory that that is a true miracle she says it just stop burning and then she looks and the redness is gone the patchiness is gone i'm looking at her skin right now perfectly smooth jesus is alive and well in denver colorado what happened here sergio this is camellia she had a pain in her heart even in her mind and she felt a literal touch on her heart and her mind as if jesus touched her himself there's a power flowing man pray in the holy spirit again sing it again steve [Music] you are the lord pray in the holy spirit guys come on sing it again you are alpha and omega you are is [Music] get this gentleman here father let the anointing begin to flow let the anointing begin to flow [Music] that's the power of god take the time to find the right notes for awesome in this place you are awesome in this place in stephen's key please reuben quickly what happened quickly quickly quickly i have gene here well be gentle with her but speak quickly since 2009 she has had pain in her back and her shoulder because of an accident and she said she almost left during service because it was hurting so much but she said i was believing for my miracle tonight and the pain is gone jesus we give you the glory and the honor you are awesome in this [Music] you are awesome in this place [Music] you are awesome in [Music] this church [Music] you are awesome in this [Music] you are awesome in this place [Music] [Music] you are worthy [Music] you are awesome in this place [Music] one more time you are [Music] you are awesome in this you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have won the victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] you have one of its [Music] [Music] seated you are the reason [Music] you have won the victory [Music] me you have won a victory [Music] death could not hold you [Music] seated [Music] time you are the reason [Music] seated you are [Music] hallelujah [Music] you have won the victory [Music] me [Music] you have won the victory [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one thing i desire only this i see oh just in 12 12 12 here forever this will be my posture laying at your feet [Music] [Applause] [Music] here forever dearest father closest friend most beautiful most beautiful dearest father closest friend most beautiful [Music] most beautiful [Music] [Music] one thing i desire only this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] most beautiful [Music] dearest father [Music] closest beautiful [Music] dearest father closest friend most beautiful beautiful dearest father [Music] closest [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm so in love with you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 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Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 34,200
Rating: 4.9570189 out of 5
Keywords: The beast system and the last days, the last days, the number of the beast, the mark of the beast, the end times, when is god coming back, when is jesus coming back, when will the rapture happen, what is the mark of the beast, is the vaccine the mark of the beast, when exactly will jesus come back, what will the last days look like, the second coming of jesus christ, the rapture, signs of the last days, salvation, david diga hernandez, steven moctezuma, encounter tv
Id: RrwQT0DkjNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 46sec (8146 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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