Built Up & Established - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] please [Music] [Music] good um [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful jesus and wonderful savior [Music] is [Music] oh beautiful jesus and wonderful [Music] is [Applause] [Music] bless you redeemer is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my closest [Music] my closest friends our closest friends [Music] beautiful jesus and wonderful savior blessed you're my closest [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're my there is no one like you nothing comes [Music] everything i've ever needed [Music] yet he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he talks with me and he tells me [Music] [Applause] and he tells me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me i am [Music] oh you walk with me and you talk to me can you tell me i am your friend yes can you talk with me can you tell me [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] beautiful jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] my closest friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] you are my firm foundation on christ [Music] could be shifting moving but here i stand [Music] everything around me could be moving and shifting but here i stand i am [Music] establishing you [Music] you're my firm foundation [Music] you're where i build my life [Music] firmly planted firmly planted here never to be shaken never to be moved up on my place my place here in you [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can't be moved [Music] [Applause] and here i will build my life [Applause] [Music] this house won't grow my feet are standing [Music] no matter if the wind blows no matter if the storm comes no matter if the waves come crashing against [Music] here i stand [Music] never to be moved [Music] here i stand [Music] foreign [Music] matter what comes my way no matter what comes my way i stand firm in no matter what comes my way i can't be shaken i can't be shaken i can't be shaken [Music] no matter what comes by only locking us [Music] so even with and even when the storm comes rolling in and even when the waves come crashing just lock your eyes on me cause i'll never let you be shaken i'll never let you be moved cause your life has been firmly planted here in my love so even when the wind comes [Music] you don't have to fear you don't have to be [Music] afraid you've been established [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm holding you tightly we're so close you can't find the beginning of the ends don't be afraid don't be afraid no matter what comes your way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come come even more now come even closer come even closer to me and call me even more now and come even closer come even more now come even closer to me [Music] i've come encounter your heart and feelings wrap around love surrounding you [Music] can you feel him coming closer when you come my heart beats faster and slower at the same time [Music] you sow so intoxicated [Music] you're so intoxicating so calm even more come even closer and come even more come even closer you're so intoxicated [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] lord we thank you for your presence lord we truly know now that in your presence this fullness of joy and at your right hand our pleasure is forevermore thank you for being with us already here in san antonio thank you for coming in like a flood lord thank you for overtaking us running us down and overtaking us and lord for the rest of this night we promise to yield to your spirit for whatever it is that you have for us tonight in jesus name if you believe it say amen amen amen amen you may be seated [Music] if you ever have had any of uh or listen to any of kevin's worship albums that's what they all sound like with different instruments just so full of worship they bring in the atmosphere the presence of god i think we have some at the book table in fact speaking of book table i'm told that several of you tonight asked about warrior fellowships like where is there one by me there is a code back there that you can put your phone up to which will give you the link to how you can sign up for where there's a warrior fellowship near you and for those who don't know that what a warrior fellowship is in this past january uh kevin had it on his heart to start these uh fellowships in in in homes because of all that's going on and and we took our students and they're now hosting these fellowships they're they're bible studies their churches their meeting places and we're seeing a move of god we we now have 1200 fellowships all over the world yeah amen [Applause] [Music] we we have them i mean when i say all over the world i mean all over the world where restrictions are off the charts we have fellowships everywhere uh and they're they're saying you know what we're just gonna keep going after god and we have fellowship in places that we can't even say publicly and it's just amazing what guys do so if you want to be a part of a fellowship you can sign up online uh or you can go to the book table back there and they have the code for that uh and if you want to host one and be a part of that you can become a student and mike may share about that in a moment well i have some really exciting news because this just came online today uh this is more for those who are watching october 3rd we're doing one more uh series of one-night meetings this year we have of course our spirit schools but the one-night meetings we just posted these online on october 3rd kevin's coming back to concord north carolina and then on the fourth he's coming to henderson nevada and nevada nevada however we say potato potato but uh he's never been there since i've known him i'm sure he's flown there many times but uh as uh for ministry this is his first time in in nevada so we're going to be on october 4th in henderson nevada so if you're watching please uh you can sign up online october 5th the next night we're going to be in seattle we're going to be back to seattle washington and we're really excited about that place as well kevin kathy used to live there so we're coming to seattle i know in seattle we have a lot of room so you come it's a one-nighter come out for that and then from uh seattle we fly to santa maria california and so we're going to be in california which is not too far from you guys um yeah we're going to be in santa maria and uh it's going to be a lot of fun there so you can sign up there and then finally uh we the last leg of that trip is in uh uh phoenix arizona maybe that's a little closer to you guys they're like yeah that's a little closer phoenix arizona and we have plenty of room because we just announced these so if you're looking for a place to come and be with us especially if you're watching online concord nevada concord north carolina nevada washington california and arizona uh just coming out and that's that's not including be right before that we're in pensacola florida and with a spirit school we just we just kevin just keeps going on you know god's not stopping so this ministry is not stopping amen amen well we're going to take an offering if the ushers would come forward i'd appreciate that and in just a moment we're going to take it after i pray here we're so thankful for the opportunity to give to this ministry and a special thank you for coming out tonight uh to be with us and to be a part i i believe kevin said it last night there's a there's a different impartation that happens when you're in person because you're in this atmosphere of course many receive online many receive an impartation it's so you receive it online but you also receive a unique one when you're in person as well because you just you never know what happens in the room and so many lives are changed and we saw it all this week lives were changed everywhere we went so thank you for being a part of this ministry thank you for sewing in we say it all the time this is uh in all honesty a debt free ministry everything is paid for the bills are paid amen i can promise you this you'll never hear kevin and kathy come up here begging and pleading if you just give us one more dollar we can make it through but the the reason why we can say that and joke about it is because the goodness of god follows the good news that is being preached amen so if you want to give you can make your check out to warrior notes or you can do text to give you can see that number online or you can do text to give it shows the number on the envelope here and you can give by debit card of course you know that it's everything secure so thank you for doing that father we thank you for the opportunity to to just be a part of sowing into the kingdom we thank you lord for giving us the finances to be able to release it out of us to bless those lord who you're trying to reach for the kingdom of god and lord we thank you that through this giving souls will be saved children will be ministered to people will come back to the lord lord people will get right with god you'll they'll receive the power of god we thank you for all that you're doing and we give you the glory in jesus name amen thank you ushers amen it is so good to be back in texas i know you texans are very loud i heard a yee-haw already it is so good to be in san antonio and let me tell you texas is just like family it is and you guys are just such wonderful people you have such a wonderful call of god on your life we hear such wonderful testimonies all the time that's coming from the fellowships and the students and the partners all over the place and here in texas and so we got to see how many partners and students do we have here in san antonio whoa praise god thank you guys yeah it's hard to have your hand up and clap at the same time isn't it but let me tell you we are so thankful for you guys because the gospel is going all over the world and it's about the remnant it's about the family of god the church rising up and saying enough is enough we're going to come together because we can do this we can have the report of the lord and we're sick and tired of not having the report of the lord out there right and that's why we're here amen so partners and students we're so excited we're so thankful for you guys because the good news is going everywhere and let me tell you the good news is coming through you amen and you guys are the ones that god is raising up in this time in this generation and we're so proud to say that you guys are part of the family you guys are part of this warrior notes ministry and so a couple exciting things i've got to tell you about because i'm so excited i can barely stand still if you can't tell is that we have something coming out we've been talking about it but we're just a few weeks away from releasing warrior chat and if you don't know what warrior chat is let me tell you a little bit you know there's all these great platforms on social media but you know a lot of times you can't always say what you want about jesus about what god is doing god is doing in your life about evangelism so kevin and kathy had it on their heart to make a social media platform that is owned by warrior notes and gives you the freedom to preach the good news to share dreams and visions to go after god and connect all over the world isn't that awesome and this is not an easy feat so we've got people that have been working very hard on this but we're so excited so be careful to be watching for your emails because we're going to be releasing this pretty soon and it's going to be for partners and in this you're going to be able to you're going to be able to connect with people all over your state your city the countries we're going to have groups for the for uh for the fellowships we're going to have groups for all the many ministries that are being launched from warrior notes including health and the warrior women and the students and all these things and it's going to be a way that we can be connected and nobody can shut it down how about that amen so be watching for your emails because we want you to be a part of that we want you to jump in right away okay another thing is is we are so excited because we have you know we we hit 20 000 students and all of a sudden it's like jesus just pumped the gas on this thing and we are on our way to almost 21 000 students right now all over the world that are being trained up to share the good news of the gospel isn't that awesome and i know many of you are here tonight and let me tell you we've got new courses coming out kevin has has been filming and filming and filming because he wants to sow into your life that's how much him and kathy believe in you guys he's willing to sacrifice meals time it doesn't matter he's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure the gospel is preached to you guys and so we've been yeah and so i'm just going to throw this in there real quick we've got 10 courses on holy fire coming out holy fire and then on top of that we've got five courses of days of heaven on earth because like kevin has preached before it's time for goshen right it's time for the glory it's time for the power right and it's not for the elect it's not for fivefold it's for the church and guess what that's you amen all right dr kevin zadeid i appreciate the honor and respect but you have to know i'm just a sailboat if god doesn't blow into the sail we're all going to be sitting out there looking at each other you know and uh i just i just want you to make a commitment to me that when things turn around and and uh the lord starts to to bring justice i want you to remember the intensity of the spirit that you had in the hard times and that's the thing i learned about history is we learn nothing from history like mark twain said you know we learn nothing from history that's the only thing we learn from history is we learn nothing we don't we when i was a student growing up i would look at things and i would be sitting as the monday morning quarterback looking at history thinking you know how's come they didn't ask me i wouldn't have done that or you know i wouldn't have done this you know and then um you know as i was growing up i thought why do we let the same things happen over again you know why every four years do we have some sort of animal flu but the animals are fine and just things like that as a kid i thought man you know it can't be that hard i mean we flew here at 500 miles an hour 45 000 feet i think they can take care of some sort of bird flu so something else is going on right okay so i just want you to remember the lord in the good times not just remembering the lord in the bad times when you need help you know sometimes sometimes i have to say things like that because i looked at history and there was all these waves of things that happened and i've been in some of these these different things that the lord did in the body of christ in the in the in the past years and then also studying history and i know that it's time for another another uh renewal another move you know i know that it's already started but the key is is that a lot of times people didn't recognize the signs of of the times that were that they were in and i could see it because i'm looking back at it but at what point do we all become very perceptive very discerning very spirit-filled is what it is yeah and you you baptize you're baptized amen and the spirit the spirit the spirit wants to help us and i'm really i'm really telling you this because the move of god this move of god has started but it happened in adversity not university it happened to add in the adversity and it is a school adversity can be a school but it's how you weather it but see just promise me that you will remember the lord in your good times too when the lord comes through and justice is served in situations then will you still remember the lord you know i i appreciate every meal because i remember going without the same thing i remember i appreciate being healthy because i i remember when when i was sick when i felt like i was gonna die and so i don't forget i don't forget those things i i didn't have money i didn't have i didn't have money i was po i wasn't even poor i was pope so anyway i i just i just sensed that i have to say these things because the spirit the spirit of god knows the future but what we don't understand is that if we do not cooperate things will be done on our shift and you know i remember when i was i was security and i was the only one there so i had to be armed because there was no one else to call there was no backup i was security for for a university at night and i sat there all at night and the lord would visit me the power of god was so strong all night 12 midnight to 7. and i remember when the sun would come up i just put my gun in the safe and i would go to class until 2 pm in my uniform i didn't even have time that'd be a class of 7 30. i got off at 7. i remember like listening all day to all this information about the bible got a bachelor degree and didn't really learn about my creator about him personally i learned about i learned i learned of him i learned about him but i didn't learn didn't know him but i could tell you what the greek said in the hebrew and i remember like at night i'd be by myself and i would be it would be like a relationship time all night i could feel the fire of god when i was alone i saw the discrepancy or the the chasm of knowledge now i have a doctorate in theology but when i met jesus because they gave me too much nitrous on on the table i passed and i met jesus when i met him he was everything that the bible says he is but i realized he was much more and that the education didn't even tap in but i remember the nights being alone and the spirit of god was there with me and i i realized you know what the body of christ needs to have practical supernatural but practical understanding to where it's easy to take what you're hearing and implement it so it can't be just interesting and this is what when i met jesus i realized that it's set up down here for us to want to hear new things and interesting things but it becomes entertainment because i would ask people in church like well what what did you get out of today well you know you know i go no tell me what did you get what what did you under what did you get and they couldn't tell me [Music] because you can't memorize something that somebody says as they're saying it you got to go and study it and rehearse it to be able to speak it back but in an emergency if you're supposed to do certain things it has to be part of you whatever whatever comes out is what you got into you and it became part of you but it's through understanding so if you could like receive instruction because it was understanding where it was something that's practical then you would be able to perform it or manifest it and so it's experiential just my point is experiential knowledge so you have to have both you can sit in class all day but i learned more sitting by myself at night and the fire of god and i needed i needed to be able to take what i heard and what was really practical but you know it's interesting though if i could talk about a subject that you were interested in you could probably remember a lot of what i said and this is what i feel down here in this realm the education system is not set up correctly so it doesn't really it doesn't really help people in their gifting we just have a general education that we brought up learn certain things but now i'm having to calculate things that i could have paid attention to in math class but i couldn't relate to it because it wasn't practical but now i'm having to i just ask my my my instructor here sven who flies with me i i just let him calculate it he doesn't even need a calculator he goes okay well you divide this by six and you know he's just he's so smart but but you know all that is practical that i learned but at the time it was not so i think that i think that with with uh education when i walked away from jesus i remembered everything he said because he's talking to me so if if it's not talking to you is it really experiential knowledge can it be taken in but when you realize and accept the fact listen if i'm going to do this job and i'm going to be excellent at it i got to know everything about this job and then after i know everything about my job on the side like when i worked for southwest airlines on the side i was writing out what we could do to improve and then i would take that to my supervisor and then of course they would get credit for it not me but i was always wanting to not just learn but i was wanting to to do better and think out of the box like what could we do to meet the people's needs how could we have an operation that was you know was more efficient and uh one of the things i determined was is that if anybody can find that box that controls the weather that would be the thing to get [Applause] the other thing i determined was is just bring a mechanic with you because it's just a matter of time before you need one and i would wait i would wait on a mechanic and as soon as you call them out and it's not one of your own it's two hundred dollars for the call and they can come out whenever they want and that's what they do because they're already getting paid the 200 just to come out and then whatever else they need to do and i started to see how we could make things a little bit more efficient and the lord just showed me this is the way people are people they really want to do what's in them so what is your desire like what is it that you dream about doing and then all of a sudden you start to take in the information and make it your own because you love what you're doing but if you look the trap is is that most people are at a job that they don't even want to be at and it's not doing what they're gifted at but but it's for the pay so you essentially sell yourself for eight hours essentially you sell yourself to your company and then they'll pay you for your time but they're not paying you what you're worth right but your gifting your gifting inside of you from god will not only allow you to grasp all the truth you need to develop that but it will allow you to think out of the box and eventually be a history maker you'll be providing a service at a higher level because you're you're in your gifting and you're the creative side of you so that is why i want to develop the education system that we are doing from kindergarten the whole way up to your bachelor degree at warrior notes and we're just we're we've already we're going to have our bachelor degree approval very soon we already have our our two-year you know associate degree and we're working on all the homeschooling from kindergarten to 12. we got at least four full-time employees just working on the homeschool part of it and the education system is this is we want to bring the kids up so that they're aware of god inside of them and what they're really created to do to find out what they're what's written about them and develop these things because they become not just physical giants and mental giants but they become spiritual giants so that it's balanced in every way okay so that's why we developed the the warrior note school ministry and uh then we we have 36 departments that we're developing warrior health um we're developing an aviation department so so the kids can go from from their first ride to to their commercial their commercial uh pilot's license and it was scholarship them we've got plenty of smart people that can teach kids we've got plenty of pilots we've got plenty of resources and um it's the same way with the school of music which will be launched and we have brittany and jason up here that have been called to do that for and help us out with that and uh there'll be a school ministry the school of evangelism there'll be a school of a a pastorship being a shepherd and so on so on but there's also marketplace training people to start businesses that's another department there's 36 of them see the the church was supposed to be the trend setter and that church is supposed essentially supposed to be the one that is the smartest wisest most prosperous on the earth you know being being poor is not being humble because you know there's no business person that wakes up and says oh i hope i lose money today there's none of you that like say god please help me fail you know like you know you don't even think that you wouldn't even get out of bed some of you might not you know i i wouldn't want to like i don't go into something i'm going to fail at well i guess it's time for music just calmly think about that no the the the spirit of god inside of you is wanting to build you up you know and that's the purpose of the of the church is to be build up in the unity of the faith and become mature that's what it says in ephesians 4. so you got ephesians 4. paul's talking about the fivefold ministry church the apostle the prophet pastor teacher and evangelist says that all of these work together to minister towards the body towards the church to bring them into unity of the faith and also to increase them in maturity so you know paul's saying this in ephesians he says it in colossians because they were all written from jail and he just wrote to different and actually we found different manuscripts that have different churches written up in the corner so he wrote letters and they were circulated to the churches but the whole idea here the whole idea is no matter what is happening in the world as long as we're here there's a purpose and a plan that is that is that is implemented so it doesn't matter what you see on cnn or my face or space book you know it doesn't matter because it's a different kingdom jesus told pilate that but kingdom is not of this world when he when he came down here he talked about his father's kingdom he didn't talk against rome herod tried to kill him when he's a baby you get it he just spoke what the father was saying and he was he developed the 12 and then he had three he had one he had he had john john was his favorite just ask him he'll tell you that's what he said he said the one that jesus loved and then you have peter james and john where the three that went into special places like the transfiguration on the mount and then there were times where jesus would it would require greater a greater engagement in the spirit so he would chase people out that were doubting and sometimes he would just bring the three sometimes he wouldn't even bring them if they were having a bad day but he would just have to do it on his own but he he chased people out say that you know they're just sleeping but they were they they were dead but he didn't see them as dead because when he raised somebody from the dead he heard from the father that it was not their time to die and he was just correcting it so when he encountered a sick person and they asked for healing he was just reaching out in compassion and correcting what the father had intended from the beginning before the fall so he just reached out in compassion and healed the sick and that's why it says in acts 10 38 that he went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressed of the devil so our education system has to start in the in the in the kindergarten stages of everything because the the church has really focused on entertainment but see i can't say that so i won't because i'll offend people so i i won't say that see so what happens is everybody talks big the bottom line is is when it's time to show what you know that's really when you're in a test and you have to do what you said talk about can you can you do what it requires to be what you're talking about and um you know it's amazing like i remember first time i went skydiving it was i couldn't believe it was four hours and i'm thinking four hours and all i got to do is go like this at 5500 feet so i'm sitting there and i'm like you got to be kidding me well then you go up to 14 000 feet and there was 12 i think it was in the aircraft we were in there was 12 of us they all went out in a line i never saw any of them again until i was on the ground they just all went out and i was like the last one to go when i got when i got to the door i thought you know maybe maybe next week because all of a sudden you know all of a sudden it's like this airplane's fine i don't need to leave it both engines run anyway so i went out i did everything tumbled kicked out stabilized terminal velocity is like about 170 and they kept telling you know every you count and you keep looking at this oversized watch which is an altimeter you keep track you keep looking you keep stabilize you keep looking stable and you know it's the hardest thing to do with that four and a half hours of doing that and then now i know why it's four and a half hours because your body says you know what wake me up when it's over and your mind says you know what this is not good so you're you're left with screaming coming out of your mouth you know and you're you're thinking okay 5500 feet pull the silver handle and it takes everything to do that why because in a test it really shows what you know there has to be a transference from knowledge up here to to being able to manage a emergency and reach down deep within you and just be a leader in the situation so what happened was is that because the churches it was a real slow process not every church of course but you know in general if you minister if you tend to the soul which is your mind your will and your emotions it's where we get the greek word for in that spirit soul and body is mentioned by paul in first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 it says your whole spirit soul and body so when you go and you read the original language it's three different words it's not they're not they're not congruent in any way they're three separate parts so you you are a spirit eternal being you're going to live somewhere it might be really hot or it might be a paradise but you live forever because you came from god okay you live in a body which is your earth suit so in order to be on the earth you have to have your earth suit and then you have a soul your soul connects your body with to your spirit as a as a intermediary that adds to the experience the encounter so you have an experience experience in the spiritual realm and you can have an experience in your body but the soul adds to all of that and manages the whole thing so you can you can have emotions and your will is involved so you can actually say no and it stops everything and that is what is scary about being a human being is that we have a will and we can stop something or we can do something wrong and it hurts other people and we can stop what god wants to do because jesus said that he that when he went to to nazareth he said everything i do wherever i go whatever i say whatever i do it's only because the father is doing it and he's saying it i'm not doing anything on my own these miracles they're my fathers the words i speak they're my fathers and he said when the spirit comes he's not going to speak on his own he's only going to speak what the spirit that spirit's only going to speak what the father is saying he's already he's going to do the father's will so even the spirit is not going to speak on his own jesus said he said i don't speak of my own all right so obviously jesus was told to go to his hometown of nazareth but it says that he couldn't do any miracles in that town his own hometown because of their unbelief so god's will is not done because unbelief hindered jesus from doing what the father sent him to do you get it okay so the will of god was spoken and jesus obeyed but the fruit was not evident okay because there was not a transfer of what god wanted to do it did not transfer into the people so all of you have a choice all the time every word i speak you have a choice every time something happens you you make a decision but we shouldn't be so in the soul realm that we make decisions based on feelings and what happens is is you did you might not have seen it maybe you lived in frustration for the last 40 years like me being in church because there were times where it was awesome i loved being around people and i loved worshiping and you know bible studies and everything the fellowship and especially you know the church people know how to cook and they know how to eat you know i so it was like it was really fun but the only thing was is that when stuff would happen i didn't have the tools but i knew how to play bingo i tasted every kind of pie i tasted every kind of pizza and i could play softball but the things that i needed to know as i grew up i did not have the tools so i would go to my pastor and i'd ask him questions like how come you never talk about being born again it says that jesus said it you must be born again in order to to inherit or enter into the kingdom of god and he goes well you know you were baptized you were baptized you know when you were 14 in the church and so if you behave up until the day you die you will make it in i go so what if i have a bad day the day before i die he's like looking at me like you know because i'm like you know what dude maybe you should go like do something else because i asked him i said you know i thought you said we can't test god oh yeah i go then what about malachi 310. malachi 310 it says if you if you uh bring the tithe into the storehouse he said there won't be enough room to contain what what i will do for you says the lord i will i will pour out open the floodgates of heaven pour you out such a blessing and then it says that i will rebuke the devourer for your sake i that means you don't have to do it because god's going to do it for you and it says listen listen everybody listening test me in this that's what it says okay so he goes well i don't know about that and i'm thinking you know so i kept asking him questions and i realized i realized i checked with everyone every every hebrew expert there is no other place in the bible where it says test me in this but he said it there so i got born again and i was the youth group was half the church and we would have game night and we would have then we'd have a ball night and we'd everything was then movie night so we were like rolling and raining in the church but it was all entertainment but when i got born again the power of god was so strong that i mean i just got i got saved that's all i got saved and uh when i would say you know hey let's pray and it was so foreign for kids to just get together and pray you know because like well we're not in church it's like well i said well watch this they'd grab my hand and the power of god would hit him and they'd fall and if everybody was holding hands the whole group would fall i'm 19 years old what was the difference i got born again and the spirit of god came inside of me and then i got baptized in the holy spirit and that that experience took me to another level that the power of god was being transferred and so they said we we want this so i prayed with all of them then i said well you know i really i'm really going to have to go to another church because i got to get around people that really have experiential knowledge like like this stuff that you can't explain it's like a transference that you can't go in a lab and reverse and engineer it because it that power might kill disease you know it it might it might drive a devil out it might correct a relationship when someone prays for you and you get an impartation all of a sudden you don't know what happened but things start changing and you can't explain it well see there is a part of being spiritual that you can't explain because your mind doesn't participate in everything that happens spiritually paul said that in first corinthians 14 2. he said you're when you pray in the spirit he said your mind is not participating it's not fruitful he said because you're speaking to god you're praying in the spirit there's it's a different realm so you have these three parts of you but if you just minister to your soul to your emotions and that you allow movies and everything to manipulate your emotions you feel fear and then you feel happiness then you're crying and and yet and yet uh there's people dying all around you and you can't cry over them but you'll cry over fluffy getting run over or whatever you know and they're playing with your emotions but this is what they're doing they're they're training you in response okay so what happens is then if you go to church it you want it to be more fun than what you can do watching tv or you know the ball game and all that so it comes into the church and then what happens is there's very little emphasis on your spiritual life so their soul and then their soul and that our soul and everywhere you go it's one level and then if you're spiritual and for 41 years i've been born again it is just really irritating to feel like i'm always being bombarded in my soul and that even in messages there's very little spiritual content practical experiential content where you can you can transfer from what you're reading in the bible what god is saying and and what can you take from that and apply it to your life because it says in mark 9 23 that if you'll believe nothing shall be impossible to you but see if a minister says that then he's got to live that or she okay if it doesn't happen then it must not be for today see so you change your theology to accommodate what seemingly is god's inactivity in engaging you okay but it says that we must have faith in god believe that he exists and that he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him without faith it's impossible to please god okay so faith james said he said you you you showed me your faith by what you say he said i will show you my faith by what i do so it's a manifestation there's fruit which gets me into john 15. talking about the vine see people think they read those first verses and jesus said okay if you abide in me and i abide in you you can ask what you will and it will be done for you ask and you shall receive seek and ye shall find knocking the door shall be open for you he says things like this well that is very little wiggle room for doubt and unbelief and anything else fear or it doesn't not seem applicable for the last two years to a lot of people because there's people dying there's people uh they're having trouble staying in their homes or you know there's all this trouble and then all of a sudden these verses that jesus spoke in red they're still there even the nearly inspired version hasn't taken them out yet but then you're they're staring at them and they're like i want to know that god okay but you're a christian this is because you have been bombarded in the soul and as this there is no spiritual exercise in church or very little then then it becomes good music and that was fun but see fun is not a spiritual experience it's an emotional joy is it one of the fruits of the spirit so joy is something from the other realm fun is not fun will come fun will come and go so you can you can get a happy meal but you're going to need another one it's just like you can take one medicine then you're going to need another one but god wants to come in and he wants to resolve not just mask he wants to i can't believe i just i didn't even mean to say that but if you're masking your symptoms i can't believe i'm saying this we're still on do they knock us off but i'm not trying to i'm just saying that that well i don't want to hide my symptoms i want to resolve them so so when you go when i go to my doctor and he said well we're going to try this and then we're going to try that well then doc you're practicing on me whenever you're done practicing call me so i want to come in and resolve this well we don't know we don't know if it's going to work or not it's like well you know you would just want to throw darts at the dartboard and it sounds random right practice and if if you uh figure all this out which you will if you haven't already then it's never really going to resolve it's always going to be something and it's it's it gets a place where you realize you've been you you've been fed emotional things and you can't respond correctly when you're emotional that was my introduction so here we go all right so i i've stated i stated my case my case is is that the education system the way we're being educated it has to be tailor-made for each individual so that we bring out what they need child a child needs to be trained to be able to take information and apply it and that child has to be interested or they're not going to remember or be able to do that they have to they have to there has to be a a contact point a a place where you can insert information in and they take it if not really really really after four and a half hours if i don't pull the silver handle it doesn't matter and if a child doesn't grow up and change history and make this a better place then then really have we done our part we have to give the children the environment to do that in well it's not going to be through your your your people that you hired to represent you not all of them it's the same thing with you know every doctor it's the same with every christian is jesus rebuked people for their doubt and unbelief more than anything why did you doubt why did you fear but these are all people that followed them around all day but yet when it came down to receiving and having something manifest it was it wasn't the number that you would think with the disciples how many times did he say how long will i be with you because they would come to me and say it didn't work it didn't work how long will i be with you in other words he had the three and a half years to mentor them and then he was leaving he knew that and he knew that the raider was going he was going to have maybe one graduate out of the class and that's why you would say how long will i be with you in other words i'm not going to be with you much longer you got to get this because you got to do what i'm doing and then do greater works so it has to be it has to you get it jesus was looking to see if they could cast a devil out without him being there so when they would when the when the customer would come and complain your workers couldn't do it right you get it okay so obviously there was a disconnect between the information that was being given and the application of it so you know i see it all the time i see it all the time in every profession all the people that i just like you meet people that are professionals the bottom line is is that talk is cheap but i have seen i have seen people that i can name i say something to them think well how many do you want i okay three pick up their phone hey when can you have me three of those i got a friend here and make sure you give them the discount thursday okay what's your address give them the address okay thanks i hang up thursday comes see to me that is a person who's a problem solver that's a person who is god-like so anybody can talk about like well you know oh yeah yeah i shoot guns all the time so when you go to hand them the gun they point the barrel right at you as they're taking it from you and it's like you know what just put it down they they don't shoot guns why because there's no respecter there's no respect there's no honor there's no application i can see it already the same thing with everything else you can look and you can see if people really are attached to what they do the excellence of it okay so jesus whatever all that he did it was preordained that he would come back before he they they created man it was preordained that jesus would come because he was slain from the foundations of the world it says in the book of revelation it was all planned the foundations of the world that's pretty early before you and you weren't even invited to that meeting and psalms 139 16 says that each one of your days was written in a book before one of them came to pass and that he saw your body being formed in your mother's womb watched it paul said i've been i was an apostle since birth but yet he killed christians up until just about 30 years old but he said i've wronged no man and like i always say stephen would have stood up saying excuse me but you killed me you had me killed right but he he when he got caught up when paul got caught up into the heavenly realms and he didn't talk about it a lot but he saw the other side of things where there is no clocks or calendars and he saw the plan for for man and that's why he could say what he said he was always appointed to be an apostle right okay so the plan if you accelerate now the plan right now is for us to be built up and become mature which means that in any situation you can act as a leader instead of waiting for someone else to step in and do something but you have to be trained it has to become part of you in order to be mature so what happens is is you're training for scenarios and then when it happens you stand there and stare and it's already you've already blown three seconds now there are people that are trained and you yell you yell in a situation i mean if we yelled it in here live shooter you'd see me hit the deck and i'd have my both clips empty before you're like what did he just say you'd stand up and look around i don't see nobody but there are people you say that bam they're already they're trained to just take take out the threat the same thing with any other emergency you wait you know when somebody falls down and they're holding their stomach or they're choking you don't just stand there and wait for someone else to do something about it may it just ha i mean i pray just like this preach preach multiple sessions on saturday in my spirit school so we we do three or four sessions of at least two hours each on saturday so we do like five sessions on a weekend sometimes it's eight eight two hour sessions i do that in between we just run over to the house or whether the hotel whatever just eat or i just lay down for a couple minutes to change my clothes and go back and do it again but we were over at a house in illinois and i'm just eating and i'm like and all of a sudden there's somebody yelling kevin get in here and so i get up and as i go over there the the lady has been has not breathed for almost a minute and she passes out in my arms as i grab her and do the heimlich maneuver i don't ask her questions i don't ask for witnesses and what happened i can see she's holding her throat that's the universal sign so i just went behind her and popped it out she she passed out in my arms it was already past consciousness when i got to her but it came out and she's fine she's probably watching right now okay but i'm the guest speaker you know can i have a little bit of a break and you like choke somebody no no you don't do that you don't do that it's the same spiritually if you got if you if you if you can't figure out what has happened in this nation in the last several years we used to have leaders at being like ronald reagan he told gaddafi he says you do anything he says i will take your country back to the stone age i will make your country a parking lot that's what he said and when the guy acted up he called he said i told you and he gave gaddafi 30 minutes to get out of his house and he blew it up remember that well did you ever hear of that leader for the next 10 15 years it took 10 15 years before he popped up again why because we there was strong leadership so what happens is is when you have strong leadership then everyone around that person starts to look weak if they're not they're if they're not doing they're not in their game not in their track not up to standards what happens is someone gets inserted in and then their party's over you the person spoils the party i just summed up okay so the standards raised but it's really just back to where it should be and the first thing that goes the first thing that goes in a lawless society is respect for authority and respect for each other and the other thing that happens is if there isn't a problem one is created and then they come to your rescue to solve something that they they started this is that if you read i mean if you go to college you learn all this stuff i just never thought that i'd see it actually happening but this is how you control people okay but with god he knew he knew that we were going to need a savior because why it was predictable because he gave us free will is everybody follow me can i keep going because i'm going to start going a little quicker because you're all most of you are you're my partners you're my students and you know we're going to 250 000 students because i have to have enough groups meeting all over the world to where it starts to change the local government it has to start in the home it has to start in the home right okay so you educate the children we save the next generation from the deterioration we kind of like we soften that curve of deterioration with the kids but then we have to get to all of us where we're at now with our we have our generation we have to step up and the only way we're going to do that is go the lord instructed me to go to the home go into the homes provide homeschooling go into the homes and provide warrior fellowships go into the homes and have every kind of program anything you want we have 36 different departments you'll have your own platform to communicate on we're gonna we're gonna own everything warrior publishing we're going to have our own publishing company we're going to have our own servers so no one can shut us down okay why because it has to start with the family it has to start in the home it has to start with an individual and then you have to gather together and be in agreement and then you teach your children to respect authority you teach your children to address dress dress correctly dress nicely honor honor your parents honor elder elderly people you know when a great person is taught a great person with gray hair when they're talking i i don't talk because they know more than me and i was trained to do that i was trained to when when someone with gray hair is talking you listen to them because they know more than you i was always trained to do that when i'm around a police officer i i'm not nervous or scared because i'm not doing anything wrong when the irs calls i just say hey how are you doing how can i help you why because i pay my taxes i do everything right i don't speed so i'm never gonna get stopped for speeding unless it's it's it's you know they need to tune up their radar or something because i'm not i'm not i i just put it on on autopilot just like the plane now officer it's it's my autopilot it's not me i didn't no no you know you just don't do thing you you live free in yourself because your conscience is cleared okay this is how we have to train the children it's like no just because everyone else is doing it you're not going to do it there you go right because and you have but you have to have a group and support that's why we built the simulators that's why we're doing the kids thing we're going to make it fun to come to a spirit school on saturdays and we're going to we're going to get the kids interested interested in something and then i'm going to teach them biblical principles and we're going to just extend that out into all different other programs but see this is because god knew that people left to themselves would get into trouble so when we have free will god does not make us choose him or even choose right so you always are making decisions and i know if i have done everything that i'm supposed to do then god's going to cover me because i've done everything i can do but i'm not going to get upset if something goes wrong because i did my part all right okay so the spirit now in these days is on the earth and in us to build us up to exhort us to show us jesus said he will show you the future he said he will remind you of things that i've said and he will show you things to come he will be with you always he's never going to leave you as an orphan and paul said in romans 8 26 that he is going to pray when you're weak and you don't know how to pray he'll come in and lift you up and help you to intercede god's perfect will and words that you can't utter articulate articulately so the spirit is going to help you and if you look at what happens in the new testament is it all becomes about the spirit on the day that jesus left he said he said stay here until the holy spirit is outpoured he said because i'm going to go the father and when i get there i'm going to send another one like me and he's going to be with you forever he's going to be a counselor an advocate a standby he's going to be your your mentor he's going to help you he's going to never leave you well jesus obviously made it to the throne because the holy spirit came on the day of pentecost okay so he has not left since that day because we're still in that dispensation we're still there right so all the gifts are still in operation because no one has the authority to say that they stopped because the only sign that paul gives in corinthians that tongues will see some prophecy will cease is when when we are perfected in and perfected in love when we are when everything becomes perfect it says tongues will cease but i haven't met anybody that is qualified so obviously we need the holy spirit here because we're not all perfect we haven't reached that perfection yet right okay all right so the spirit wants us to be built up and he also wants us to be established that's what his job is so the fivefold ministry of the church i mentioned they also are assigned in ephesians 4 to do that very thing in verse 11 they are to build up the body it doesn't say to prophesy doomed to nations the apostle the prophet the pastor teacher it says to build up the body of christ until they reach maturity and unity in the faith they're supposed to speak to the body the body is supposed to go to the marketplace and own everything and and be a witness not witness be a witness in other words observation people witness god working in your life and and you've seen this unfold in the last four years because there's no way there's no way that anybody is this good and and i certainly am not it was a sign it's a sign and a wonder you hear the stories you watch what unfolds just in four years you watch what happened this is you witnessing god working but this is supposed to have i'm just a flight attendant that prays in tongues i don't claim to be anything else so you can do this too so it says that god was working with the believers in the book of acts working with them confirming their word with signs and wonders following god was confirming their word they were preaching and god was working with them and even paul said it seems good to me and the holy spirit he would say that he was working with the holy spirit jesus was doing the will of the father and there there is no disconnect with experiential knowledge but it's because we have been ministered to 80 of the church activity has been soul and not spirit so what happens is in an emergency people just stand and stare at each other and they're like past the popcorn you know what's the next movie and they don't learn they've not res they don't learn to respond correctly to what's happening they think you know a lot of people think well you know it's just this just the way it is you know no it doesn't have to be if you're the sheriff i mean at what point does someone just put their foot down say no not on my watch okay well you have to have a group of people in agreement in unity and mature if you don't have that then it's disjointed and we won't get anything done so that's what this is all about this has happened this happens in every generation if you look study history like i had to i was force fed it i realized there's so much there that we don't learn but you can glean from it and what i found out is that people always assume that it's not going to happen to them and if it does someone else will take care of it and what has happened is the government has slipped in and said yeah we'll take care of you and it's like well that's not why you hired the government the government was hired by you to serve and protect you they work for you what are you all looking at just just read what our founding fathers said everything was set up so that there would never be a point where we were controlled there was all checks and balances so at what point does somebody say you know what the water that we're in here is way past 98 degrees it's like 209 it's about to boil at what point does someone say you know what something's wrong okay it's always it's always because everybody's looking at each other waiting for someone to say something or give a solution or do something and then they all want to follow that but it's always too late when you need to pull that at 5500 feet or you become part of the earth the dust you shall return you know at 170 miles an hour simply because you weren't able to take what you were taught for four and a half hours you weren't able to translate it into a movement and i want to translate what god has said to me into a movement where everyone starts to come together and starts to be a leader where we just train leaders and that's why i'm having these partner meetings every one of you that's here you know we sometimes have a thousand people in seattle we have 1100 people it's just a partner meeting these this is just after a couple years our school is two and a half years old you see you have to be forward-looking but you have to to have taken knowledge and made it part of you to where it translates into manifestation so i don't disrespect people because i don't want to be disrespected i i dress the way i do is because this is how i feel i feel i feel that god has has smiled and said i trust you can you preach the gospel so i'm going to dress like i i feel inside i don't care whatever anyone else thinks because i'm a i'm a trendsetter i am out of the box i am setting the standard because everyone else is waiting for someone to do it but see all i'm doing is repeating what's in the bible and everybody thinks it's like some new thing it's no it's just that you haven't heard it in a while and you're hungry but see paul did this all that i studied all the people that that ever did anything for god they were just like this they they wanted to preach the good news god is a good god and he i don't want to be on his bad side but i am his child and you are too and hebrew says that he disciplines those he loves god is treating you as children it says so don't don't be discouraged when god disciplines you okay but at what point do you learn your lesson and you walk straight you walk right to where he's like man you did that all yourself i've heard sven say that in the airplane you did that all yourself i didn't need his help well that must be encouraging to an instructor why because it's what he has inside of him is not just knowledge it's experiential knowledge because he's been doing it for years the airplane we have he was the one it was the first airplane and he helped develop that whole program and then i got the airplane he sold it to us he took care of it but he understands that but it does me no good if i can't learn what he knows but then be able to apply it then i'm always i'm always going to be in a deficit and so that's what satan tries to do he tries to keep people in a deficit to where they're always in need and then he uses the powers that be to manipulate and be conveniently there and it's not the solution you just have to wake up you have to wake up you're waiting for something to end but you might be the one that has to end it and what you have to do is if you believe that jesus said if you will believe nothing shall be impossible to you then let's start with seeing people's immune systems be boosted through the roof so that they're they're immune your immune system was given by god my doctor tells me that we just assist the body your body needs the right nutrients to fight if you don't have it it's not in the happy meal right but see if you're fed that kind of status doctrinally in church to where it's a happy meal and but you need another one the next day and you're but it keeps you on a certain level and you never get well you never mature do you follow what i'm saying so the church is supposed to be this the most powerful institution on the earth everyone in leadership should either be part of the church or want to consult with the leadership of the church there is no separation there isn't in other countries i mean their military is their religion and their religion is their leadership their government is it's all one there's no separation it's all the same what what they're doing in the government is what what their religion says does everybody follow me or is this okay so the the plan was paul says this in colossians 2 7. it says in the new living translation says let your roots grow down into him capital h and let your lives be built on him then your faith will grow strong in the truth not the facts truth truth comes from heaven facts are from observation i remember i remember having to do reports for an accident when i wasn't officially a police officer but it happened on the campus and the police officer came that came to to help i was just like taking okay what happened here and you have people like say okay this is what happened i'm like if you got all those people together they were some of them were on a different planet yeah i like wait a minute where'd the kangaroo come into it how did the kangaroo run across the street no it was really bad stuff it's like how how did this turn into all these stories where like there was only like a one or two that even was close and then the police said oh that that's the way it is you get eight witnesses and you're like you can write a movie script off of it but truth absolute truth was born in heaven before we were in existence it's god and his ways it's established now listen to me it's established already that's why god knows the end from the beginning he calls the things that are not as though they were like it says so god writes a book about you before you're born and he he creates his plan of how we are together and are built up and established and deeply rooted and we're effective why because it's experiential so i do everything from my heart not from my head it's an experience but if i'm living off of if i'm snacking spiritually all the time then then my spiritual my spiritual life is going to show it and that's what's happened in this nation the church has failed to fulfill the purpose why because we were fed trash and that's what comes out so you don't respond correctly now that's not every church and there are pastors out here they i mean i was a pastor so i i know but i've also been on the other side of this like i am now with having to rent convention centers because uh we don't have churches that can fit the size of the crowds that we that we have so i have to make it a neutral place where everybody can come fellowship and we don't call it anything just a meeting you know spirit school but see isn't that god's intention that no matter where we are that we can meet in the name of the lord and build each other up right okay all right so it says that we will grow strong in the truth that you were taught so we you we have to be taught which means we need teachers we need instructors that help us along to we can carry it on our own see when we get mature when we take our diapers off and give hand the bottle over to the instructor no more bottles no more diapers and you ask for a steak and that's what that's what paul said he talks about that all the beautiful uh spiritual things that can happen in second chapter of first corinthians and then the next verse the first verse of chapter three right after he says all these things that the spirit searches the deep things of god and no eye has seen no ear has heard what god has for those who love him but it's been love him but he said it's been revealed by his spirit okay next chapter he says you know what i wish i could address you as spiritual he says but i cannot because you are infants carnal mere babes and you need milk when you should be asking for meat that's what it says so he addresses you know when i came to you i didn't come with enticing words of man's wisdom but in power and demonstration of the holy spirit and that's what you came that's why you're part of warrior knows is i'm not going to come and tickle your ears i'm going to speak by the spirit and then i'm going to go and i'm going to get in warrior jet we're going to go to the next city and do the same thing and i'm just going to keep doing it until people start to hand over their bottles and ask for steak you know the 32 ouncer ryan won't order mushrooms on his because he doesn't like mushrooms but but the plan and this is written colossians is written in like 60 a.d and here we are waiting for the disease the next disease of the week or the next person to fall up the stairs to their airplane [Applause] it's it's just going to be a sir every week it's going to be a circus it's going to be something else at what point do we realize that we're not from this world where paul said we're we're just visiting we're aliens and this this calls us aliens not the bad kind but strangers is the word okay so he says when you experience it says here when you experience your faith growing strong in truth it says as you were taught you will overflow with thankfulness okay so let's get into this since the night is still young verse nine of chapter one of colossians says this and i'm just gonna start reading until i'm told to stop not by you but by the spirit since we first heard about you we kept you always in our prayers that you would receive this is colossians chapter 1 verse 9. you would receive the perfect the perfect knowledge of god's pleasure what see it's experience it's not just head knowledge experience one perfect knowledge of god's pleasure over your lives making you reservoirs of every kind of wisdom and spiritual understanding reservoirs passion translation from the aramaic verse 10 we pray that you would walk in the ways of true righteousness pleasing god in every good thing not every evil thing pleasing him in every good thing then you will become fruit-bearing branches yielding to his life and maturing in the rich maturing rich experience rich experience maturing into the rich experience of knowing god in his fullness so there is a rich experience in knowing him in his fullness if you're not having that rich experience then you don't know him in its fullness and this is this has been my problem all along the spirit was given out he is a person he's here right now he's he's amongst us he's in us at what point do you yield to him and let him take over or do you just do it on your own or you just do what you think or maybe you just want to practice you want to try it but see when i was in heaven i was not allowed i was only there for a short time because i was sent back but during that time there were several things i was not allowed to say and one of them was try i was told that god doesn't try anything he determines what he wants and he does it and he tries i said try he wants to get it over to us so it becomes this thing where if people accept it then it gets done if it doesn't it doesn't get done this explains what just happened in our government god's intention is there everybody was sensing what god had but it didn't come to fruition and the reason why is we don't understand our authority we don't understand our purpose down here if we did it wouldn't have been permitted because a lot of things that appear physically had a spiritual origin to begin with for instance this world is a fallen world so it's broken so when it's broken certain things don't work at the highest level that it used to if it's fallen so what happens is we fell creation all the animals fell everything fell it says in romans 1 that all creations groaning for the sons of god to be revealed because why because then they'll be released from their their their agony they're groaning because they're suffering but they didn't do anything wrong they everybody fell and everything fell with them so these days my friends have flew f-16s there was a certain point where you just bailed from the airplane because it's an electric jet and if certain things happen you can't fly that thing because it takes computers to fly it it is all literally a lot of the airplanes that you see flying they're literally unstable without a computer to correct millions of times a second or milliseconds let's put it that way so they're always correcting and it's interesting because if you look at the surfaces they're going they're fluttering like this all the time they're doing better than you can do but if those go out the checklist is very short eject that's it what because there there is no way what you've done is you've taken it to a certain point there there's you can't back out of it and you can't manage it past a certain point this is how the holy spirit is speaking to the church right now you you've gone into this like paul said the galatians you started out so good who who casts a spell on you the word is a bewitch who ca who casts a spell on you who went in and broke your momentum he said are you going to finish in the flesh what you started in the spirit am i right okay this is where we're at right now now if you want if you want to see change transformation then you have to accept the way that god does things well if you don't know the manual there's no way you're going to know but see the best thing to do when you don't know what you're doing is go to the manual but what i'm finding is that god's plan for the church is not what's happening now but it's because we did not discern the times that we're in and feed ourselves properly to be at a certain level okay so read on with me because it says here verse 11 says when we we pray that you would be energized with all the explosive power from the realm of his magnificent glory filling you with great hope verse 12 your hearts can soar with joyful gratitude when you think of how god made you worthy to receive this glorious inheritance freely given to us by living in the light this is paul talking he has rescued us completely completely did i mention completely i mean if you're a believer you have to believe the manual it says that he has rescued you completely from the tyrannical view role of the darkness and has translated us into the kingdom realm of his beloved son period period that's it what why do you think you pray why do you think you go to church why do you think you believe why do you think you're here it's because you believe this but this is absolute truth but it doesn't match up with the facts but the facts will change tomorrow when they when they give you more data and it doesn't have to be right that it just has to be data who's who's who is watching the data makers who's watching the fact checker fact checkers the fat the fat checkers who's watching them like who's monitoring the monitor and then you get into oh that was the assistant's assistant who doesn't even exist you go to find our officer you're just like oh no you got to talk to the assistant no they said the assistant told me talk to the assistant's assistant it's a loop but see god's not like that he wants resolution and so he does absolute truth so this is what happens when this happens you do this this and this period that's that's the way god likes it he tells you he gives you a two item menu he said if you want to be blessed he said love me and obey me and all these things are going to happen all these blessings are going to be yours if you choose this day not to serve me and to obey me he said then all these curses will come upon you it's a two item menu it's less complicated than in and out burner and yet people don't choose this day jesus takes those phrases and says the same thing in john 14. he said if you passionately love me to the point where you obey me he said you can ask anything and it'll be done for you this is to glorify my father and to make your joyful he says all of that in the bible in red okay this is what we should be hearing all the time however we cannot depend upon those who are assigned if they are rogue if they've chosen to back off the message whatever they've compromised to keep you they're going to lose because they got to pay it back so if they if they back off the message to keep everybody happy and giving in the offering plate keeping the crowds up just tell them what they want to hear well when an emergency comes those churches are empty so many churches have shut down we're supposed to be problem solvers well it's the word of god in absolute truth so no matter what this is always going to be right i'm not a test pilot someone else used their parachute to find out the borders and boundaries i don't have to push it that's already been do you get it it's the same with this you don't push this past the boundaries you stay within the boundaries and the boundaries are this that we are being energized with explosive power from the realm of his magnificent glory filling you with the great hope amen okay for your hearts can soar with joyful gratitude when you think of how god made you worthy to receive his glorious inheritance receiving it and that you have now been rescued from the terrorical darkness and we've been translated being over into light the son has canceled your sins and we have the release of redemption through the blood that is one page of 19 pages of notes that's just one page okay paul said if god is for us who can be against us but look at what has happened in the last couple years there's such a discrepancy in the experience versus the knowledge this this is why i believe i was sent back as a second chance for this time just to tell people listen you know i was in heaven and it's wonderful up there but that you can be history maker and effective down here where you can do some good and you can be a leader and you can you could don't wait for someone else to be a leader you just be the leader in other words you pray and you ask god for uh his ideas and you start a business you you let him show you what the needs are and you meet that need and you think out of the box and you provide for people's needs and you stay with that no matter what you don't you don't stay and become the seers and the jc pennies you become the walmart but you don't stay as walmart you become the amazon i'm not talking about the jungle either i'm talking about you move and you anticipate the need and you make it easy you provide for people's needs and god will be right there to help you to help others but if you're going to chase after money it's going to be three feet in front of you and when you think you're there and god you caught it it'd be another three feet away and it'll be that way until you you pass away but if you look at him and you say lord give me your your heart your idea make me a history maker make me a trendsetter give me an idea out of the box forward-looking you lead the target it's so amazing my i know several people that actually develop the guidance systems and the algorithms for the missile systems especially on aircraft when you have two moving targets you got the launch platform and you got the targets you're hitting they're both moving you have no idea what that is in in the math but these guys you're not going to believe they're like they're like they're like heroes but you know where they got it watching the cheetah watching the cheetah chase after a gazelle and how they lead the target and they they don't make big corrections they stay within a parameter so that no matter what happens in front of them they're always at an angle to attack and the systems were set up with algorithms in the missile to to know the capabilities of what they're after and know within very thin margin of error that where it can go and where the probability it will go and that's why there are certain missiles you can't get out of you just eject that's how you get out of it because they got you well don't you think that god is even greater than all that okay so he's already figured this out he knew you're going to be alive it says in in the first chapter of acts verse 7 it says that god it is only reserved for god the father to know the times and the seasons they're just reserved for him but he knows him he doesn't tell jesus when he's coming back the spirit jesus said the spirit doesn't know the angels don't know only the father knows when he's coming back so it's not for us to know it says but that word but there and verse 8 says you shall receive power from on high when the holy spirit comes back the solution he makes that statement and then the solution is the next verse we're not supposed to be focusing on when jesus is coming back or trying to figure out what's going to happen next the solution was but the holy spirit is coming power from on high and that's where we're at right now so at any one moment right now right now now now the spirit is ready to engage but you have to have faith inside of you you have to have an ignition a reality of the truth it's called faith it's when you know that you know that you know it's not i'm going to try this i i think i i believe you have to know that you know that you know but see a lot of us think well i just can't believe you you're a believer that's what you do [Applause] [Music] but i'll tell you what it is it's those happy meals you're eating [Applause] see you're just you're staying in the soul realm listen listen listen all of you like all if we would just shut this down you all come up and sit around just i'll just talk on the floor it would be no different than what i'm doing right now it'd be no different that's the key the key is you got to be touchable relatable and you got to deliver the package so i'm delivering it to you i'm telling you when i was in heaven i saw how simple it is children get it be ye imitators of god as dearly loved children ephesians chapter 5 verse 1. that's the secret be imitators of god as dearly loved children children imitate they all i wanted to be my dad i wanted to cook like my mom i wanted i wanted to have mashed potatoes like my grandma made i could never duplicate that then i found out was bacon grease bacon grease and everything you cook bacon in the morning you put it in the can and you use it all day green beans everywhere bacon is secure it's the cure brittany and in new orleans if something doesn't taste right you fry it and you add butter and sugar and it's fine [Applause] i'm serious so jesus jesus was imitating the father he came as a servant he considered being equal with god as nothing and that the pride that is that is evident is keeping people out of spiritual activity because of pride because they they're entitled they think they're entitled but they're not they're not entitled at all we don't deserve anything that we have it's the mercy of god okay but if you would start to to meditate on being an imitator of god if you start to talk about that in most churches you will get kicked out what you're gonna you think you're god no i think i'm like oh you think you're like god how'd you go why because that's the standard see that's a standard and that that i must just say that the churches have been hijacked okay and it's because if you think about a pastor and how it's set up they're under so much pressure you know i i can speak the truth and i just get on my plane and i just floor it i can get out of here pastor has to stay monday morning he's got to pray for somebody's pet and a hangnail and you didn't say hi to me and somebody was sitting in my pew like that they're like the the boy scout leader you know so it becomes this see they're under pressure but this is not how the church was supposed to be the church was an organism it was a living organism they met from house to house and it became established to where we could have buildings and you know we rent this place it costs money i mean it's not like it's free and i can go to a christian bookstore i can't just take the bible i got to pay for it oh you can't charge for god's word okay you go down there and you try to take that thompson chain reference bible you're gonna end up in jail because it costs something the word of god yes of course it's free the word is but somebody had to run that through a printer with leather they were a cow died you know a cow died i mean at least stick up for the cow if you don't get stick up but see we're not economic world [Music] my mom she said you know that she mentioned our neighbor she's like talking like oh you know when you're kids you remember that neighbor boy and i'm like yeah they had the farm beside us yeah oh you know he grew up he bought that property he actually owns our house right now i go he owns the house our house we grew up in he goes yeah but he he never had children i go mom i'm thinking mom because when when he was when he was like nine years old he came up to the fence it's electric and the cows are there and the cows so he just decides to urinate on the on and the cow even the cows are gonna i wouldn't do that [Applause] i didn't have a heart to tell my mom i knew why [Applause] okay so the doctor doesn't know why he doesn't know why my mom doesn't know why but i have experiential knowledge i witnessed it okay if you look at the way the people wrote the bible they it says we were witness to him he walked amongst us we beheld his glory he was the son of god and they wanted to imitate him because he said you're going to do the same things i'm going to do that sounds like imitation and even greater things that's an incentive program okay so what people are sitting around arguing about doing the works of jesus i want the i'm gonna i'm already into the greater works it's the same thing with tithing everybody want to argue about tithing while they're arguing me my wife are tithing and enjoying the benefits of it i mean there's no real doctrinal um there's no there's just really no conversation why because experiential knowledge is greater so people talk big but you put them into a situation let's see what you can do and all of a sudden they're not what they thought they just talk a lot they can't translate and trans they can't bring it across trans put it across into manifestation all the instruction that i received from the other other side i did not know i was coming back but everything that he talked to me about for that 45 minutes while my body was on the table he talked to me about how to apply everything spiritual that he talked about how to do it and make it work in this realm he went from subject to subject and then i at the end i realized wait a minute this is all has to do with earthbound experience he didn't take me to the holy city he didn't show me a lot of things i saw some things but he it wasn't like i was staying i started to pick up on it he's talking about how to get answers to prayer how to be a history maker he started talking like well thanks thanks but i'm you know not going to need that so i've already unpacked my bags and i'm staying you know and he's talking about no this is how you win in life this is how you're a leader this is how you influence people you have to be fully convinced so i am fully convinced because my father is well able he's told me i'm well able he's told me to tell everyone in the family they're well able we have been adopted in you know romans 8 15 says we have the spirit of adoption so not only do we have paperwork we have the the the advocate the stand by the lawyer the defense lawyer inside of us stating our case we are adopted in now right now right now as i'm walking back this aisle i am back there with him as i started talking about it happens all the time it happens with jesse the planets he tells us things that he'll never tell in public because he's not supposed to but he's he can tell us he starts to talk about it and his eye everything changes about him now he's no longer funny and he starts talking about things he said and it's like i saw i saw some of the things he saw and we can relate with that but aren't we all supposed to be more privy to where we're going and not just knowing everything about here but if we know where we're going we know how that operates jesus said when you pray here's how you pray may your will be done on the earth as it is in heaven may your kingdom come on the earth as it is in heaven that's a transfer that's something where they ask how do we pray he says here's how you pray you pull from that realm into this room you pull it your kingdom come that's a demand that's not a request it's interesting because nobody gets what faith is i mean you know there's seminars i've attended all of them i got all the cd sets dvd i got a track but you know what i still i still didn't know exactly what faith is and then when i met him i met the author and the finisher of my faith and i realized where i started is where i ended it was the same spot he breathed me into my mother's room i stood on that spot and he i had to give an account for my life he was receiving the return on my life from what he spoke and there was an audit it had to do with what he had written about me and spoken into me came around and stood there and now he's measuring it up with what he wrote and what i did it's not what i didn't do it's what i did with what i had it's not what i didn't have it's what he gave me and what i did with that he didn't say a word everybody thinks okay we've got 88 pages here of things you didn't do let's start with this one it's going to be a while you want to have a seed we're going to have like we'll have three meals a day so we'll just we're just going to finish this thing it's going to take about a month no you stand before him and he says well done and when he says well done this is the christian judgment it's not it's an audit a christian is different there's no lake of fire there's none there's no dragon there's no bowls or wrath there's no two by four or paddle there's no purgatory you stand there and he's smiling at you and he looks into your eyes and he remembers when he thought of you and he breathed you into your mother's room that's the first thing that happens and you see him think back when he was just sitting on his throne and he thought of you way before man was created i'm telling you it's the truth you're going to find this out you're going to be looking for me in heaven you're going to say man but see you can grab it tonight i was sent back for a reason to tell you heaven's a real place and jesus christ is completely everything that's written about him it's everything in the red letters but this is a thing he looks at you and he remembers when he formed you he knows exactly what he purposed for you now with me he told me he said you turned out exactly as i thought of you because i'm standing before him now and he just smiled as soon as he said that though before me was everything that i could have done and did not do immediately all the opportunities it was like a flash and that was it but it was there was so much more i could have done and i saw how it was in the bible that if i would read that it would it would literally i was shown it would ignite my spirit and i would change history from one word or one verse or it would it would translate from truth to action manifestation and at the end of my life i would have all this return to hand back to him it was all there hidden it was treasure in the bible hidden and you have to stay in the spirit and pray and make that a part of your life and i made it all my life i studied hours and hours and hours since i've been saved and my wife we just cleaned out our garage there are boxes my employees found boxes with pamphlets and binders of notes sometimes 15 hours a day and i worked full time and i actually stayed nice i didn't get mean and i realized okay when this happened there was an angel standing there and that angel had brought that person to me i was supposed to tell them their books are open you need to accept jesus he's going to help you you need to accept him right now that angels were bringing people to me i saw that when i encountered someone who had a demon the demon would cause them to be paralyzed and they would start acting up because the demon didn't want to lose the person and they knew if they in any way listen to anything i said that that demon would lose its power and it would have to go because i would cast it out so they that the people automatically as soon as they see me they they would want to kill me or they would want to reject me and get me upset because they the demon knew this is my this is my body you can't have her you can't have him and the person will just like go all the opposite to reject you so that you would get knocked out of what you were encountering that was that god had set it up for that person to be free and that demon didn't want to lose their body the demon was acting up to keep you from loving that person and being a witness that that's what happens i mean it can happen in this room with somebody it happens it happens every time everywhere we go you watch you watch the witches are there as soon as i get close to them they start manifest and then all of a sudden their invisible friends are talking to me instead of the the person that's because you just go so far and then all of a sudden the devil can't stand it anymore it gets freaked out you should feel what it's like to be around a christian if you're a demon the christians on fire and and the demon is scared that you have discernment and you can see into the spirit and know that that demon's there so they're kind of like they're waiting for an indication if you if you've nailed them so they start acting up my my employees have seen it i start talking about this i'm surprised nothing's happened now every time i talk about this the fire alarm will go off and we have to evacuate one time we had somebody leave a box in the lobby the bomb squad had to come and evacuate everything all i started to do is i started talking about this and i warned the people before i'd say it we were in new jersey i said i'm going to talk about this i'm going to talk about holy fire i said um you better get your seat belts on because the devil's not going to like us bam that whole part of the city the lights went out and i preached for 55 minutes in the dark because i was not going to stop i dropped a mic and i just preached a priest like george w whitfield we were only a couple miles from where he he preached to 10 000 people got kicked out of the church we were just miles from where he did it and it happened and i said if whitfield can do it i'll do it and i finish my sermon in the dark we've had all kinds of stuff happen but what happened what it is is demons do not want you to be an imitator of god they do not want you to be a witness no i'm not talking about witnessing that's not what it says it says be a witness it doesn't even say to get converts it says go you into the world and get disciples that's imitators disciples are called disciples because they had a rabbi that they followed and they adhered to his disciplines and they called them disciples they they imitated the mentor and then the whole goal was for them to become a mentor it's never been it's never been the plan of god for any of us to not be ministers the faithful ministry of the church is supposed to minister to the body the body is to go out and own everything and be witnesses in the marketplace that's the way it is so i build you up as a fivefold minister then you go out and you minister that is what the bible teaches but see the devil knows if you gain any momentum if you start to prosper if you don't get sick he knows if you don't get sick and you prosper then he can't stop you in those areas and then he's going to go after your relationships he's going to find the weakest link and all of a sudden somebody start and your family starts acting like a monkey and then you start doubt maybe the darwin was right but he's not but all of a sudden everybody starts acting like monkeys and you think well maybe no but people start acting up and if that doesn't work they go to the animals then fluffy starts acting them with the pigs in the bible the devils just keep going out they have to be they they have to have a body they don't want to leave the area they told jesus don't send us out of the area that's where they were assigned before the flood when it came they were destroyed they lost their bodies they can't have a resurrection they're not in hell the angels are in hell there was there was the ones that left that are bowed they're chained it says peter said those are not demons the demons are still roman they were talking to jesus as he walked the earth those were not the angels that are chained the angels that chain can't talk to jesus they're chained come on now so what's happening with you is you're being hindered because they think you're unstoppable they think if you gain any momentum and that's what has happened they had to put the brakes on people meeting six feet buddy no jesus wouldn't say that john g lake wouldn't say that smith wigglesworth catherine coleman but now we're spiritual giants with our our earbuds and bethel music and every every preacher you can you would ever want we're supposed to be spiritual giants what had happened i'm telling you it was your diet not just physically it was spiritual okay so right now the spirit of god right here now is willing at this very moment to start moving you'll start you'll start to sense it this is not this is the real thing this is not an exercise so like right now as i'm standing here i met jesus christ face to face i did not choose that i did not do anything on my own to deserve that i actually i'm actually at a disadvantage in comparison to you because it says blessed is he who has not seen me and still lives for me so i've seen him plus i'm a teacher so it says that i'm held in a greater accountability because i'm a teacher plus i've seen the lord so now i'm held at a greater accountability i'm telling you by the spirit of god with god as my witness that who i met in heaven is jesus christ and who i have on the earth is his spirit to testify and to minister the same ministry that jesus ministered now that is totally up to me to do what i'm supposed to do and it's totally up to you to receive the ministry of the spirit so right now you don't see it but i'm completely on fire i can feel it i can feel i am completely on fire when i walk down that aisle it was as though i was in heaven with jesus i was not here and i don't know if he even got it i went back to right there and i didn't know what you felt but i could not i had no weight i could not feel any weight or i could not fill this realm i was i was already in the future celebrating right there it happened in this room i was in the future okay but this is the way it is in your spirit your spirit doesn't die your spirit doesn't have a clock it doesn't have these referent points so you can sense that something is supposed to happen and then when it doesn't happen you get disappointed you have a separation disappointment is this distance between your appointment this distance disappointment you didn't make your appointment same with courage you didn't get to your courage there is distance between you and your courage it's called discouragement so jesus came to bridge that gap and bring it to here and that's what's happening in this room right now i am not going to back off i will not back up but i'm not going i'm not going to call you up and prophesy over you and lay hands on you because you're going to feel the power of god but then when you go out there you're not walking in what i'm walking in you experience what i'm walking in but you need to walk in it yourself because you got to go out there and slay the dragon the dragon's not in here he wouldn't dare come in here any demons that are in here they've already left they will not stay and listen to the word of god they'll either protest or cause a scene or cause a disturbance to get us all to leave and break up but that hasn't happened because he's under arrest okay so at what point do i feel comfortable that i've done what i'm supposed to do and i know you all can carry this because this is not something i was going to do permanently i literally am past the point by several months and where i had made a deal with the lord that i would do it for a certain amount of time and then i was done because you know i could have wrote a book 23 years ago when it happened or now it's 28 i waited 23 years before i published a book on what happened to me because i didn't want to sensationalize it or make money off of it if i want to make money off it i would have published it the next day because it became a bestseller but it took 23 years until the lord said it's time he literally appeared to me and said it's a mandate to write that first book and now i have 47 books and nine major releases which are the ones that you you hear about but i have a study guide for everything and i have other books so i'm not doing it to sell what i'm doing it for is to build you up to where you can do this and then i can back out and disappear but until i feel like i have people that can carry this i got to keep going and keep the standard up there i've held you long enough i know i know but let's there there has to come a point when you walk out of a meeting like this and you never go back you're never the same and this is what jesus promised me i said well you know what i was tired of going to church going to meetings like paying for airfare and flying i mean that one time i flew from seattle the whole way to florida with kathy i worked i worked all day and my last flight i told kathy i said listen i'm gonna end up in phoenix meet me at the gate we're going to fort lauderdale i've been to heaven as a flight attendant never got asked to preach i taught at sunday school never got paid was a system pastor twice never got paid i'm working as a flight attendant fly the airplane and the lord says go go and listen to this go this conference i had flown six days in a row which is all you can do the seventh day you have to rest you do six days i did six days kathy met me we went to fort lauderdale checked into the hotel paid for it myself because certain way up high individuals wanted to meet me i mean like major things okay i want you to just come and sit so i did that we did that and i sat there i kid you not if i mentioned who this was you would know i i was taking notes 55 minutes 55 minutes never mentioned the name of jesus an apostle now he mentioned the name of god but he never mentioned my commander mentioned all his friends all the big boys i'm sitting there thinking i just flew so i i know how you feel the next night same thing then he wants to lay hands on me and my wife like he ain't doing that got back on the plane and flew back to seattle with no package didn't get anything now why would i would want to be under a person like that but this happens all the time so the lord promised me he said you'll have fruit that lasts he said everyone will be transformed they'll never be the same again he said they'll never be the same so this is the promise that he gave me and i give you he actually said listen he showed me about 15 people before he sent me back he lined them up he said this is why you're going back it's not about you he said that he said he said it's not about you because i said i'm not going back because it's not about you it's about these people and all these people appeared along the wall in the operating room and i'm still out of my body i can't explain it do you know that that last person it took 21 years for me to meet them i started meeting them but it took 21 years to meet all them i knew their names i would walk right up to them and say thus saith the lord my wife watched it happen the last one it took 21 years for it to happen they all in succession so is there really randomness and so when the time came jesus came and he said you done you've done what i've asked you you did your extra credit i want you to come with me this is what he said i don't i don't even care anymore just don't even waste your right your pen or your ink writing me he said i miss you he said i want you to come come with me you did everything i've asked you to do you did your extra credit and i was on an airplane at 35 000 feet at work and i go how are you going to do this i'm going to drop dead and they know i'm a christian they're like i just dropped dead in the middle of an uh of a flight i said no it can't it can't happen this way i said in fact could you just extend the line out and give me more people and send me goes is that what you want i said yeah i want to stay because i'm doing good down here if i go there the books are sealed and so he said okay and he literally in the front section of the airplane he was standing there and the people didn't see him but i saw him just as like i saw you and he turned around he said okay it's done and he walked off and i have lived and i have lived 28 years past that experience on the table and so i think i understand a little bit about god's will and what i'm understanding is is that we have no idea what he has given us he gave us the power it says and first in first chapter of john verse 12 it says those who adhered or embraced him he gave them the authority the power it's a word for authority to become sons of god gave us the authority to become sons of god he gave us the right so i'm supposed to be treading on serpents and scorpions i should be hearing i should be hearing crunching under my feet if we're going to adhere to what jesus said i should be hearing crunchy or maybe a shofar so like right now you know in a foreign country we're in a foreign country the power that's in this room right now you all are hardly even able to move i mean though we've dismissed we've had 11 hour services where i dismissed every hour and no one could get up i saw one couple crawling out the back to their car it went on for 11 hours the reason why is is that they couldn't get up because they were captured but see the thing of it is we're so used to just sitting and listening and listening and listening and listening and not in any way taking what we hear and implementing it so that's why i have jason and brittany here and sometimes i have other individuals because i would have to write the books pack the books play the piano preach then unpack the book table and it was just me and kathy and then you bring someone else and they help you and then you expand but then what god said to me was you've got to give the people a chance to respond to what they've heard they've got to have alter time you've got to have the music at the end where they can just sit and worship me that's what he said he said have them worship me in response to the word now i i could grab any one of you i can grab you right now you'll feel the power of god but see if you're not walking in what i'm walking in then that will it's just like when you get hands late on you you feel it because you've encountered someone else's realm but but i've been doing this 41 years and i'm just walking so when you encounter a person's ministry you're feeling the authority that god built them up in in their realm but if you're not able to walk in that yourself it'll start to fade away so then you'll need another fire tunnel you'll need another hands laid on you and then what happens is it gets to where you go from meeting the meeting and you encounter other people's mantles or their authority or their anointing and it really helps you all of a sudden you hear from god you see from you know i know i did it myself i've had every known general i think in in the last 20 years lay hands on me and it's powerful but what what stayed was what i allowed to be implemented into my life what stayed the anointing of those men and women is what i did something about i went right to the altar i remember when oh my gosh i can name them all i like i went straight home straight home and like put red cones around me you know don't anybody come here it's a holy time i just had a general lay hands on me and i would just sit there and i would let god show me okay what just happened to me what is it that i got and what happened was i was listening to tapes of them preaching and the same power that was coming from the tapes when i met the person and they laid hands on me same exact thing i didn't have to fly across the united states to get hands laid on me i just had to accept it it was imparted through media so right now what is in the room has built up and you're sitting here you're waiting for the next thing well it's already happening to you you're already transformed what you need to do and what what we're not doing is we're not having alter time see we're not we're not taking what we just heard and coming to god and saying thank you i love you i heard about revelation tonight i heard about the light that you flood my spirit with and how i'm transformed and changed and how i i have a book about me thank you for that book and all of a sudden it becomes experiential knowledge not just something you heard oh that was a good talk oh don't tell me that that was a good talk don't tell jesus that because i mean his words are a sword and i mean he you're trimmed down trust me it's better than keto when jesus talks to you i guarantee you you're gonna walk away with some some less luggage all right so we're gonna we're gonna play we're gonna we're gonna worship right now yeah we're good i'm only doing this because i i will be coming back to do a spirit school here because that's why i'm doing this okay but it's gonna be big you know it's gonna be big because you all we we have we have sometimes up to the possibility now of almost 2 000 people we usually have about 14 or 1500 you all are just invited because this is a partner meeting and the lord told me to do this i gave you i gave you the jet for a reason you you go and you gather people together your partners the ones who have committed to either being a student or or financially and profitably supporting us and you get them all together and you say listen i want to come into this city of yours and i want to to make a difference here and um i'll you know so we're going to do that okay so i'm coming back but but this is what it depends upon it depends upon you on the on the ground here being willing to hear from the spirit and and get people that are unsafe to come and hear and hear the gospel i'll talk about heaven we're going to have the simulators we'll have the simulators for the kids we can only take 60 at a time so everywhere we go we have two simulators 30 kids each we put them through and we minister to them they get a certificate and then with the adults you get your study guide you get your impartation cd from you it's all free because you all the partners pay for that but we hand out 1500 because we have 1500 people okay but what we need is we need you to start praying and start finding out what god wants you to do because we want we want to change the city but we change a city by being who we are first and it starts in the home you just light the fire in your house you don't light the light a real fire you you allow yourself to be consumed this is i'm i'm totally serious i don't i don't need to do any of this i'm retired [Music] nothing to me to do this because the lord wants me to do it's nothing it doesn't cost me anything he's he because of of you all everything's taken care of we have no debt no debt at all [Music] so it's not about the money because you're already supporting us it's about you letting god use you to reach out to the [Music] city so i want to i want you to all stand [Music] and this what i what i want you to realize is i want you to to mark this night down just somehow mentally and in your heart put a reference point here because one day you'll be standing in heaven and you will either hear jesus say oh how i long to gather you together but you would not have it because you didn't discern your day of visitation that's what he said over jerusalem or you'll hear him say well done good and faithful servant enter in to the rest you're faithful see you decide tonight even as a christian to be effective i'm telling you the carnival's over you don't need another fire tunnel you don't need hands laid on you you need to be on fire and laying hands on each other you need to be laying hands on people you need to get to where you're not a victim you're you're a leader and the hospital is for sick people it's not an apartment complex your whole idea is to get better that's what the church is supposed to be the church is a is supposed to be a hospital where people get better but when they get better it doesn't become an apartment where people live you either work on staff at the hospital or you're out you go but if you your whole goal is to get well and that's what it's supposed to be in the church the church the whole idea is we're supposed to have rooms where we bring sick people people that need jesus in and minister to them until they get well and then they become staff and then the room's empty out and you bring more people in that are sick that need god that's the way the church is supposed to be it's not supposed to be an apartment complex a hospital is not you don't you don't buy a room there to live the rest of your life the whole idea is to get well why does it take a flight attendant to tell you this [Music] we're supposed to be getting well and then ministering to people we're not supposed to stay where we're at and everybody has their situation but listen me and my wife we fought devils if you knew how many devils we fought you would think even twice you would think twice about backing off now because there is an end to it i know what i'm saying we find devils [Music] it seemed like there was no end and this is what we said we had nobody nothing we sat there in our living room crying we didn't have one friend not one friend not one call you know why i know why because i had free tickets i had free airline tickets 35 of them a year and when i the lord said shut it down you're not giving out any of those tickets again i lost all my friends no more calls hey you got a ticket [Music] and i looked at kathy she's over across from crying and i'm crying so we nobody calls we have nobody we have each other and um i said kathy she'll testify this if i give her the mic i might i think i should but listen i said we're getting fought with devils like we're perry stone that's what i said i like where the i see the big boys [Music] i said we're getting fought like we're one of the generals i said so you know what i told her we might as well just be in general because we're getting hit anyway i'm serious and that is when it broke open i transferred over we transferred over because we were getting hit no matter what anyway when is it going to get to that place where you just realize you know what no one else is going to do this because you're supposed to do it amen let's worship amen go ahead [Music] prophesy that cathy did you want to say do you want to prophesy go ahead it didn't feel like possibly in this moment that um i know that we're mostly partners in here but there's also going to be people watching this down the road i really feel the holy spirit jesus paid such a price for us to be able to be filled with the holy spirit to be baptized with holy ghost and fire so if there's anyone watching or in this room who's not been filled with the holy spirit and would like to be filled with the holy spirit and maybe you haven't got your prayer language yet you've heard about praying in other tongues um just raise your hand if that's you and we're just gonna you're not gonna have to come up you can come up later maybe in worship if you want but because of um just the way we're set up for this meeting we're just going to pray together if that's you or you want a fresh filling you know it said have you received since you first believed so there is it's two different things getting saved and born again and getting filled with the holy ghost so we'll just pray just repeat after me just say i'll just lead you in a prayer and then we'll um we'll all just receive and be filled or refilled with fresh fire so father we just we thank you for sending jesus and jesus we thank you for shedding your blood and making a way for the holy spirit to come and stay [Music] and we thank you holy spirit for coming and we ask you lord now to fill us with the holy ghost and fire and just say lord i receive the holy spirit and i pray in other tongues now and well let's just begin to pray in the spirit okomos and if you've never prayed just speak out any sounds or utterances the lord gives you that's not your known language thank you lord for filling my friends and family with the holy spirit and fire holy fire tongues of fire doors of utterance this is for today the holy spirit's for today not for yesterday for today for tomorrow until we leave this planet we are to be filled with the holy spirit and fire and praying in other tongues speaking to yourself in songs and hymns and spiritual songs making melody to the lord mala don't stop now go forward in the spirit go forward more lord more lord more lord brittany's gonna lead you in the song of the lord kevin and brittany and jason [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] do it again come with your holy fire yes we're ready [Music] [Music] do it again [Music] do it again us [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] they've been filled with the holy [Music] they've been filled with [Music] i've been there with the holy ghost [Music] [Applause] so [Music] hey [Music] come drink drink deep tonight come drink drink deep tonight come drink drink deep tonight all you want come drink drink deep tonight come drink drink deep tonight come drink drink deep tonight [Music] open [Music] come drink tea come drink deep tonight so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you ready to step out into the [Music] all the unknown i will take you the places we will go are you ready i said are you ready oh come step out into the space is unknown over the places i will take you the places we will go come now go come come come come and take my hand [Music] [Music] just take my hat and follow my lead all the places stand before you every door swung right before you come and take my hand and step into the unknown all the places the places we will go [Music] cause they're so much more they're so much more [Music] there's so much more are you ready cause they're so much more and they're so much more [Music] they're so much more are you ready are you ready to come [Music] are you ready to come with every stronghold that's broken everyone comes crashing down where every chain is shattered [Music] where freedom is here and now where every stronghold is broken every war comes crashing down every chain of shattered where there's freedom here and now are you ready are you ready to come oh come on [Music] just come with me every stronghold broken every wall come crashing down every chain is shattered freedom here and now every stronghold is broken every wall comes crashing down every chain is shattered and freedom is here and now we declare and prophesy your freedom here now god [Music] freedom freedom freedom cause where your spirit is there is freedom there is freedom so stronghold be broken every wall come crashing down and chains are shattered and freedom is here now cause strongholds are broken [Music] and walls come crashing down and chains are shattered and freedom is here now we believe it [Music] we receive it cause you're good you're to use [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] so good you're so good [Music] on earth as it is in heaven your will [Music] as it is in heaven your [Music] as it is in heaven your will and your way right here and right now auburn [Music] on earth as it is in heaven or your will and your way right here and right now your kingdom come and your will be done here now father here and now father we play [Music] right here right [Music] [Applause] all [Music] your way right here right now happy way [Music] have your way right here right now have your way inside of us [Music] anyway anyway [Music] your way you will look sweet [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 39,547
Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: 78fgxQX9x5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 23sec (11963 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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